/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Adamant Will (5) | 115 ToV | 30 / 75 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Resist Charm Effects by 5% This passive ability grants you an additional 5% chance to resist charm spells. |
| Arcane Tongues (13) | 105 EoK | 65 / 443 | - | 1: Decrease Chance to Fail Research Combine by 50% 2: Increase Research Skill Cap with Recipes by 50 This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Research recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. |
636 | Arcane Whisper (21) | 125 LS | 35 / 432 | 10m T35 | Cast: Arcane Whisper XVI Arcane Whisper XVI, when activated, reduces your target's hatred for you by 420000 points then by 10% of their total hatred for you. |
2000 | Armor of Experience (1) | 1 TBS | 0 / 0 | 20h T33 | Cast: Armor of Experience I Armor of Experience I, when activated, reduces incoming melee damage in 4 phases, each lasting for 10 incoming melee hits or 90 seconds. Armor of Experience I absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage. Armor of Experience II absorbs 75% of incoming melee damage. Armor of Experience III absorbs 50% of incoming melee damage. Armor of Experience IV absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage. |
| Armor of Wisdom (65) | 125 TOB | 55 / 1811 | - | 1: Increase AC by 168 to 222, Based on Class 2: This passive ability increases your base armor class by 2540 points (calculated as 2540 effective armor class). |
| Aureate's Bane (6) | 125 TOB | 0 / 0 | 1s | 1: Increase Current HP by 0 per tick Cast: Aureate's Bane VI Aureate's Bane VI, when activated, siphons power from and removes any Curse of Subjugation spell currently applied to you, improving the base damage of your melee hits by 6%, the power of your damaging and healing abilities by 10%, and the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 6% for 15 minutes.
Aureate's Bane VI can ONLY be activated when a Curse of Subjugation spell is currently applied to you. Curse of Subjugation spells are commonly cast by most Aureate Invaders.
Complete any The Outer Brood "Mercenary of ..." or "Hunter of ..." achievements to gain the first rank of this ability and any additional The Outer Brood "Hunter of ..." achievements to progress it further. |
| Auroria Mastery (1) | 81 SoD | 12 / 12 | - | 1: Increase Aura Slots by 1 This passive ability allows you to have an additional active Aura. |
633 | Azure Mind Crystal (8) | 125 LS | 40 / 168 | 5m T14 | Cast: Azure Mind Crystal VIII (32000 Mana) Azure Mind Crystal VIII, when activated, consumes mana to summon an Azure Mind Crystal which can be consumed to cast Azure Harvest VIII, which restores 16000 mana. |
| Baking Mastery (13) | 105 EoK | 65 / 443 | - | 1: Decrease Chance to Fail Baking Combine by 50% 2: Increase Baking Skill Cap with Recipes by 50 This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Baking recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. |
| Banestrike (4) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Unknown SPA 528 Base1=10 Base2=0 Max=0 Calc=100 Value=10 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Max Level: 250 (lose 100% per level) 4: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating 6: Limit Effect: Current HP Repeating 7: Limit Effect: Skill Attack 8: Increase Hit Damage by 10% (v459) This passive ability improves the base damage of your melee attacks and the power of your damaging and healing abilities by 10%.
Complete Slayer achievements to progress this ability. |
| Battle Ready (4) | 65 HoT | 7 / 22 | - | 1: Increase Bandolier Slots by 8 This passive ability increases the number of save slots in your bandolier window by 8. |
8700 | Beam of Slumber (29) | 125 LS | 35 / 560 | 90s T61 | Cast: Beam of Slumber XXVI Beam of Slumber XXVI, when activated, mesmerizes up to 8 level 129 or lower creatures within a 200 foot wide by 200 foot long area in front of you for 18 seconds and triggers Beam of Slumber Root IX and Somnolence XII on each mesmerized target. Beam of Slumber Root IX roots the target in place for up to 78 seconds. Somnolence XII reduces accuracy by 27% for 2 minutes. |
3550 | Beguiler's Banishment (12) | 105 TBM | 9 / 42 | 8s T32 | Cast: Beguiler's Banishment VI This ability, when activated, consumes up to 8 opponents within a 200 foot long cone in front of you with beguiling force, which pushes them backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 60 point resist modifier. |
3551 | Beguiler's Directed Banishment (7) | 90 RoF | 3 / 18 | 8s T32 | 1: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 30% 2: Limit Spells: Beguiler's Directed Banishment 3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable Cast: Beguiler's Directed Banishment I This ability, when activated, pushes your target backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 60 point resist modifier. |
| Beguiler's Synergy (14) | 125 LS | 200 / 1800 | - | 1: Cast: Beguiler's Synergy V on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Mindrend This passive ability grants your Mindrend spells a 100% chance to trigger Beguiler's Synergy V on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which increases the base damage of 1 fire, ice, magic or chromatic spell by 75%. |
679 | Bind Affinity (1) | 55 CotF | 3 / 3 | 6s T46 | Cast: Bind Affinity This ability, when activated, sets your target's first bind point to their current location. You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo. |
881 | Bind Sight (1) | 100 CotF | 7 / 7 | 10s T69 | Cast: Bind Sight This ability, when activated, allows you to see through the eyes of your target for up to 14 minutes. |
1125 | Bite of Tashani (9) | 125 LS | 35 / 177 | 7s T63 | Cast: Bite of Tashani IX Bite of Tashani IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Roar of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius. |
| Blacksmithing Mastery (13) | 105 EoK | 65 / 443 | - | 1: Decrease Chance to Fail Blacksmithing Combine by 50% 2: Increase Blacksmithing Skill Cap with Recipes by 50 This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Blacksmithing recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. |
2206 | Blanket of Forgetfulness (2) | 105 TBM | 18 / 36 | 10s T52 | 1: Increase Spell Haste by 25% 2: Limit Spells: Blanket of Forgetfulness Cast: Blanket of Forgetfulness I This ability, when activated, grants a 40% chance that all creatures within a 60 foot radius of your target will forget their attackers with a 3 second cast time. |
| Blessing of the Devoted (1) | 1 VoA | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Reduce Lesson of the Devoted Timer by 5h 2: Reduce Infusion of the Faithful Timer by 5h 3: Reduce Chaotic Jester Timer by 5h 4: Reduce Expedient Recovery Timer by 41h 5: Reduce Steadfast Servant Timer by 5h 6: Reduce Staunch Recovery Timer by 17h 7: Reduce Intensity of the Resolute Timer by 60m 8: Reduce Throne of Heroes Timer by 18m 9: Reduce Summon Personal Tribute Master Timer by 5h 10: Reduce Summon Resupply Agent Timer by 5h 11: Reduce Summon Clockwork Banker Timer by 5h 12: Reduce Summon Permutation Peddler Timer by 5h 13: Reduce Armor of Experience Timer by 5h This passive ability reduces the reuse time of the following abilities by 25%: Lesson of the Devoted Infusion of the Faithful Chaotic Jester Expedient Recovery Steadfast Servant Staunch Recovery Intensity of the Resolute Throne of Heroes Armor of Experience I Summon Resupply Agent Summon Clockwork Banker Summon Distiller Vendor Summon Tribute Master |
| Brewing Mastery (13) | 105 EoK | 65 / 443 | - | 1: Decrease Chance to Fail Brewing Combine by 50% 2: Increase Brewing Skill Cap with Recipes by 50 This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Brewing recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. |
534 | Calculated Insanity (26) | 120 ToL | 35 / 420 | 20m T73 | Cast: Calculated Insanity XIX Calculated Insanity XIX, when activated, increases the mana cost of 27 direct damage spells that cost at least 10 mana by 57% while increasing the chance these spells will deal critical damage by 95% and the damage dealt by critical direct damage spells by 20% for 2 minutes. |
483 | Chaotic Jester (1) | 1 DoN | 0 / 0 | 20h T25 | Cast: Chaotic Jester Chaotic Jester, when activated, summons a jester from Bristlebane's court that spreads mirth for up to 15 minutes or until you zone. The Jester will perform one of the following acts every 30 to 60 seconds on one lucky adventurer within 150 feet: *%R*#2%N - Instantly restores *%R*#2#1 health.
*%R*$2%N - Instantly restores *%R*$2#1 mana and endurance.
Bristlebane's Diminution - Shrinks the target down to 3 feet tall.
Bristlebane's Expansion - Grows the target up to 9 feet tall.
Bristlebane's Alteration - Causes the target to take the appearance of a creature found in your current zone.
Bristlebane's Cornucopia - Grants the target a stack of 10 Bristlebane's Bread or Bristlebane's Wine with the potential for the food and drink to be poisoned! Bristlebane's Bread, when activated blesses the target with *%R*#3%N or curses them with *%R*$3%N. Bristlebane's Wine blesses the target with *%R*#4%N or curses them with *%R*$4%N.
Bristlebane's Celebration - Performs a dazzling display of fireworks.
Bristlebane's Hilarity - Shares a comical joke that all are guaranteed to enjoy. |
2205 | Chromatic Haze (10) | 120 ToL | 45 / 239 | 10m T43 | Cast: Chromatic Haze X Chromatic Haze X, when activated, consumes all group members within a 200 foot radius in a chromatic haze, which increases the base damage of 2 direct damage spells that costs at least 10 mana and deal at least 100 damage by 390% and increases the chance that their spells will deal critical damage by 100% for 12 seconds. |
| Clinging Root (11) | 105 TDS | 21 / 129 | - | 1: Increase Duration by 66s 2: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level) 3: Limit Effect: Root 4: Limit Type: Detrimental 5: Decrease Chance of Root Breaking by 3% This passive ability extends the duration of your root spells and abilities by 66 seconds and reduces the chance that an NPC target entangled by your root spells will break free when struck by a non-melee attack by 97%. |
| Color Shock: Enabled (22) | 125 LS | 0 / 268 | 1s | 1: Add Defensive Proc: Color Shock Stun XI with 30% Rate Mod Cast: Disable Ability This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects. This passive ability grants you a chance (with a 30% bonus) to trigger Color Shock Stun XI on attackers when struck in melee combat, which can stun a level 128 or lower target for 4 seconds. |
| Combat Agility (99) | 125 TOB | 55 / 2162 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 120% This passive ability increases your melee avoidance by 120%. Melee avoidance is the component of armor class that allows you to avoid incoming attacks and is derived from agility, item avoidance and your defense skill. |
| Combat Stability (108) | 125 TOB | 50 / 2072 | - | 1: Increase AC Soft Cap by 135% This passive ability increases the armor class soft cap of your class by 135%. The armor class soft cap is the amount of armor class that functions at 100% effectiveness. Armor class gains in excess of this cap are reduced in effectiveness by a percentage based on your class and level. |
441 | Companion's Aegis (11) | 125 LS | 50 / 330 | 30s T59 | Cast: Companion's Aegis VIII (9000 Mana) Companion's Aegis VIII, when activated, consumes mana and blesses your pet with a shield that absorbs 12 hits up to 90000 damage per hit for 36 minutes. |
195 | Companion's Discipline (11) | 70 TBL | 20 / 98 | 2s T37 | 1: Enable Pet Ability: 0 2: Enable Pet Ability: 1 3: Enable Pet Ability: 2 4: Enable Pet Ability: 3 5: Enable Pet Ability: 4 6: Enable Pet Ability: 5 7: Enable Pet Ability: 6 8: Enable Pet Ability: 7 9: Enable Pet Ability: 8 10: Enable Pet Ability: 9 11: Enable Pet Ability: 10 12: Enable Pet Ability: 11 13: Enable Pet Ability: 12 14: Enable Pet Ability: 13 15: Enable Pet Ability: 14 16: Enable Pet Ability: 15 17: Enable Pet Ability: 16 18: Enable Pet Ability: 17 19: Enable Pet Ability: 18 20: Enable Pet Ability: 19 21: Enable Pet Ability: 20 22: Enable Pet Ability: 24 23: Enable Pet Ability: 25 24: Enable Pet Ability: 26 25: Enable Pet Ability: 28 26: Enable Pet Ability: 29 27: Enable Pet Ability: 30 28: Enable Pet Ability: 31 29: Enable Pet Ability: 32 30: Enable Pet Ability: 33 31: Enable Pet Ability: 34 32: Enable Pet Ability: 35 33: Enable Pet Ability: 36 34: Enable Pet Ability: 37 35: Enable Pet Ability: 38 Cast: Companion Relocation This ability, when activated, moves your companion forward in the direction you are facing. As a passive effect, this ability grants you finer control over your animations. /pet guard and /pet follow
/pet attack and /pet qattack
/pet back off, /pet taunt (on/off), /pet sit (on/off), /pet stop (on/off), /pet who leader, /pet (report) health, and /pet target
Hold and Greater Hold - /pet hold -or- /pet ghold When your pet is in the hold state, your pet will only attack something when you tell it to, and your pet will continue to attack anything on its hate list after that point. Once the encounter is finished, your pet will automatically go back to a held state. If your pet is never told to exclusively attack anything, your pet will never attack anything, even if something is attacking it.
The greater hold state forces your pet to not add anything to its hatelist unless specifically added by you.
Focus - /pet focus While focused, your pet will ignore all other opponents until the target that it was last instructed to attack is defeated.
Swarm and QSwarm - /pet swarm and /pet qswarm Commands your temporary pets to attack your current target.
Resume - /pet resume When enabled, your pet will resume attacking creatures that are mesmerized during combat after they awake if they were not instructed to back off. |
3707 | Companion's Fortification (176) | 125 TOB | 65 / 3549 | 15m T18 | 1: Increase Pet Max HP by 96% 2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60% 3: Increase Pet AC by 4550 Cast: Fortify Companion LXVII Fortify Companion LXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXXVI and Companion's Blessing XLI. As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 96%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 4550 points.
Companion's Fortification XXXVI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 798 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 645000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 645000 total damage for 10 minutes.
Companion's Blessing XLI triggers Companion's Blessing (Azia) XLI if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes. |
| Companion's Fury (116) | 125 TOB | 45 / 3070 | - | 1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40% 2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 398% of Base Damage 3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40% 4: Increase Pet ATK by 1192 This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1192 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 398%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%. |
1580 | Companion's Intervening Divine Aura (16) | 125 LS | 40 / 290 | 15m T72 | Cast: Companion's Intervening Divine Aura XI Companion's Intervening Divine Aura XI, when activated, blesses your pet with a shield that will apply Companion's Divine Aura XI if its health drops below 20% for 10 minutes. Companion's Divine Aura XI renders your pet invulnerable to most attacks but also unable to attack and increases its health regeneration by 44000 points for 18 seconds. |
| Companion's Suspension (8) | 75 EoK | 30 / 63 | 1s | 1: Enable Pet Ability: Receive Group Buffs 2: Suspend Minion Cast: Suspended Minion VI This ability, when activated, allows you to suspend and recall your summoned pet at will, and allows you to swap your current pet with your suspended pet. You may summon a second pet while your first pet is suspended. As a passive effect, this ability makes your summoned pet a valid target for beneficial group spells. |
| Critical Affliction (11) | 106 RoS | 40 / 124 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 33% This passive ability increases the chance your damage-over-time spells will deal critical damage at each 6 second interval they are active by 33%. |
| Delay Death (95) | 125 TOB | 50 / 1765 | - | 1: Increase Max Negative HP by 40000 This passive ability increases the amount of damage you can take before dying after falling unconscious at 0 health by 40000 points. |
| Destructive Cascade (48) | 125 LS | 60 / 1158 | - | 1: Increase Critical DoT Damage by 420% of Base Damage This passive ability increases the damage dealt by your critical damage over time spells by 420%. |
| Destructive Fury (47) | 125 LS | 55 / 1064 | - | 1: Increase Critical DD Damage by 385% of Base Damage This passive ability increases the damage dealt by your critical direct damage spells by 385%. |
639 | Dimensional Shield (16) | 125 TOB | 45 / 359 | 20m T17 | Cast: Dimensional Shield XI Dimensional Shield XI, when activated, blesses you with Dimensional Instability III and absorbs 50% of incoming melee damage up to 240000 total damage for 2 minutes. |
521 | Dire Charm (45) | 125 LS | 30 / 636 | 30m T2 | Cast: Edict of Command XL Edict of Command XL, when activated, charms a level 126 or lower creature without the chance for them to break free for 6 minutes. If the creature is level 46 or lower they will be permanently charmed. |
| Discordant Defiance (25) | 106 RoS | 10 / 175 | - | 1: Increase Magic Resist Cap by 125 2: Increase Cold Resist Cap by 125 3: Increase Fire Resist Cap by 125 4: Increase Poison Resist Cap by 125 5: Increase Disease Resist Cap by 125 This passive ability raises the maximum that your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances can be increased to with items and spells by 125 points. |
261 | Doppelganger (44) | 125 LS | 35 / 751 | 10m T5 | Cast: Doppelganger XXXVII Doppelganger XXXVII, when activated, summons 3 level *%R#2 illusions of yourself with hatred equal to your own to distract your target for up to 75 seconds. The first Doppelganger's maximum health is equal to your own and can cast *%R*$2%N. These Doppelgangers can cast *%R*@2%N as well as any single target direct damage or stun spell you currently have memorized. |
173 | Eldritch Rune (41) | 120 ToL | 40 / 697 | 5.5m T12 | Cast: Eldritch Rune XXXVIII Eldritch Rune XXXVIII, when activated, absorbs up to 430000 total damage for 36 minutes. |
708 | Enchant Alaran Metal (x1) (1) | 80 VoA | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Alaran Metal (x1) (450 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 450 mana to enchant 1 Alaran Metal Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
709 | Enchant Alaran Metal (x10) (1) | 81 VoA | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Alaran Metal (x10) (3600 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 3600 mana to enchant 10 Alaran Metal Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3222 | Enchant Celestial Platinum (x1) (1) | 100 TBL | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Celestial Platinum (x1) (700 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 700 mana and 1 Primordial Dynastic Radiance to enchant 1 Platinum Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3223 | Enchant Celestial Platinum (x10) (1) | 101 TBL | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Celestial Platinum (x10) (5600 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 5600 mana and 10 Primordial Dynastic Radiance to enchant 10 Platinum Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3220 | Enchant Conflagrant Platinum (x1) (1) | 100 EQ | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Conflagrant Platinum (x1) (675 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 675 mana to enchant 1 Conflagrant Platinum.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3221 | Enchant Conflagrant Platinum (x10) (1) | 101 EQ | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Conflagrant Platinum (x10) (5400 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 5400 mana to enchant 10 Conflagrant Platinums.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3218 | Enchant Cosgrite (x1) (1) | 70 EQ | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Cosgrite (x1) (450 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 450 mana to enchant 1 Cosgrite Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3219 | Enchant Cosgrite (x10) (1) | 71 EQ | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Cosgrite (x10) (3600 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 3600 mana to enchant 10 Cosgrite Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3207 | Enchant Dwerium (10) (1) | 61 SoF | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Dwerium (x10) (3120 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 3120 mana to enchant 10 Dwerium Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3206 | Enchant Dwerium (x1) (1) | 60 SoF | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Dwerium (x1) (390 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 390 mana to enchant 1 Dwerium Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
754 | Enchant Feymetal (x1) (1) | 80 HoT | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Feymetal (x1) (450 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 450 mana to enchant 1 Feymetal Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
755 | Enchant Feymetal (x10) (1) | 81 HoT | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Feymetal (x10) (3600 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 3600 mana to enchant 10 Feymetal Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3228 | Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x1) (1) | 105 ToL | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x1) (775 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 775 mana to enchant 1 Honed Bloodied Luclinite.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3229 | Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x10) (1) | 106 ToL | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x10) (6200 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 6200 mana to enchant 10 Honed Bloodied Luclinite.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3232 | Enchant Honed Reflective Emberquartz (x1) (1) | 110 LS | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Honed Reflective Emberquartz (x1) (825 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 825 mana to enchant 1 Honed Reflective Emberquartz.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3233 | Enchant Honed Reflective Emberquartz (x10) (1) | 111 LS | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Honed Reflective Emberquartz (x10) (6600 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 6600 mana to enchant 10 Honed Reflective Emberquartz.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3230 | Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x1) (1) | 105 NoS | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x1) (800 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to enchant 1 Honed Spiritual Luclinite.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3231 | Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x10) (1) | 106 NoS | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x10) (6400 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 6400 mana to enchant 10 Honed Spiritual Luclinite.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3208 | Enchant Palladium (x1) (1) | 51 DoN | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Palladium (x1) (330 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 330 mana to enchant 1 Prismatic Palladium Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3204 | Enchant Palladium (x10) (1) | 53 DoN | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Palladium (x10) (1980 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 1980 mana to enchant 10 Prismatic Palladium Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
1800 | Enchant Planar Alloy (x1) (1) | 85 RoF | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Planar Alloy (x1) (450 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 450 mana to enchant 1 Planar Alloy.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
1801 | Enchant Planar Alloy (x10) (1) | 86 RoF | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Planar Alloy (x10) (3600 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 3600 mana to enchant 10 Planar Alloys.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3226 | Enchant Refined Restless Velium (x1) (1) | 100 CoV | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Refined Restless Velium (x1) (750 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 725 mana to enchant 1 Refined Restless Velium.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3227 | Enchant Refined Restless Velium (x10) (1) | 101 CoV | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Refined Restless Velium (x10) (6000 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 5800 to enchant 10 Refined Restless Velium.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3224 | Enchant Refined Velium (x1) (1) | 100 ToV | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Refined Velium (x1) (725 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 725 mana to enchant 1 Refined Velium.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3225 | Enchant Refined Velium (x10) (1) | 101 ToV | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Refined Velium (x10) (5800 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 5800 to enchant 10 Refined Velium.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3234 | Enchant Refined Voidstone (x1) (1) | 110 TOB | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Refined Voidstone (x1) (825 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 825 mana to enchant 1 Refined Voidstone.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3235 | Enchant Refined Voidstone (x10) (1) | 111 TOB | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Refined Voidstone (x10) (6600 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 6600 mana to enchant 10 Refined Voidstone.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3209 | Enchant Temporite (x1) (1) | 65 EQ | 0 / 0 | 10s T34 | Cast: Enchant Temporite (x1) (450 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 450 mana to enchant 1 Temporite Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
3210 | Enchant Temporite (x10) (1) | 66 EQ | 0 / 0 | 60s T36 | Cast: Enchant Temporite (x10) (3600 Mana) This ability, when activated, consumes 3600 mana to enchant 10 Temporite Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Energetic Attunement (25) | 105 EoK | 8 / 140 | - | 1: Increase HP Regen Cap by 25 This passive ability increases the maximum that your health regeneration can be increased with items by 25 points. |
| Enhanced Forgetfulness (5) | 65 GoD | 3 / 15 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Memory Blur by 50% This passive ability increases the chance that your spells and abilities that cause your target to forget their attackers will succeed by 50%. |
| Enhanced Reformation (48) | 121 TOB | 40 / 945 | - | 1: Increase Endurance Regen Cap by 48 2: Increase Current Endurance by 48 per tick This passive ability increases your endurance regeneration by 48 and the maximum that your endurance regeneration can be raised with items by 48. |
| Enhanced Ruin (6) | 120 ToL | 85 / 357 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 120% (v461, Before Crit) 2: Limit Effect: Current HP 3: Limit Type: Detrimental 4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1 5: Limit Min Duration: 30s 6: Limit Max Duration: 30s 7: Increase Spell Damage by 100% (v461, Before Crit) 8: Limit Effect: Current HP 9: Limit Type: Detrimental 10: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1 11: Limit Min Duration: 36s 12: Limit Max Duration: 42s 13: Increase Spell Damage by 75% (v461, Before Crit) 14: Limit Effect: Current HP 15: Limit Type: Detrimental 16: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1 17: Limit Min Duration: 48s 18: Limit Max Duration: 48s 19: Increase Spell Damage by 67% (v461, Before Crit) 20: Limit Effect: Current HP 21: Limit Type: Detrimental 22: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1 23: Limit Min Duration: 54s 24: 25: This passive ability increases the base damage of your damage over time spells that have a minimum duration of 30 seconds by 36 seconds worth of damage. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (11) | 125 LS | 15 / 147 | 3m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix XI Enveloping Helix XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Inhibiting Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
547 | Eradicate Magic (1) | 100 CotF | 15 / 15 | 6s T55 | Cast: Eradicate Magic I This ability, when activated, has a 95% chance to remove up to 4 beneficial effects from your NPC target. |
| Essence of the Dragon (2) | 100 EoK | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Block Next Spell 2: Limit Spell: Gust of Atrebe 3: Limit Spell: Aura of the Kar`Zok 4: Limit Spell: Aura of Kor-Sha 5: Limit Class: ALL 6: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable The essence of the Kar`Zok is in your blood. This passive ability grants you immunity to Gust of Atrebe, Aura of the Kar`Zok, and Aura of Kor-Sha.
Complete the Empires of Kunark achievement 'Essence of the Dragon II' to progress this ability. |
| Expansive Mind (45) | 106 RoS | 15 / 425 | - | 1: Increase Mana Regen Cap by 135 This passive ability increases the maximum that your mana regeneration can be raised with items by 45 points. |
484 | Expedient Recovery (1) | 1 DoN | 0 / 0 | 164h T26 | Cast: Expedient Recovery Expedient Recovery, when activated, summons all of your corpses and restores 100% of the lost experience from each corpse that can still be resurrected. |
| Extended Swarm (15) | 110 TBL | 50 / 270 | - | 1: Increase Pet Duration by 20s 2: Limit Effect: Summon Swarm Pet 3: Limit Class: ALL This passive ability extends the duration of your swarm pets by 20 seconds. |
| First Aid (13) | 75 TSS | 3 / 33 | - | 1: Increase Bandage Amount by 200% 2: Increase Bandage HP Cap by 30% This passive ability increases the maximum health you can bind wound to 100% and increases the amount of healing provided by a single bandage by 200%. |
| Fishing Mastery (13) | 105 EoK | 65 / 455 | - | 1: Decrease Chance to Fail Fishing Combine by 50% 2: Increase Fishing Skill Cap with Recipes by 50 This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Fishing recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. |
| Fletching Mastery (13) | 105 EoK | 65 / 443 | - | 1: Decrease Chance to Fail Fletching Combine by 50% 2: Increase Fletching Skill Cap with Recipes by 50 This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Fletching recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. |
1211 | Focus of Arcanum (4) | 96 RoF | 15 / 48 | 10m T45 | Cast: Focus of Arcanum IV Focus of Arcanum IV, when activated, improves the resist modifier of your spells by 1 to 50 points for 3 minutes. |
| Focus: Bewildering Constriction (23) | 125 TOB | 125 / 1830 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 55% 2: Limit Spells: Bewildering Constriction 3: Limit Spells: Deluding Constriction 4: Limit Spells: Deceiving Constriction 5: Limit Spells: Perplexing Constriction 6: Limit Spells: Dismaying Constriction This passive ability increases the base damage and magic resistance reduction effects of your Bewildering Constriction, Deluding Constriction, Deceiving Constriction, Perplexing Constriction, and Dismaying Constriction spells by 55%. |
| Focus: Chromarift (23) | 125 TOB | 125 / 1830 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 55% 2: Limit Spells: Chromarift 3: Limit Spells: Chromareave 4: Limit Spells: Chromashock 5: Limit Spells: Chromashear 6: Limit Spells: Chromaclap This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chromarift, Chromareave, Chromashock, Chromashear, and Chromaclap spells by 55%. |
| Focus: Chromatic Blink (23) | 125 TOB | 125 / 1830 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 55% 2: Limit Spells: Chromatic Blink 3: Limit Spells: Chromatic Flicker 4: Limit Spells: Chromatic Stab 5: Limit Spells: Chromatic Flare 6: Limit Spells: Chromatic Spike This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chromatic Blink, Chromatic Flicker, Chromatic Stab, Chromatic Flare, and Chromatic Spike spells by 55%. |
| Focus: Drown (23) | 125 TOB | 125 / 1830 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 55% 2: Limit Spells: Drown 3: Limit Spells: Strangulate 4: Limit Spells: Pulmonary Grip 5: Limit Spells: Throttling Grip 6: Limit Spells: Asphyxiating Grasp This passive ability increases the base damage of your Drown, Strangulate, Pulmonary Grip, Throttling Grip, and Asphyxiating Grasp spells by 55%. |
| Focus: Gravity Twist (22) | 125 TOB | 70 / 950 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 55% 2: Limit Spells: Gravity Twist 3: Limit Spells: Gravity Roil 4: Limit Spells: Gravity Surge This passive ability increases the base damage of your Gravity Twist, Gravity Roil, and Gravity Surge spells by 55%. |
| Focus: Intellectual Appropriation (23) | 125 TOB | 125 / 1830 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 55% 2: Limit Spells: Intellectual Appropriation 3: Limit Spells: Psychic Appropriation 4: Limit Spells: Ideological Appropriation 5: Limit Spells: Psychological Appropriation 6: Limit Spells: Cognitive Appropriation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Intellectual Appropriation, Psychic Appropriation, Ideological Appropriation, Psychological Appropriation, and Cognitive Appropriation spells by 55%. |
| Focus: Mind Storm (23) | 125 TOB | 125 / 1830 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 55% 2: Limit Spells: Mind Storm 3: Limit Spells: Mind Tempest 4: Limit Spells: Mind Coil 5: Limit Spells: Mind Vortex 6: Limit Spells: Mind Whirl This passive ability increases the base damage of your Mind Storm, Mind Tempest, Mind Coil, Mind Vortex, and Mind Whirl spells by 55%. |
| Focus: Mindsunder (23) | 125 TOB | 125 / 1830 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 67% 2: Limit Spells: Mindsunder 3: Limit Spells: Mindslash 4: Limit Spells: Mindrift 5: Limit Spells: Mindreap 6: Limit Spells: Mindrend This passive ability increases the base damage of your Mindsunder, Mindslash, Mindrift, Mindreap, and Mindrend spells by 67%. |
| Focus: Polyrefractive Assault (23) | 125 TOB | 125 / 1830 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 55% 2: Limit Spells: Polyrefractive Assault 3: Limit Spells: Polyfluorescent Assault 4: Limit Spells: Polycascading Assault 5: Limit Spells: Polyluminous Assault 6: Limit Spells: Polyradiant Assault This passive ability increases the base damage of your Polyrefractive Assault, Polyfluorescent Assault, Polycascading Assault, Polyluminous Assault, and Polyradiant Assault spells by 55%. |
1124 | Fog of Memories (2) | 105 TDS | 12 / 18 | 12s T62 | Cast: Fog of Memories II This ability, when activated, grants a 40% chance that your target will forget their attackers. |
| Foraging (11) | 105 EoK | 32 / 188 | - | 1: Increase Forage Skill Cap by 100 2: Decrease Forage Timer by 50s (Before Haste) This passive ability increases your Forage skill cap by 100 points and reduces the reuse time of your Forage skill by 50 seconds. |
7003 | Forceful Rejuvenation (10) | 105 TBM | 15 / 101 | 20m T48 | Cast: Forceful Rejuvenation This ability, when activated, instantly refreshes your spell cast timers, allowing you to immediately use the refreshed spells. This ability will not refresh Twincast. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 3 minutes. |
8702 | Friendly Stasis (1) | 75 UF | 9 / 9 | 15m T11 | Cast: Friendly Stasis I This ability, when activated, allows your targeted group member to escape combat from NPCs that are 5 or fewer levels higher than you, causes your target to be the last possible target of rampage attacks from any current attacker, mesmerizes your target for 18 seconds in order to avoid attracting the attention of any nearby opponents, and grants your target Evadee's Invisibility, which grants permanent standard invisibility. This ability consumes 8% of your mana to activate. |
| Fury of Magic (30) | 100 CotF | 18 / 301 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 57% This passive ability increases your chance to land a critical hit with your direct damage spells by 57%. |
1217 | Gate (3) | 95 TBM | 9 / 20 | 60s T38 | Cast: Gate III This ability, when activated, transports you back to your first bind point with a 1.5 second cast time. You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo. |
57 | Gather Mana (20) | 125 LS | 40 / 234 | 27.6m T3 | Cast: Gather Mana XI Gather Mana XI, when activated, restores 55000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 1750 points for 60 seconds. |
| General Sturdiness (90) | 125 TOB | 50 / 1695 | - | 1: Increase Max HP by 70000 This passive ability increases your maximum health by 70000 points. |
| Gift of Hazy Thoughts (8) | 125 TOB | 75 / 443 | - | 1: Cast: Gift of Chromatic Haze VIII on Spell Use (8% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 4: Limit Min Level: 110 5: Limit Min Casting Time: 0.001s 6: Limit: No Procs or Twincast 7: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1 8: Limit Effect: Current HP 9: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating 10: Limit Effect: Stun 11: Limit Effect: Stun Spin This passive ability grants your level 110 and higher direct damage or stun spells a 8% chance to bless all group members within a 200 foot radius with Gift of Chromatic Haze VIII. Gift of Chromatic Haze VIII increases the base damage of 1 direct damage spell that costs at least 10 mana and deals at least 100 damage by 75% and increases the chance that this spell will land critically by 100% for 12 seconds. |
| Gift of Mana (3) | 70 DoD | 9 / 18 | - | 1: Cast: Gift of Mana on Spell Use (10% Chance) 2: Limit Min Level: 65 3: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 5: Limit: No Procs or Twincast 6: Limit Effect: Current HP 7: Limit Effect: Current HP Repeating 8: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating 9: Limit Effect: Current HP Percent This passive ability grants your level 65 or higher healing and damaging spells a 10% chance to trigger Gift of Mana, which reduces the mana cost of your next spell to 1 point for 18 seconds. |
| Glyph of Fireworks I (1) | 51 SoL | 25 / 25 | 1s | Cast: Greater Countenance This ability, when activated, expends your energy to unleash a magnificent shower of light. You're so cool! |
| Glyph of Fireworks II (1) | 51 TDS | 100 / 100 | 1s | Cast: Exceptional Countenance This ability, when activated, expends your energy to unleash a magnificent shower of light. You're the best! |
578 | Glyph Spray (19) | 120 ToL | 40 / 444 | 18m T77 | Cast: Glyph Spray XIII Glyph Spray XIII, when activated, blesses all allies within a 100 foot radius with a barrier that absorbs up to 130000 total direct spell damage or 25% of damage over time damage up to 9000 damage per hit up to 130000 total damage over time damage for 36 minutes. |
| Gracious Gift of Mana (1) | 100 RoF | 18 / 18 | - | 1: Cast: Gracious Gift of Mana on Spell Use (10% Chance) 2: Limit: No Procs or Twincast 3: Limit Min Level: 96 4: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 6: Limit Type: Detrimental 7: Limit Effect: Current HP 8: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating 9: Limit Effect: Current HP Repeating This passive ability grants your level 96 or higher healing and damaging spells a 10% chance to trigger Gracious Gift of Mana on all group members within a 200 foot radius, which reduces the mana cost of their next spell to 1 point for 18 seconds. |
1210 | Group Perfected Invisibility (1) | 76 SoD | 5 / 5 | 10s T39 | Cast: Group Perfected Invisibility I This ability, when activated, grants all group members within a 100 foot radius permanent standard invisibility. |
280 | Group Perfected Invisibility to Undead (1) | 95 VoA | 12 / 12 | 10s T39 | Cast: Group Perfected Invisibility to Undead I This ability, when activated, renders all group members within a 100 foot radius permanently invisible to most undead creatures. |
574 | Harmonic Dissonance (1) | 68 SoL | 0 / 0 | 15m T21 | Cast: Alter Plane: Theater of Blood This ability, when activated, transports you to the Theater of Blood. |
| Hastened Mana Flare (21) | 121 LS | 0 / 491 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 20s 2: Limit Spells: Mana Flare 3: Limit Spells: Mana Recursion 4: Limit Spells: Mana Resurgence 5: Limit Spells: Mana Reiterate 6: Limit Spells: Mana Reiteration 7: Limit Spells: Mana Repercussion 8: Limit Spells: Mana Reverberation 9: Limit Spells: Mana Reciprocation 10: Limit Spells: Mana Repetition 11: Limit Spells: Mana Replication 12: Limit Spells: Mana Rebirth 13: Limit Spells: Mana Reproduction This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Mana Flare line of spells by 20 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells: Mana Flare Mana Recursion Mana Resurgence Mana Reiterate Mana Reiteration Mana Repercussion Mana Reverberation Mana Reciprocation Mana Repetition Mana Replication Mana Rebirth Mana Reproduction |
| Hastened Mesmerization (1) | 85 UF | 12 / 12 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 0.15s 2: Limit Min Recast 1.5s 3: Limit Max Recast 1.5s 4: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 5: Limit Effect: Mesmerize 6: Reduce Timer by 0.6s 7: Limit Min Recast 6s 8: Limit Max Recast 6s 9: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 10: Limit Effect: Mesmerize 11: Reduce Timer by 1.2s 12: Limit Min Recast 12s 13: Limit Max Recast 12s 14: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 15: Limit Effect: Mesmerize 16: Reduce Timer by 9s 17: Limit Min Recast 90s 18: Limit Max Recast 90s 19: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 20: Limit Effect: Mesmerize This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your mesmerization spells by 10%. |
| Hastened Night's Endless Terror (12) | 120 NoS | 50 / 510 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 60s 2: 3: Limit Spells: Night's Endless Terror 4: Limit Spells: Night's Perpetual Terror This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Night's Endless Terror and Night's Perpetual Terror spells by 60 seconds. |
2202 | Illusions of Grandeur (9) | 120 ToL | 105 / 377 | 12m T53 | Cast: Illusions of Grandeur V Illusions of Grandeur V, when activated, shares Illusions of Grandeur with all group members within a 200 foot radius, which increases the chance their damaging spells will deal critical damage by 13%, the damage dealt by their critical direct damage spells by 180%, and the damage dealt by their critical damage over time spells by 140% for 2 minutes. |
515 | Improved Twincast (17) | 120 ToL | 40 / 357 | 15m T76 | Cast: Improved Twincast IX Improved Twincast IX, when activated, allows you to twincast up to 21 damage spells for 2.5 minutes. |
482 | Infusion of the Faithful (1) | 1 DoN | 0 / 0 | 20h T24 | Cast: Infusion of the Faithful Infusion of the Faithful, when activated, increases your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, charisma, your resistance to magic, cold, fire, disease and poison by 1000 points, and your movement speed by 65% for 15 minutes. |
| Innate Eminence (30) | 90 RoS | 35 / 630 | - | 1: Increase Base Stats by 60 This passive ability increases your your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 60 points. |
| Innate Enlightenment (10) | 90 RoS | 10 / 65 | - | 1: Increase INT Cap by 100 2: Increase WIS Cap by 100 Those who have meditated on the Plane of Tranquility find themselves able to expand their capacity of both Insight and Intellect. This passive ability increases the maximum that your wisdom and intelligence can be raised to by 100 points. |
| Innate Lung Capacity (6) | 68 OoW | 5 / 13 | - | 1: Enduring Breath 2: Increase Lung Capacity by 360 This passive ability allows you to breathe underwater and in airless environments. |
| Innate Metabolism (5) | 100 TBL | 50 / 103 | - | 1: Decrease Food Consumption by 175% This passive ability reduces your food and drink consumption by 175%. |
| Innate Regeneration (60) | 125 LS | 35 / 739 | - | 1: Increase Current HP by 605 per tick This passive ability increases your health regeneration by 605 points. |
| Innate Run Speed (7) | 100 EoK | 60 / 113 | - | 1: Increase Innate Movement Speed by 45% This passive ability increases your base run speed by 45%. This modification does not stack with movement speed spell effects. |
| Innate See Invis (1) | 70 DoD | 9 / 9 | - | 1: See Invisible This ability permanently enhances your vision allowing you to see the invisible. |
| Innate Spell Resistance (55) | 125 LS | 25 / 615 | - | 1: Increase All Resists by 30 2: Increase Corruption Resist by 80 This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 80 points. |
487 | Intensity of the Resolute (1) | 1 DoN | 0 / 0 | 4h T29 | Cast: Intensity of the Resolute Intensity of the Resolute, when activated, increases the chance your healing and damage spells will apply critically by 50% and the base damage of your melee attacks by 55% for 60 seconds. This ability does not stack with Glyph of Destruction. |
| Intrinsic Efficiency (6) | 100 CotF | 5 / 30 | - | 1: Decrease Chance of Using Reagent by 70% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Item This passive ability provides a 70% chance to not consume spell reagents. This excludes spells that summon items. |
| Invitation of Blood (5) | 1 DoD | 0 / 0 | - | 1: You are now one with the curse. It calls to you, offering you limitless power in exchange for obedience. |
| Item: Ancient Flames (8) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Melee Haste by 17% (v119) 2: Increase Current HP by 18 per tick This passive ability increases your overhaste by 17% and your health regeneration by 18 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Aura of Battle (1) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Current HP by 2 per tick 2: Increase ATK by 10 This passive ability increases your hit-point regeneration by 2 and your attack power by 10 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Aura of Rage (3) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase ATK by 25 This passive ability increases your attack power by 25 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Breath of Venesh (5) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Current HP by 110 per tick 2: Decrease Current Mana by 22 per tick 3: Decrease Current Endurance by 22 per tick This passive ability increases your hitpoint regeneration by 110 points while lowering your mana and endurance regeneration by 22 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Disable Item Abilities (1) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | 1s | Cast: Passive Reset This ability, when activated, removes all Item Effect abilities you currently possess. |
| Item: Expanding Mind XXVIII (39) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Max Mana by 3400 This passive ability increases your mana pool by 3400 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Form of Defense XXXV (35) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase AC by 197 to 261, Based on Class This passive ability increases your armor class by 2980 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Form of Endurance XXXIII (33) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Max HP by 3100 This passive ability increases your maximum hit points by 3100 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Form of Protection VI (7) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase All Resists by 60 This passive ability increases your resistance to magic, cold, fire, disease and poison by 60 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Form of Rejuvenation VI (6) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Current HP by 24 per tick This passive ability increases your health regeneration by 24 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Gnoll Reaver Fortitude (5) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase AC by 36 to 48, Based on Class This passive ability increases your armor class by 545 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Knowledge of the Past XXXII (37) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Current Mana by 162 per tick 2: Increase Current HP by 147 per tick This passive ability increases your health regeneration by 147 points and your mana regeneration by 162 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Might of Stone XIX (22) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase ATK by 510 This passive ability increases your attack power by 510 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Myrmidon's Skill XIX (20) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Dodge by 28% This passive ability increases the chance of your dodge skill succeeding by 28%.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Prismatic Ward XXXI (36) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase All Resists by 90 2: Increase AC by 183 to 242, Based on Class This passive ability increases your resistance to magic, cold, fire, disease, and poison by 90 points and your armor class by 2770 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Item: Soothing Breath XXVIII (35) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Current Mana by 160 per tick 2: Increase Current HP by 160 per tick This passive ability increases your health regeneration by 160 points and your mana regeneration by 160 points.
Activate items with this effect to progress this ability. |
| Jewel Craft Mastery (13) | 105 EoK | 65 / 437 | - | 1: Decrease Chance to Fail Jewelry Making Combine by 50% 2: Increase Jewelry Making Skill Cap with Recipes by 50 This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Jewelcrafting recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. |
| Journeyman's Speed (6) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Innate Movement Speed by 10% This passive ability further increases your base run speed by 10%. This modification does not stack with movement speed spell effects.
Complete explorer achievements to progress this ability. |
481 | Lesson of the Devoted (1) | 1 DoN | 0 / 0 | 20h T23 | Cast: Lesson of the Devoted Lesson of the Devoted, when activated, increases the amount of experience you gain by 100% for 30 minutes. |
264 | Mass Group Buff (10) | 100 RoF | 13 / 90 | 7.2m T1 | Cast: Mass Group Buff This ability, when activated, doubles the mana cost of your next spell or ability that can be affected by the Mass Group Buff and causes it to land on all allies within the spell's radius. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 7 minutes 12 seconds. |
| Mastery of the Past (58) | 125 LS | 30 / 805 | - | 1: No Fizzle up to level 121 This passive ability makes it impossible for you to fizzle level 121 or lower spells. |
| Mental Clarity (45) | 106 RoS | 15 / 280 | - | 1: Increase Current Mana by 45 per tick This passive ability increases your mana regeneration by 45 points. |
602 | Mental Contortion (15) | 120 ToL | 35 / 254 | 9m T75 | Cast: Mental Contortion IX Mental Contortion IX, when activated, reduces your target's base melee damage by 25%, accuracy by 25%, and deals 15000 damage every 6 seconds for 3 minutes. |
| Mental Stamina (58) | 125 LS | 40 / 1090 | - | 1: Increase Max Mana by 40000 This passive ability increases your maximum mana by 40000 points. |
| Mesmerization Mastery (4) | 95 VoA | 12 / 40 | - | 1: Increase Duration by 24s 2: Limit Effect: Mesmerize 3: Limit Target: Single This passive ability extends the duration of your single target mesmerization spells and abilities by 24 seconds |
| Might of the Nest (5) | 60 SoL | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Base Stats by 10 2: Increase Base Stats Cap by 10 3: Increase Max HP by 3% 4: Increase Max Mana by 200 5: Increase Max Endurance by 200 6: Increase Buff Slots by 1 7: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 1% 8: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 1% 9: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 1% 10: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 40% 11: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 2% Your devotion to the Nest increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points, your maximum base health (derived from your stamina) by 3%, your maximum mana and endurance by 200 points, the number of mystical effects that can affect you by 1, your chance of performing a critical melee hit with all skills by 40%, the chance your spells will apply critically by 1%, and grants a 1% chance to completely resist incoming detrimental spells. |
413 | Mind Over Matter (26) | 100 CotF | 15 / 269 | 15m T9 | Cast: Mind Over Matter XXII This ability, when activated, absorbs 60% of incoming damage with your mana rather than your health for up to 90 hits for 15 minutes. |
| Mnemonic Retention (6) | 125 TOB | 175 / 346 | - | 1: Increase Spell Memorization Gems by 6 This passive ability increases the capacity of your spell casting window allowing you to memorize 6 additional spell. |
| Mystical Attuning (33) | 125 TOB | 10 / 207 | - | 1: Increase Buff Slots by 33 This passive ability increases the number of mystical effects that can affect you at once by 33. |
| Mystical Shield (1) | 85 UF | 9 / 9 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 5% This passive ability grants you a 5% chance to completely resist incoming detrimental spells. |
5200 | Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets I (1) | 65 PoP | 20 / 20 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Arcane Secrets I Glyph of Arcane Secrets I, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 69 and lower spells by 1% to 20% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5201 | Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets II (1) | 70 OoW | 25 / 25 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Arcane Secrets II Glyph of Arcane Secrets II, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 84 and lower spells by 1% to 25% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5202 | Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets III (1) | 85 SoD | 30 / 30 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Arcane Secrets III Glyph of Arcane Secrets III, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 99 and lower spells by 1% to 30% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5203 | Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets IV (1) | 100 RoF | 40 / 40 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Arcane Secrets IV Glyph of Arcane Secrets IV, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 114 and lower spells by 1% to 35% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5204 | Mythic Glyph of Arcane Secrets V (1) | 115 ToV | 45 / 45 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Arcane Secrets V Glyph of Arcane Secrets V, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 129 and lower spells by 1% to 40% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5100 | Mythic Glyph of Dragon Scales I (1) | 65 PoP | 20 / 20 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Dragon Scales I Glyph of Dragon Scales I, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 500 points per hit for 5 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5101 | Mythic Glyph of Dragon Scales II (1) | 70 OoW | 25 / 25 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Dragon Scales II Glyph of Dragon Scales II, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 800 points per hit for 5 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5102 | Mythic Glyph of Dragon Scales III (1) | 85 SoD | 30 / 30 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Dragon Scales III Glyph of Dragon Scales III, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 2500 points per hit for 5 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5103 | Mythic Glyph of Dragon Scales IV (1) | 100 RoF | 40 / 40 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Dragon Scales IV Glyph of Dragon Scales IV, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 5000 points per hit for 5 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5104 | Mythic Glyph of Dragon Scales V (1) | 115 ToV | 45 / 45 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Dragon Scales V Glyph of Dragon Scales V, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 7500 points per hit for 5 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5400 | Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation I (1) | 65 PoP | 10 / 10 | 5m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Inspired Provocation I Glyph of Inspired Provocation I, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 25% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5401 | Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation II (1) | 70 OoW | 12 / 12 | 5m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Inspired Provocation II Glyph of Inspired Provocation II, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 30% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5402 | Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation III (1) | 85 SoD | 15 / 15 | 5m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Inspired Provocation III Glyph of Inspired Provocation III, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 35% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5403 | Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation IV (1) | 100 RoF | 20 / 20 | 5m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Inspired Provocation IV Glyph of Inspired Provocation IV, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 40% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5404 | Mythic Glyph of Inspired Provocation V (1) | 115 ToV | 25 / 25 | 5m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Inspired Provocation V Glyph of Inspired Provocation V, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 45% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5300 | Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power I (1) | 65 PoP | 20 / 20 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Ultimate Power I Glyph of Ultimate Power I, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 20% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 20%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 20%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 15% for 2 minutes. This buff persists through death. This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5301 | Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power II (1) | 70 OoW | 25 / 25 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Ultimate Power II Glyph of Ultimate Power II, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 40% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 40%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 40%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 16% for 2 minutes. This buff persists through death. This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5302 | Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power III (1) | 85 SoD | 30 / 30 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Ultimate Power III Glyph of Ultimate Power III, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 60% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 60%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 60%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 17% for 2 minutes. This buff persists through death. This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5303 | Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power IV (1) | 100 RoF | 40 / 40 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Ultimate Power IV Glyph of Ultimate Power IV, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 65% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 65%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 65%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 18% for 2 minutes. This buff persists through death. This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available. |
5304 | Mythic Glyph of Ultimate Power V (1) | 115 ToV | 45 / 45 | 10m T31 | 1: Cast: Glyph of Ultimate Power V Glyph of Ultimate Power V, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 70% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 70%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 70%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 19% for 2 minutes. This buff persists through death. This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Natural Durability (31) | 125 LS | 45 / 974 | - | 1: Increase Max HP by 30.5% This passive ability increases your maximum base health (derived from your stamina) by 30.5%. |
| New Tanaan Crafting Mastery (6) | 51 SoL | 3 / 18 | - | 1: Increase Ability to Specialize Tradeskills by 6 Training with the sages and merchants of New Tanaan gives adventurers the chance to hone their crafting skills. This passive ability allows you to raise 6 additional standard tradeskills (Baking, Blacksmithing, Brewing, Fletching, Jewelcraft, Pottery, or Tailoring) from its initial Specialization cap of 200 up to 300. |
409 | Noctambulate (45) | 125 LS | 30 / 585 | 5m T7 | Cast: Noctambulate XXXVI Noctambulate XXXVI, when activated, mesmerizes a level 129 or lower target for 3 minutes and triggers Waking Nightmare XXVII after fading, which reduces the target's attack speed by 50% and armor class by 580 points for 78 seconds. |
1170 | Orator's Unity (11) | 125 LS | 55 / 370 | 2m T56 | Cast: Orator's Unity XI (1450 Mana) Orator's Unity XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ward of the Stupefier and Shield of Memories that you have scribed. |
331 | Origin (1) | 5 EQ | 0 / 0 | 18m T20 | Cast: Origin This ability, when activated, transports you back to your starting city. You can check your origin location using the command /charinfo. |
| Packrat (11) | 70 SoD | 3 / 33 | - | 1: Decrease Weight by 33% This passive ability reduces the weight of your inventory by 33%. |
3812 | Perfected Invisibility (1) | 71 SoF | 3 / 3 | 10s T39 | Cast: Perfected Invisibility This ability, when activated, grants you permanent standard invisibility. |
291 | Perfected Invisibility to Undead (1) | 91 VoA | 9 / 9 | 10s T39 | Cast: Perfected Invisibility to Undead This ability, when activated, renders you permanently invisible to most undead creatures. |
1202 | Perfected Levitation (2) | 85 UF | 12 / 19 | 12s T47 | Cast: Group Perfected Levitation This ability, when activated, grants your target's group permanent levitation. |
| Permanent Illusion (2) | 75 EoK | 30 / 33 | - | 1: Permanent Illusion (Persist After Death) This passive ability extends the duration of your beneficial illusion spells to 16.6 hours and allows them to persist when zoning or through death. |
| Persistent Casting (15) | 105 TDS | 12 / 136 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Cast Through Stun by 66% This passive ability grants you a 66% chance to regain your concentration and complete a spell cast when stunned. |
1122 | Phantasmal Opponent (13) | 125 LS | 30 / 152 | 7m T64 | Cast: Phantasmal Opponent VII Phantasmal Opponent VII, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds. The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target. |
1024 | Phantasmal Step (1) | 85 UF | 6 / 6 | 20s T10 | Cast: Phantasmal Step I This ability, when activated, instantly teleports you up to 160 feet forward. |
| Phantasmic Reflex (23) | 125 TOB | 65 / 818 | - | 1: Cast: Phantasmic Reflex XXIII on Spell Use (16% Chance) 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 4: Limit Effect: Mesmerize 5: Limit Effect: Stun 6: Limit Effect: Stun Spin This passive ability grants your mesmerization and stun spells a 16% chance to bless you with Phantasmic Reflex XXIII which absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage up to 46000 damage per hit up to 230000 total damage for 24 seconds. |
| Planar Power (70) | 105 EoK | 35 / 1695 | - | 1: Increase Base Stats Cap by 350 This passive ability increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 350 points. |
| Pottery Mastery (13) | 105 EoK | 65 / 443 | - | 1: Decrease Chance to Fail Pottery Combine by 50% 2: Increase Pottery Skill Cap with Recipes by 50 This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Pottery recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. |
| Profound Visage (11) | 105 EoK | 27 / 147 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 120% 2: Limit Spell: Haunting Visage 3: Limit Spell: Horrifying Visage 4: Limit Spell: Calming Visage 5: Limit Spell: Glamorous Visage 6: Reduce Timer by 16s 7: Limit Spell: Haunting Visage 8: Limit Spell: Horrifying Visage 9: Limit Spell: Calming Visage 10: Limit Spell: Glamorous Visage 11: Increase Duration by 216s 12: Limit Spell: Haunting Visage 13: Limit Spell: Horrifying Visage 14: Limit Spell: Calming Visage 15: Limit Spell: Glamorous Visage This passive ability increases the base effectiveness of your Haunting Visage and Calming Visage line of spells by 120%, reduces its reuse time by 16 seconds, and extends its duration by 3 minutes 36 seconds. |
| Project Illusion: Enabled (2) | 62 PoP | 0 / 4 | 1s | 1: Project Illusion on Next Spell Cast: Disable Ability This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects. This passive ability causes your self-only illusion spells to affect your targeted group member. |
| Projected Somnolence (14) | 125 LS | 40 / 160 | - | 1: Cast: Deep Sleep XI on Spell Use (30% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Mesmerize 4: Cast: Somnolence XII on Spell Use (100% Chance) 5: Limit Min Level: 65 6: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 7: Limit Type: Detrimental 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 9: Limit Effect: STR This passive ability grants your mesmerization spells a 30% chance to trigger Deep Sleep XI and your crippling spells a 100% chance to trigger Somnolence XII. Deep Sleep XI triggers Deep Sleep's Malaise I and reduces your target's accuracy by 27% for 2 minutes. Deep Sleep's Malaise I reduces your target's melee attack speed by 70% for 2 minutes. Somnolence XII reduces your target's accuracy by 27% for 2 minutes. |
| Quick Buff (3) | 59 SoL | 9 / 18 | - | 1: Increase Spell Haste by 50% 2: Limit Type: Beneficial 3: Limit Min Duration: 6s 4: Limit Min Casting Time: 3s This passive ability reduces the cast time of beneficial spells that have a duration and an initial cast time of at least 3 seconds by 50%. |
| Quick Damage (9) | 95 TBM | 30 / 147 | - | 1: Increase Spell Haste by 20% 2: Limit Effect: Current HP 3: Limit Type: Detrimental 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Min Casting Time: 3s 6: Increase Spell Haste by 20% 7: Limit Effect: Current HP 8: Limit Type: Detrimental 9: Limit Max Duration: 0s 10: Limit Max Casting Time: 2.999s 11: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) This passive ability reduces the cast time of direct damage spells with an initial cast time of 3 seconds or more by 20% and direct damage spells with an initial cast time of less than 3 seconds by 20%. |
| Quickened Mesmerization (3) | 100 RoF | 15 / 36 | - | 1: Increase Spell Haste by 30% 2: Limit Effect: Mesmerize This passive ability reduces the cast time of your mesmerization spells and abilities by 30%. |
2209 | Reactive Rune (21) | 120 ToL | 35 / 482 | 20m T78 | Cast: Reactive Rune XVI Reactive Rune XVI, when activated, blesses all group members within a 200 foot radius with Reactive Rune XVI (Melee Shield) and Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Shield) for 30 minutes. Reactive Rune XVI (Melee Shield) triggers Reactive Rune XVI (Protection), which absorbs 92000 total damage for 30 seconds, if they take a melee damage hit that exceeds 35000 points. Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Shield) triggers Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Protection), which absorbs 97000 total direct spell damage for 30 seconds, if they take a spell damage hit that exceeds 40000 points. |
2200 | Rune of Banishment (8) | 120 ToL | 35 / 186 | 10m T41 | Cast: Rune of Banishment VIII Rune of Banishment VIII, when activated, absorbs 75% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage and has a chance (with a 5000% bonus) to trigger Banishing Force I on attackers when struck in melee combat for 12 seconds. Banishing Force I forcefully pushes a target that is 3 or fewer levels higher than you that is within 40 feet of you away then applies Banishing Root I after they have been moved 30 feet. Banishing Root I roots the target in place for 30 seconds. |
| Salvage (6) | 85 UF | 5 / 30 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Salvage Components by 40% This passive ability grants you a 40% chance to recover an item that would otherwise be lost on a failed tradeskill combine. |
632 | Sanguine Mind Crystal (8) | 125 LS | 40 / 168 | 5m T13 | Cast: Sanguine Mind Crystal VIII (80000 Mana) Sanguine Mind Crystal VIII, when activated, consumes mana to summon a Sanguine Mind Crystal which can be consumed to cast Sanguine Harvest VIII, which heals 40000 health. |
| Secondary Forte (1) | 55 GoD | 9 / 9 | - | 1: Increase Magic Specialization Ability by 1 This passive ability allows you to advance a second arcane specialization by 50 points. After acquiring this ability, the next specialization to go over your current cap becomes your secondary forte. |
1120 | Self Stasis (4) | 85 UF | 6 / 24 | 5m T60 | Cast: Self Stasis I This ability, when activated, allows you to escape combat from NPCs that are 5 or fewer levels higher than you, causes you to be the last possible target of rampage attacks from any current attacker, mesmerizes you for 18 seconds in order to avoid attracting the attention of any nearby opponents, and triggers Evader's Invisibility, which grants permanent standard invisibility. This ability consumes 8% of your mana to activate. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 4 minutes. |
| Shield Block (18) | 105 EoK | 30 / 193 | - | 1: Increase Shield Block Chance by 20% This passive ability grants you a 20% chance to block incoming melee attacks with your shield. |
500 | Silent Casting (22) | 104 TDS | 19 / 170 | 12m T15 | 1: Increase Duration by 30s 2: Limit Spells: Silent Casting 3: Increase Spell Haste by 50% 4: Limit Spells: Silent Casting Cast: Silent Casting VI This ability, when activated, reduces the amount of hatred your spells generate by 90% for 1 minute 30 seconds. |
753 | Slowing Helix (9) | 125 LS | 15 / 113 | 3s T79 | Cast: Slowing Helix VII Slowing Helix VII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Inhibiting Helix that you have scribed. |
| Spell Casting Mastery (4) | 55 HoT | 9 / 21 | - | 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 15% 2: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) This passive ability reduces the mana cost of all spells by 15%. |
| Spell Casting Reinforcement (7) | 105 EoK | 65 / 158 | - | 1: Increase Spell Duration by 100% 2: Limit Type: Beneficial 3: Limit Min Duration: 6s 4: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 5: Limit Effect: Exclude Invulnerability This passive ability increases the duration of beneficial spells that you cast by 100%. Spells that grant invulnerability and combat abilities are exempt from this extension. |
| Spell Casting Subtlety: Enabled (36) | 95 VoA | 0 / 152 | 1s | 1: Decrease Hate Generated by 68% Cast: Disable Ability This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects. This passive ability reduces the amount of hate generated from your attacks and spells by 68%. |
1380 | Spire of Enchantment (27) | 105 TBM | 30 / 219 | 7.5m T40 | 1: Increase Max HP by 90 2: Increase INT Cap by 9 Cast: Spire of Enchantment XII Spire of Enchantment XII, when activated, grants you a chance (with a 500% bonus) to trigger Enchanted Doppelganger IV on attackers when struck in melee combat up to 24 times and blesses all group members within a 0 foot radius with Apex of Enchantment VIII for 90 seconds. As a passive effect, this ability increases your maximum health by 90 points and your maximum intelligence by 9 points. |
| Staff Block (10) | 105 EoK | 30 / 141 | - | 1: Increase Staff Block Chance by 10% This passive ability grants you a 10% chance to block incoming melee attacks with a 2-hand blunt weapon. |
486 | Staunch Recovery (1) | 1 DoN | 0 / 0 | 68h T28 | Cast: Staunch Recovery Staunch Recovery, when activated, instantly restores 500000 health, mana, and endurance. |
485 | Steadfast Servant (1) | 1 DoN | 0 / 0 | 20h T27 | Cast: Steadfast Servant Steadfast Servant, when activated, summons a faithful servant that casts healing and buff spells for up to 30 minutes or until you zone. The servant will offer one of the following blessings every 15 to 45 seconds on one lucky adventurer within 150 feet: Servant's Elixir - Heals *%R*#2#1 to *%R*$2#1 (based on your level) health every 6 seconds for *%R*#2%Z.
Servant's Clarity - Increases the target's maximum mana by *%R*#3#1 to *%R*$3#1 points, intelligence and wisdom by *%R*#3#3 to *%R*$3#3 points, and mana regeneration by *%R*#3#2 to *%R*$3#2 points (based on your level) for *%R*#3%Z.
Servant's Armor - Increases the target's armor class by *%R*#4#4 to *%R*$4#4 points (based on your level) for *%R*#4%Z.
Servant's Haste - Increases the target's melee speed by *%R*#5#1 to *%R*$5#1% (based on your level) for *%R*#5%Z. |
8130 | Summon Clockwork Banker (1) | 1 SoD | 0 / 0 | 20h T65 | Cast: Summon Clockwork Banker Summon Clockwork Banker, when activated, summons a mechanical banker familiar for up to 10 minutes. |
1215 | Summon Companion (2) | 85 UF | 5 / 8 | 10s T71 | Cast: Summon Companion II This ability, when activated, consumes 1% of your mana to cause all NPCs to forget about your pet and causes your pet to be the last possible target of rampage attacks from any current attacker. Your pet will be instantly summoned to your side if it is out of combat. |
453 | Summon Permutation Peddler (1) | 1 UF | 0 / 0 | 20h T51 | Cast: Summon Distiller Vendor Summon Distiller Vendor, when activated, summons a mechanical merchant that sells augmentation distillers for up to 10 minutes or until you zone. |
182 | Summon Personal Tribute Master (1) | 1 HoT | 0 / 0 | 20h T50 | Cast: Summon Tribute Master Summon Tribute Master, when activated, summons a personal tribute master that allows donations for favor or modifications to your current benefits for up to 10 minutes or until you zone. |
8081 | Summon Resupply Agent (1) | 1 SoF | 0 / 0 | 20h T49 | Cast: Summon Resupply Agent Summon Resupply Agent, when activated, summons a mechanical merchant familiar that offers an array of standard spell reagents for up to 10 minutes. |
| Sympathetic Amplification (8) | 121 LS | 40 / 180 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 8% 2: Limit Spells: Freezing Strike This passive ability increases the base effectiveness of your spell-triggered magical effects from equipped weapons and augments by 8%. |
| Tailoring Mastery (13) | 105 EoK | 65 / 443 | - | 1: Decrease Chance to Fail Tailoring Combine by 50% 2: Increase Tailoring Skill Cap with Recipes by 50 This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Tailoring recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. |
| Tashan's Lingering Cry (8) | 125 LS | 45 / 206 | - | 1: Cast: Tashan's Lingering Cry VIII on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level) 4: Limit Target: Single 5: Limit Effect: Magic Resist This passive ability causes your single target Tashan spells to trigger Tashan's Lingering Cry VIII which increases the damage your target takes from spells that cost at least 10 mana by 8 to 19% for 14 minutes. |
511 | Throne of Heroes (1) | 1 PoR | 0 / 0 | 72m T19 | Cast: Throne of Heroes Throne of Heroes, when activated, transports you to the Throne of Heroes in the Guild Lobby. |
| Tinkering Mastery (13) | 105 EoK | 65 / 443 | - | 1: Decrease Chance to Fail Tinkering Combine by 50% 2: Increase Tinkering Skill Cap with Recipes by 50 This passive ability reduces the chance of failing Tinkering recipes by 50% and allows you to increase your skill past its Specialization cap by 50 points by learning more recipes. |
| Total Domination (6) | 80 SoF | 12 / 40 | - | 1: Decrease Chance of Charm Breaking by 50% This passive ability makes it 50% less likely that your charm spells will break early. |
992 | Tranquil Blessings (1) | 85 UF | 9 / 9 | 30s T67 | Cast: Tranquil Blessings This ability, when activated, doubles the mana cost of your next spell or ability that can be affected by the Mass Group Buff and causes it to land on all allies within the spell's radius. This ability can only be used when out of combat while fast regeneration is active. |
| Trials of Mata Muram (6) | 51 OoW | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Magic Resist Cap by 50 2: Increase Cold Resist Cap by 50 3: Increase Fire Resist Cap by 50 4: Increase Poison Resist Cap by 50 5: Increase Disease Resist Cap by 50 This passive ability increases your resistance to magic, cold, fire, disease and poison by 50 points.
Complete the Trials of Mata Muram in Muramite Proving Grounds to progress this ability. |
| Trophy Collector (4) | 1 EQ | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Trophy Slots by 4 This passive ability allows you to activate 4 additional trophies.
Complete special collection achievements to progress this ability. |
| Twincast (5) | 96 CotF | 7 / 35 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 5% 2: Limit Max Duration: 0s 3: Limit Type: Detrimental 4: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level) 5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 6: Limit Effect: Current HP 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker This passive ability grants a 5% chance to twincast direct damage spells and abilities that cost at least 10 mana. |
| Twinproc (11) | 125 LS | 40 / 237 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 23% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Single 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Group Single 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Group 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 23% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Single 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Group Single 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Trigger Spell Group This passive ability grants a 23% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
791 | Veil of Mindshadow (42) | 120 ToL | 40 / 489 | 5m T4 | Cast: Veil of Mindshadow XXXII Veil of Mindshadow XXXII, when activated, absorbs 60% of incoming melee damage up to 180000 total damage for 36 minutes. |
| Veteran's Enhancement (1) | 50 OoW | 0 / 0 | - | 1: Increase Max HP by 250 2: Increase ATK by 75 3: Increase Max Mana by 250 4: Increase HP Regen Cap by 8 This passive ability increases your maximum health and mana by 250 points, your attack power by 75 points, and the maximum that your health regeneration can be increased with items by 8 points. |
| Arcane Whisper XVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 1: Decrease Hate by 420000 2: Decrease Current Hate by 10% Arcane Whisper XVI, when activated, reduces your target's hatred for you by 420000 points then by 10% of their total hatred for you. |
| Armor of Experience I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 90s (15 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Incoming Hit Successes 3: Absorb Melee Damage: 100% 5: Cast: Armor of Experience II on Fade Armor of Experience I, when activated, reduces incoming melee damage in 4 phases, each lasting for 10 incoming melee hits or 90 seconds. Armor of Experience I absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage. Armor of Experience II absorbs 75% of incoming melee damage. Armor of Experience III absorbs 50% of incoming melee damage. Armor of Experience IV absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage. |
| Aureate's Bane VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 15m (150 ticks) 3: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 10% 4: Limit Class: ALL 5: Limit Max Level: 250 (lose 100% per level) 6: Limit Effect: Current HP 7: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating 8: Limit Effect: Current HP Repeating 9: Limit Effect: Skill Attack 10: Increase Base Hit Damage by 6% 11: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6% Aureate's Bane VI, when activated, siphons power from and removes any Curse of Subjugation spell currently applied to you, improving the base damage of your melee hits by 6%, the power of your damaging and healing abilities by 10%, and the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 6% for 15 minutes.
Aureate's Bane VI can ONLY be activated when a Curse of Subjugation spell is currently applied to you. Curse of Subjugation spells are commonly cast by most Aureate Invaders.
Complete any The Outer Brood "Mercenary of ..." or "Hunter of ..." achievements to gain the first rank of this ability and any additional The Outer Brood "Hunter of ..." achievements to progress it further. |
| Azure Mind Crystal VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Summon: Azure Mind Crystal VIII x 1 Azure Mind Crystal VIII, when activated, consumes mana to summon an Azure Mind Crystal which can be consumed to cast Azure Harvest VIII, which restores 16000 mana. |
| Beam of Slumber XXVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Frontal AE Resist: Lowest -40 Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Mesmerize up to level 129 2: Increase Curse Counter by 5 3: Cast: Beam of Slumber Root IX (v374) 4: Cast: Somnolence XII (v374) Beam of Slumber XXVI, when activated, mesmerizes up to 8 level 129 or lower creatures within a 200 foot wide by 200 foot long area in front of you for 18 seconds and triggers Beam of Slumber Root IX and Somnolence XII on each mesmerized target. Beam of Slumber Root IX roots the target in place for up to 78 seconds. Somnolence XII reduces accuracy by 27% for 2 minutes. |
| Beguiler's Banishment VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Directional AE Resist: Lowest -60 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Hate: -1 Push: 16 1: Cast: Beguiler's Banishment Blur on Fade 3: Cast: Beguiler's Banishment Root (v340) 7: Memory Blur (100% Chance) This ability, when activated, consumes up to 8 opponents within a 200 foot long cone in front of you with beguiling force, which pushes them backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 60 point resist modifier. |
| Beguiler's Directed Banishment I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Hate: -1 Push: 16 1: Cast: Beguiler's Banishment Blur on Fade 3: Cast: Beguiler's Banishment Root (v340) 7: Memory Blur (100% Chance) This ability, when activated, pushes your target backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 30 point resist modifier. |
| Beguiler's Synergy V | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage by 75% (v461, Before Crit) 2: Limit Resist: Magic 3: Limit Resist: Fire 4: Limit Resist: Cold 5: Limit Resist: Lowest 6: Limit Max Level: 249 (lose 100% per level) 7: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -100 8: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating less than -100 Increases the base damage of 1 level 249 or lower fire, ice, magic, or chromatic spell that deals at least 100 damage by 75%. |
| Mindrend | 125 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 76832 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 76832 chromatic damage. |
| Mindrend Rk. II | 125 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 80674 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 80674 chromatic damage. |
| Mindrend Rk. III | 125 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 84708 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 84708 chromatic damage. |
| Bind Affinity | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single 1: Bind This ability, when activated, sets your target's first bind point to their current location. You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo. |
| Bind Sight | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Duration: 14m (140 ticks) 1: Bind Sight This ability, when activated, allows you to see through the eyes of your target for up to 14 minutes. |
| Bite of Tashani IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster PB Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Roar of Tashan (v470) Bite of Tashani IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Roar of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius. |
| Blanket of Forgetfulness I | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE No Players Pets 1: Memory Blur (60% Chance) 2: Memory Blur (60% Chance) This ability, when activated, grants a 40% chance that all creatures within a 60 foot radius of your target will forget their attackers with a 4 second cast time. |
| Calculated Insanity XIX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 27 Matching Spells 1: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 95% and Increase Spell Mana Cost by 57% 2: Limit Max Duration: 0s 3: Limit Type: Detrimental 4: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -100 5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 6: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 8: Increase Critical DD Damage by 20% of Base Damage Calculated Insanity XIX, when activated, increases the mana cost of 27 direct damage spells that cost at least 10 mana by 57% while increasing the chance these spells will deal critical damage by 95% and the damage dealt by critical direct damage spells by 20% for 2 minutes. |
| Chaotic Jester | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Summon Pet: PETVeteranRewardJester 6896, 6892, 6894 x 1 for 900s Chaotic Jester, when activated, summons a jester from Bristlebane's court that spreads mirth for up to 15 minutes or until you zone. The Jester will perform one of the following acts every 30 to 60 seconds on one lucky adventurer within 150 feet: *%R*#2%N - Instantly restores *%R*#2#1 health.
*%R*$2%N - Instantly restores *%R*$2#1 mana and endurance.
Bristlebane's Diminution - Shrinks the target down to 3 feet tall.
Bristlebane's Expansion - Grows the target up to 9 feet tall.
Bristlebane's Alteration - Causes the target to take the appearance of a creature found in your current zone.
Bristlebane's Cornucopia - Grants the target a stack of 10 Bristlebane's Bread or Bristlebane's Wine with the potential for the food and drink to be poisoned! Bristlebane's Bread, when activated blesses the target with *%R*#3%N or curses them with *%R*$3%N. Bristlebane's Wine blesses the target with *%R*#4%N or curses them with *%R*$4%N.
Bristlebane's Celebration - Performs a dazzling display of fireworks.
Bristlebane's Hilarity - Shares a comical joke that all are guaranteed to enjoy. |
| Chromatic Haze X | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 2 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage by 390% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Max Duration: 0s 4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 5: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 6: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -100 10: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 100% 11: Increase Spell Damage by 390% (v302, Before Crit) 12: Limit Type: Detrimental 13: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating less than -100 14: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 15: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) Chromatic Haze X, when activated, consumes all group members within a 200 foot radius in a chromatic haze, which increases the base damage of 2 direct damage spells that costs at least 10 mana and deal at least 100 damage by 390% and increases the chance that their spells will deal critical damage by 100% for 12 seconds. |
| Disable Ability | - | - | 0s | Target: Self This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects. This passive ability increases the amount of hate generated from your attacks and spells by 25%. |
| Color Shock Stun XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -2000 1: Stun for 4s up to level 128 Stuns a level 128 or lower target for 4 seconds. |
| Companion's Aegis VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet2 Duration: 36m (360 ticks) 1: Absorb 12 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 90000 Companion's Aegis VIII, when activated, consumes mana and blesses your pet with a shield that absorbs 12 hits up to 90000 damage per hit for 36 minutes. |
| Companion Relocation | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Push: 14
| Fortify Companion LXVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet 1: Cast: Companion's Fortification XXXVI (v374) 2: Cast: Companion's Blessing XLI (v374) Blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXXVI and Companion's Blessing XLI. |
| Companion's Intervening Divine Aura XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Cast: Companion's Divine Aura XI once if HP Below 20 Percent Companion's Intervening Divine Aura XI, when activated, blesses your pet with a shield that will apply Companion's Divine Aura XI if its health drops below 20% for 10 minutes. Companion's Divine Aura XI renders your pet invulnerable to most attacks but also unable to attack and increases its health regeneration by 44000 points for 18 seconds. |
| Suspended Minion VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Suspend Pet
| Dimensional Shield XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 2m (20 ticks) 1: Cast: Dimensional Instability III (v374) 9: Absorb Melee Damage: 50%, Total: 240000 Dimensional Shield XI, when activated, blesses you with Dimensional Instability III and absorbs 50% of incoming melee damage up to 240000 total damage for 2 minutes. |
| Edict of Command XL | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 6m (60 ticks) 1: Charm up to level 126 2: Cast: Dire Charm I once if Level 46 Max Edict of Command XL, when activated, charms a level 126 or lower creature without the chance for them to break free for 6 minutes. If the creature is level 46 or lower they will be permanently charmed. |
| Doppelganger XXXVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Doppelganger Shadowstep 1: Summon Doppelganger: AAClsSoloENC00261Lvl125Sp01Rk37 124 Doppelganger XXXVII, when activated, summons 3 level *%R#2 illusions of yourself with hatred equal to your own to distract your target for up to 75 seconds. The first Doppelganger's maximum health is equal to your own and can cast *%R*$2%N. These Doppelgangers can cast *%R*@2%N as well as any single target direct damage or stun spell you currently have memorized. |
| Eldritch Rune XXXVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 36m (360 ticks) 3: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 430000 Eldritch Rune XXXVIII, when activated, absorbs up to 430000 total damage for 36 minutes. |
| Enchant Alaran Metal (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Alaran Metal Bar x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Alaran Metal Bar x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 450 mana to enchant 1 Alaran Metal Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Alaran Metal (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Alaran Metal Bar x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Alaran Metal Bar x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 3600 mana to enchant 10 Alaran Metal Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Celestial Platinum (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Platinum Bar x 1 Consumes: Primordial Dynastic Radiance x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Celestial Platinum x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 700 mana and 1 Primordial Dynastic Radiance to enchant 1 Platinum Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Celestial Platinum (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Platinum Bar x 10 Consumes: Primordial Dynastic Radiance x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Celestial Platinum x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 5600 mana and 10 Primordial Dynastic Radiance to enchant 10 Platinum Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Conflagrant Platinum (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Conflagrant Platinum x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Conflagrant Platinum x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 675 mana to enchant 1 Conflagrant Platinum.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Conflagrant Platinum (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Conflagrant Platinum x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Conflagrant Platinum x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 5400 mana to enchant 10 Conflagrant Platinums.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Cosgrite (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Cosgrite Bar x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Cosgrite Bar x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 450 mana to enchant 1 Cosgrite Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Cosgrite (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Cosgrite Bar x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Cosgrite Bar x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 3600 mana to enchant 10 Cosgrite Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Dwerium (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Dwerium Bar x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Dwerium Bar x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 3120 mana to enchant 10 Dwerium Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Dwerium (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Dwerium Bar x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Dwerium Bar x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 390 mana to enchant 1 Dwerium Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Feymetal (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Feymetal Bar x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Feymetal Bar x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 450 mana to enchant 1 Feymetal Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Feymetal (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Feymetal Bar x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Feymetal Bar x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 3600 mana to enchant 10 Feymetal Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Honed Bloodied Luclinite x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Honed Bloodied Luclinite x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 775 mana to enchant 1 Honed Bloodied Luclinite.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Honed Bloodied Luclinite (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Honed Bloodied Luclinite x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Honed Bloodied Luclinite x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 6200 mana to enchant 10 Honed Bloodied Luclinite.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Honed Reflective Emberquartz (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Honed Reflective Emberquartz x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Honed Reflective Emberquartz x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 825 mana to enchant 1 Honed Reflective Emberquartz.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Honed Reflective Emberquartz (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Honed Reflective Emberquartz x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Honed Reflective Emberquartz x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 6600 mana to enchant 10 Honed Reflective Emberquartz.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Honed Spiritual Luclinite x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Honed Spiritual Luclinite x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to enchant 1 Honed Spiritual Luclinite.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Honed Spiritual Luclinite (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Honed Spiritual Luclinite x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Honed Spiritual Luclinite x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 6400 mana to enchant 10 Honed Spiritual Luclinite.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Palladium (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Prismatic Palladium Bar x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Palladium Bar x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 330 mana to enchant 1 Prismatic Palladium Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Palladium (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Prismatic Palladium Bar x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Palladium Bar x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 1980 mana to enchant 10 Prismatic Palladium Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Planar Alloy (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Planar Alloy x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Planar Alloy x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 450 mana to enchant 1 Planar Alloy.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Planar Alloy (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Planar Alloy x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Planar Alloy x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 3600 mana to enchant 10 Planar Alloys.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Refined Restless Velium (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Refined Restless Velium x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Refined Restless Velium x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 725 mana to enchant 1 Refined Restless Velium.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Refined Restless Velium (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Refined Restless Velium x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Refined Restless Velium x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 5800 to enchant 10 Refined Restless Velium.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Refined Velium (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Refined Velium x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Refined Velium x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 725 mana to enchant 1 Refined Velium.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Refined Velium (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Refined Velium x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Refined Velium x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 5800 to enchant 10 Refined Velium.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Refined Voidstone (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Refined Voidstone x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Refined Voidstone x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 825 mana to enchant 1 Refined Voidstone.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Refined Voidstone (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Refined Voidstone x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Refined Voidstone x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 6600 mana to enchant 10 Refined Voidstone.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Temporite (x1) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Temporite Bar x 1 1: Summon: Enchanted Temporite Bar x 1 This ability, when activated, consumes 450 mana to enchant 1 Temporite Bar.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enchant Temporite (x10) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Consumes: Temporite Bar x 10 1: Summon: Enchanted Temporite Bar x 10 This ability, when activated, consumes 3600 mana to enchant 10 Temporite Bars.
Activate the corresponding tome to obtain this ability. |
| Enveloping Helix XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Inhibiting Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Inhibiting Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
| Eradicate Magic I | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -120 1: Dispel Beneficial (95% Chance) 2: Dispel Beneficial (95% Chance) 3: Dispel Beneficial (95% Chance) 4: Dispel Beneficial (95% Chance) This ability, when activated, has a 95% chance to remove up to 4 beneficial effects from your NPC target. |
| Gust of Atrebe | - | - | 0s | Target: Directional AE Resist: Corruption 1: Decrease Current Mana by 9000 (v417) 2: Decrease Current HP by 55000 3: Decrease Current Endurance by 6500
| Aura of the Kar`Zok | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Corruption Duration: 48s (8 ticks) 1: Decrease Healing Taken by 60% to 80% (v393) 2: Limit Type: Beneficial 3: Decrease Current HP by 45000 per tick 4: Decrease Current Mana by 4500 per tick (v417)
| Aura of Kor-Sha | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 1: Inhibit Effect: Critical Nuke Damage 2: Inhibit Effect: Critical DoT Damage 3: Inhibit Effect: Critical Heal Chance 4: Inhibit Effect: Critical HoT Chance 5: Inhibit Effect: Critical Hit Chance 6: Inhibit Effect: Critical Hit Damage 7: Cap Mana at 80% Suppresses effects that increase the likelihood or effectiveness of your critical spells and melee attacks and caps your maximum mana at 80%. |
| Expedient Recovery | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Summon and Resurrect All Corpses Expedient Recovery, when activated, summons all of your corpses and restores 100% of the lost experience from each corpse that can still be resurrected. |
| Focus of Arcanum IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 1% to 50% 2: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) Focus of Arcanum IV, when activated, improves the resist modifier of your spells by 1 to 50 points for 3 minutes. |
| Bewildering Constriction | 104 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -16 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -3950 1: Decrease Current HP by 3856 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 29 5: Decrease Current HP by 3970 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 3856 damage initially and up to 3970 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance and accuracy for 42 seconds. |
| Bewildering Constriction Rk. II | 104 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -18 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -4147 1: Decrease Current HP by 4049 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 30 5: Decrease Current HP by 4169 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 4049 damage initially and up to 4169 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance and accuracy for 42 seconds. |
| Bewildering Constriction Rk. III | 104 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -21 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -4354 1: Decrease Current HP by 4251 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 31 5: Decrease Current HP by 4377 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 4251 damage initially and up to 4377 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance and accuracy for 42 seconds. |
| Deluding Constriction | 109 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -16 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -5225 1: Decrease Current HP by 5739 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 31 5: Decrease Current HP by 5471 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 5739 damage initially and up to 5471 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 31 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Deluding Constriction Rk. II | 109 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -18 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -5486 1: Decrease Current HP by 6026 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 32 5: Decrease Current HP by 5745 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 6026 damage initially and up to 5745 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 32 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Deluding Constriction Rk. III | 109 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -21 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -5760 1: Decrease Current HP by 6327 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 33 5: Decrease Current HP by 6032 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 6327 damage initially and up to 6032 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 33 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Deceiving Constriction | 114 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -16 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -6531 1: Decrease Current HP by 7909 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 33 5: Decrease Current HP by 6635 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 7909 damage initially and up to 6635 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 33 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Deceiving Constriction Rk. II | 114 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -18 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -6858 1: Decrease Current HP by 8304 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 34 5: Decrease Current HP by 6967 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 8304 damage initially and up to 6967 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 34 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Deceiving Constriction Rk. III | 114 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -21 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -7200 1: Decrease Current HP by 8719 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 35 5: Decrease Current HP by 7315 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 8719 damage initially and up to 7315 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 35 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Perplexing Constriction | 119 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -16 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -8100 1: Decrease Current HP by 9591 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 35 5: Decrease Current HP by 7681 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 9591 damage initially and up to 7681 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 35 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Perplexing Constriction Rk. II | 119 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -18 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -8505 1: Decrease Current HP by 10071 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 36 5: Decrease Current HP by 7873 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 10071 damage initially and up to 7873 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 36 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Perplexing Constriction Rk. III | 119 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -21 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -8930 1: Decrease Current HP by 10575 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 37 5: Decrease Current HP by 8070 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 10575 damage initially and up to 8070 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 37 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Dismaying Constriction | 124 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -16 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -10046 1: Decrease Current HP by 11633 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 37 5: Decrease Current HP by 8474 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 11633 damage initially and up to 8474 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 37 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Dismaying Constriction Rk. II | 124 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -18 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -10548 1: Decrease Current HP by 12215 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 38 5: Decrease Current HP by 8898 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 12215 damage initially and up to 8898 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 38 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Dismaying Constriction Rk. III | 124 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -21 Duration: 42s (7 ticks) Hate Mod: -11075 1: Decrease Current HP by 12826 3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10% 4: Decrease Magic Resist by 39 5: Decrease Current HP by 9343 per tick Chokes your target, dealing 12826 damage initially and up to 9343 damage every six seconds while reducing their magic resistance by 39 and accuracy by 10% for 42 seconds. |
| Chromarift | 102 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 9678 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 9678 damage. |
| Chromarift Rk. II | 102 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 10162 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 10162 damage. |
| Chromarift Rk. III | 102 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 10670 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 10670 damage. |
| Chromareave | 107 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 11737 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 11737 chromatic damage. |
| Chromareave Rk. II | 107 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 12324 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 12324 chromatic damage. |
| Chromareave Rk. III | 107 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 12940 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 12940 chromatic damage. |
| Chromashock | 112 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 14234 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 14234 chromatic damage. |
| Chromashock Rk. II | 112 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 14946 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 14946 chromatic damage. |
| Chromashock Rk. III | 112 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 15693 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 15693 chromatic damage. |
| Chromashear | 117 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 23540 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 23540 chromatic damage. |
| Chromashear Rk. II | 117 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 24717 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 24717 chromatic damage. |
| Chromashear Rk. III | 117 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 25953 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 25953 chromatic damage. |
| Chromaclap | 122 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 28548 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 28548 chromatic damage. |
| Chromaclap Rk. II | 122 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 29975 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 29975 chromatic damage. |
| Chromaclap Rk. III | 122 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 31474 Multicolored flames burst into your target's mind, dealing 31474 chromatic damage. |
| Chromatic Blink | 101 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 6220 2: Cast: Chromatic Blink Reciprocation (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 6220 damage and placing Chromatic Blink Reciprocation on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Blink Rk. II | 101 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 6531 2: Cast: Chromatic Blink Reciprocation Rk. II (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 6531 damage and placing Chromatic Blink Reciprocation Rk. II on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Blink Rk. III | 101 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 6858 2: Cast: Chromatic Blink Reciprocation Rk. III (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 6858 damage and placing Chromatic Blink Reciprocation Rk. III on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Flicker | 106 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 7544 2: Cast: Chromatic Flicker Reciprocation (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 7544 damage and placing Chromatic Flicker Reciprocation on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Flicker Rk. II | 106 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 7921 2: Cast: Chromatic Flicker Reciprocation II (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 7921 damage and placing Chromatic Flicker Reciprocation II on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Flicker Rk. III | 106 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 8317 2: Cast: Chromatic Flicker Reciprocation III (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 8317 damage and placing Chromatic Flicker Reciprocation III on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Stab | 111 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 9149 2: Cast: Chromatic Stab Reciprocation (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 9149 damage and placing Chromatic Stab Reciprocation on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Stab Rk. II | 111 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 9606 2: Cast: Chromatic Stab Reciprocation II (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 9606 damage and placing Chromatic Stab Reciprocation II on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Stab Rk. III | 111 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 10086 2: Cast: Chromatic Stab Reciprocation III (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 10086 damage and placing Chromatic Stab Reciprocation III on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Flare | 116 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 15129 2: Cast: Chromatic Flare Reciprocation (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 15129 damage and placing Chromatic Flare Reciprocation on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Flare Rk. II | 116 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 15885 2: Cast: Chromatic Flare Reciprocation II (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 15885 damage and placing Chromatic Flare Reciprocation II on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Flare Rk. III | 116 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 16679 2: Cast: Chromatic Flare Reciprocation III (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 16679 damage and placing Chromatic Flare Reciprocation III on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Spike | 121 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 18347 2: Cast: Chromatic Spike Reciprocation (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 18347 damage and placing Chromatic Spike Reciprocation on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Spike Rk. II | 121 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 19264 2: Cast: Chromatic Spike Reciprocation II (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 19264 damage and placing Chromatic Spike Reciprocation II on your target's target. |
| Chromatic Spike Rk. III | 121 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 20227 2: Cast: Chromatic Spike Reciprocation III (v374) Chromatic flames jab your opponent, dealing 20227 damage and placing Chromatic Spike Reciprocation III on your target's target. |
| Drown | 103 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -8241 1: Decrease Current HP by 17255 4: Decrease Current HP by 8219 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing between 17255 and 17255 damage initially and between 7667 and 8219 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Drown Rk. II | 103 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -8630 1: Decrease Current HP by 18118 4: Decrease Current HP by 8602 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing between 18118 and 18118 damage initially and between 8050 and 8602 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Drown Rk. III | 103 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -9040 1: Decrease Current HP by 19024 4: Decrease Current HP by 9005 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing between 19024 and 19024 damage initially and between 8453 and 9005 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Strangulate | 108 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -10848 1: Decrease Current HP by 25682 4: Decrease Current HP by 10726 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 25682 magic damage initially and between 10144 and 10726 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Strangulate Rk. II | 108 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -11390 1: Decrease Current HP by 26966 4: Decrease Current HP by 11233 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 26966 magic damage initially and between 10651 and 11233 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Strangulate Rk. III | 108 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -11960 1: Decrease Current HP by 28314 4: Decrease Current HP by 11766 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 28314 magic damage initially and between 11184 and 11766 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Pulmonary Grip | 113 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -13560 1: Decrease Current HP by 31145 4: Decrease Current HP by 11708 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 31145 magic damage initially and between 11708 and 11708 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Pulmonary Grip Rk. II | 113 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -14238 1: Decrease Current HP by 32702 4: Decrease Current HP by 12293 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 32702 magic damage initially and between 12293 and 12293 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Pulmonary Grip Rk. III | 113 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -14950 1: Decrease Current HP by 34337 4: Decrease Current HP by 12908 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 34337 magic damage initially and between 12908 and 12908 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Throttling Grip | 118 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -16819 1: Decrease Current HP by 37771 4: Decrease Current HP by 13553 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 37771 magic damage initially and between 13553 and 13553 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Throttling Grip Rk. II | 118 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -17660 1: Decrease Current HP by 39660 4: Decrease Current HP by 13892 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 39660 magic damage initially and between 13892 and 13892 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Throttling Grip Rk. III | 118 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -18543 1: Decrease Current HP by 41643 4: Decrease Current HP by 14239 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 41643 magic damage initially and between 14239 and 14239 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Asphyxiating Grasp | 123 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -20861 1: Decrease Current HP by 45807 4: Decrease Current HP by 14951 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 45807 magic damage initially and between 14951 and 14951 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Asphyxiating Grasp Rk. II | 123 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -21904 1: Decrease Current HP by 48097 4: Decrease Current HP by 15699 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 48097 magic damage initially and between 15699 and 15699 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Asphyxiating Grasp Rk. III | 123 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Duration: 48s (8 ticks) Hate Mod: -22999 1: Decrease Current HP by 50502 4: Decrease Current HP by 16484 per tick Causes the air in your target's lungs to thin, causing up to 50502 magic damage initially and between 16484 and 16484 damage every six seconds for 48 seconds. |
| Gravity Twist | 104 | - | 6s | Target: Target AE Resist: Magic -10 Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 16320 Causes a sudden reversal in the gravity around your target, doing between 16320 and 16320 damage to up to 4 entities, pushing them upwards and backwards. |
| Gravity Twist Rk. II | 104 | - | 6s | Target: Target AE Resist: Magic -15 Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 16891 Causes a sudden reversal in the gravity around your target, doing between 16891 and 16891 damage to up to 4 entities, pushing them upwards and backwards. |
| Gravity Twist Rk. III | 104 | - | 6s | Target: Target AE Resist: Magic -20 Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 17482 Causes a sudden reversal in the gravity around your target, doing between 17482 and 17482 damage to up to 4 entities, pushing them upwards and backwards. |
| Gravity Roil | 111 | - | 6s | Target: Target AE Resist: Magic -10 Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 23338 Causes a sudden reversal in the gravity around your target, doing between 23338 and 23338 damage to up to 4 entities, pushing them upwards and backwards. |
| Gravity Roil Rk. II | 111 | - | 6s | Target: Target AE Resist: Magic -15 Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 24505 Causes a sudden reversal in the gravity around your target, doing between 24505 and 24505 damage to up to 4 entities, pushing them upwards and backwards. |
| Gravity Roil Rk. III | 111 | - | 6s | Target: Target AE Resist: Magic -20 Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 25730 Causes a sudden reversal in the gravity around your target, doing between 25730 and 25730 damage to up to 4 entities, pushing them upwards and backwards. |
| Gravity Surge | 120 | - | 6s | Target: Target AE Resist: Magic -10 Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 38595 Causes a sudden reversal in the gravity around your target, doing between 38595 and 38595 damage to up to 4 entities, pushing them upwards and backwards. |
| Gravity Surge Rk. II | 120 | - | 6s | Target: Target AE Resist: Magic -15 Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 40525 Causes a sudden reversal in the gravity around your target, doing between 40525 and 40525 damage to up to 4 entities, pushing them upwards and backwards. |
| Gravity Surge Rk. III | 120 | - | 6s | Target: Target AE Resist: Magic -20 Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 42551 Causes a sudden reversal in the gravity around your target, doing between 42551 and 42551 damage to up to 4 entities, pushing them upwards and backwards. |
| Intellectual Appropriation | 101 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Intellectual Reappropriation 1: Decrease Current HP by 8255 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 8255 damage and reflecting mana back into your group. |
| Intellectual Appropriation Rk. II | 101 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Intellectual Reappropriation II 1: Decrease Current HP by 8668 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 8668 damage and reflecting mana back into your group. |
| Intellectual Appropriation Rk. III | 101 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Intellectual Reappropriation III 1: Decrease Current HP by 9101 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 9101 damage and reflecting mana back into your group. |
| Psychic Appropriation | 106 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Psychic Reappropriation 1: Decrease Current HP by 10011 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 10011 chromatic damage and reflecting 1106 mana back into your group. |
| Psychic Appropriation Rk. II | 106 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Psychic Reappropriation II 1: Decrease Current HP by 10512 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 10512 chromatic damage and reflecting 1161 mana back into your group. |
| Psychic Appropriation Rk. III | 106 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Psychic Reappropriation III 1: Decrease Current HP by 11038 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 11038 chromatic damage and reflecting 1219 mana back into your group. |
| Ideological Appropriation | 111 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Ideological Reappropriation 1: Decrease Current HP by 12142 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 12142 chromatic damage and reflecting 1341 mana back into your group. |
| Ideological Appropriation Rk. II | 111 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Ideological Reappropriation II 1: Decrease Current HP by 12749 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 12749 chromatic damage and reflecting 1408 mana back into your group. |
| Ideological Appropriation Rk. III | 111 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Ideological Reappropriation III 1: Decrease Current HP by 13386 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 13386 chromatic damage and reflecting 1478 mana back into your group. |
| Psychological Appropriation | 116 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Psychological Reappropriation 1: Decrease Current HP by 20079 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 20079 chromatic damage and reflecting 1848 mana back into your group. |
| Psychological Appropriation Rk. II | 116 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Psychological Reappropriation II 1: Decrease Current HP by 21083 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 21083 chromatic damage and reflecting 1940 mana back into your group. |
| Psychological Appropriation Rk. III | 116 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Psychological Reappropriation III 1: Decrease Current HP by 22137 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 22137 chromatic damage and reflecting 2037 mana back into your group. |
| Cognitive Appropriation | 121 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Cognitive Reappropriation 1: Decrease Current HP by 24351 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 24351 chromatic damage and reflecting 2241 mana back into your group. |
| Cognitive Appropriation Rk. II | 121 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Cognitive Reappropriation II 1: Decrease Current HP by 25569 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 25569 chromatic damage and reflecting 2353 mana back into your group. |
| Cognitive Appropriation Rk. III | 121 | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -10 Recourse: Cognitive Reappropriation III 1: Decrease Current HP by 26847 Multicolored light bursts into your target's mind, dealing 26847 chromatic damage and reflecting 2471 mana back into your group. |
| Mind Storm | 105 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -16545 2: Decrease Current Mana by 1522 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 13236 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 366 Strangles your target's brain, causing 13236 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 1522 mana from your target and uses it to restore your own. |
| Mind Storm Rk. II | 105 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -17373 2: Decrease Current Mana by 1598 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 13898 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 384 Strangles your target's brain, causing 13898 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 1598 mana from your target and uses it to restore your own. |
| Mind Storm Rk. III | 105 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -18241 2: Decrease Current Mana by 1678 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 14593 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 403 Strangles your target's brain, causing 14593 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 1678 mana from your target and uses it to restore your own. |
| Mind Tempest | 110 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -25538 2: Decrease Current Mana by 2265 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 18241 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 504 Strangles your target's brain, causing 18241 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 2265 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 504 mana to you. This spell incites 25538 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Tempest Rk. II | 110 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -26815 2: Decrease Current Mana by 2378 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 19153 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 530 Strangles your target's brain, causing 19153 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 2378 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 530 mana to you. This spell incites 26815 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Tempest Rk. III | 110 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -28156 2: Decrease Current Mana by 2497 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 20111 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 556 Strangles your target's brain, causing 20111 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 2497 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 556 mana to you. This spell incites 28156 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Coil | 115 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -31923 2: Decrease Current Mana by 3121 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 22122 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2091 Strangles your target's brain, causing 22122 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 3121 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 2091 mana to you. This spell incites 31923 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Coil Rk. II | 115 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -33519 2: Decrease Current Mana by 3277 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 23228 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2195 Strangles your target's brain, causing 23228 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 3277 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 2195 mana to you. This spell incites 33519 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Coil Rk. III | 115 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -35195 2: Decrease Current Mana by 3441 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 24389 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2305 Strangles your target's brain, causing 24389 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 3441 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 2305 mana to you. This spell incites 35195 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Vortex | 120 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -39594 2: Decrease Current Mana by 3785 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 25608 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2536 Strangles your target's brain, causing 25608 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 3785 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 2536 mana to you. This spell incites 39594 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Vortex Rk. II | 120 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -41574 2: Decrease Current Mana by 3974 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 26248 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2663 Strangles your target's brain, causing 26248 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 3974 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 2663 mana to you. This spell incites 41574 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Vortex Rk. III | 120 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -43653 2: Decrease Current Mana by 4173 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 26904 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2796 Strangles your target's brain, causing 26904 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 4173 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 2796 mana to you. This spell incites 43653 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Whirl | 125 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -49110 2: Decrease Current Mana by 4590 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 28249 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 3076 Strangles your target's brain, causing 28249 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 4590 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 3076 mana to you. This spell incites 49110 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Whirl Rk. II | 125 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -51566 2: Decrease Current Mana by 4820 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 29661 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 3230 Strangles your target's brain, causing 29661 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 4820 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 3230 mana to you. This spell incites 51566 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mind Whirl Rk. III | 125 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -30 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate Mod: -54144 2: Decrease Current Mana by 5061 per tick 4: Decrease Current HP by 31144 per tick 5: Return 2.7% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 3392 Strangles your target's brain, causing 31144 chromatic damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. The strangulation effect steals up to 5061 mana from your target and uses it to restore up to 3392 mana to you. This spell incites 54144 less hatred in your target than it would normally. |
| Mindsunder | 105 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 22922 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 22922 damage. |
| Mindsunder Rk. II | 105 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 24068 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 24068 damage. |
| Mindsunder Rk. III | 105 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 25271 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 25271 damage. |
| Mindslash | 110 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 27798 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 27798 chromatic damage. |
| Mindslash Rk. II | 110 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 29188 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 29188 chromatic damage. |
| Mindslash Rk. III | 110 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 30647 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 30647 chromatic damage. |
| Mindrift | 115 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 38309 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 38309 chromatic damage. |
| Mindrift Rk. II | 115 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 40224 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 40224 chromatic damage. |
| Mindrift Rk. III | 115 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 42235 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 42235 chromatic damage. |
| Mindreap | 120 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 63353 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 63353 chromatic damage. |
| Mindreap Rk. II | 120 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 66521 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 66521 chromatic damage. |
| Mindreap Rk. III | 120 | - | 9s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest 1: Decrease Current HP by 69847 Cleaves your target's mind with a blade of pure light, dealing up to 69847 chromatic damage. |
| Polyrefractive Assault | 103 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 11296 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 11296 damage. |
| Polyrefractive Assault Rk. II | 103 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 11861 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 11861 damage. |
| Polyrefractive Assault Rk. III | 103 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 12454 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 12454 damage. |
| Polyfluorescent Assault | 108 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 13699 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 13699 magic damage. |
| Polyfluorescent Assault Rk. II | 108 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 14384 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 14384 magic damage. |
| Polyfluorescent Assault Rk. III | 108 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 15103 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 15103 magic damage. |
| Polycascading Assault | 113 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 16613 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 16613 magic damage. |
| Polycascading Assault Rk. II | 113 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 17444 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 17444 magic damage. |
| Polycascading Assault Rk. III | 113 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 18316 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 18316 magic damage. |
| Polyluminous Assault | 118 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 27474 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 27474 magic damage. |
| Polyluminous Assault Rk. II | 118 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 28848 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 28848 magic damage. |
| Polyluminous Assault Rk. III | 118 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 30290 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 30290 magic damage. |
| Polyradiant Assault | 123 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 33319 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 33319 magic damage. |
| Polyradiant Assault Rk. II | 123 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 34985 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 34985 magic damage. |
| Polyradiant Assault Rk. III | 123 | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Push: 0.5 1: Decrease Current HP by 36734 Strikes your target with a chaotic burst of light and mental energy, causing up to 36734 magic damage. |
| Fog of Memories II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single 1: Memory Blur (80% Chance) This ability, when activated, grants a 40% chance that your target will forget their attackers. |
| Forceful Rejuvenation | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Reset Recast Timers 2: Limit Spells: Exclude Twincast This ability, when activated, instantly refreshes your spell cast timers, allowing you to immediately use the refreshed spells. This ability will not refresh Twincast. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 3 minutes. |
| Friendly Stasis I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single In Group Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Cancel Aggro up to level + 5 (100% Chance) 2: Mesmerize 3: Move to Bottom of Rampage List (100% Chance) 4: Cast: Evadee's Invisibility (v374) This ability, when activated, allows your targeted group member to escape combat from NPCs that are 5 or fewer levels higher than you, causes your target to be the last possible target of rampage attacks from any current attacker, mesmerizes your target for 18 seconds in order to avoid attracting the attention of any nearby opponents, and grants your target Evadee's Invisibility, which grants permanent standard invisibility. This ability consumes 8% of your mana to activate. |
| Gate III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Gate This ability, when activated, transports you back to your first bind point with a 1.5 second cast time. You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo. |
| Gather Mana XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Current Mana by 55000 (v358) 7: Increase Current Mana by 1750 per tick Gather Mana XI, when activated, restores 55000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 1750 points for 60 seconds. |
| Gift of Chromatic Haze VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage by 75% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Max Duration: 0s 4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 5: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 6: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -100 10: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 100% 11: Increase Spell Damage by 75% (v302, Before Crit) 12: Limit Type: Detrimental 13: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating less than -100 14: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 15: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) Increases the base damage of 1 direct damage spell that costs at least 10 mana and deals at least 100 damage by 75% and increases the chance that this spell will deal critical damage by 100%. |
| Gift of Mana | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 100% 2: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 3: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 1 Reduces the mana cost of your next spell with a mana cost of at least 1 to 1 point of mana. |
| Greater Countenance | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self This ability, when activated, expends your energy to unleash a magnificent shower of light. You're so cool! |
| Exceptional Countenance | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self This ability, when activated, expends your energy to unleash a magnificent shower of light. You're the best! |
| Glyph Spray XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster PB Players Duration: 36m (360 ticks) 3: Absorb Spell Damage: 100%, Total: 130000 4: Absorb DoT Damage: 25%, Max Per Hit: 9000, Total: 130000 Glyph Spray XIII, when activated, blesses all allies within a 100 foot radius with a barrier that absorbs up to 130000 total direct spell damage or 25% of damage over time damage up to 9000 damage per hit up to 130000 total damage over time damage for 36 minutes. |
| Gracious Gift of Mana | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 100% 2: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 3: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Reduces the mana cost of your next spell with a mana cost of at least 10 to 1 point of mana. |
| Group Perfected Invisibility I | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 1: Invisibility This ability, when activated, grants all group members within a 100 foot radius permanent standard invisibility. |
| Group Perfected Invisibility to Undead I | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 1: Invisibility to Undead This ability, when activated, renders all group members within a 100 foot radius permanently invisible to most undead creatures. |
| Alter Plane: Theater of Blood | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Teleport to theater 719, 2933, 376, 0 This ability, when activated, transports you to the Theater of Blood. |
| Mana Flare | 70 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Flare Strike on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Flare Strike 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Spell Proc' and < 100 10: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Spell Proc' and < 100 Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Recursion | 73 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Recursion Strike I on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Recursion Strike I 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Spell Proc' and < 101 10: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Spell Proc' and < 101 Places an aura of recursive mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana recursion strike. Mana recursion strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. Mana recursion strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Recursion Rk. II | 73 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Recursion Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Recursion Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Spell Proc' and < 102 10: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Spell Proc' and < 102 Places an aura of recursive mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana recursion strike. Mana recursion strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. Mana recursion strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Recursion Rk. III | 73 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Recursion Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Recursion Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Spell Proc' and < 103 10: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Spell Proc' and < 103 Places an aura of recursive mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana recursion strike. Mana recursion strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. Mana recursion strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Resurgence | 78 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Resurgence Strike I on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Resurgence Strike I 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of recursive mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana recursion strike. Mana recursion strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. Mana recursion strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Resurgence Rk. II | 78 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Resurgence Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Resurgence Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of recursive mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana recursion strike. Mana recursion strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. Mana recursion strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Resurgence Rk. III | 78 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Resurgence Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Resurgence Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of recursive mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana recursion strike. Mana recursion strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. Mana recursion strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Reiterate | 83 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reiterate Strike on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reiterate Strike 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of recursive mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana recursion strike. Mana recursion strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. Mana recursion strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Reiterate Rk. II | 83 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reiterate Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reiterate Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of recursive mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana recursion strike. Mana recursion strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. Mana recursion strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Reiterate Rk. III | 83 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reiterate Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reiterate Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of recursive mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana recursion strike. Mana recursion strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. Mana recursion strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Reiteration | 88 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reiteration Strike on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reiteration Strike 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of reiterative mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana reiteration strike. Mana reiteration strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. Mana reiteration strikes cause little to no anger. |
| Mana Reiteration Rk. II | 88 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reiteration Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reiteration Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of reiterative mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana reiteration strike. Mana reiteration strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target. Mana reiteration strikes cause little to no anger. |
| Mana Reiteration Rk. III | 88 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reiteration Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reiteration Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of reiterative mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana reiteration strike. Mana reiteration strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target. Mana reiteration strikes cause little to no anger. |
| Mana Repercussion | 93 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Repercussion Strike on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Repercussion Strike 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of repercussive mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana repercussion strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. |
| Mana Repercussion Rk. II | 93 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Repercussion Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Repercussion Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of repercussive mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana repercussion strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. |
| Mana Repercussion Rk. III | 93 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Repercussion Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Repercussion Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of repercussive mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana repercussion strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. |
| Mana Reverberation | 98 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reverberation Strike on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reverberation Strike 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of reverberating mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana repercussion strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. |
| Mana Reverberation Rk. II | 98 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reverberation Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reverberation Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of reverberating mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana repercussion strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. |
| Mana Reverberation Rk. III | 98 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reverberation Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reverberation Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of reverberating mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana repercussion strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. |
| Mana Reciprocation | 103 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reciprocation Strike on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reciprocation Strike 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 105 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. |
| Mana Reciprocation Rk. II | 103 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reciprocation Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reciprocation Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 105 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. |
| Mana Reciprocation Rk. III | 103 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reciprocation Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Reciprocation Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 105 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places an aura of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. |
| Mana Repetition | 108 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Repetition Strike on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Repetition Strike 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 110 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 110, inflicting additional damage via Mana Repetition Strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Repetition Rk. II | 108 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Repetition Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Repetition Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 110 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 110, inflicting additional damage via Mana Repetition Strike II. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Repetition Rk. III | 108 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Repetition Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Repetition Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 110 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 110, inflicting additional damage via Mana Repetition Strike III. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Replication | 113 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Replication Strike on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Replication Strike 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 115 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 115, inflicting additional damage via Mana Replication Strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Replication Rk. II | 113 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Replication Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Replication Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 115 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 115, inflicting additional damage via Mana Replication Strike II. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Replication Rk. III | 113 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Replication Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Replication Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 115 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 115, inflicting additional damage via Mana Replication Strike III. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Rebirth | 118 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Rebirth Strike on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Rebirth Strike 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 120 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 120, inflicting additional damage via Mana Rebirth Strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Rebirth Rk. II | 118 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Rebirth Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Rebirth Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 120 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 120, inflicting additional damage via Mana Rebirth Strike II. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Rebirth Rk. III | 118 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Rebirth Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Rebirth Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 120 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 120, inflicting additional damage via Mana Rebirth Strike III. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Reproduction | 123 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reproduction Strike on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Rebirth Strike 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 125 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 125, inflicting additional damage via Mana Reproduction Strike. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Reproduction Rk. II | 123 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reproduction Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Rebirth Strike II 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 125 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 125, inflicting additional damage via Mana Reproduction Strike II. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Mana Reproduction Rk. III | 123 | - | 30s | Target: Single Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 20 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Mana Reproduction Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Type: Detrimental 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Spell: Exclude Mana Rebirth Strike III 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Limit Max Level: 125 (lose 100% per level) 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Places a boon of pulsing mana upon your target. The mana will enhance damaging spells up to level 125, inflicting additional damage via Mana Reproduction Strike III. These strikes have a 10% chance to strike the target repeatedly. The pulsing mana lasts for 2 minutes or until it has enhanced 20 spells. |
| Night's Endless Terror | 103 | - | 4m | Target: Target Group Duration: 8m (80 ticks) 1: Cast: Night's Terror (v374) 2: Add Melee Proc: Night's Endless Darkness with 250% Rate Mod Gives your target group the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger Night's Endless Darkness with their melee attacks. |
| Night's Endless Terror Rk. II | 103 | - | 4m | Target: Target Group Duration: 8m (80 ticks) 1: Cast: Night's Terror (v374) 2: Add Melee Proc: Night's Endless Darkness II with 250% Rate Mod Gives your target group the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger Night's Endless Darkness II with their melee attacks. |
| Night's Endless Terror Rk. III | 103 | - | 4m | Target: Target Group Duration: 8m (80 ticks) 1: Cast: Night's Terror (v374) 2: Add Melee Proc: Night's Endless Darkness III with 250% Rate Mod Gives your target group the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger Night's Endless Darkness III with their melee attacks. |
| Night's Perpetual Terror | 115 | - | 4m | Target: Target Group Duration: 8m (80 ticks) 1: Cast: Night's Terror (v374) 2: Add Melee Proc: Night's Perpetual Darkness with 250% Rate Mod Gives your target group the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger Night's Perpetual Darkness with their melee attacks. |
| Night's Perpetual Terror Rk. II | 115 | - | 4m | Target: Target Group Duration: 8m (80 ticks) 1: Cast: Night's Terror (v374) 2: Add Melee Proc: Night's Perpetual Darkness II with 250% Rate Mod Gives your target group the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger Night's Perpetual Darkness II with their melee attacks. |
| Night's Perpetual Terror Rk. III | 115 | - | 4m | Target: Target Group Duration: 8m (80 ticks) 1: Cast: Night's Terror (v374) 2: Add Melee Proc: Night's Perpetual Darkness III with 250% Rate Mod Gives your target group the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger Night's Perpetual Darkness III with their melee attacks. |
| Illusions of Grandeur V | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group Duration: 2m (20 ticks) 4: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 13% 5: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 13% 6: Increase Critical DoT Damage by 140% of Base Damage 12: Increase Critical DD Damage by 180% of Base Damage Illusions of Grandeur V, when activated, shares Illusions of Grandeur with all group members within a 200 foot radius, which increases the chance their damaging spells will deal critical damage by 13%, the damage dealt by their critical direct damage spells by 180%, and the damage dealt by their critical damage over time spells by 140% for 2 minutes. |
| Improved Twincast IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5m (25 ticks) Max Hits: 21 Matching Spells 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100% 2: Limit Effect: Current HP 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 6: Limit Type: Detrimental 7: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Twincast Chance' and < 150 Improved Twincast IX, when activated, allows you to twincast up to 21 damage spells for 2.5 minutes. |
| Infusion of the Faithful | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 15m (150 ticks) 6: Increase Base Stats by 1000 7: Increase Movement Speed by 65% 8: Increase All Resists by 1000 Infusion of the Faithful, when activated, increases your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, charisma, your resistance to magic, cold, fire, disease and poison by 1000 points, and your movement speed by 65% for 15 minutes. |
| Intensity of the Resolute | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 4: Increase Chance to Critical HoT by 50% 5: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 50% 6: Increase Hit Damage by 55% (v185) 7: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 50% 9: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 50% Intensity of the Resolute, when activated, increases the chance your healing and damage spells will apply critically by 50% and the base damage of your melee attacks by 55% for 60 seconds. This ability does not stack with Glyph of Destruction. |
| Passive Reset | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Summon Pet: SumPassiveReset x 1 for 10s This ability, when activated, removes all Item Effect abilities you currently possess. |
| Lesson of the Devoted | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 30m (300 ticks) 1: Increase Experience Gain by 100% Lesson of the Devoted, when activated, increases the amount of experience you gain by 100% for 30 minutes. |
| Mass Group Buff | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Mass Group Buff on Next Spell This ability, when activated, doubles the mana cost of your next spell or ability that can be affected by the Mass Group Buff and causes it to land on all allies within the spell's radius. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 7 minutes 12 seconds. |
| Mental Contortion IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -45, Min Resist Chance: 5%, Max Resist Chance: 20% Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 1: Decrease Hit Damage by 25% (v185) 4: Decrease Current HP by 15000 per tick 6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 25% Mental Contortion IX, when activated, reduces your target's base melee damage by 25%, accuracy by 25%, and deals 15000 damage every 6 seconds for 3 minutes. |
| Mind Over Matter XXII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 15m (150 ticks) Max Hits: 90 Incoming Hits Or Spells Or DS 1: Absorb Damage using Mana: 60% This ability, when activated, absorbs 60% of incoming damage with your mana rather than your health for up to 90 hits for 15 minutes. |
| Glyph of Arcane Secrets I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% to 20% 2: Limit Max Level: 69 (lose 100% per level) 3: Limit Class: ALL Glyph of Arcane Secrets I, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 69 and lower spells by 1% to 20% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Arcane Secrets II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% to 25% 2: Limit Max Level: 84 (lose 100% per level) 3: Limit Class: ALL Glyph of Arcane Secrets II, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 84 and lower spells by 1% to 25% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Arcane Secrets III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% to 30% 2: Limit Max Level: 99 (lose 100% per level) 3: Limit Class: ALL Glyph of Arcane Secrets III, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 99 and lower spells by 1% to 30% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Arcane Secrets IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% to 35% 2: Limit Max Level: 114 (lose 100% per level) 3: Limit Class: ALL Glyph of Arcane Secrets IV, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 114 and lower spells by 1% to 35% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Arcane Secrets V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% to 40% 2: Limit Max Level: 129 (lose 100% per level) 3: Limit Class: ALL Glyph of Arcane Secrets V, when activated, reduces the mana cost of your level 129 and lower spells by 1% to 40% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Dragon Scales I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 5m (50 ticks) 1: Increase Base Mitigation AC by 50% 2: Increase Base Avoidance AC by 50% 3: Absorb DoT Damage: 35% 4: Increase Max Mana by 20% 5: Absorb Spell Damage: 35% over 500 6: Absorb Melee Damage: 35% over 500 7: Increase Max HP by 20% 8: Increase Max Endurance by 20% Glyph of Dragon Scales I, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 500 points per hit for 5 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Dragon Scales II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 5m (50 ticks) 1: Increase Base Mitigation AC by 50% 2: Increase Base Avoidance AC by 50% 3: Absorb DoT Damage: 35% 4: Increase Max Mana by 20% 5: Absorb Spell Damage: 35% over 800 6: Absorb Melee Damage: 35% over 800 7: Increase Max HP by 20% 8: Increase Max Endurance by 20% Glyph of Dragon Scales II, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 800 points per hit for 5 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Dragon Scales III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 5m (50 ticks) 1: Increase Base Mitigation AC by 50% 2: Increase Base Avoidance AC by 50% 3: Absorb DoT Damage: 35% 4: Increase Max Mana by 20% 5: Absorb Spell Damage: 35% over 2500 6: Absorb Melee Damage: 35% over 2500 7: Increase Max HP by 20% 8: Increase Max Endurance by 20% Glyph of Dragon Scales III, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 2500 points per hit for 5 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Dragon Scales IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 5m (50 ticks) 1: Increase Base Mitigation AC by 50% 2: Increase Base Avoidance AC by 50% 3: Absorb DoT Damage: 35% 4: Increase Max Mana by 20% 5: Absorb Spell Damage: 35% over 5000 6: Absorb Melee Damage: 35% over 5000 7: Increase Max HP by 20% 8: Increase Max Endurance by 20% Glyph of Dragon Scales IV, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 5000 points per hit for 5 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Dragon Scales V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 5m (50 ticks) 1: Increase Base Mitigation AC by 50% 2: Increase Base Avoidance AC by 50% 3: Absorb DoT Damage: 35% 4: Increase Max Mana by 20% 5: Absorb Spell Damage: 35% over 7500 6: Absorb Melee Damage: 35% over 7500 7: Increase Max HP by 20% 8: Increase Max Endurance by 20% Glyph of Dragon Scales V, when activated, increases your maximum base health, mana, and endurance by 20%, your base mitigation and base avoidance by 50%, protects against 35% of damage over time spells, and 35% of any direct damage spell or melee damage that exceeds 7500 points per hit for 5 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Inspired Provocation I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Increase Spell and Bash Hate by 25% 2: Limit Class: ALL Glyph of Inspired Provocation I, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 25% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Inspired Provocation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Increase Spell and Bash Hate by 30% 2: Limit Class: ALL Glyph of Inspired Provocation II, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 30% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Inspired Provocation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Increase Spell and Bash Hate by 35% 2: Limit Class: ALL Glyph of Inspired Provocation III, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 35% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Inspired Provocation IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Increase Spell and Bash Hate by 40% 2: Limit Class: ALL Glyph of Inspired Provocation IV, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 40% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Inspired Provocation V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Increase Spell and Bash Hate by 45% 2: Limit Class: ALL Glyph of Inspired Provocation V, when activated, increases the hatred generated by your spells and combat abilities by 45% for 10 minutes. This buff persists through death. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Ultimate Power I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 2m (20 ticks) 1: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 20% of Base Damage (Non Stacking) 2: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15% 3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 20% of Base Damage 4: Increase Chance to Critical HoT by 15% 5: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 15% 6: Increase Hit Damage by 15% (v185) 7: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 15% 8: Increase Critical DoT Damage by 20% of Base Damage 9: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 15% 10: Increase Critical DD Damage by 20% of Base Damage Glyph of Ultimate Power I, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 20% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 20%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 20%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 15% for 2 minutes. This buff persists through death. This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 65 and 69 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Ultimate Power II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 2m (20 ticks) 1: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 40% of Base Damage (Non Stacking) 2: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15% 3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 40% of Base Damage 4: Increase Chance to Critical HoT by 16% 5: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 16% 6: Increase Hit Damage by 15% (v185) 7: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 15% 8: Increase Critical DoT Damage by 40% of Base Damage 9: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 15% 10: Increase Critical DD Damage by 40% of Base Damage Glyph of Ultimate Power II, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 40% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 40%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 40%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 16% for 2 minutes. This buff persists through death. This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 70 and 84 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Ultimate Power III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 2m (20 ticks) 1: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 60% of Base Damage (Non Stacking) 2: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15% 3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 60% of Base Damage 4: Increase Chance to Critical HoT by 17% 5: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 17% 6: Increase Hit Damage by 15% (v185) 7: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 15% 8: Increase Critical DoT Damage by 60% of Base Damage 9: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 15% 10: Increase Critical DD Damage by 60% of Base Damage Glyph of Ultimate Power III, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 60% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 60%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 60%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 17% for 2 minutes. This buff persists through death. This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 85 and 99 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Ultimate Power IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 2m (20 ticks) 1: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 65% of Base Damage (Non Stacking) 2: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15% 3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 65% of Base Damage 4: Increase Chance to Critical HoT by 18% 5: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 18% 6: Increase Hit Damage by 15% (v185) 7: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 15% 8: Increase Critical DoT Damage by 65% of Base Damage 9: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 15% 10: Increase Critical DD Damage by 65% of Base Damage Glyph of Ultimate Power IV, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 65% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 65%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 65%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 18% for 2 minutes. This buff persists through death. This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 100 and 114 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Glyph of Ultimate Power V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 2m (20 ticks) 1: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 70% of Base Damage (Non Stacking) 2: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15% 3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 70% of Base Damage 4: Increase Chance to Critical HoT by 19% 5: Increase Chance to Critical Heal by 19% 6: Increase Hit Damage by 15% (v185) 7: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 15% 8: Increase Critical DoT Damage by 70% of Base Damage 9: Increase Chance to Critical DoT by 15% 10: Increase Critical DD Damage by 70% of Base Damage Glyph of Ultimate Power V, when activated, increases the base damage of your melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your melee hits by 70% (non-cumulative), the critical chance of your pet's melee hits by 15%, the critical damage of your pet's melee hits by 70%, the critical chance of your damage spells by 15%, the critical damage of your damage spells by 70%, and the critical chance of your healing spells by 19% for 2 minutes. This buff persists through death. This buff does not stack with Intensity of the Resolute. This ability must be repurchased after use and is effective between levels 115 and 129 after which aditional tiers become available. |
| Noctambulate XXXVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 1: Mesmerize up to level 129 2: Memory Blur (80% Chance) 3: Cast: Waking Nightmare XXVII on Fade 8: Buff Blocker A (33) Noctambulate XXXVI, when activated, mesmerizes a level 129 or lower target for 3 minutes and triggers Waking Nightmare XXVII after fading, which reduces the target's attack speed by 50% and armor class by 580 points for 78 seconds. |
| Orator's Unity XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Ward of the Stupefier (v470) 2: Cast: Highest Rank of Shield of Memories (v470) Orator's Unity XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ward of the Stupefier and Shield of Memories that you have scribed. |
| Origin | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Gate to Home City This ability, when activated, transports you back to your starting city. You can check your origin location using the command /charinfo. |
| Perfected Invisibility | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 1: Invisibility This ability, when activated, grants you permanent standard invisibility. |
| Perfected Invisibility to Undead | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 1: Invisibility to Undead This ability, when activated, renders you permanently invisible to most undead creatures. |
| Group Perfected Levitation | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 6h (3600 ticks) 3: Levitate This ability, when activated, grants your target's group permanent levitation. |
| Phantasmal Opponent VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: AAClsSoloENC01122Lvl125Sp01Rk07 125 x 1 for 60s Phantasmal Opponent VII, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds. The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target. |
| Phantasmal Step I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Shadowstep Forward 25' This ability, when activated, instantly teleports you up to 160 feet forward. |
| Phantasmic Reflex XXIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 2: Absorb Melee Damage: 100%, Max Per Hit: 46000, Total: 230000 Absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage up to 46000 damage per hit up to 230000 total damage. |
| Haunting Visage | 26 | - | 24s | Target: Single Duration: 36s (6 ticks) 1: Increase Hate Generated by 5% Cloaks your target in a haunting visage, drawing more attention to any action they take. |
| Horrifying Visage | 56 | - | 24s | Target: Single Duration: 36s (6 ticks) 1: Increase Hate Generated by 10% Cloaks your target in a haunting visage, drawing more attention to any action they take. |
| Calming Visage | 36 | - | 24s | Target: Single Duration: 36s (6 ticks) 1: Decrease Hate Generated by 5% Cloaks your target in a calming visage, diverting attention from any action they take. |
| Glamorous Visage | 58 | - | 24s | Target: Single Duration: 36s (6 ticks) 1: Decrease Hate Generated by 10% Cloaks your target in a calming visage, diverting attention from any action they take. |
| Deep Sleep XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Duration: 2m (20 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Hit by 27% 2: Cast: Deep Sleep's Malaise I (v374) Triggers Deep Sleep's Malaise I and reduces accuracy by 27%. |
| Somnolence XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Duration: 2m (20 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Hit by 27% Reduces accuracy by 27%. |
| Reactive Rune XVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Cast: Reactive Rune XVI (Melee Shield) (v374) 2: Cast: Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Shield) (v374) Reactive Rune XVI, when activated, blesses all group members within a 200 foot radius with Reactive Rune XVI (Melee Shield) and Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Shield) for 30 minutes. Reactive Rune XVI (Melee Shield) triggers Reactive Rune XVI (Protection), which absorbs 92000 total damage for 30 seconds, if they take a melee damage hit that exceeds 35000 points. Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Shield) triggers Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Protection), which absorbs 97000 total direct spell damage for 30 seconds, if they take a spell damage hit that exceeds 40000 points. |
| Rune of Banishment VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) 2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, Total: 100000 3: Add Defensive Proc: Banishing Force I with 5000% Rate Mod Rune of Banishment VIII, when activated, absorbs 75% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage and has a chance (with a 5000% bonus) to trigger Banishing Force I on attackers when struck in melee combat for 12 seconds. Banishing Force I forcefully pushes a target that is 3 or fewer levels higher than you that is within 40 feet of you away then applies Banishing Root I after they have been moved 30 feet. Banishing Root I roots the target in place for 30 seconds. |
| Sanguine Mind Crystal VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Summon: Sanguine Mind Crystal VIII x 1 Sanguine Mind Crystal VIII, when activated, consumes mana to summon a Sanguine Mind Crystal which can be consumed to cast Sanguine Harvest VIII, which heals 40000 health. |
| Self Stasis I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Hate: -1000000 1: Cancel Aggro up to level + 5 (100% Chance) 2: Mesmerize 3: Move to Bottom of Rampage List (100% Chance) 4: Cast: Evader's Invisibility (v374) This ability, when activated, allows you to escape combat from NPCs that are 5 or fewer levels higher than you, causes you to be the last possible target of rampage attacks from any current attacker, mesmerizes you for 18 seconds in order to avoid attracting the attention of any nearby opponents, and triggers Evader's Invisibility, which grants permanent standard invisibility. This ability consumes 8% of your mana to activate. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 4 minutes. |
| Silent Casting VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell and Bash Hate by 90% 2: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills This ability, when activated, reduces the amount of hatred your spells generate by 90% for 1 minute. |
| Silent Casting I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell and Bash Hate by 20% 2: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills This ability, when activated, reduces the amount of hatred your spells generate by 20% for 1 minute. |
| Silent Casting II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell and Bash Hate by 40% 2: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills This ability, when activated, reduces the amount of hatred your spells generate by 40% for 1 minute. |
| Silent Casting III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell and Bash Hate by 60% 2: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills This ability, when activated, reduces the amount of hatred your spells generate by 60% for 1 minute. |
| Silent Casting IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell and Bash Hate by 80% 2: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills This ability, when activated, reduces the amount of hatred your spells generate by 80% for 1 minute. |
| Silent Casting V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell and Bash Hate by 85% 2: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills This ability, when activated, reduces the amount of hatred your spells generate by 85% for 1 minute. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 3 minutes. |
| Slowing Helix VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Inhibiting Helix (v470) Slowing Helix VII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Inhibiting Helix that you have scribed. |
| Spire of Enchantment XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 90s (15 ticks) Max Hits: 24 Defensive Proc Casts 1: Cast: Apex of Enchantment VIII (v374) 6: Add Defensive Proc: Enchanted Doppelganger IV with 500% Rate Mod Grants you a chance (with a 500% bonus) to trigger Enchanted Doppelganger IV on attackers when struck in melee combat. This blessing will fade after triggering 24 times. Blesses all allies within a 0 foot radius with Apex of Enchantment VIII. |
| Staunch Recovery | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 500000 2: Increase Current Mana by 500000 3: Increase Current Endurance by 500000 Staunch Recovery, when activated, instantly restores 500000 health, mana, and endurance. |
| Steadfast Servant | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Summon Pet: PETVeteranRewardServant 38450, 38463, 38475, 38489 x 1 for 1800s Steadfast Servant, when activated, summons a faithful servant that casts healing and buff spells for up to 30 minutes or until you zone. The servant will offer one of the following blessings every 15 to 45 seconds on one lucky adventurer within 150 feet: Servant's Elixir - Heals *%R*#2#1 to *%R*$2#1 (based on your level) health every 6 seconds for *%R*#2%Z.
Servant's Clarity - Increases the target's maximum mana by *%R*#3#1 to *%R*$3#1 points, intelligence and wisdom by *%R*#3#3 to *%R*$3#3 points, and mana regeneration by *%R*#3#2 to *%R*$3#2 points (based on your level) for *%R*#3%Z.
Servant's Armor - Increases the target's armor class by *%R*#4#4 to *%R*$4#4 points (based on your level) for *%R*#4%Z.
Servant's Haste - Increases the target's melee speed by *%R*#5#1 to *%R*$5#1% (based on your level) for *%R*#5%Z. |
| Summon Clockwork Banker | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Summon Familiar: SummonClockworkBanker (Ignore Auto Leave) Summon Clockwork Banker, when activated, summons a mechanical banker familiar for up to 10 minutes. |
| Summon Companion II | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Recourse: Summon Companion I 1: Cancel Aggro (100% Chance) 2: Move to Bottom of Rampage List (100% Chance) This ability, when activated, consumes 1% of your mana to cause all NPCs to forget about your pet and causes your pet to be the last possible target of rampage attacks from any current attacker. Your pet will be instantly summoned to your side if it is out of combat. |
| Summon Distiller Vendor | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Summon Pet: VetReward12DistillerMerchant x 1 for 600s Summon Distiller Vendor, when activated, summons a mechanical merchant that sells augmentation distillers for up to 10 minutes or until you zone. |
| Summon Tribute Master | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Summon Pet: VetReward13TributeMaster x 1 for 600s Summon Tribute Master, when activated, summons a personal tribute master that allows donations for favor or modifications to your current benefits for up to 10 minutes or until you zone. |
| Summon Resupply Agent | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Summon Familiar: SummonResupplyAgent (Ignore Auto Leave) Summon Resupply Agent, when activated, summons a mechanical merchant familiar that offers an array of standard spell reagents for up to 10 minutes. |
| Freezing Strike V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 200 Strikes your opponent with a freezing attack that causes between 200 and 200 hit points in damage. |
| Freezing Strike VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 225 Strikes your opponent with a freezing attack that causes between 225 and 225 hit points in damage. |
| Freezing Strike VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 250 Strikes your opponent with a freezing attack that causes between 250 and 250 hit points in damage. |
| Fiery Strike VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 225 Strikes your opponent with a fiery attack that causes between 225 and 225 hit points in damage. |
| Fiery Strike VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 250 Strikes your opponent with a fiery attack that causes between 250 and 250 hit points in damage. |
| HandOfHolyVengeanceVRecourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 100
| Spike of Magic | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Increase Base 1H Blunt Damage by 200% Strikes your target dealing, up to, 200 damage. |
| Vector of Sickness | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Increase Base 1H Blunt Damage by 200% Strikes your target dealing, up to, 200 damage. |
| HandOfHolyVengeanceVIRecourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 110
| Arcane Strike VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 225 Strikes your opponent with a freezing attack that causes between 225 and 225 hit points in damage. |
| Toxic Strike VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 225 Strikes your opponent with a poison attack that causes between 225 and 225 hit points in damage. |
| Afflicting Strike V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 200 Strikes your opponent with a disease attack that causes between 200 and 200 hit points in damage. |
| Afflicting Strike VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 225 Strikes your opponent with a disease attack that causes between 225 and 225 hit points in damage. |
| Afflicting Strike VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 250 Strikes your opponent with a disease attack that causes between 250 and 250 hit points in damage. |
| Strike of Soothing V | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 200 Mends your wounds, healing 200 hit points. |
| Strike of Soothing VI | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 225 Mends your wounds, healing 225 hit points. |
| Strike of Soothing VII | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 250 Mends your wounds, healing 250 hit points. |
| Strike of Soothing VIII | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 275 Mends your wounds, healing 275 hit points. |
| Strike of Calming V | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: -200 1: Decrease Hate by 200 Strikes your opponent with a calming attack that reduces its hate towards you. |
| Strike of Calming VI | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: -225 1: Decrease Hate by 225 Strikes your opponent with a calming attack that reduces its hate towards you. |
| Strike of Calming VII | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: -250 1: Decrease Hate by 250 Strikes your opponent with a calming attack that reduces its hate towards you. |
| Remote Soothing V | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 200 Mends the wounds of your target's target, healing 200 hit points. |
| Remote Soothing VI | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 225 Mends the wounds of your target's target, healing 225 hit points. |
| Remote Soothing VII | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 250 Mends the wounds of your target's target, healing 250 hit points. |
| Remote Soothing VIII | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 275 Mends the wounds of your target's target, healing 275 hit points. |
| Strike of Alleviation V | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 200 Grants you 200 mana. |
| Strike of Alleviation VI | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 225 Grants you 225 mana. |
| Strike of Alleviation VII | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 250 Grants you 250 mana. |
| Strike of Alleviation I | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 100 Grants you 100 mana. |
| Strike of Alleviation II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 125 Grants you 125 mana. |
| Force of Magic III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -160 1: Decrease Current HP by 320 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 320 damage. |
| Force of Magic IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -180 1: Decrease Current HP by 360 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 360 damage. |
| Force of Magic V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -180 1: Decrease Current HP by 420 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 420 damage. |
| Force of Magic VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -190 1: Decrease Current HP by 510 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 510 damage. |
| Force of Magic VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -190 1: Decrease Current HP by 600 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 600 damage. |
| Force of Magic VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 750 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 750 damage. |
| Force of Magic IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 900 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 900 damage. |
| Force of Magic X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1050 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 1050 damage. |
| Strike of Flames III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -160 1: Decrease Current HP by 320 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 320 damage. |
| Strike of Flames IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -180 1: Decrease Current HP by 360 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 360 damage. |
| Strike of Flames V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -180 1: Decrease Current HP by 420 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 420 damage. |
| Strike of Flames VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 750 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 750 damage. |
| Strike of Flames IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 900 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 900 damage. |
| Strike of Flames X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1050 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 1050 damage. |
| Burst of Ice III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -160 1: Decrease Current HP by 320 Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 320 damage. |
| Burst of Ice V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -180 1: Decrease Current HP by 420 Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 420 damage. |
| Burst of Ice VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -190 1: Decrease Current HP by 510 Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 510 damage. |
| Burst of Ice X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1050 Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 1050 damage. |
| Strike of Venom V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -180 1: Decrease Current HP by 420 Strikes your target with venom, doing up to 420 damage. |
| Strike of Venom VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -190 1: Decrease Current HP by 510 Strikes your target with venom, doing up to 510 damage. |
| Strike of Venom IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 900 Strikes your target with venom, doing up to 900 damage. |
| Strike of Venom X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1050 Strikes your target with venom, doing up to 1050 damage. |
| Strike of Disease III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -160 1: Decrease Current HP by 320 Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 320 damage. |
| Strike of Disease IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -180 1: Decrease Current HP by 360 Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 360 damage. |
| Strike of Disease VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -190 1: Decrease Current HP by 510 Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 510 damage. |
| Strike of Disease VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -190 1: Decrease Current HP by 600 Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 600 damage. |
| Strike of Disease VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 750 Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 750 damage. |
| Strike of Disease IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 900 Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 900 damage. |
| Strike of Disease X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1050 Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 1050 damage. |
| Force of Corruption V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -20 1: Decrease Current HP by 380 Strikes your target with corruption, doing up to 380 damage. |
| Force of Corruption VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -30 1: Decrease Current HP by 540 Strikes your target with corruption, doing up to 540 damage. |
| Force of Corruption VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -40 1: Decrease Current HP by 675 Strikes your target with corruption, doing up to 675 damage. |
| Force of Corruption IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 810 Strikes your target with corruption, doing up to 810 damage. |
| Force of Corruption X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -60 1: Decrease Current HP by 945 Strikes your target with corruption, doing up to 945 damage. |
| Vampiric Strike IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -180 1: Decrease Current HP by 216 Drains your target for up to 216 damage. |
| Vampiric Strike VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -190 1: Decrease Current HP by 306 Drains your target for up to 306 damage. |
| Vampiric Strike VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -190 1: Decrease Current HP by 360 Drains your target for up to 360 damage. |
| Vampiric Strike VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 450 Drains your target for up to 450 damage. |
| Vampiric Strike IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 540 Drains your target for up to 540 damage. |
| Vampiric Strike X | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 630 Drains your target for up to 630 damage. |
| Healing Burst V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 420 Has the potential to heal you for up to 420 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Healing Burst VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 750 Has the potential to heal you for up to 750 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Healing Burst IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 900 Has the potential to heal you for up to 900 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Calming Strike V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Decrease Hate by 840 Reduces your target's hatred towards you by up to 840. |
| Calming Strike VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Decrease Hate by 1020 Reduces your target's hatred towards you by up to 1020. |
| Calming Strike X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Decrease Hate by 2100 Reduces your target's hatred towards you by up to 2100. |
| Surge of Magic V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -180 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 210 per tick Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 210 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Surge of Magic VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -190 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 300 per tick Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 300 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Surge of Magic VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 375 per tick Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 375 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Flames V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -180 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 210 per tick Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 210 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Flames VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -190 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 300 per tick Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 300 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Flames X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 525 per tick Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 525 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Surge of Ice VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -190 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 255 per tick Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 255 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Venom V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -180 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 210 per tick Strikes your target with venom, doing up to 210 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Venom VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -190 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 255 per tick Strikes your target with venom, doing up to 255 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Venom IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -200 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 450 per tick Strikes your target with venom, doing up to 450 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Disease V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -180 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 210 per tick Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 210 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Disease VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -190 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 255 per tick Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 255 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Disease VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 375 per tick Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 375 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Disease IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 450 per tick Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 450 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Surge of Corruption VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -30 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 270 per tick Strikes your target with corruption, doing up to 270 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Surge of Corruption IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -50 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 405 per tick Strikes your target with corruption, doing up to 405 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Remote Healing Surge VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 600 Has the potential to heal your target's target for up to 600 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Remote Healing Surge VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 750 Has the potential to heal your target's target for up to 750 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Remote Healing Surge IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 900 Has the potential to heal your target's target for up to 900 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 70 Has the potential to restore up to 70 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 80 Has the potential to restore up to 80 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 90 Has the potential to restore up to 90 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 105 Has the potential to restore up to 105 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 128 Has the potential to restore up to 128 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 150 Has the potential to restore up to 150 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 188 Has the potential to restore up to 188 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 220 Has the potential to restore up to 220 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst X | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 250 Has the potential to restore up to 250 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Force of Magic XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1200 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 1200 damage. |
| Force of Magic XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1350 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 1350 damage. |
| Force of Magic XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1500 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 1500 damage. |
| Force of Magic XV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1800 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 1800 damage. |
| Strike of Flames XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1200 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 1200 damage. |
| Strike of Flames XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1350 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 1350 damage. |
| Strike of Flames XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1500 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 1500 damage. |
| Strike of Flames XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1650 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 1650 damage. |
| Burst of Ice XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1200 Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 1200 damage. |
| Burst of Ice XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1350 Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 1350 damage. |
| Burst of Ice XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1500 Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 1500 damage. |
| Burst of Ice XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1650 Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 1650 damage. |
| Strike of Venom XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1350 Strikes your target with venom, doing up to 1350 damage. |
| Strike of Venom XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1500 Strikes your target with venom, doing up to 1500 damage. |
| Strike of Venom XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1650 Strikes your target with venom, doing up to 1650 damage. |
| Strike of Disease XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1200 Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 1200 damage. |
| Strike of Disease XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1350 Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 1350 damage. |
| Strike of Disease XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1500 Strikes your target with disease, doing up to 1500 damage. |
| Force of Corruption XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -60 1: Decrease Current HP by 1080 Strikes your target with corruption, doing up to 1080 damage. |
| Force of Corruption XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -60 1: Decrease Current HP by 1485 Strikes your target with corruption, doing up to 1485 damage. |
| Vampiric Strike XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 720 Drains your target for up to 720 damage. |
| Healing Burst XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 1350 Has the potential to heal you for up to 1350 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Pulse of Flames XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 675 per tick Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 675 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Pulse of Flames XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 750 per tick Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 750 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Surge of Ice XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 Duration: 6s (1 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 600 per tick Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 600 damage over 2 ticks. |
| Remote Healing Surge XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 1200 Has the potential to heal your target's target for up to 1200 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Remote Healing Surge XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 1650 Has the potential to heal your target's target for up to 1650 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Remote Healing Surge XV | - | - | 0s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 1800 Has the potential to heal your target's target for up to 1800 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 280 Has the potential to restore up to 280 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 310 Has the potential to restore up to 310 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 340 Has the potential to restore up to 340 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 370 Has the potential to restore up to 370 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst XV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 400 Has the potential to restore up to 400 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| HandOfHolyVengeanceIXRecourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 170
| Force of Corruption VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -30 Recourse: Alleviating Burst V 1: Decrease Current HP by 540 Strikes your target with corruption, doing up to 540 damage. |
| Healing Burst VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Recourse: Alleviating Burst V 1: Increase Current HP by 600 Has the potential to heal you for up to 600 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Apothic Healing | - | - | 0s | Target: Targets Target Recourse: Apothic Karma 1: Increase Current HP by 9000 Heals your target's target for 9000 and casts Apothic Karma on yourself which heals you for 4500 and has a 10% chance to cast Apothic Soothing which heals your group for 2333 |
| Focused Apothic Healing | - | - | 0s | Target: Targets Target Recourse: Focused Apothic Karma 1: Increase Current HP by 11000 Heals your target's target for 11000 and casts Focused Apothic Karma on yourself which heals you for 5500 and has a 10% chance to cast Focused Apothic Soothing which heals your group for 3000 |
| Sarnak's Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -200 Recourse: Focus Recovery 1: Decrease Current HP by 9000 Deals 9000 damage and casts Focus Recovery on yourself which returns 250 mana. |
| Focused Sarnak's Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -200 Recourse: Focused Recovery 1: Decrease Current HP by 11000 Deals 11000 damage and casts Focused Recovery on yourself which returns 280 mana. |
| Spike of Magic VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4800 Strikes your target dealing, up to, 4800 damage. |
| Hammer of Magic VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12000 Strikes your target dealing, up to, 12000 damage. |
| Burst of Flames VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4800 Strikes your target dealing, up to, 4800 damage. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath VI Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 4800 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XIII (v374) Deals 4800 damage, casts Alleviating Burst XIII, which restores 340 mana, and recourses Hand of Holy Wrath VI Recourse, which heals your group for 1600. |
| Alleviating Burst XVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 750 Has the potential to restore up to 750 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Arms of Holy Wrath VI Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 12000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XVI (v374) Deals 12000 damage, casts Alleviating Burst XVI, which restores 750 mana, and recourses Arms of Holy Wrath VI Recourse, which heals your group for 4000. |
| Spike of Magic | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 100 damage. |
| Hammer of Magic | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 100 damage. |
| Burst of Flames | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 100 damage. |
| Blaze of Fire | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 100 damage. |
| Spike of Ice | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 100 damage. |
| Surge of Ice | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 100 damage. |
| Injection of Poison | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 100 damage. |
| Wave of Poison | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 100 damage. |
| Vector of Sickness | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 100 damage. |
| Perfusion of Plague | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 100 damage. |
| Spike of Corruption | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -100 1: Decrease Current HP by 11340 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 90 damage. |
| Wave of Corruption | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Corruption -117 1: Decrease Current HP by 11340 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Strikes your target dealing, up to, 90 damage. |
| Vampiric Draw | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 8820 (Scales to Item/PC Level) 2: Return 71.5% of Spell Damage as HP Strikes your target for up to 70 damage and returns 71.5% of the inflicted damage as health. |
| Vampiric Consumption | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 8820 (Scales to Item/PC Level) 2: Return 71.5% of Spell Damage as HP Strikes your target for up to 70 damage and returns 71.5% of the inflicted damage as health. |
| Reassuring Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Decrease Hate by 100800 (Scales to Item/PC Level) 2: Decrease Current Hate by 2% Reduces your target's hatred towards you by up to 2% and an aditional 800. |
| Remote Healing Blessing | - | - | 0s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Has the potential to heal your target's target for up to 100 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Remote Healing Flood | - | - | 0s | Target: Targets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 12600 (Scales to Item/PC Level) Has the potential to heal your target's target for up to 100 damage when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Burst XVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 825 Has the potential to restore up to 825 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath VII Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 5200 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XIV (v374) Deals 5200 damage, casts Alleviating Burst XIV, which restores 370 mana, and recourses Hand of Holy Wrath VII Recourse, which heals your group for 1733. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Arms of Holy Wrath VII Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 13000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XVII (v374) Deals 13000 damage, casts Alleviating Burst XVII, which restores 825 mana, and recourses Arms of Holy Wrath VII Recourse, which heals your group for 4333. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath VII Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1733 Heals your group for up to 1733. |
| Alleviating Hand XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath V Recourse 1: Increase Current Mana by 220 Has the potential to restore up to 220 mana and cast Hand of Holy Wrath V Recourse when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Hand XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath VII Recourse 1: Increase Current Mana by 280 Has the potential to restore up to 280 mana and cast Hand of Holy Wrath VII Recourse when you strike your enemies. |
| Spike of Magic V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 3600 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 3600 damage. |
| Hammer of Magic I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5000 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 5000 damage. |
| Hammer of Magic II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6000 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 6000 damage. |
| Hammer of Magic III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7000 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 7000 damage. |
| Hammer of Magic IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 8000 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 8000 damage. |
| Hammer of Magic V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 9000 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 9000 damage. |
| Hammer of Magic VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 10000 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 10000 damage. |
| Burst of Flames V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 3600 Strikes your target with flames, doing up to 3600 damage. |
| Surge of Ice I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5000 Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 5000 damage. |
| Surge of Ice II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6000 Strikes your target with ice, doing up to 6000 damage. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Hand Of Holy Wrath I Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 2800 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst IX (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 2800, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Hand Of Holy Wrath II Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 3200 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst X (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 3200, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath III Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 3600 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XI (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 3600, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath IV Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 4000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XII (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 4000, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: ArmsOfHolyWrathIRecourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 7000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XII (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 7000, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: ArmsOfHolyWrathIIRecourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 8000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XIII (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 8000, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Arms of Holy Wrath III Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 9000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XIV (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 9000, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Arms of Holy Wrath IV Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 10000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XV (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 10000, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath IV Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1333 Heals your group for up to 1333. |
| Obulus Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Recourse: Obulus Soothing 1: Decrease Current HP by 4000 2: Decrease Hate by 16000 Strikes your opponent for 4000 damage and reduces their hate by 16000. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath VII Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 5600 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XVI (v374) Deals 5600 damage, casts Alleviating Burst XVI, which restores 750 mana, and recourses Hand of Holy Wrath VII Recourse, which heals your group for 1733. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Arms of Holy Wrath VII Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 14000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XVIII (v374) Deals 14000 damage, casts Alleviating Burst XVIII, which restores 900 mana, and recourses Arms of Holy Wrath VII Recourse, which heals your group for 4333. |
| Alleviating Hand XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath VI Recourse 1: Increase Current Mana by 250 Has the potential to restore up to 250 mana and cast Hand of Holy Wrath VI Recourse when you strike your enemies. |
| Alleviating Hand XV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath VIII Recourse 1: Increase Current Mana by 310 Has the potential to restore up to 310 mana and cast Hand of Holy Wrath VIII Recourse when you strike your enemies. |
| Hammer of Magic VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 11000 Strikes your target with magic, doing up to 11000 damage. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath V Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 4400 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XII (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 4400, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Arms of Holy Wrath V Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 11000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XV (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 11000, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath V Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 6000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XVI (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 6000, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -300 Recourse: Arms of Holy Wrath V Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 15000 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XVIII (v374) Strikes your target with a hand of retribution, decreasing their hit points by 15000, giving you mana, and healing your group in return. |
| Alleviating Hand XVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath VIII Recourse 1: Increase Current Mana by 340 Has the potential to restore up to 340 mana and cast Hand of Holy Wrath VIII Recourse when you strike your enemies. |
| Burst of Flames X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Fire -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6000 Strikes your target dealing, up to, 6000 damage. |
| Tashan's Lingering Cry VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Duration: 14m (140 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 8% to 19% (v483, After Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 253 (lose 100% per level) 3: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Increases the damage the bearer takes from spells that cost at least 10 mana by 8 to 19%. |
| Throne of Heroes | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Teleport to guildlobby 375, 0, 2, 256 Throne of Heroes, when activated, transports you to the Throne of Heroes in the Guild Lobby. |
| Tranquil Blessings | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Mass Group Buff on Next Spell This ability, when activated, doubles the mana cost of your next spell or ability that can be affected by the Mass Group Buff and causes it to land on all allies within the spell's radius. This ability can only be used when out of combat while fast regeneration is active. |
| Vampiric Embrace | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 137
| Shroud of Death Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 50
| Mental Corruption Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mental Corruption Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 50
| Scream of Death Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 25
| Shroud of Chaos Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 65
| Mental Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mental Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 90
| Black Shroud Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 90
| Touch of the Cursed I | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 50 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed I, a 50 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 75 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed II, a 75 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 100 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed III, a 100 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Shroud of Discord Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 115
| Shroud of the Nightborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 138
| Shroud of the Nightborn Strike Rk. II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 144
| Shroud of the Nightborn Strike Rk. III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 150
| Touch of the Cursed IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 125 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed IV, a 125 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed V | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 150 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed V, a 150 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 175 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed VI, a 175 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Marrowthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Marrowthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 108
| Marrowthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Marrowthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 113
| Marrowthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Marrowthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 117
| Touch of the Cursed VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 210 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed VII, a 210 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 245 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed VIII, a 245 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 280 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed IX, a 280 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed X | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 315 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed X, a 315 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 350 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XI, a 350 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 385 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XII, a 385 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Shroud of the Gloomborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 158
| Shroud of the Gloomborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 180
| Shroud of the Gloomborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 194
| Soulthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Soulthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 124
| Soulthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Soulthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 141
| Soulthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Soulthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 153
| Touch of the Cursed XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 420 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XIII, a 420 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 455 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XIV, a 455 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 490 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XV, a 490 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 525 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XVI, a 525 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 560 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XVII, a 560 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 595 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XVIII, a 595 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XIX | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 630 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XIX, a 630 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XX | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 675 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XX, a 675 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 710 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXI, a 710 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Shroud of the Blightborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 198 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Blightborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 225 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Blightborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 243 Instant Duration. |
| Mindshear Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mindshear Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 155 Instant Duration. |
| Mindshear Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mindshear Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 176 Instant Duration. |
| Mindshear Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mindshear Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 190 Instant Duration. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 750 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXII, a 750 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 800 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXIII, a 800 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 850 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXIV, a 850 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Amygdalan Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Amygdalan Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 214 Instant Duration. |
| Amygdalan Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Amygdalan Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 243 Instant Duration. |
| Amygdalan Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Amygdalan Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 261 Instant Duration. |
| Amygdalan Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 9 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Amygdalan Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 11 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Amygdalan Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 13 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Shroud of the Plagueborne Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 285 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Plagueborne Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 324 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Plagueborne Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 349 Instant Duration. |
| Sholothian Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Sholothian Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 287 Instant Duration. |
| Sholothian Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Sholothian Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 301 Instant Duration. |
| Sholothian Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Sholothian Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 316 Instant Duration. |
| Sholothian Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 9 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Sholothian Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 11 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Sholothian Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 13 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Shroud of the Shadeborne Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 384 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Shadeborne Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 403 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Shadeborne Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 423 Instant Duration. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 900 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXV, a 900 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 950 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXVI, a 950 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1000 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXVII, a 1000 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Grelleth's Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Grelleth's Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 348 Instant Duration. |
| Grelleth's Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Grelleth's Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 365 Instant Duration. |
| Grelleth's Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Grelleth's Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 383 Instant Duration. |
| Grelleth's Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 9 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Grelleth's Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 11 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Grelleth's Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 13 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Shroud of the Darksworn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 465 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Darksworn Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 488 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Darksworn Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 512 Instant Duration. |
| Mental Terror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mental Terror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 251 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 251 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Mental Terror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mental Terror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 264 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 264 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Mental Terror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mental Terror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 277 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 277 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Vizat's Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Vizat's Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 402 Deals 402 damage to your target. |
| Vizat's Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Vizat's Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 422 Deals 422 damage to your target. |
| Vizat's Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Vizat's Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 443 Deals 443 damage to your target. |
| Vizat's Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Vizat's Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Vizat's Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 14 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Mental Dread Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 367 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1138 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 367 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Mental Dread Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 385 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1194 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 385 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Mental Dread Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 404 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1252 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 404 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Shroud of the Doomscale Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 640 Drains 640 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Doomscale Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 672 Drains 672 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Doomscale Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 706 Drains 706 life from your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4000 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 53360 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXVIII on your target which deals 4000 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 53360 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXIX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4400 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 58696 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXIX on your target which deals 4400 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 58696 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4500 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 60000 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXX on your target which deals 4500 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 60000 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4600 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 61300 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXI on your target which deals 4600 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 61300 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4800 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 64000 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXII on your target which deals 4800 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 64000 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5000 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 66666 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXIII on your target which deals 5000 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 66666 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5200 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 70000 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXIV on your target which deals 5200 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 70000 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5400 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 73333 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXV on your target which deals 5400 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 73333 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5600 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 76666 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXVI on your target which deals 5600 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 76666 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5800 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 79999 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXVII on your target which deals 5800 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 79999 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6000 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 83332 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXVIII on your target which deals 6000 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 83332 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXIX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6200 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 86665 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXIX on your target which deals 6200 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 86665 points. |
| Tylix's Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Tylix's Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 554 Deals 554 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Tylix's Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Tylix's Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 582 Deals 582 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Tylix's Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Tylix's Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 611 Deals 611 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Tylix's Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Tylix's Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Tylix's Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 14 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mental Fright Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 505 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1566 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 505 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Fright Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 530 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1643 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 530 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Fright Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 557 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1727 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 557 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Shroud of the Krellnakor Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 777 Drains 777 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Krellnakor Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 816 Drains 816 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Krellnakor Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 857 Drains 857 life from your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XL | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6400 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 89998 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XL on your target which deals 6400 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 89998 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6600 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 93331 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLI on your target which deals 6600 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 93331 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6800 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 96664 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLII on your target which deals 6800 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 96664 points. |
| Cadcane's Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Cadcane's Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 672 Deals 672 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Cadcane's Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Cadcane's Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 706 Deals 706 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Cadcane's Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Cadcane's Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 741 Deals 741 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Cadcane's Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Cadcane's Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Cadcane's Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 14 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mental Torment Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 613 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1900 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 613 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Torment Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 644 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1996 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 644 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Torment Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 676 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2096 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 676 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Shroud of the Restless Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1028 Drains 1028 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Restless Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1079 Drains 1079 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Restless Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1133 Drains 1133 life from your target. |
| Mental Anguish Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 744 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2306 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 744 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Anguish Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 781 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2421 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 781 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Anguish Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 820 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2542 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 820 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Brightfeld's Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 815 Deals 815 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Brightfeld's Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 856 Deals 856 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Brightfeld's Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 899 Deals 899 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 14 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Shroud of Zelinstein Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1246 Drains 1246 life from your target. |
| Shroud of Zelinstein Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1308 Drains 1308 life from your target. |
| Shroud of Zelinstein Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1373 Drains 1373 life from your target. |
| Shroud of Rimeclaw Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1510 Drains 1510 life from your target. |
| Shroud of Rimeclaw Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1586 Drains 1586 life from your target. |
| Shroud of Rimeclaw Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1665 Drains 1665 life from your target. |
| Mortimus' Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Mortimus' Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 989 Deals 989 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mortimus' Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Mortimus' Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 1038 Deals 1038 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mortimus' Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Mortimus' Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 1090 Deals 1090 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mortimus' Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mortimus' Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mortimus' Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 14 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mental Wretchedness Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 902 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2796 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 902 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Wretchedness Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 947 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2936 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 947 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Wretchedness Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 994 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 3083 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 994 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7000 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 99997 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLIII on your target which deals 7000 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 99997 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7200 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 103330 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLIV on your target which deals 7200 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 103330 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7400 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 106663 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLV on your target which deals 7400 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 106663 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7600 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 109996 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLVI on your target which deals 7600 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 109996 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7800 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 113329 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLVII on your target which deals 7800 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 113329 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 8000 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 116662 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLVIII on your target which deals 8000 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 116662 points. |
| Veil of Mindshadow XXXII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 36m (360 ticks) 4: Absorb Melee Damage: 60%, Total: 180000 Veil of Mindshadow XXXII, when activated, absorbs 60% of incoming melee damage up to 180000 total damage for 36 minutes. |
| Armor of Experience II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 90s (15 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Incoming Hit Successes 3: Absorb Melee Damage: 75% 5: Cast: Armor of Experience III on Fade Absorbs 75% of incoming melee damage up to 10 hits and applies Armor of Experience III after fading. |
| Beam of Slumber Root IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 78s (13 ticks) 3: Root Roots the bearer in place. |
| Beguiler's Banishment Blur | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Resist: Unresistable Hate: -1 1: Memory Blur (100% Chance) 2: Decrease Aggro Radius to 1 3: Decrease Social Radius to 1
| Beguiler's Banishment Root | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -20 Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Hate: -1 12: Root
| Roar of Tashan | 122 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Duration: 14m (140 ticks) Hate: 1200 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 4555 (v297, Before Crit) 2: Decrease Magic Resist by 124 4: Increase Poison Counter by 1 5: Limit Max Level: 125 (lose 10% per level) 6: Limit Effect: Current HP 7: Limit Resist: Lowest 8: Limit Type: Detrimental 9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 10: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Causes your target's mind to echo with the barking of Tashan, lowering their magic resistance by up to 124 while also adding 4555 to the damage they will take from chromatic-based spells up to level 125 for 14 minutes. |
| Roar of Tashan Rk. II | 122 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Duration: 14m (140 ticks) Hate: 1200 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 4783 (v297, Before Crit) 2: Decrease Magic Resist by 125 4: Increase Poison Counter by 1 5: Limit Max Level: 125 (lose 10% per level) 6: Limit Effect: Current HP 7: Limit Resist: Lowest 8: Limit Type: Detrimental 9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 10: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Causes your target's mind to echo with the barking of Tashan, lowering their magic resistance by up to 125 while also adding 4783 to the damage they will take from chromatic-based spells up to level 125 for 14 minutes. |
| Roar of Tashan Rk. III | 122 | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Duration: 14m (140 ticks) Hate: 1200 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 5022 (v297, Before Crit) 2: Decrease Magic Resist by 126 4: Increase Poison Counter by 1 5: Limit Max Level: 125 (lose 10% per level) 6: Limit Effect: Current HP 7: Limit Resist: Lowest 8: Limit Type: Detrimental 9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 10: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Causes your target's mind to echo with the barking of Tashan, lowering their magic resistance by up to 126 while also adding 5022 to the damage they will take from chromatic-based spells up to level 125 for 14 minutes. |
| Companion's Fortification XXXVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Decrease Offhand Damage Shield Taken by 100% 2: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 60% 4: Absorb Spell Damage: 26%, Total: 645000 5: Absorb Melee Damage: 26%, Total: 645000 7: Increase AC by 53 to 70, Based on Class Reduces the potency of damage shields against the bearer's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 798 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 645000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 645000 total damage. |
| Companion's Blessing XLI | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Cast: Companion's Blessing (Azia) XLI once if HP Below 40 Percent Triggers Companion's Blessing (Azia) XLI if the bearer's health drops below 40%. Companion's Blessing (Azia) XLI renders the bearer invulnerable to most attacks but also unable to attack for 18 seconds. |
| Companion's Divine Aura XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Invulnerability 2: Increase Current HP by 44000 per tick Renders the bearer invulnerable to most attacks but also unable to attack. Increases health regeneration by 44000 points. |
| Dimensional Instability III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 6 Defensive Proc Casts 2: Decrease Hate Generated by 15% 8: Add Defensive Proc: Dimensional Jolt III with 10000% Rate Mod Triggers Dimensional Jolt III on attackers when you are struck in melee combat up to 6 times. Reduces the amount of hate generated from your attacks and spells by 15%. |
| Dire Charm I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 1: Charm up to level 46 Dire Charm I, when activated, allows you to permanently charm a level 46 or lower creature. |
| Doppelganger Shadowstep | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Shadowstep
| Inhibiting Helix | 123 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -10 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -141 1: Increase Disease Counter by 32 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 440 4: Decrease AC by 64 to 85, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 500 6: Decrease AGI by 500 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 20% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 32 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 500, dexterity by 500, strength by 440, armor class by 971, and ability to dual wield by 20% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Inhibiting Helix Rk. II | 123 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -15 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -148 1: Increase Disease Counter by 32 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 462 4: Decrease AC by 68 to 89, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 525 6: Decrease AGI by 525 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 20% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 32 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 525, dexterity by 525, strength by 462, armor class by 1020, and ability to dual wield by 20% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Inhibiting Helix Rk. III | 123 | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -30 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -155 1: Increase Disease Counter by 32 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 485 4: Decrease AC by 71 to 93, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 551 6: Decrease AGI by 551 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 21% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 32 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 551, dexterity by 551, strength by 485, armor class by 1071, and ability to dual wield by 21% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Chromatic Blink Reciprocation | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 16736 Absorbs 16736 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Blink Reciprocation Rk. II | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 17573 Absorbs 17573 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Blink Reciprocation Rk. III | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 18452 Absorbs 18452 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Flicker Reciprocation | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 21338 Absorbs 21338 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Flicker Reciprocation II | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 22405 Absorbs 22405 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Flicker Reciprocation III | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 23525 Absorbs 23525 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Stab Reciprocation | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 25878 Absorbs 25878 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Stab Reciprocation II | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 27172 Absorbs 27172 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Stab Reciprocation III | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 28531 Absorbs 28531 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Flare Reciprocation | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 31384 Absorbs 31384 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Flare Reciprocation II | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 32953 Absorbs 32953 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Flare Reciprocation III | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 34601 Absorbs 34601 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Spike Reciprocation | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 38061 Absorbs 38061 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Spike Reciprocation II | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 39964 Absorbs 39964 incoming melee damage. |
| Chromatic Spike Reciprocation III | - | - | 1s | Target: Targets Target Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 5: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 41962 Absorbs 41962 incoming melee damage. |
| Intellectual Reappropriation | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 911 Refreshes you for up to 911 points of mana. |
| Intellectual Reappropriation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 957 Refreshes you for up to 957 points of mana. |
| Intellectual Reappropriation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 1005 Refreshes you for up to 1005 points of mana. |
| Psychic Reappropriation | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 1106 Refreshes you for up to 1106 points of mana. |
| Psychic Reappropriation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 1161 Refreshes you for up to 1161 points of mana. |
| Psychic Reappropriation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 1219 Refreshes you for up to 1219 points of mana. |
| Ideological Reappropriation | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 1341 Refreshes you for up to 1341 points of mana. |
| Ideological Reappropriation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 1408 Refreshes you for up to 1408 points of mana. |
| Ideological Reappropriation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 1478 Refreshes you for up to 1478 points of mana. |
| Psychological Reappropriation | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 1848 Refreshes you for up to 1848 points of mana. |
| Psychological Reappropriation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 1940 Refreshes you for up to 1940 points of mana. |
| Psychological Reappropriation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 2037 Refreshes you for up to 2037 points of mana. |
| Cognitive Reappropriation | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 2241 Refreshes you for up to 2241 points of mana. |
| Cognitive Reappropriation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 2353 Refreshes you for up to 2353 points of mana. |
| Cognitive Reappropriation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group 11: Increase Current Mana by 2471 Refreshes you for up to 2471 points of mana. |
| Twincast | - | - | 6m | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100% 2: Limit Effect: Current HP 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 6: Limit Type: Detrimental Splits your magic, allowing you to twincast any damage spell. |
| Twincast Rk. II | - | - | 5.3m | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100% 2: Limit Effect: Current HP 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 6: Limit Type: Detrimental Splits your magic, allowing you to twincast any damage spell. |
| Twincast Rk. III | - | - | 5m | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100% 2: Limit Effect: Current HP 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 6: Limit Type: Detrimental Splits your magic, allowing you to twincast any damage spell. |
| Evadee's Invisibility | - | - | 0s | Target: Single In Group Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 1: Invisibility You evaded your attackers and have become invisible. |
| Mana Flare Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 700
| Mana Recursion Strike I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 840 2: Cast: Mana Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Recursion Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 875 2: Cast: Mana Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Recursion Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 910 2: Cast: Mana Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Resurgence Strike I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 963 2: Cast: Mana Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Resurgence Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1094 2: Cast: Mana Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Resurgence Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1181 2: Cast: Mana Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Reiterate Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1263 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Reiterate Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1436 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Reiterate Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1551 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Reiteration Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2081 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reiteration (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2081 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Reiteration Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2368 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reiteration II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2368 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Reiteration Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2556 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reiteration III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2556 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Repercussion Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2979 2: Cast: Mana Re-Repercussion (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 2979 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Repercussion Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3128 2: Cast: Mana Re-Repercussion II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 3128 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Repercussion Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3284 2: Cast: Mana Re-Repercussion III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 3284 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Reverberation Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3792 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reverberation (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 3792 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Reverberation Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3982 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reverberation II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 3982 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Reverberation Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4180 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reverberation III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 4180 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Reciprocation Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4502 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reciprocation (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 4502 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Reciprocation Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4728 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reciprocation II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 4728 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Reciprocation Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4964 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reciprocation III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 4964 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Repetition Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5507 2: Cast: Mana Re-Repetition (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 5507 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Repetition. |
| Mana Repetition Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5783 2: Cast: Mana Re-Repetition II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 5783 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Repetition II. |
| Mana Repetition Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 6072 2: Cast: Mana Re-Repetition III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 6072 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Repetition III. |
| Mana Replication Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 6734 2: Cast: Mana Re-Replication (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 6734 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Replication. |
| Mana Replication Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 7071 2: Cast: Mana Re-Replication II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 7071 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Replication II. |
| Mana Replication Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 7425 2: Cast: Mana Re-Replication III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 7425 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Replication III. |
| Mana Rebirth Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 11229 2: Cast: Mana Re-Rebirth (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 11229 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Rebirth. |
| Mana Rebirth Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 11790 2: Cast: Mana Re-Rebirth II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 11790 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Rebirth II. |
| Mana Rebirth Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 12379 2: Cast: Mana Re-Rebirth III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 12379 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Rebirth III. |
| Mana Reproduction Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 13617 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reproduction (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 13617 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Reproduction. |
| Mana Reproduction Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 14298 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reproduction II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 14298 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Reproduction II. |
| Mana Reproduction Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 15013 2: Cast: Mana Re-Reproduction III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 15013 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Reproduction III. |
| Night's Terror | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Duration: 8m (80 ticks) 1: Illusion: Scarecrow Changes your form to a scarecrow. |
| Night's Endless Darkness | - | - | 6s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4815 Drains up to 4815 hit points from your target. |
| Night's Endless Darkness II | - | - | 6s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5056 Drains up to 5056 hit points from your target. |
| Night's Endless Darkness III | - | - | 6s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5309 Drains up to 5309 hit points from your target. |
| Night's Perpetual Darkness | - | - | 6s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7088 Drains up to 7088 hit points from your target. |
| Night's Perpetual Darkness II | - | - | 6s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7442 Drains up to 7442 hit points from your target. |
| Night's Perpetual Darkness III | - | - | 6s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7814 Drains up to 7814 hit points from your target. |
| Waking Nightmare XXVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 78s (13 ticks) 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 50% (v371, Incremental) 3: Decrease AC by 38 to 51, Based on Class Reduces attack speed by 50% and armor class by 580 points. |
| Ward of the Stupefier | 125 | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Add Defensive Proc: Stupefier's Warding Effect with 400% Rate Mod 2: Inhibit Effect: Damage Shield Places a ward on you that will magically strike those that attack you, causing them to be mesmerized for up to 12 seconds as long as they are below level 128. This ward will last for 10 minutes. |
| Ward of the Stupefier Rk. II | 125 | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Add Defensive Proc: Stupefier's Warding Effect II with 400% Rate Mod 2: Inhibit Effect: Damage Shield Places a ward on you that will magically strike those that attack you, causing them to be mesmerized for up to 12 seconds as long as they are below level 128. This ward will last for 10 minutes. |
| Ward of the Stupefier Rk. III | 125 | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 10m (100 ticks) 1: Add Defensive Proc: Stupefier's Warding Effect III with 400% Rate Mod 2: Inhibit Effect: Damage Shield Places a ward on you that will magically strike those that attack you, causing them to be mesmerized for up to 12 seconds as long as they are below level 128. This ward will last for 10 minutes. |
| Shield of Memories | 121 | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 14224 2: Increase AC by 175 to 231, Based on Class 3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 15224 6: Increase Magic Resist by 164 Surrounds you with a shield of arcane power, increasing your hit points by 14224, armor class by 2646, and magic resistance by 164 for 2.5 hours. |
| Shield of Memories Rk. II | 121 | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 14935 2: Increase AC by 184 to 243, Based on Class 3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 15935 6: Increase Magic Resist by 165 Surrounds you with a shield of arcane power, increasing your hit points by 14935, armor class by 2778, and magic resistance by 165 for 2.5 hours. |
| Shield of Memories Rk. III | 121 | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 15682 2: Increase AC by 193 to 255, Based on Class 3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 16682 6: Increase Magic Resist by 166 Surrounds you with a shield of arcane power, increasing your hit points by 15682, armor class by 2917, and magic resistance by 166 for 2.5 hours. |
| Deep Sleep's Malaise I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic Duration: 2m (20 ticks) 1: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% Reduces melee attack speed by 70%. |
| Reactive Rune XVI (Melee Shield) | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Duration: 30m (300 ticks) 1: Cast: Reactive Rune XVI (Protection) if 35000 Melee Damage Taken in Single Hit 3: Buff Blocker B (160) Triggers Reactive Rune XVI (Protection), which absorbs 92000 total damage for 30 seconds, if you take a melee damage hit that exceeds 35000 points. |
| Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Shield) | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Duration: 30m (300 ticks) 2: Cast: Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Protection) if 40000 Spell Damage Taken in Single Hit 4: Buff Blocker C (160) Triggers Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Protection), which absorbs 97000 total direct spell damage for 30 seconds, if you take a spell damage hit that exceeds 40000 points. |
| Banishing Force I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If Not Raid Boss) Resist: Magic -2000 Duration: 12s (2 ticks) 1: Gradual Push to 40' away (Force=200) up to level + 3 2: Cancel if Moved 30' 3: Cast: Banishing Root I on Fade Forcefully pushes a target that is 40 or fewer levels higher than you that is within 40 feet of you away then applies Banishing Root I after they have been moved 30 feet. Banishing Root I roots the target in place for 30 seconds. |
| Evader's Invisibility | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 1: Invisibility You evaded your attackers and have become invisible. |
| Apex of Enchantment VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 6: Increase Max Mana by 8000 8: Increase Current Mana by 400 per tick (v417) 11: Increase Chance to Critical DD by 9% Increases the chance that your direct damage spells will land critically by 9%, your maximum mana by 8000 points, and your mana regeneration by 400 points. |
| Enchanted Doppelganger IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Doppelganger: SpireDoppelganger4 Summons a level 105 illusion of yourself with hatred equal to your own to intercept your attacker for up to 10 seconds. This doppelganger will attempt to distract its target with Bewilderment of Lights II. |
| Summon Companion I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Summon Pet This ability, when activated, consumes 1% of your mana to instantly summon your pet to your side if it is out of combat. |
| Apothic Karma | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 4500 2: Cast: Apothic Soothing (10% Chance) (v374) Heals you for 4500 and has a 10% chance to cast Apothic Soothing which heals your group for 2333 |
| Focused Apothic Karma | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 5500 2: Cast: Focused Apothic Soothing (10% Chance) (v374) Heals you for 5500 and has a 10% chance to cast Focused Apothic Soothing which heals your group for 3000 |
| Focus Recovery | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 250 Returns 250 mana. |
| Focused Recovery | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 280 Returns 280 mana. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath VI Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1600 Heals your group for up to 1600. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath VI Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 4000
| Arms of Holy Wrath VII Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 4333
| Hand of Holy Wrath V Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1467 Heals your group for up to 1467. |
| Hand Of Holy Wrath I Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 933
| Hand Of Holy Wrath II Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1067
| Hand of Holy Wrath III Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1200 Heals your group for up to 1200. |
| ArmsOfHolyWrathIRecourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2333
| ArmsOfHolyWrathIIRecourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2667
| Arms of Holy Wrath III Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3000
| Arms of Holy Wrath IV Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3333
| Obulus Soothing | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current HP by 4000 2: Increase Current Mana by 400 Heals you for 4000 damage and 400 mana. |
| Alleviating Burst XVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 900 Has the potential to restore up to 900 mana when you strike your enemies. |
| Hand of Holy Wrath VIII Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1867 Heals your group for up to 1867. |
| Arms of Holy Wrath V Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3667
| Mental Corruption Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 100
| Mental Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 150
| Marrowthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 8 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP
| Marrowthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP
| Marrowthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP
| Soulthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 8 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Soulthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Soulthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Mindshear Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 8 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Mindshear Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Mindshear Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Mental Terror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 156 Steals up to 156 mana from your target. |
| Mental Terror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 164 Steals up to 164 mana from your target. |
| Mental Terror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 172 Steals up to 172 mana from your target. |
| Armor of Experience III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 90s (15 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Incoming Hit Successes 3: Absorb Melee Damage: 50% 5: Cast: Armor of Experience IV on Fade Absorbs 50% of incoming melee damage up to 10 hits and applies Armor of Experience IV after fading. |
| Companion's Blessing (Azia) XLI | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 5: Increase Current HP by 23800 per tick 6: Absorb Melee Damage: 63%, Total: 57600 7: Cast: Companion's Blessing (Beza) XLI on Fade Heals 23800 health every 6 seconds and absorbs 63% of incoming melee damage up to 57600 total damage. Triggers Companion's Blessing (Beza) XLI after fading to either duration or damage absorption. |
| Dimensional Jolt III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Dimensional Shift I 1: Decrease Current Hate by 30% Reduces your target's total hatred for you by 30% and triggers Dimensional Shift I. |
| Mana Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 840 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 875 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 910 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 963 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1094 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1181 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1263 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1436 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1551 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Reiteration | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1960 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reiteration (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 1960 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Reiteration II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2475 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reiteration II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2475 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Reiteration III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2673 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reiteration III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2673 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Repercussion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3276 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Repercussion (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 3276 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Repercussion II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3441 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Repercussion II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 3441 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Repercussion III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3613 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Repercussion III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 3613 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Reverberation | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4171 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reverberation (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 4171 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Reverberation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4379 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reverberation II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 4379 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Reverberation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4598 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reverberation III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 4598 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Reciprocation | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4952 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reciprocation (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 4952 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Reciprocation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5201 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reciprocation II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 5201 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Reciprocation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5461 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reciprocation III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 5461 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Repetition | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 6556 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Repetition (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 6556 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Repetition. |
| Mana Re-Repetition II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 9161 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Repetition II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 9161 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Repetition II. |
| Mana Re-Repetition III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 11136 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Repetition III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 11136 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Repetition III. |
| Mana Re-Replication | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 8797 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Replication (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 8797 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Replication. |
| Mana Re-Replication II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 11202 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Replication II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 11202 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Replication II. |
| Mana Re-Replication III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 13615 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Replication III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 13615 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Replication III. |
| Mana Re-Rebirth | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 16092 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Rebirth (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 16092 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Rebirth. |
| Mana Re-Rebirth II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 20920 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Rebirth II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 20920 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Rebirth II. |
| Mana Re-Rebirth III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 23064 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Rebirth III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 23064 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Rebirth III. |
| Mana Re-Reproduction | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 19516 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reproduction (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 19516 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Reproduction. |
| Mana Re-Reproduction II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 25371 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reproduction II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 25371 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Reproduction II. |
| Mana Re-Reproduction III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 30840 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Reproduction III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 30840 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Reproduction III. |
| Stupefier's Warding Effect | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -40 Duration: 12s (2 ticks) 1: Mesmerize up to level 128 Mesmerizes creatures of up to level 128 for up to 12 seconds. |
| Stupefier's Warding Effect II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 Duration: 12s (2 ticks) 1: Mesmerize up to level 128 Mesmerizes creatures of up to level 128 for up to 12 seconds. |
| Stupefier's Warding Effect III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -60 Duration: 12s (2 ticks) 1: Mesmerize up to level 128 Mesmerizes creatures of up to level 128 for up to 12 seconds. |
| Reactive Rune XVI (Protection) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 1: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 92000 Absorbs 92000 total damage. |
| Reactive Rune XVI (Spell Protection) | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 1: Absorb Spell Damage: 100%, Total: 97000 Absorbs 97000 total direct spell damage. |
| Banishing Root I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If Not Raid Boss) Resist: Magic -10000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 1: Root Roots the target in place for up to 30 seconds seconds. |
| Apothic Soothing | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2333 Heals your group for 2333 |
| Focused Apothic Soothing | - | - | 0s | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3000 Heals your group for 3000 |
| Armor of Experience IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 90s (15 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Incoming Hit Successes 3: Absorb Melee Damage: 25% Absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 10 hits. |
| Companion's Blessing (Beza) XLI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 5: Increase Current HP by 26800 per tick 6: Absorb Melee Damage: 63%, Total: 57600 7: Cast: Companion's Blessing (Caza) XLI on Fade Heals 26800 health every 6 seconds and absorbs 63% of incoming melee damage up to 57600 total damage. Triggers Companion's Blessing (Caza) XLI after fading to either duration or damage absorption. |
| Dimensional Shift I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Hate: -10000 1: Shadowstep Back 10' Teleports you up to 24 feet backwards. |
| Mana Re-Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 840 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Re-Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 875 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Re-Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 910 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Re-Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 963 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1094 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1181 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1263 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1436 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1551 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reiteration | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2272 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiteration (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2272 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reiteration II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2583 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiteration II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2583 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reiteration III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2788 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiteration III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2788 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Repercussion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3605 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Repercussion (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 3605 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Repercussion II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3785 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Repercussion II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 3785 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Repercussion III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3974 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Repercussion III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 3974 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reverberation | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4589 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reverberation (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 4589 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reverberation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4817 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reverberation II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 4817 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reverberation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5058 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reverberation III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 5058 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reciprocation | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5448 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 5448 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reciprocation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5720 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 5720 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reciprocation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 6007 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 6007 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Repetition | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 7210 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Repetition (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 7210 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Repetition. |
| Mana Re-Re-Repetition II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 9620 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Repetition II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 9620 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Repetition II. |
| Mana Re-Re-Repetition III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 11692 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Repetition III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 11692 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Repetition III. |
| Mana Re-Re-Replication | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 9676 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Replication (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 9676 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Replication. |
| Mana Re-Re-Replication II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 11762 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Replication II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 11762 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Replication II. |
| Mana Re-Re-Replication III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 14296 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Replication III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 14296 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Replication III. |
| Mana Re-Re-Rebirth | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 16897 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Rebirth (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 16897 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Rebirth. |
| Mana Re-Re-Rebirth II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 21965 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Rebirth II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 21965 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Rebirth II. |
| Mana Re-Re-Rebirth III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 24217 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Rebirth III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 24217 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Rebirth III. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reproduction | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 20491 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reproduction (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 20491 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Reproduction. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reproduction II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 26640 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reproduction II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 26640 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Reproduction II. |
| Mana Re-Re-Reproduction III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 32382 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Reproduction III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 32382 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Reproduction III. |
| Companion's Blessing (Caza) XLI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 5: Increase Current HP by 27800 per tick 6: Absorb Melee Damage: 63%, Total: 57600 7: Cast: Companion's Blessing (Dena) XLI on Fade Heals 27800 health every 6 seconds and absorbs 63% of incoming melee damage up to 57600 total damage. Triggers Companion's Blessing (Dena) XLI after fading to either duration or damage absorption. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 840 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 875 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 910 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Recursion (10% Chance) (v340)
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 963 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1094 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1181 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Resurgence (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1263 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1436 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1551 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiterate (10% Chance) (v340) Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiteration | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2367 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiteration (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2367 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiteration II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2692 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiteration II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2692 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reiteration III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2904 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiteration III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2904 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Repercussion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3965 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repercussion (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 3965 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Repercussion II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4163 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repercussion II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 4163 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Repercussion III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4372 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repercussion III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 4372 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reverberation | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5047 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reverberation (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 5047 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reverberation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5299 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reverberation II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 5299 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reverberation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5563 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reverberation III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 5563 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5993 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 5993 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 6293 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 6293 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 6608 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 6608 damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger an additional damaging strike. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Repetition | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 7932 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repetition (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 7932 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repetition. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Repetition II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 10102 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repetition II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 10102 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repetition II. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Repetition III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 12277 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repetition III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 12277 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repetition III. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Replication | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 10160 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Replication (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 10160 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Replication. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Replication II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 12350 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Replication II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 12350 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Replication II. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Replication III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 15011 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Replication III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 15011 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Replication III. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Rebirth | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 17742 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Rebirth (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 17742 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Rebirth. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Rebirth II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 23064 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Rebirth II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 23064 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Rebirth II. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Rebirth III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 25428 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Rebirth III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 25428 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Rebirth III. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reproduction | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 23012 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reproduction (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 23012 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reproduction. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reproduction II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 27972 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reproduction II (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 27972 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reproduction II. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Reproduction III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 34001 2: Cast: Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reproduction III (10% Chance) (v340) Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 34001 magical damage. Has a 10% chance to trigger Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reproduction III. |
| Companion's Blessing (Dena) XLI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 5: Increase Current HP by 28800 per tick 6: Absorb Melee Damage: 63%, Total: 57600 Heals 28800 health every 6 seconds and absorbs 63% of incoming melee damage up to 57600 total damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 840
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 875
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Recursion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 910
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 963 Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1094 Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Resurgence | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1181 Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1263 Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1436 Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiterate | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1551 Places an aura of mana upon your target. The mana will entwine with the energy of a damaging spell, allowing your target to inflict additional damage via a mana flare strike. Mana flare strikes generate little to no anger. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiteration | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2555 Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2555 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiteration II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2906 Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 2906 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reiteration III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3138 Strikes your target with reiterative mana, causing 3138 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repercussion | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4362 Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 4362 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repercussion II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4579 Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 4579 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repercussion III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4810 Strikes your target with repercussive mana, causing 4810 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reverberation | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5552 Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 5552 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reverberation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 5829 Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 5829 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reverberation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 6120 Strikes your target with reverberating mana, causing 6120 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 6592 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 6592 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 6922 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 6922 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reciprocation III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 7269 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 7269 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repetition | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 8724 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 8724 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repetition II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 10606 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 10606 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Repetition III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 12890 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 12890 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Replication | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 10669 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 10669 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Replication II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 12967 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 12967 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Replication III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 15761 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 15761 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Rebirth | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 18628 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 18628 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Rebirth II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 24217 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 24217 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Rebirth III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 26700 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 26700 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reproduction | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 24163 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 24163 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reproduction II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 29371 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 29371 damage. |
| Mana Re-Re-Re-Re-Reproduction III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest Hate: 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 35701 Strikes your target with pulsing mana, causing 35701 damage. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).