AA Search

5 results (costing 51 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
1005Beam of Displacement (5)105 WIZ (TBM)9 / 512m T64Cast: Beam of Displacement II
This ability, when activated, consumes up to 8 opponents within a 30 foot wide by 150 foot long area in front of you in a gust of wind, which pushes them backwards.
1005Beam of Displacement (4)105 WIZ (TDS)15 / 422m T64Cast: Beam of Displacement I
This ability, when activated, consumes up to 8 opponents within a 30 foot wide by 150 foot long area in front of you in a gust of wind, which deals 1 point of damage and pushes them backwards.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 20 seconds.
1005Beam of Displacement (3)103 WIZ (TDS)12 / 272.3m T64Cast: Beam of Displacement I
This ability, when activated, consumes up to 8 opponents within a 30 foot wide by 150 foot long area in front of you in a gust of wind, which deals 1 point of damage and pushes them backwards.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 20 seconds.
1005Beam of Displacement (2)101 WIZ (TDS)9 / 152.7m T64Cast: Beam of Displacement I
This ability, when activated, consumes up to 8 opponents within a 30 foot wide by 150 foot long area in front of you in a gust of wind, which deals 1 point of damage and pushes them backwards.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 20 seconds.
1005Beam of Displacement (1)85 WIZ (UF)6 / 63m T64Cast: Beam of Displacement I
This ability, when activated, consumes up to 8 opponents within a 30 foot wide by 150 foot long area in front of you in a gust of wind, which deals 1 point of damage and pushes them backwards.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).