AA Search

7 results (costing 18 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
3551Beguiler's Directed Banishment (7)90 ENC (RoF)3 / 188s T321: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 30%
2: Limit Spells: Beguiler's Directed Banishment
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Beguiler's Directed Banishment I
This ability, when activated, pushes your target backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 60 point resist modifier.
3551Beguiler's Directed Banishment (6)90 ENC (RoF)3 / 158s T321: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 25%
2: Limit Spells: Beguiler's Directed Banishment
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Beguiler's Directed Banishment I
This ability, when activated, pushes your target backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 55 point resist modifier.
3551Beguiler's Directed Banishment (5)90 ENC (RoF)2 / 128s T321: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 20%
2: Limit Spells: Beguiler's Directed Banishment
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Beguiler's Directed Banishment I
This ability, when activated, pushes your target backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 50 point resist modifier.
3551Beguiler's Directed Banishment (4)85 ENC (UF)1 / 108s T321: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 15%
2: Limit Spells: Beguiler's Directed Banishment
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Beguiler's Directed Banishment I
This ability, when activated, pushes your target backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 45 point resist modifier.
3551Beguiler's Directed Banishment (3)85 ENC (UF)1 / 98s T321: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 10%
2: Limit Spells: Beguiler's Directed Banishment
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Beguiler's Directed Banishment I
This ability, when activated, pushes your target backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 40 point resist modifier.
3551Beguiler's Directed Banishment (2)85 ENC (UF)1 / 88s T321: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 5%
2: Limit Spells: Beguiler's Directed Banishment
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Beguiler's Directed Banishment I
This ability, when activated, pushes your target backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 35 point resist modifier.
3551Beguiler's Directed Banishment (1)73 ENC (SoF)7 / 78s T32Cast: Beguiler's Directed Banishment I
This ability, when activated, pushes your target backwards, causes them to forget their attackers, roots them in place for up to 18 seconds, and triggers Beguiler's Banishment Blur after 6 seconds which causes them to forget their attackers again with a 30 point resist modifier.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).