AA Search

15 results (costing 190 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
110Area Taunt (15)125 WAR (LS)35 / 1905m T2Cast: Area Taunt VIII
Area Taunt VIII, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 45000 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
110Area Taunt (14)120 WAR (ToL)30 / 1555m T2Cast: Area Taunt VII
Area Taunt VII, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 35000 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
110Area Taunt (13)115 WAR (ToV)25 / 1255m T2Cast: Area Taunt VI
Area Taunt VI, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 25000 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
110Area Taunt (12)110 WAR (RoS)25 / 1005m T2Cast: Area Taunt V
Area Taunt V, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 15000 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
110Area Taunt (11)105 WAR (TBM)15 / 755m T2Cast: Area Taunt IV
Area Taunt IV, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 13000 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
110Area Taunt (10)95 WAR (TBM)15 / 605m T2Cast: Area Taunt III
Area Taunt III, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 9000 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
110Area Taunt (9)90 WAR (TBM)10 / 455m T2Cast: Area Taunt II
Area Taunt II, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 6000 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
110Area Taunt (8)85 WAR (UF)12 / 356m T2Cast: Area Taunt II
Area Taunt II, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 6000 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
110Area Taunt (7)70 WAR (SoD)3 / 236m T2Cast: Area Taunt I
Area Taunt I, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 100 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute 30 seconds.
110Area Taunt (6)69 WAR (SoD)3 / 207.5m T2Cast: Area Taunt I
Area Taunt I, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 100 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute 30 seconds.
110Area Taunt (5)68 WAR (SoD)3 / 179m T2Cast: Area Taunt I
Area Taunt I, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 100 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute 30 seconds.
110Area Taunt (4)65 WAR (PoP)3 / 1410.5m T2Cast: Area Taunt I
Area Taunt I, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 100 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute 30 seconds.
110Area Taunt (3)64 WAR (PoP)3 / 1112m T2Cast: Area Taunt I
Area Taunt I, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 100 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute 30 seconds.
110Area Taunt (2)63 WAR (PoP)3 / 813.5m T2Cast: Area Taunt I
Area Taunt I, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 100 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute 30 seconds.
110Area Taunt (1)59 WAR (SoL)5 / 515m T2Cast: Area Taunt I
Area Taunt I, when activated, taunts all creatures within a 40 foot radius, placing you 100 points of hate higher than your opponents' previously most hated target.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).