AA Search

40 results (costing 681 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
701Armor of the Inquisitor (33)125 PAL (LS)40 / 5199m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XXX
Armor of the Inquisitor XXX, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 79% and increases your armor class 5500 points for 3.1 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (32)122 PAL (LS)40 / 4799m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XXIX
Armor of the Inquisitor XXIX, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 78% and increases your armor class 5000 points for 3.1 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (31)120 PAL (ToL)35 / 4399m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XXVIII
Armor of the Inquisitor XXVIII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 77% and increases your armor class 4500 points for 3.1 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (30)120 PAL (ToL)35 / 4049m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XXVII
Armor of the Inquisitor XXVII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 76% and increases your armor class 4000 points for 3.1 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (29)115 PAL (ToV)30 / 3699m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XXVI
Armor of the Inquisitor XXVI, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 75% and increases your armor class 3500 points for 3.1 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (28)110 PAL (ToV)25 / 3399m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XXV
Armor of the Inquisitor XXV, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 74% and increases your armor class 3000 points for 3.1 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (27)105 PAL (TDS)21 / 3149m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XXIV
Armor of the Inquisitor XXIV, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 73% and increases your armor class 2600 points for 3.1 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (26)103 PAL (TDS)19 / 2939m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XXIII
Armor of the Inquisitor XXIII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 72% and increases your armor class 2550 points for 3 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (25)101 PAL (TDS)17 / 2749m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XXII
Armor of the Inquisitor XXII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 71% and increases your armor class 2500 points for 2.9 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (24)100 PAL (CotF)15 / 2579m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XXI
Armor of the Inquisitor XXI, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 70% and increases your armor class 2450 points for 2.8 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (23)100 PAL (CotF)15 / 2429m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XX
Armor of the Inquisitor XX, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 68% and increases your armor class 2300 points for 2.7 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (22)100 PAL (CotF)15 / 2279m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XIX
Armor of the Inquisitor XIX, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 66% and increases your armor class 2150 points for 2.6 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (21)100 PAL (RoF)15 / 2129m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XVIII
Armor of the Inquisitor XVIII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 64% and increases your armor class 2000 points for 2.5 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (20)98 PAL (RoF)12 / 1979m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XVII
Armor of the Inquisitor XVII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 62% and increases your armor class 1850 points for 2.4 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (19)96 PAL (RoF)9 / 1859m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XVI
Armor of the Inquisitor XVI, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 60% and increases your armor class 1600 points for 2.3 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (18)95 PAL (VoA)9 / 1769m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XV
Armor of the Inquisitor XV, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 58% and increases your armor class 1450 points for 2.2 minutes.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (17)94 PAL (VoA)9 / 16711m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XV
Armor of the Inquisitor XV, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 58% and increases your armor class 1450 points for 2.2 minutes.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (16)93 PAL (VoA)9 / 15813m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XV
Armor of the Inquisitor XV, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 58% and increases your armor class 1450 points for 2.2 minutes.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (15)93 PAL (VoA)15 / 14915m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XV
Armor of the Inquisitor XV, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 58% and increases your armor class 1450 points for 2.2 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (14)92 PAL (VoA)13 / 13415m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XIV
Armor of the Inquisitor XIV, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 56% and increases your armor class 1300 points for 2.1 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (13)91 PAL (VoA)11 / 12115m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XIII
Armor of the Inquisitor XIII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 54% and increases your armor class 1150 points for 2 minutes.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (12)89 PAL (HoT)15 / 11015m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XII
Armor of the Inquisitor XII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 52% and increases your armor class 1000 points for 114 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (11)87 PAL (HoT)12 / 9515m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor XI
Armor of the Inquisitor XI, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 50% and increases your armor class 850 points for 108 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (10)85 PAL (HoT)9 / 8315m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor X
Armor of the Inquisitor X, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 48% and increases your armor class 750 points for 102 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (9)85 PAL (SoD)12 / 7415m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor IX
Armor of the Inquisitor IX, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 46% and increases your armor class 675 points for 96 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (8)83 PAL (SoD)9 / 6215m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor VIII
Armor of the Inquisitor VIII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 44% and increases your armor class 600 points for 90 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (7)81 PAL (SoD)7 / 5315m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor VII
Armor of the Inquisitor VII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 42% and increases your armor class 525 points for 84 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (6)80 PAL (SoF)12 / 4615m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor VI
Armor of the Inquisitor VI, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 40% and increases your armor class 450 points for 78 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (5)78 PAL (SoF)9 / 3415m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor V
Armor of the Inquisitor V, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 35% and increases your armor class 375 points for 72 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (4)76 PAL (SoF)7 / 2515m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor IV
Armor of the Inquisitor IV, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 30% and increases your armor class 300 points for 66 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (3)75 PAL (TSS)9 / 1815m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor III
Armor of the Inquisitor III, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 25% and increases your armor class 225 points for 60 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (2)73 PAL (TSS)6 / 915m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor II
Armor of the Inquisitor II, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 20% and increases your armor class 150 points for 48 seconds.
701Armor of the Inquisitor (1)71 PAL (TSS)3 / 315m T10Cast: Armor of the Inquisitor I
Armor of the Inquisitor I, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells by 15% and increases your armor class 75 points for 36 seconds.
2019Group Armor of the Inquisitor (7)125 PAL (LS)40 / 16220m T8Cast: Group Armor of the Inquisitor VII
Group Armor of the Inquisitor VII, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells for all group members within a 100 foot radius by 75% and increases their armor class by 2800 points for 2.2 minutes.
2019Group Armor of the Inquisitor (6)120 PAL (ToL)35 / 12220m T8Cast: Group Armor of the Inquisitor VI
Group Armor of the Inquisitor VI, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells for all group members within a 100 foot radius by 70% and increases their armor class by 2400 points for 2.2 minutes.
2019Group Armor of the Inquisitor (5)115 PAL (ToV)30 / 8720m T8Cast: Group Armor of the Inquisitor V
Group Armor of the Inquisitor V, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells for all group members within a 100 foot radius by 65% and increases their armor class by 2000 points for 2.2 minutes.
2019Group Armor of the Inquisitor (4)105 PAL (TBM)18 / 5720m T8Cast: Group Armor of the Inquisitor IV
Group Armor of the Inquisitor IV, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells for all group members within a 100 foot radius by 60% and increases their armor class by 1600 points for 2.2 minutes.
2019Group Armor of the Inquisitor (3)100 PAL (RoF)15 / 3920m T8Cast: Group Armor of the Inquisitor III
Group Armor of the Inquisitor III, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells for all group members within a 100 foot radius by 58% and increases their armor class by 1450 points for 2.2 minutes.
2019Group Armor of the Inquisitor (2)98 PAL (RoF)13 / 2420m T8Cast: Group Armor of the Inquisitor II
Group Armor of the Inquisitor II, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells for all group members within a 100 foot radius by 56% and increases their armor class by 1300 points for 2.1 minutes.
2019Group Armor of the Inquisitor (1)96 PAL (RoF)11 / 1120m T8Cast: Group Armor of the Inquisitor I
Group Armor of the Inquisitor I, when activated, increases the effectiveness of incoming instant duration healing spells for all group members within a 100 foot radius by 54% and increases their armor class by 1150 points for 2 minutes.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).