Druid AA List

218 results (costing 87217 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Abundant Healing (66)125 TOB65 / 1548-1: Cast: Abundant Healing LXVI on Spell Use (40% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Beneficial
3: Limit Max Duration: 0s
4: Limit Effect: Current HP
5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
6: Limit Min Level: 95
7: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level)
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
This passive ability grants your level 95 or higher instant duration healing spells that cost at least 10 mana a 40% chance to bestow your target with Abundant Healing LXVI which heals 40000 health every 6 seconds for 30 seconds.
Abundant Healing LXVI has a 25% chance to trigger Cascade of Life XXVI which instantly heals 22000 health.
Adamant Will (5)115 ToV30 / 75-1: Increase Chance to Resist Charm Effects by 5%
This passive ability grants you an additional 5% chance to resist charm spells.
2000Armor of Experience (1)1 TBS0 / 020h T33Cast: Armor of Experience I
Armor of Experience I, when activated, reduces incoming melee damage in 4 phases, each lasting for 10 incoming melee hits or 90 seconds.
Armor of Experience I absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage.
Armor of Experience II absorbs 75% of incoming melee damage.
Armor of Experience III absorbs 50% of incoming melee damage.
Armor of Experience IV absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage.
Armor of Wisdom (65)125 TOB55 / 1811-1: Increase AC by 168 to 222, Based on Class
This passive ability increases your base armor class by 2540 points (calculated as 2540 effective armor class).
Aureate's Bane (6)125 TOB0 / 01s1: Increase Current HP by 0 per tick
Cast: Aureate's Bane VI
Aureate's Bane VI, when activated, siphons power from and removes any Curse of Subjugation spell currently applied to you, improving the base damage of your melee hits by 6%, the power of your damaging and healing abilities by 10%, and the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 6% for 15 minutes.

Aureate's Bane VI can ONLY be activated when a Curse of Subjugation spell is currently applied to you. Curse of Subjugation spells are commonly cast by most Aureate Invaders.

Complete any The Outer Brood "Mercenary of ..." or "Hunter of ..." achievements to gain the first rank of this ability and any additional The Outer Brood "Hunter of ..." achievements to progress it further.
Baking Mastery (13)105 EoK65 / 443-1: Decrease Chance to Fail Baking Combine by 50%
2: Increase Baking Skill Cap with Recipes by 50
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Baking recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes.
Banestrike (4)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Unknown SPA 528 Base1=10 Base2=0 Max=0 Calc=100 Value=10
2: Limit Class: ALL
3: Limit Max Level: 250 (lose 100% per level)
4: Limit Effect: Current HP
5: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating
6: Limit Effect: Current HP Repeating
7: Limit Effect: Skill Attack
8: Increase Hit Damage by 10% (v459)
This passive ability improves the base damage of your melee attacks and the power of your damaging and healing abilities by 10%.

Complete Slayer achievements to progress this ability.
Battle Ready (4)65 HoT7 / 22-1: Increase Bandolier Slots by 8
This passive ability increases the number of save slots in your bandolier window by 8.
679Bind Affinity (1)55 CotF3 / 36s T46Cast: Bind Affinity
This ability, when activated, sets your target's first bind point to their current location.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
Blacksmithing Mastery (13)105 EoK65 / 443-1: Decrease Chance to Fail Blacksmithing Combine by 50%
2: Increase Blacksmithing Skill Cap with Recipes by 50
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Blacksmithing recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes.
935Blessing of Ro (9)125 LS25 / 1346s T41Cast: Blessing of Ro IX
Blessing of Ro IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Clench of Ro that you have scribed.
Blessing of the Devoted (1)1 VoA0 / 0-1: Reduce Lesson of the Devoted Timer by 5h
2: Reduce Infusion of the Faithful Timer by 5h
3: Reduce Chaotic Jester Timer by 5h
4: Reduce Expedient Recovery Timer by 41h
5: Reduce Steadfast Servant Timer by 5h
6: Reduce Staunch Recovery Timer by 17h
7: Reduce Intensity of the Resolute Timer by 60m
8: Reduce Throne of Heroes Timer by 18m
9: Reduce Summon Personal Tribute Master Timer by 5h
10: Reduce Summon Resupply Agent Timer by 5h
11: Reduce Summon Clockwork Banker Timer by 5h
12: Reduce Summon Permutation Peddler Timer by 5h
13: Reduce Armor of Experience Timer by 5h
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of the following abilities by 25%:
Lesson of the Devoted
Infusion of the Faithful
Chaotic Jester
Expedient Recovery
Steadfast Servant
Staunch Recovery
Intensity of the Resolute
Throne of Heroes
Armor of Experience I
Summon Resupply Agent
Summon Clockwork Banker
Summon Distiller Vendor
Summon Tribute Master
959Blessing of Tunare (7)125 LS35 / 1795m T44Cast: Blessing of Tunare VII
Blessing of Tunare VII, when activated, critically heals all allies within a 200 foot radius of your target for 40000 health.
Brewing Mastery (13)105 EoK65 / 443-1: Decrease Chance to Fail Brewing Combine by 50%
2: Increase Brewing Skill Cap with Recipes by 50
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Brewing recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes.
404Call of the Wild (10)95 TBM15 / 502m T9Cast: Call of the Wild III
This ability, when activated, calls a fallen comrade's spirit back to their corpse but does not restore any lost experience. Your ally can still obtain an experience resurrection after being called by this ability.
Allies called back to their corpse suffer from Revival Sickness which leaves them unable to regain more than 20% of their mana and endurance for 2 minutes.
Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 67%.
483Chaotic Jester (1)1 DoN0 / 020h T25Cast: Chaotic Jester
Chaotic Jester, when activated, summons a jester from Bristlebane's court that spreads mirth for up to 15 minutes or until you zone.
The Jester will perform one of the following acts every 30 to 60 seconds on one lucky adventurer within 150 feet:
*%R*#2%N - Instantly restores *%R*#2#1 health.

*%R*$2%N - Instantly restores *%R*$2#1 mana and endurance.

Bristlebane's Diminution - Shrinks the target down to 3 feet tall.

Bristlebane's Expansion - Grows the target up to 9 feet tall.

Bristlebane's Alteration - Causes the target to take the appearance of a creature found in your current zone.

Bristlebane's Cornucopia - Grants the target a stack of 10 Bristlebane's Bread or Bristlebane's Wine with the potential for the food and drink to be poisoned!
Bristlebane's Bread, when activated blesses the target with *%R*#3%N or curses them with *%R*$3%N.
Bristlebane's Wine blesses the target with *%R*#4%N or curses them with *%R*$4%N.

Bristlebane's Celebration - Performs a dazzling display of fireworks.

Bristlebane's Hilarity - Shares a comical joke that all are guaranteed to enjoy.
Combat Agility (99)125 TOB55 / 2162-1: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 120%
This passive ability increases your melee avoidance by 120%.
Melee avoidance is the component of armor class that allows you to avoid incoming attacks and is derived from agility, item avoidance and your defense skill.
Combat Stability (108)125 TOB50 / 2072-1: Increase AC Soft Cap by 135%
This passive ability increases the armor class soft cap of your class by 135%.
The armor class soft cap is the amount of armor class that functions at 100% effectiveness. Armor class gains in excess of this cap are reduced in effectiveness by a percentage based on your class and level.
939Communion of the Cheetah (6)105 TDS18 / 7015s T681: Increase Duration by 30s
2: Limit Spells: Communion of the Cheetah
Cast: Communion of the Cheetah
This ability, when activated, increases the movement speed of your target's group by 115% for 1 minute 18 seconds.
Companion's Discipline (1)70 EoK30 / 30-1: Enable Pet Ability: 34
2: Enable Pet Ability: 35
This passive ability allows you to give commands to your temporary pets. Hotkeys for these commands can be created using the pet control window.
Swarm and Qswarm - /pet swarm and /pet qswarm
Commands your temporary pets to attack (or queue attacking) your current target.
519Convergence of Spirits (46)125 LS45 / 8368m T301: Increase Duration by 12s
2: Limit Spells: Convergence of Spirits
Cast: Convergence of Spirits XL
Convergence of Spirits XL, when activated, heals your target for 48000 health then 32000 health every 6 seconds, increases their armor class by 2400 points for 18 seconds (with a 12 second extension), and triggers Spiritwood Spikes XLIII which provides a 700 point damage shield for 60 seconds.
Covenant of Spirit (2)100 CotF15 / 30-1: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 16%
This passive ability increases your chance to return to life with the blessing Touch of the Divine when you would otherwise die by 16%.
Critical Affliction (27)105 TDS15 / 241-1: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 55%
This passive ability increases the chance your damage-over-time spells will deal critical damage at each 6 second interval they are active by 55%.
Delay Death (95)125 TOB50 / 1765-1: Increase Max Negative HP by 40000
This passive ability increases the amount of damage you can take before dying after falling unconscious at 0 health by 40000 points.
Destructive Cascade (48)125 LS60 / 1158-1: Increase Critical DoT Damage by 420% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases the damage dealt by your critical damage over time spells by 420%.
Destructive Fury (47)125 LS55 / 1064-1: Increase Critical DD Damage by 385% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases the damage dealt by your critical direct damage spells by 385%.
953Destructive Vortex (7)120 ToL45 / 22113m T62Cast: Destructive Vortex VII
Destructive Vortex VII, when activated, increases the chance your damage over time spells will deal critical damage by 10% and the damage dealt by your critical damage over time spells by 140% for 60 seconds.
317Dire Charm (14)125 LS55 / 36930m T71: Decrease Chance of Charm Breaking by 35%
Cast: Servant of Nature XII
Servant of Nature XII, when activated, charms a level 123 or lower animal without the chance for them to break free for 6 minutes.
If the animal is level 46 or lower they will be permanently charmed.
As a passive effect, this ability makes it 35% less likely that your charm spells will break early.
Discordant Defiance (25)106 RoS10 / 175-1: Increase Magic Resist Cap by 125
2: Increase Cold Resist Cap by 125
3: Increase Fire Resist Cap by 125
4: Increase Poison Resist Cap by 125
5: Increase Disease Resist Cap by 125
This passive ability raises the maximum that your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances can be increased to with items and spells by 125 points.
1118Distant Conflagration (9)125 LS50 / 33020m T60Cast: Distant Conflagration IX
Distant Conflagration IX, when activated, allows you to twincast up to 22 spells from your Remote Manaflux line of spells.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Remote Manaflux
Remote Sunflare
Remote Sunburst
Remote Sunfire
Remote Moonfire
Remote Sunflash
Remote Moonflame
Remote Sunblaze
Remote Moonflash
Remote Sunshock
Remote Moonrake
Remote Sunbolt
Remote Moonchill
8602Egress (2)90 HoT7 / 142m T64Cast: Egress II
This ability, when activated, teleports you to a relatively safe location in your current zone with a 1 second cast time.
Energetic Attunement (25)105 EoK8 / 140-1: Increase HP Regen Cap by 25
This passive ability increases the maximum that your health regeneration can be increased with items by 25 points.
Enhanced Reformation (48)121 TOB40 / 945-1: Increase Endurance Regen Cap by 48
2: Increase Current Endurance by 48 per tick
This passive ability increases your endurance regeneration by 48 and the maximum that your endurance regeneration can be raised with items by 48.
Enhanced Root (4)76 SoF7 / 22-1: Decrease Chance of Root Breaking by 10%
This passive ability reduces the chance that an NPC target entangled by your root spells will break free when struck by a non-melee attack by 90%.
Enhanced Ruin (6)120 ToL110 / 453-1: Increase Spell Damage by 178% (v461, Before Crit)
2: Limit Effect: Current HP
3: Limit Type: Detrimental
4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1
5: Limit Min Duration: 18s
6: Limit Max Duration: 18s
7: Increase Spell Damage by 134% (v461, Before Crit)
8: Limit Effect: Current HP
9: Limit Type: Detrimental
10: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1
11: Limit Min Duration: 24s
12: Limit Max Duration: 24s
13: Increase Spell Damage by 107% (v461, Before Crit)
14: Limit Effect: Current HP
15: Limit Type: Detrimental
16: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1
17: Limit Min Duration: 30s
18: Limit Max Duration: 30s
19: Increase Spell Damage by 89% (v461, Before Crit)
20: Limit Effect: Current HP
21: Limit Type: Detrimental
22: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1
23: Limit Min Duration: 36s
24: Limit Max Duration: 48s
25: Increase Spell Damage by 60% (v461, Before Crit)
26: Limit Effect: Current HP
27: Limit Type: Detrimental
28: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1
29: Limit Min Duration: 54s
30: Limit Max Duration: 60s
31: Increase Spell Damage by 34% (v461, Before Crit)
32: Limit Effect: Current HP
33: Limit Type: Detrimental
34: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1
35: Limit Min Duration: 96s
This passive ability increases the base damage of your damage over time spells that have a minimum duration of 18 seconds by 32 seconds worth of damage.
219Entrap (7)95 VoA15 / 692s T4Cast: Entrap IV
This ability, when activated, reduces your target's movement speed by 85% with an 85 point resist modifier and 0.25 second cast time for 14 minutes.
Essence of the Dragon (2)100 EoK0 / 0-1: Block Next Spell
2: Limit Spell: Gust of Atrebe
3: Limit Spell: Aura of the Kar`Zok
4: Limit Spell: Aura of Kor-Sha
5: Limit Class: ALL
6: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
The essence of the Kar`Zok is in your blood.
This passive ability grants you immunity to Gust of Atrebe, Aura of the Kar`Zok, and Aura of Kor-Sha.

Complete the Empires of Kunark achievement 'Essence of the Dragon II' to progress this ability.
43Exodus (10)80 TBM10 / 3214.4m T3Cast: Exodus II
This ability, when activated, teleports all group members within a 125 foot radius to a relatively safe location in your current zone with a 0.1 second cast time.
Expansive Mind (45)106 RoS15 / 425-1: Increase Mana Regen Cap by 135
This passive ability increases the maximum that your mana regeneration can be raised with items by 45 points.
484Expedient Recovery (1)1 DoN0 / 0164h T26Cast: Expedient Recovery
Expedient Recovery, when activated, summons all of your corpses and restores 100% of the lost experience from each corpse that can still be resurrected.
Extended Swarm (15)110 TBL50 / 270-1: Increase Pet Duration by 20s
2: Limit Effect: Summon Swarm Pet
3: Limit Class: ALL
This passive ability extends the duration of your swarm pets by 20 seconds.
Extended Vinelash Cascade (3)105 TDS18 / 44-1: Increase Duration by 18s
2: Limit Spells: Vinelash Cascade
3: Limit Spells: Vinelash Assault
This passive ability extends the duration of the root component of your Vinelash Cascade line of spells (Vinelash Cascade and Assault) by 18 seconds.
Extended Wild Growth (21)125 LS40 / 507-1: Increase Duration by 126s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
9: Limit Spells: Fervent Growth
10: Limit Spells: Overwhelming Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 126 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Fervent Growth
Overwhelming Growth
First Aid (13)75 TSS3 / 33-1: Increase Bandage Amount by 200%
2: Increase Bandage HP Cap by 30%
This passive ability increases the maximum health you can bind wound to 100% and increases the amount of healing provided by a single bandage by 200%.
Fishing Mastery (13)105 EoK65 / 455-1: Decrease Chance to Fail Fishing Combine by 50%
2: Increase Fishing Skill Cap with Recipes by 50
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Fishing recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes.
Fletching Mastery (13)105 EoK65 / 443-1: Decrease Chance to Fail Fletching Combine by 50%
2: Increase Fletching Skill Cap with Recipes by 50
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Fletching recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes.
1211Focus of Arcanum (4)96 RoF15 / 4810m T45Cast: Focus of Arcanum IV
Focus of Arcanum IV, when activated, improves the resist modifier of your spells by 1 to 50 points for 3 minutes.
Focus: Adrenaline Torrent (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Adrenaline Torrent
3: Limit Spells: Adrenaline Barrage
4: Limit Spells: Adrenaline Deluge
5: Limit Spells: Adrenaline Spate
6: Limit Spells: Adrenaline Fury
This passive ability increases the base healing of your Adrenaline Torrent, Adrenaline Barrage, Adrenaline Deluge, Adrenaline Spate, and Adrenaline Fury spells by 45%.
Focus: Anabatic Roar (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Spell Damage by 45% (v302, Before Crit)
2: Limit Spells: Anabatic Roar
3: Limit Spells: Cyclonic Roar
4: Limit Spells: Typhonic Roar
5: Limit Spells: Bloody Roar
6: Limit Spells: Tempest Roar
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Anabatic Roar, Cyclonic Roar, Typhonic Roar, Bloody Roar, and Tempest Roar spells by 45%.
Focus: Argent Moonbeam (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Spell Damage by 45% (v302, Before Crit)
2: Limit Spells: Argent Moonbeam
3: Limit Spells: Pearlescent Moonbeam
4: Limit Spells: Opaline Moonbeam
5: Limit Spells: Onyx Moonbeam
6: Limit Spells: Mythical Moonbeam
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Argent Moonbeam, Pearlescent Moonbeam, Opaline Moonbeam, Onyx Moonbeam, and Mythical Moonbeam spells by 45%.
Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Spell Damage by 45% (v302, Before Crit)
2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender
3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender
4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender
5: Limit Spells: Chill of the Dusksage Tender
6: Limit Spells: Chill of the Ferntender
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, Chill of the Arbor Tender, Chill of the Dusksage Tender, and Chill of the Ferntender spells by 45%.
Focus: Consuming Sunray (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Spell Damage by 45% (v302, Before Crit)
2: Limit Spells: Consuming Sunray
3: Limit Spells: Overwhelming Sunray
4: Limit Spells: Erupting Sunray
5: Limit Spells: Tenebrous Sunray
6: Limit Spells: Searing Sunray
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consuming Sunray, Overwhelming Sunray, Erupting Sunray, Tenebrous Sunray, and Searing Sunray spells by 45%.
Focus: Eradicate the Unnatural (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Spell Damage by 45% (v302, Before Crit)
2: Limit Spells: Eradicate the Unnatural
3: Limit Spells: Repudiate the Unnatural
4: Limit Spells: Obliterate the Unnatural
5: Limit Spells: Unmend the Unnatural
6: Limit Spells: Dismantle the Unnatural
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Eradicate the Unnatural, Repudiate the Unnatural, Obliterate the Unnatural, Unmend the Unnatural, and Dismantle the Unnatural spells by 45%.
Focus: Frostweave Crystals (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Frostweave Crystals
3: Limit Spells: Frostreave Crystals
4: Limit Spells: Icerend Crystals
5: Limit Spells: Moonwhisper Crystals
6: Limit Spells: Coldbite Crystals
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Frostweave Crystals, Frostreave Crystals, Icerend Crystals, Moonwhisper Crystals, and Coldbite Crystals spells by 45%.
Focus: Heliacal Pyre (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Heliacal Pyre
3: Limit Spells: Heliacal Eruption
4: Limit Spells: Heliacal Embers
5: Limit Spells: Heliacal Conflagration
6: Limit Spells: Heliacal Immolation
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Heliacal Pyre, Heliacal Eruption, Heliacal Embers, Heliacal Conflagration, and Heliacal Immolation spells by 45%.
Focus: Horde of Aculeids (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Horde of Aculeids
3: Limit Spells: Horde of Polybiads
4: Limit Spells: Horde of Hyperboreads
5: Limit Spells: Horde of Duskwigs
6: Limit Spells: Horde of Hotaria
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Horde of Aculeids, Horde of Polybiads, Horde of Hyperboreads, Horde of Duskwigs, and Horde of Hotaria spells by 45%.
Focus: Nature's Fiery Wrath (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Nature's Fiery Wrath
3: Limit Spells: Nature's Blistering Wrath
4: Limit Spells: Nature's Fervid Wrath
5: Limit Spells: Nature's Sweltering Wrath
6: Limit Spells: Nature's Boiling Wrath
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Nature's Fiery Wrath, Nature's Blistering Wrath, Nature's Fervid Wrath, Nature's Sweltering Wrath, and Nature's Boiling Wrath spells by 45%.
Focus: Panavida (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Panavida
3: Limit Spells: Curavida
4: Limit Spells: Viridavida
5: Limit Spells: Clotavida
6: Limit Spells: Vivavida
This passive ability increases the base healing of your Panavida, Curavida, Viridavida, Clotavida, and Vivavida spells by 45%.
Focus: Plummeting Hail (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Plummeting Hail
3: Limit Spells: Plunging Hail
4: Limit Spells: Tempestuous Hail
5: Limit Spells: Howling Hail
6: Limit Spells: Unrelenting Hail
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Plummeting Hail, Plunging Hail, Tempestuous Hail, Howling Hail, and Unrelenting Hail spells by 45%.
Focus: Resurgence (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Resurgence
3: Limit Spells: Revitalization
4: Limit Spells: Rejuvenescence
5: Limit Spells: Sootheseance
6: Limit Spells: Resuscitation
This passive ability increases the base healing of your Resurgence, Revitalization, Rejuvenescence, Sootheseance, and Resuscitation spells by 45%.
Focus: Summer Sunfire (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Summer Sunfire
3: Limit Spells: Summer Sunflame
4: Limit Spells: Summer Sunshock
5: Limit Spells: Summer Sunpyre
6: Limit Spells: Summer Sunscald
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Summer Sunfire, Summer Sunflame, Summer Sunshock, Summer Sunpyre, and Summer Sunscald spells by 45%.
Focus: Sunflash (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Sunflash
3: Limit Spells: Sunflame
4: Limit Spells: Sunshock
5: Limit Spells: Sunpyre
6: Limit Spells: Sunscald
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Sunflash, Sunflame, Sunshock, Sunpyre, and Sunscald spells by 45%.
Focus: Tectonic Destruction (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Tectonic Destruction
3: Limit Spells: Tectonic Eruption
4: Limit Spells: Tectonic Frostheave
5: Limit Spells: Tectonic Shadowvent
6: Limit Spells: Tectonic Bedlam
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Tectonic Destruction, Tectonic Eruption, Tectonic Frostheave, Tectonic Shadowvent, and Tectonic Bedlam spells by 45%.
Focus: Typhoon of the Stormborn (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Spell Damage by 45% (v302, Before Crit)
2: Limit Spells: Typhoon of the Stormborn
3: Limit Spells: Thunderbolt of the Stormborn
4: Limit Spells: Maelstrom of the Stormborn
5: Limit Spells: Bedlam of the Stormborn
6: Limit Spells: Revelry of the Stormborn
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Typhoon of the Stormborn, Thunderbolt of the Stormborn, Maelstrom of the Stormborn, Bedlam of the Stormborn, and Revelry of the Stormborn spells by 45%.
Focus: Windborne Chill (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Windborne Chill
3: Limit Spells: Frostreave Chill
4: Limit Spells: Icerend Chill
5: Limit Spells: Twilight Chill
6: Limit Spells: Forlorn Chill
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Windborne Chill, Frostreave Chill, Icerend Chill, Twilight Chill, and Forlorn Chill spells by 45%.
Focus: Winter's Wildflame (18)125 TOB125 / 1680-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
2: Limit Spells: Winter's Wildflame Frostbite
3: Limit Spells: Winter's Wildflame Burn
4: Limit Spells: Winter's Wildblaze Frostbite
5: Limit Spells: Winter's Wildblaze Burn
6: Limit Spells: Winter's Wildshock Frostbite
7: Limit Spells: Winter's Wildshock Burn
8: Limit Spells: Winter's Wildbrume Frostbite
9: Limit Spells: Winter's Wildbrume Burn
10: Limit Spells: Winter's Wildgale Frostbite
11: Limit Spells: Winter's Wildgale Burn
This passive ability increases the base damage of your Winter's Wildflame line of spells by 45%.
This focus applies to the following spells:
The Winter's Wildflame Frostbite and Winter's Wildflame Burn components of your Winter's Wildflame spells
the Winter's Wildblaze Frostbite and Winter's Wildblaze Burn components of your Winter's Wildblaze spells
The Winter's Wildshock Frostbite and Winter's Wildshock Burn components of your Winter's Wildshock spells
The Winter's Wildbrume Frostbite and Winter's Wildbrume Burn components of your Winter's Wildbrume spells
The Winter's Wildgale Frostbite and Winter's Wildgale Burn components of your Winter's Wildgale spells
Foraging (10)105 EoK27 / 141-1: Increase Forage Skill Cap by 65
2: Decrease Forage Timer by 60s (Before Haste)
This passive ability increases your Forage skill cap by 65 points and reduces the reuse time of your Forage skill by 1 minute.
7003Forceful Rejuvenation (10)105 TBM15 / 10120m T48Cast: Forceful Rejuvenation
This ability, when activated, instantly refreshes your spell cast timers, allowing you to immediately use the refreshed spells.
This ability will not refresh Twincast.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 3 minutes.
Fury of Magic (30)100 CotF18 / 301-1: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 57%
This passive ability increases your chance to land a critical hit with your direct damage spells by 57%.
1217Gate (3)95 TBM9 / 2060s T38Cast: Gate III
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your first bind point with a 1.5 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
General Sturdiness (90)125 TOB50 / 1695-1: Increase Max HP by 70000
This passive ability increases your maximum health by 70000 points.
Gift of Mana (3)70 DoD9 / 18-1: Cast: Gift of Mana on Spell Use (10% Chance)
2: Limit Min Level: 65
3: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level)
4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
5: Limit: No Procs or Twincast
6: Limit Effect: Current HP
7: Limit Effect: Current HP Repeating
8: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating
9: Limit Effect: Current HP Percent
This passive ability grants your level 65 or higher healing and damaging spells a 10% chance to trigger Gift of Mana, which reduces the mana cost of your next spell to 1 point for 18 seconds.
Gift of Sylvan Spirits (60)125 TOB65 / 2410-1: Increase Healing by 12000 (v392, After Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
3: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1
4: Limit Type: Beneficial
This passive ability increases the total healing of your instant duration spells and abilities that have a mana cost by 12000 points.
Glyph of Fireworks I (1)51 SoL25 / 251sCast: Greater Countenance
This ability, when activated, expends your energy to unleash a magnificent shower of light. You're so cool!
Glyph of Fireworks II (1)51 TDS100 / 1001sCast: Exceptional Countenance
This ability, when activated, expends your energy to unleash a magnificent shower of light. You're the best!
10397Group Spirit of the Great Wolf (16)120 ToL35 / 3207.5m T14Cast: Group Spirit of the Great Wolf XVI
Group Spirit of the Great Wolf XVI, when activated, blesses all group members within a 200 foot radius with Form of the Great Wolf and empowers their spells for 2 minutes.
Reduces the mana cost of spells by 12 to 15%.
Increases the chance that their direct damage and instant duration healing spells will land critically by 14%.
Increases the damage dealt by their critical direct damage spells by 120%.
Increases their mana regeneration by 80 points.
Increases cold and fire resistance by 145 points.
574Harmonic Dissonance (1)68 SoL0 / 015m T21Cast: Alter Plane: Theater of Blood
This ability, when activated, transports you to the Theater of Blood.
Healing Adept (53)125 TOB55 / 1482-1: Increase Healing by 100% (v125, Before Crit)
2: Limit Effect: Exclude HP Buff
This passive ability increases the effectiveness of your instant-duration healing spells by 100%.
Healing Gift (36)110 TBL30 / 392-1: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 55%
This passive ability grants your instant-duration healing spells a 55% chance to score an exceptional heal.
An exceptional heal doubles the healing value of the spell.
Improved Lunar Healing (23)125 TOB70 / 942-1: Reduce Timer by 6s
2: Limit Spells: Crescentbloom
3: Limit Spells: Lunulation
4: Limit Spells: Lunamelioration
5: Limit Spells: Lunalleviation
6: Limit Spells: Lunassuage
7: Limit Spells: Lunarlight
8: Limit Spells: Lunasoothe
9: Limit Spells: Lunasalve
10: Limit Spells: Lunalesce
11: Limit Spells: Lunarush
12: Limit Spells: Lunacea
13: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
14: Limit Spells: Crescentbloom
15: Limit Spells: Lunulation
16: Limit Spells: Lunamelioration
17: Limit Spells: Lunalleviation
18: Limit Spells: Lunassuage
19: Limit Spells: Lunarlight
20: Limit Spells: Lunasoothe
21: Limit Spells: Lunasalve
22: Limit Spells: Lunalesce
23: Limit Spells: Lunarush
24: Limit Spells: Lunacea
This passive ability increases the base healing of your Lunarlight line of spells by 45% and reduces the reuse time of these spells by 6 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Improved Remote Fire (25)125 TOB70 / 1015-1: Reduce Timer by 8s
2: Limit Spells: Remote Manaflux
3: Limit Spells: Remote Sunflare
4: Limit Spells: Remote Sunburst
5: Limit Spells: Remote Sunfire
6: Limit Spells: Remote Moonfire
7: Limit Spells: Remote Sunflash
8: Limit Spells: Remote Moonflame
9: Limit Spells: Remote Sunblaze
10: Limit Spells: Remote Moonflash
11: Limit Spells: Remote Sunshock
12: Limit Spells: Remote Moonrake
13: Limit Spells: Remote Sunbolt
14: Limit Spells: Remote Moonchill
15: Limit Spells: Remote Sunscorch
16: Limit Spells: Remote Moonshiver
17: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
18: Limit Spells: Remote Manaflux
19: Limit Spells: Manaflux Enervation
20: Limit Spells: Remote Sunflare
21: Limit Spells: Sunflare Enervation
22: Limit Spells: Remote Sunburst
23: Limit Spells: Sunburst Enervation
24: Limit Spells: Remote Sunfire
25: Limit Spells: Sunfire Enervation
26: Limit Spells: Remote Moonfire
27: Limit Spells: Moonfire Enervation
28: Limit Spells: Remote Sunflash
29: Limit Spells: Sunflash Enervation
30: Limit Spells: Remote Moonflame
31: Limit Spells: Moonflame Enervation
32: Limit Spells: Remote Sunblaze
33: Limit Spells: Sunblaze Enervation
34: Limit Spells: Remote Moonflash
35: Limit Spells: Moonflash Enervation
36: Limit Spells: Remote Sunshock
37: Limit Spells: Sunshock Enervation
38: Limit Spells: Remote Moonrake
39: Limit Spells: Moonrake Enervation
40: Limit Spells: Remote Sunbolt
41: Limit Spells: Sunbolt Enervation
42: Limit Spells: Remote Moonchill
43: Limit Spells: Remote Moonchill Enervation
44: Limit Spells: Remote Sunscorch
45: Limit Spells: Sunscorch Enervation
46: Limit Spells: Remote Moonshiver
47: Limit Spells: Moonshiver Enervation
This passive ability increases the base damage and healing of your Remote Manaflux line of spells by 45% and reduces the reuse time of these spells by 8 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Remote Manaflux
Remote Sunflare
Remote Sunburst
Remote Sunfire
Remote Moonfire
Remote Sunflash
Remote Moonflame
Remote Sunblaze
Remote Moonflash
Remote Sunshock
Remote Moonrake
Remote Sunbolt
Remote Moonchill
Remote Sunscorch
Remote Moonshiver
Improved Survival of the Fittest (20)125 TOB70 / 869-1: Reduce Timer by 90s
2: Limit Spells: Survival of the Fittest
3: Limit Spells: Survival of the Felicitous
4: Limit Spells: Survival of the Propitious
5: Limit Spells: Survival of the Prosperous
6: Limit Spells: Survival of the Fortuitous
7: Limit Spells: Survival of the Serendipitous
8: Limit Spells: Survival of the Auspicious
9: Limit Spells: Survival of the Favored
10: Limit Spells: Survival of the Unrelenting
11: Limit Spells: Survival of the Heroic
12: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
13: Limit Spells: Survival of the Fittest
14: Limit Spells: Survival of the Felicitous
15: Limit Spells: Survival of the Propitious
16: Limit Spells: Survival of the Prosperous
17: Limit Spells: Survival of the Fortuitous
18: Limit Spells: Survival of the Serendipitous
19: Limit Spells: Survival of the Auspicious
20: Limit Spells: Survival of the Favored
21: Limit Spells: Survival of the Unrelenting
22: Limit Spells: Survival of the Heroic
23: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45%
24: Limit Spells: Survival of the Fittest
25: Limit Spells: Survival of the Felicitous
26: Limit Spells: Survival of the Propitious
27: Limit Spells: Survival of the Prosperous
28: Limit Spells: Survival of the Fortuitous
29: Limit Spells: Survival of the Serendipitous
30: Limit Spells: Survival of the Auspicious
31: Limit Spells: Survival of the Favored
32: Limit Spells: Survival of the Unrelenting
33: Limit Spells: Survival of the Heroic
This passive ability increases the base healing of your Survival of the Fittest line of spells by 45%, reduces the base cast time of these spells 50%, and the reuse time of these spells by 90 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Felicitous
Survival of the Propitious
Survival of the Prosperous
Survival of the Fortuitous
Survival of the Serendipitous
Survival of the Auspicious
Survival of the Favored
Survival of the Unrelenting
Survival of the Heroic
515Improved Twincast (17)120 ToL40 / 35715m T76Cast: Improved Twincast IX
Improved Twincast IX, when activated, allows you to twincast up to 21 damage spells for 2.5 minutes.
482Infusion of the Faithful (1)1 DoN0 / 020h T24Cast: Infusion of the Faithful
Infusion of the Faithful, when activated, increases your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, charisma, your resistance to magic, cold, fire, disease and poison by 1000 points, and your movement speed by 65% for 15 minutes.
80Innate Camouflage (2)85 TBM10 / 157s T2Cast: Perfected Camouflage
This ability, when activated, grants you permanent standard invisibility.
Innate Eminence (30)90 RoS35 / 630-1: Increase Base Stats by 60
This passive ability increases your your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 60 points.
Innate Enlightenment (10)90 RoS10 / 65-1: Increase WIS Cap by 100
2: Increase INT Cap by 100
Those who have meditated on the Plane of Tranquility find themselves able to expand their capacity of both Insight and Intellect.
This passive ability increases the maximum that your wisdom and intelligence can be raised to by 100 points.
Innate Lung Capacity (6)68 OoW5 / 13-1: Enduring Breath
2: Increase Lung Capacity by 360
This passive ability allows you to breathe underwater and in airless environments.
Innate Metabolism (5)100 TBL50 / 103-1: Decrease Food Consumption by 175%
This passive ability reduces your food and drink consumption by 175%.
Innate Regeneration (60)125 LS35 / 739-1: Increase Current HP by 605 per tick
This passive ability increases your health regeneration by 605 points.
Innate Run Speed (7)100 EoK60 / 113-1: Increase Innate Movement Speed by 45%
This passive ability increases your base run speed by 45%.
This modification does not stack with movement speed spell effects.
Innate See Invis (1)70 DoD9 / 9-1: See Invisible
This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible.
Innate Spell Resistance (55)125 LS25 / 615-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 80
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 80 points.
487Intensity of the Resolute (1)1 DoN0 / 04h T29Cast: Intensity of the Resolute
Intensity of the Resolute, when activated, increases the chance your healing and damage spells will apply critically by 50% and the base damage of your melee attacks by 55% for 60 seconds.
This ability does not stack with Glyph of Destruction.
Invitation of Blood (5)1 DoD0 / 0-1:
You are now one with the curse. It calls to you, offering you limitless power in exchange for obedience.
Item: Ancient Flames (8)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Melee Haste by 17% (v119)
2: Increase Current HP by 18 per tick
This passive ability increases your overhaste by 17% and your health regeneration by 18 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Aura of Battle (1)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Current HP by 2 per tick
2: Increase ATK by 10
This passive ability increases your hit-point regeneration by 2 and your attack power by 10 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Aura of Rage (3)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase ATK by 25
This passive ability increases your attack power by 25 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Breath of Venesh (5)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Current HP by 110 per tick
2: Decrease Current Mana by 22 per tick
3: Decrease Current Endurance by 22 per tick
This passive ability increases your hitpoint regeneration by 110 points while lowering your mana and endurance regeneration by 22 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Disable Item Abilities (1)1 EQ0 / 01sCast: Passive Reset
This ability, when activated, removes all Item Effect abilities you currently possess.
Item: Expanding Mind XXVIII (39)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Max Mana by 3400
This passive ability increases your mana pool by 3400 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Form of Defense XXXV (35)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase AC by 197 to 261, Based on Class
This passive ability increases your armor class by 2980 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Form of Endurance XXXIII (33)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Max HP by 3100
This passive ability increases your maximum hit points by 3100 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Form of Protection VI (7)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase All Resists by 60
This passive ability increases your resistance to magic, cold, fire, disease and poison by 60 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Form of Rejuvenation VI (6)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Current HP by 24 per tick
This passive ability increases your health regeneration by 24 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Gnoll Reaver Fortitude (5)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase AC by 36 to 48, Based on Class
This passive ability increases your armor class by 545 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Knowledge of the Past XXXII (37)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Current Mana by 162 per tick
2: Increase Current HP by 147 per tick
This passive ability increases your health regeneration by 147 points and your mana regeneration by 162 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Might of Stone XIX (22)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase ATK by 510
This passive ability increases your attack power by 510 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Myrmidon's Skill XIX (20)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Chance to Dodge by 28%
This passive ability increases the chance of your dodge skill succeeding by 28%.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Prismatic Ward XXXI (36)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase All Resists by 90
2: Increase AC by 183 to 242, Based on Class
This passive ability increases your resistance to magic, cold, fire, disease, and poison by 90 points and your armor class by 2770 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Item: Soothing Breath XXVIII (35)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Current Mana by 160 per tick
2: Increase Current HP by 160 per tick
This passive ability increases your health regeneration by 160 points and your mana regeneration by 160 points.

Activate items with this effect to progress this ability.
Jewel Craft Mastery (13)105 EoK65 / 443-1: Decrease Chance to Fail Jewelry Making Combine by 50%
2: Increase Jewelry Making Skill Cap with Recipes by 50
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Jewelcrafting recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes.
Journeyman's Speed (6)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Innate Movement Speed by 10%
This passive ability further increases your base run speed by 10%.
This modification does not stack with movement speed spell effects.

Complete explorer achievements to progress this ability.
481Lesson of the Devoted (1)1 DoN0 / 020h T23Cast: Lesson of the Devoted
Lesson of the Devoted, when activated, increases the amount of experience you gain by 100% for 30 minutes.
678Mark of Travel (1)100 CotF3 / 36s T53Cast: Mark of Travel
This ability, when activated, sets your second bind point to your current location.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
35Mass Group Buff (9)105 TBM13 / 9820m T1Cast: Mass Group Buff
This ability, when activated, doubles the mana cost of your next spell or ability that can be affected by the Mass Group Buff and causes it to land on all allies within the spell's radius.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute 36 seconds.
Mastery of the Past (55)125 LS30 / 793-1: No Fizzle up to level 121
This passive ability makes it impossible for you to fizzle level 121 or lower spells.
Mental Clarity (45)106 RoS15 / 280-1: Increase Current Mana by 45 per tick
This passive ability increases your mana regeneration by 45 points.
Mental Stamina (58)125 LS40 / 1090-1: Increase Max Mana by 40000
This passive ability increases your maximum mana by 40000 points.
Might of the Nest (5)60 SoL0 / 0-1: Increase Base Stats by 10
2: Increase Base Stats Cap by 10
3: Increase Max HP by 3%
4: Increase Max Mana by 200
5: Increase Max Endurance by 200
6: Increase Buff Slots by 1
7: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 1%
8: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 1%
9: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 1%
10: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
11: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 2%
Your devotion to the Nest increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points, your maximum base health (derived from your stamina) by 3%, your maximum mana and endurance by 200 points, the number of mystical effects that can affect you by 1, your chance of performing a critical melee hit with all skills by 40%, the chance your spells will apply critically by 1%, and grants a 1% chance to completely resist incoming detrimental spells.
813Mistwalk (1)85 UF9 / 920s T42Cast: Mistwalk I
This ability, when activated, instantly teleports you up to 234 feet forward.
Mnemonic Retention (6)125 TOB175 / 346-1: Increase Spell Memorization Gems by 6
This passive ability increases the capacity of your spell casting window allowing you to memorize 6 additional spell.
Mystical Attuning (33)125 TOB10 / 207-1: Increase Buff Slots by 33
This passive ability increases the number of mystical effects that can affect you at once by 33.
Mystical Shield (1)85 UF9 / 9-1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 5%
This passive ability grants you a 5% chance to completely resist incoming detrimental spells.
5200Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets I (1)65 PoP20 / 2010m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Arcane Secrets I
Glyph of Arcane Secrets I, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 69 and lower spells by 1% to 20% for 10 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available.
5201Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets II (1)70 OoW25 / 2510m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Arcane Secrets II
Glyph of Arcane Secrets II, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 84 and lower spells by 1% to 25% for 10 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available.
5202Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets III (1)85 SoD30 / 3010m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Arcane Secrets III
Glyph of Arcane Secrets III, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 99 and lower spells by 1% to 30% for 10 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available.
5203Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets IV (1)100 RoF40 / 4010m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Arcane Secrets IV
Glyph of Arcane Secrets IV, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 114 and lower spells by 1% to 35% for 10 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available.
5204Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets V (1)115 ToV45 / 4510m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Arcane Secrets V
Glyph of Arcane Secrets V, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 129 and lower spells by 1% to 40% for 10 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available.
5100Mythic Glyph of Dragon Scales I (1)65 PoP20 / 2010m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Dragon Scales I
Glyph of Dragon Scales I, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 500 points per hit for 5 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available.
5101Mythic Glyph of Dragon Scales II (1)70 OoW25 / 2510m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Dragon Scales II
Glyph of Dragon Scales II, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 800 points per hit for 5 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available.
5102Mythic Glyph of Dragon Scales III (1)85 SoD30 / 3010m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Dragon Scales III
Glyph of Dragon Scales III, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 2500 points per hit for 5 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available.
5103Mythic Glyph of Dragon Scales IV (1)100 RoF40 / 4010m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Dragon Scales IV
Glyph of Dragon Scales IV, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 5000 points per hit for 5 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available.
5104Mythic Glyph of Dragon Scales V (1)115 ToV45 / 4510m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Dragon Scales V
Glyph of Dragon Scales V, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 7500 points per hit for 5 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available.
5400Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation I (1)65 PoP10 / 105m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Inspired Provocation I
Glyph of Inspired Provocation I, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 25% for 10 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available.
5401Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation II (1)70 OoW12 / 125m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Inspired Provocation II
Glyph of Inspired Provocation II, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 30% for 10 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available.
5402Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation III (1)85 SoD15 / 155m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Inspired Provocation III
Glyph of Inspired Provocation III, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 35% for 10 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available.
5403Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation IV (1)100 RoF20 / 205m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Inspired Provocation IV
Glyph of Inspired Provocation IV, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 40% for 10 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available.
5404Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation V (1)115 ToV25 / 255m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Inspired Provocation V
Glyph of Inspired Provocation V, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 45% for 10 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available.
5300Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power I (1)65 PoP20 / 2010m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Ultimate Power I
Glyph of Ultimate Power I, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 20% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 20%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 20%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 15% for 2 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available.
5301Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power II (1)70 OoW25 / 2510m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Ultimate Power II
Glyph of Ultimate Power II, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 40% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 40%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 40%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 16% for 2 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available.
5302Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power III (1)85 SoD30 / 3010m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Ultimate Power III
Glyph of Ultimate Power III, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 60% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 60%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 60%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 17% for 2 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available.
5303Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power IV (1)100 RoF40 / 4010m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Ultimate Power IV
Glyph of Ultimate Power IV, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 65% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 65%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 65%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 18% for 2 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available.
5304Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power V (1)115 ToV45 / 4510m T311:
Cast: Glyph of Ultimate Power V
Glyph of Ultimate Power V, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 70% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 70%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 70%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 19% for 2 minutes.
This buff persists through death.
This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute.
This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available.
Natural Durability (31)125 LS45 / 974-1: Increase Max HP by 30.5%
This passive ability increases your maximum base health (derived from your stamina) by 30.5%.
393Nature's Blessing (14)105 CotF12 / 16520m T701: Increase Duration by 18s
2: Limit Spells: Nature's Blessing
Cast: Nature's Blessing VI
This ability, when activated, grants your instant-duration healing spells a 100% chance to score an exceptional heal but increases the mana cost of all spells by 50% for 30 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 minutes.
3728Nature's Bolt (46)125 LS35 / 79315s T32Cast: Nature's Bolt XXXIX (1045 Mana)
Nature's Bolt XXXIX, when activated, consumes mana to deal 72000 magic damage to your target with a 0.1 second cast time.
257Nature's Boon (32)120 ToL40 / 39720m T6Cast: Nature's Boon XXXII
Nature's Boon XXXII, when activated, summons a stationary ward that casts *%R*#2%N on all allies within a *%R*#2%J foot radius every *%R$2 seconds for up to 300 seconds.
*%R*#2%N heals *%R*#2#1 health.
Nature's Bounty (6)75 TSS2 / 12-1: Increase Chance to Double Forage by 100%
This passive ability grants a 100% chance to forage a second time when using your forage skill.
954Nature's Fire (46)125 LS35 / 79315s T59Cast: Nature's Fire XXXIX (1045 Mana)
Nature's Fire XXXIX, when activated, consumes mana to deal 72000 fire damage to your target with a 0.1 second cast time.
956Nature's Frost (46)125 LS35 / 79315s T63Cast: Nature's Frost XXXIX (1045 Mana)
Nature's Frost XXXIX, when activated, consumes mana to deal 72000 cold damage to your target with a 0.1 second cast time.
386Nature's Fury (18)120 ToL30 / 34520m T73Cast: Nature's Fury X
Nature's Fury X, when activated, increases the base damage of your direct damage spells by 52% while increasing mana costs of these spells by 20% for 2 minutes.
520Nature's Guardian (46)125 LS40 / 80910m T12Cast: Nature's Guardian XL
Nature's Guardian XL, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 spirit bear to attack your target for 120 seconds.
New Tanaan Crafting Mastery (6)51 SoL3 / 18-1: Increase Ability to Specialize Tradeskills by 6
Training with the sages and merchants of New Tanaan gives adventurers the chance to hone their crafting skills.
This passive ability allows you to raise 6 additional standard tradeskills (Baking, Blacksmithing, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelcraft, Pottery, or Tailoring) from its initial Specialization cap of 200 up to 300.
331Origin (1)5 EQ0 / 018m T20Cast: Origin
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your starting city.
You can check your origin location using the command /charinfo.
Packrat (11)70 SoD3 / 33-1: Decrease Weight by 33%
This passive ability reduces the weight of your inventory by 33%.
403Paralytic Spores (9)105 TDS18 / 11760s T34Cast: Paralytic Spores III
This ability, when activated, pushes your target backwards then roots them in place for up to 4 minutes 12 seconds with a 120 point resist modifier.
760Paralytic Spray (8)105 TBM13 / 10460s T80Cast: Paralytic Spray III
This ability, when activated, consumes up to 8 opponents within a 100 foot long cone in front of you with disease, which pushes them backwards then roots them in place for up to 4 minutes.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 12 seconds.
1202Perfected Levitation (2)85 UF12 / 1912s T47Cast: Group Perfected Levitation
This ability, when activated, grants your target's group permanent levitation.
Persistent Casting (15)105 TDS12 / 136-1: Increase Chance to Cast Through Stun by 66%
This passive ability grants you a 66% chance to regain your concentration and complete a spell cast when stunned.
Persistent Illusions (1)75 EoK30 / 30-1: Permanent Illusion
This passive ability allows your beneficial illusion spells to persist when zoning.
Planar Power (70)105 EoK35 / 1695-1: Increase Base Stats Cap by 350
This passive ability increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 350 points.
Pottery Mastery (13)105 EoK65 / 443-1: Decrease Chance to Fail Pottery Combine by 50%
2: Increase Pottery Skill Cap with Recipes by 50
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Pottery recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes.
149Preincarnation (2)100 RoF15 / 3030s T741: Increase Duration by 1800s
2: Limit Spells: Preincarnation
Cast: Preincarnation I
This ability, when activated, casts the highest rank of Preincarnation that you have scribed.
As a passive effect, increases the duration of Preincarnation spells by 30 minutes.
Preserver's Synergy (14)125 LS200 / 1800-1: Cast: Preserver's Synergy V on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Lunacea
This passive ability grants your Lunacea spells a 100% chance to trigger Preserver's Synergy V on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which increases the healing provided by the next 3 level 110 and higher instant duration healing spells that land on them by 19000 points for 12 seconds.
3714Protection of Direwood (14)120 ToL35 / 32490s T18Cast: Protection of Direwood XI (14000 Mana)
Protection of Direwood XI, when activated, consumes mana to absorb 75% of incoming melee damage up to 175000 total damage and provides a chance (with a 450% bonus) to trigger Protection of Direwood Jolt V on attackers when you are struck in melee combat, which reduces their hatred for you by 10000 points then by 5% of their total hatred for you, for 5 minutes.
626Purified Spirits (12)105 TBM15 / 1862m T36Cast: Purified Spirits III
This ability, when activated, cures you of 44 poison, disease and curse counters, 21 corruption counters and has a 95% chance to remove 1 detrimental effect.
Quick Buff (3)59 SoL9 / 18-1: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
2: Limit Type: Beneficial
3: Limit Min Duration: 6s
4: Limit Min Casting Time: 3s
This passive ability reduces the cast time of beneficial spells that have a duration and an initial cast time of at least 3 seconds by 50%.
Quick Damage (11)121 LS0 / 142-1: Increase Spell Haste by 20%
2: Limit Effect: Current HP
3: Limit Type: Detrimental
4: Limit Max Duration: 0s
5: Limit Min Casting Time: 3s
6: Increase Spell Haste by 20%
7: Limit Effect: Current HP
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Max Duration: 0s
10: Limit Max Casting Time: 2.999s
11: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level)
12: Increase Spell Haste by 20%
13: Limit Spells: Ethereal Weave
14: Limit Spells: Ethereal Fuse
15: Limit Spells: Ethereal Braid
16: Limit Spells: Ethereal Confluence
17: Limit Spells: Ethereal Twist
18: Limit Spells: Ethereal Plait
This passive ability reduces the base cast time of direct damage spells that have an initial cast time of 3 seconds or more by 20% and direct damage spells with an initial cast time of less than 3 seconds by 20%.
This focus also applies to the following Wizard spells:
Ethereal Weave
Ethereal Fuse
Ethereal Braid
Ethereal Confluence
Ethereal Twist
Ethereal Plait
Quick Evacuation (3)59 SoL9 / 18-1: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
2: Limit Effect: Evacuate
This passive ability reduces the cast time of your evacuation and succor spells and abilities by 50%.
153Radiant Cure (22)95 TBM12 / 12860s T8Cast: Radiant Cure X
This ability, when activated, cures all group members within a 100 foot radius of 35 poison, disease, and curse counters and has a 95% chance to remove 1 detrimental effect.
2051Rejuvenation of Spirit (1)100 RoF15 / 1520s T39Cast: Rejuvenation of Spirit
This ability, when activated, revives a slain ally, restoring 96% of their lost experience.
This ability can only be used when out of combat.
Salvage (6)85 UF5 / 30-1: Increase Chance to Salvage Components by 40%
This passive ability grants you a 40% chance to recover an item that would otherwise be lost on a failed tradeskill combine.
768Season's Wrath (10)125 LS50 / 26060s T77Cast: Season's Wrath X
Season's Wrath X, when activated, increases the damage your target takes from cold and fire spells and abilities by 18 to 25% for 60 seconds.
Secondary Forte (1)55 GoD9 / 9-1: Increase Magic Specialization Ability by 1
This passive ability allows you to advance a second arcane specialization by 50 points.
After acquiring this ability, the next specialization to go over your current cap becomes your secondary forte.
405Secondary Recall (7)105 TDS5 / 374m T10Cast: Secondary Recall (70 Mana)
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your second bind point with a 5 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
Your second bind point can be set using a Stone of Marking item or your Mark of Travel ability.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
518Shared Camouflage (2)85 TBM12 / 247s T2Cast: Shared Perfected Camouflage
This ability, when activated, grants all group members within a 100 foot radius permanent standard invisibility.
Shield Block (18)105 EoK30 / 203-1: Increase Shield Block Chance by 20%
This passive ability grants you a 20% chance to block incoming melee attacks with your shield.
Shielding of Spirits (6)105 EoK35 / 113-1: Increase Chance to Resist Any Stun by 30%
This passive ability grants a 30% chance to resist the stun component of spell or melee attacks which would otherwise stun you.
494Silent Casting (17)100 RoF13 / 1099m T151: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
2: Limit Spells: Silent Casting
Cast: Silent Casting V
This ability, when activated, reduces the amount of hatred your spells generate by 85% for 1 minute.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 3 minutes.
Spell Casting Mastery (4)55 HoT9 / 21-1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 15%
2: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level)
This passive ability reduces the mana cost of all spells by 15%.
Spell Casting Reinforcement (7)105 EoK65 / 158-1: Increase Spell Duration by 100%
2: Limit Type: Beneficial
3: Limit Min Duration: 6s
4: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
5: Limit Effect: Exclude Invulnerability
This passive ability increases the duration of beneficial spells that you cast by 100%.
Spells that grant invulnerability and combat abilities are exempt from this extension.
Spell Casting Subtlety: Enabled (30)95 VoA0 / 1221s1: Decrease Hate Generated by 68%
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
This passive ability reduces the amount of hate generated from your attacks and spells by 68%.
1480Spire of Nature (27)105 TBM30 / 2197.5m T401: Increase Max Mana by 90
2: Increase WIS Cap by 9
Cast: Spire of Nature XII
Spire of Nature XII, when activated, increases your combat prowess for 90 seconds. As a passive effect, this ability increases your maximum mana by 90 points and your maximum wisdom by 9 points.
Blesses all group members within a 0 foot radius with Apex of Nature IV.
Increases the total healing of your level 75 and higher instant-duration spells and abilities by 4000 points.
Increases the chance that your direct damage spells will land critically by 24%.
8601Spirit of Eagles (3)100 ToV20 / 348s T61Cast: Flight of Eagles II
Flight of Eagles II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Flight of Falcons that you have scribed.
8603Spirit of Nature (15)125 LS40 / 25410m T13Cast: Spirit of Nature XV
Spirit of Nature XV, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 nature spirit to attack your target for 90 seconds.
384Spirit of the Bear (8)120 ToL35 / 16410m T69Cast: Spirit of the Bear V
Spirit of the Bear V, when activated, increases your target's maximum health by 45000 points, armor class by 1300 points, and chance to dodge by 60% for 2 minutes.
1092Spirit of the Great Wolf (36)120 ToL35 / 4887.5m T11Cast: Spirit of the Great Wolf XXVI
Spirit of the Great Wolf XXVI, when activated, blesses you with Great Wolf Form and empowers your spells for 2 minutes.
Reduces the mana cost of spells by 14 to 25%.
Increases the chance that your direct damage and instant duration healing spells will land critically by 20%.
Increases the damage dealt by your critical direct damage spells by 120%.
Increases your mana regeneration by 140 points.
Increases cold and fire resistance by 235 points.
185Spirit of the Wood (51)125 LS40 / 7969m T5Cast: Spirit of the Wood XLIII
Spirit of the Wood XLIII, when activated, imbues all group members within a 200 foot radius with the spirit of the forest, which heals 24000 health every 6 seconds, increases their armor class by 2400 points for 36 seconds (with a 12 second extension), and triggers Spiritwood Spikes XLIII which provides a 700 point damage shield for 60 seconds.
Staff Block (5)105 TDS13 / 45-1: Increase Staff Block Chance by 15%
This passive ability grants you a 15% chance to block incoming melee attacks with a 2-hand blunt weapon.
486Staunch Recovery (1)1 DoN0 / 068h T28Cast: Staunch Recovery
Staunch Recovery, when activated, instantly restores 500000 health, mana, and endurance.
485Steadfast Servant (1)1 DoN0 / 020h T27Cast: Steadfast Servant
Steadfast Servant, when activated, summons a faithful servant that casts healing and buff spells for up to 30 minutes or until you zone.
The servant will offer one of the following blessings every 15 to 45 seconds on one lucky adventurer within 150 feet:
Servant's Elixir - Heals *%R*#2#1 to *%R*$2#1 (based on your level) health every 6 seconds for *%R*#2%Z.

Servant's Clarity - Increases the target's maximum mana by *%R*#3#1 to *%R*$3#1 points, intelligence and wisdom by *%R*#3#3 to *%R*$3#3 points, and mana regeneration by *%R*#3#2 to *%R*$3#2 points (based on your level) for *%R*#3%Z.

Servant's Armor - Increases the target's armor class by *%R*#4#4 to *%R*$4#4 points (based on your level) for *%R*#4%Z.

Servant's Haste - Increases the target's melee speed by *%R*#5#1 to *%R*$5#1% (based on your level) for *%R*#5%Z.
8130Summon Clockwork Banker (1)1 SoD0 / 020h T65Cast: Summon Clockwork Banker
Summon Clockwork Banker, when activated, summons a mechanical banker familiar for up to 10 minutes.
453Summon Permutation Peddler (1)1 UF0 / 020h T51Cast: Summon Distiller Vendor
Summon Distiller Vendor, when activated, summons a mechanical merchant that sells augmentation distillers for up to 10 minutes or until you zone.
182Summon Personal Tribute Master (1)1 HoT0 / 020h T50Cast: Summon Tribute Master
Summon Tribute Master, when activated, summons a personal tribute master that allows donations for favor or modifications to your current benefits for up to 10 minutes or until you zone.
8081Summon Resupply Agent (1)1 SoF0 / 020h T49Cast: Summon Resupply Agent
Summon Resupply Agent, when activated, summons a mechanical merchant familiar that offers an array of standard spell reagents for up to 10 minutes.
699Swarm of Fireflies (11)105 TBM21 / 1645m T17Cast: Firefly Guardian Spirit VI
This ability, when activated, places your target under the protection of Firefly Guardian Spirit VI for 6 minutes.
Firefly Guardian Spirit VI triggers Firefly's Glow VI if their health drops below 40% which instantly heals them for 36000 health and increases their health regeneration by 10500 points for 18 seconds and applies Fading Light which prevents another Guardian Spirit from affecting your target for 1 minute.
Only one Guardian Spirit may be active on a person at any time.
Sympathetic Amplification (8)121 LS40 / 180-1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 8%
2: Limit Spells: Freezing Strike
This passive ability increases the base effectiveness of your spell-triggered magical effects from equipped weapons and augments by 8%.
Tailoring Mastery (13)105 EoK65 / 443-1: Decrease Chance to Fail Tailoring Combine by 50%
2: Increase Tailoring Skill Cap with Recipes by 50
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Tailoring recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes.
7009Teleport Bind (1)74 SoD9 / 95m T52Cast: Teleport Bind I
This ability, when activated, teleports all group members within a 100 foot radius to your first bind point with a 10 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
839Teleport to Guild Hall Anchor (1)100 CotF9 / 96s T78Cast: Teleport Guild Hall Anchor I (750 Mana)
This ability, when activated, consumes 750 mana to translocate all allies within a 150 foot radius to your Guild Hall Anchor with a 20 second cast time.
426Tertiary Recall (7)105 TDS5 / 374m T16Cast: Tertiary Recall (70 Mana)
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your third bind point with a 5 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
Your third bind point can be set using a Guidestone item.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
511Throne of Heroes (1)1 PoR0 / 072m T19Cast: Throne of Heroes
Throne of Heroes, when activated, transports you to the Throne of Heroes in the Guild Lobby.
992Tranquil Blessings (1)85 UF9 / 930s T67Cast: Tranquil Blessings
This ability, when activated, doubles the mana cost of your next spell or ability that can be affected by the Mass Group Buff and causes it to land on all allies within the spell's radius.
This ability can only be used when out of combat while fast regeneration is active.
Trials of Mata Muram (6)51 OoW0 / 0-1: Increase Magic Resist Cap by 50
2: Increase Cold Resist Cap by 50
3: Increase Fire Resist Cap by 50
4: Increase Poison Resist Cap by 50
5: Increase Disease Resist Cap by 50
This passive ability increases your resistance to magic, cold, fire, disease and poison by 50 points.

Complete the Trials of Mata Muram in Muramite Proving Grounds to progress this ability.
Trophy Collector (4)1 EQ0 / 0-1: Increase Trophy Slots by 4
This passive ability allows you to activate 4 additional trophies.

Complete special collection achievements to progress this ability.
Twincast (5)96 CotF7 / 35-1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 5%
2: Limit Max Duration: 0s
3: Limit Type: Detrimental
4: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Effect: Current HP
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet
9: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
This passive ability grants a 5% chance to twincast direct damage spells and abilities that cost at least 10 mana.
Twinheal (10)110 TBL40 / 206-1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 10%
2: Limit Type: Beneficial
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
6: Limit Max Duration: 0s
7: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
This passive ability grants a 10% chance to twincast instant-duration healing spells.
Twinproc (11)125 LS40 / 237-1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 23%
2: Limit Class: ALL
3: Limit Min Level: 255
4: Limit Max Duration: 0s
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root
10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet
11: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Single
12: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell
13: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Group Single
14: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Group
15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 23%
16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace
17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
18: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Single
19: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell
20: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Group Single
21: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Group
This passive ability grants a 23% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities.
232Veil of the Underbrush (1)85 UF12 / 1210m T79Cast: Veil of the Underbrush I
This ability, when activated, allows you to escape combat from NPCs that are 5 or fewer levels higher than you, causes you to be the last possible target of rampage attacks from any current attacker, and triggers Evader's Invisibility, which grants permanent standard invisibility.
This ability consumes 8% of your mana to activate.
Veteran's Enhancement (1)50 OoW0 / 0-1: Increase Max HP by 250
2: Increase ATK by 75
3: Increase Max Mana by 250
4: Increase HP Regen Cap by 8
This passive ability increases your maximum health and mana by 250 points, your attack power by 75 points, and the maximum that your health regeneration can be increased with items by 8 points.
957Vortex of Ro (6)125 LS25 / 1116s T35Cast: Vortex of Ro VI
Vortex of Ro VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Visage of Ro that you have scribed.
8604Wall of Wind (10)102 TBM14 / 9960s T66Cast: Wall of Wind IV
This ability, when activated, consumes up to 8 opponents within a 100 foot long cone in front of you in violent wind, which pushes them backwards and reduces their movement speed by 75% for 2 minutes 12 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 10 seconds.
2056Wildtender's Survival (17)125 LS35 / 3603m T75Cast: Wildtender's Survival XII
Wildtender's Survival XII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Heroic that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (11)125 LS55 / 3702m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity XI (1150 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Bramblespike Coat and Mask of the Ferntender that you have scribed.
Wrath of the Forest Walker (55)125 TOB75 / 2692-1: Increase Spell Damage by 11000 (v286, After Crit)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
This passive ability increases the damage done by your spells and abilities by 11000 points.
170Wrath of the Wild (44)125 LS35 / 5122m T37Cast: Wrath of the Wild XXXII
Wrath of the Wild XXXII, when activated, increases your target's damage shield by 220000 points and grants a chance (with a 800% bonus) to trigger Diminishing Blows VIII on attackers when struck in melee combat for 10 hits or up to 36 minutes.
Written Prayer (23)105 EoK65 / 485-1: Increase Research Skill Cap by 100
2: Decrease Chance to Fail Research Combine by 50%
3: Increase Research Skill Cap with Recipes by 50
This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Research recipes by 50%, increases your Specialization cap by 100 points, and allows you to further increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).