/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
642 | Binding Axe (11) | 125 BER (LS) | 35 / 214 | 60s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike VIII Binding Axe Strike VIII, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 700 and triggers Binding Axe VIII which reduces their attack power by 430 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound VIII after fading.Lingering Wound VIII reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 100000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
642 | Binding Axe (10) | 120 BER (ToL) | 30 / 179 | 60s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike VII Binding Axe Strike VII, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 650 and triggers Binding Axe VII which reduces their attack power by 365 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound VII after fading.Lingering Wound VII reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 70000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
642 | Binding Axe (9) | 115 BER (ToV) | 25 / 149 | 60s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike VI Binding Axe Strike VI, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 600 and triggers Binding Axe VI which reduces their attack power by 300 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound VI after fading.Lingering Wound VI reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 40000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
642 | Binding Axe (8) | 110 BER (RoS) | 25 / 124 | 60s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike V Binding Axe Strike V, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 550 and triggers Binding Axe V which reduces their attack power by 235 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound V after fading.Lingering Wound V reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 10000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
642 | Binding Axe (7) | 105 BER (TBM) | 13 / 99 | 60s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike IV Binding Axe Strike IV, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 500 and triggers Binding Axe IV which reduces their attack power by 200 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound IV after fading.Lingering Wound IV reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 6000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 10 seconds. |
642 | Binding Axe (6) | 105 BER (TBM) | 21 / 86 | 70s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike IV Binding Axe Strike IV, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 500 and triggers Binding Axe IV which reduces their attack power by 200 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound IV after fading.Lingering Wound IV reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 6000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
642 | Binding Axe (5) | 100 BER (TBM) | 11 / 65 | 70s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike III Binding Axe Strike III, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 450 and triggers Binding Axe III which reduces their attack power by 180 points, roots them in place for 24 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound III after fading.Lingering Wound III reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 5000 damage every 6 seconds for 30 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 10 seconds. |
642 | Binding Axe (4) | 100 BER (TBM) | 18 / 54 | 80s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike III Binding Axe Strike III, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 450 and triggers Binding Axe III which reduces their attack power by 180 points, roots them in place for 24 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound III after fading.Lingering Wound III reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 5000 damage every 6 seconds for 30 seconds. |
642 | Binding Axe (3) | 95 BER (TBM) | 9 / 36 | 80s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike II Binding Axe Strike II, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 400 and triggers Binding Axe II which reduces their attack power by 140 points, roots them in place for 18 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound II after fading.Lingering Wound II reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 3000 damage every 6 seconds for 24 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 10 seconds. |
642 | Binding Axe (2) | 90 BER (TBM) | 15 / 27 | 90s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike II Binding Axe Strike II, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 400 and triggers Binding Axe II which reduces their attack power by 140 points, roots them in place for 18 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound II after fading.Lingering Wound II reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 3000 damage every 6 seconds for 24 seconds. |
642 | Binding Axe (1) | 86 BER (HoT) | 12 / 12 | 90s T70 | Cast: Binding Axe Strike I Binding Axe Strike I, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 351 and triggers Binding Axe I which reduces their attack power by 110 points, roots them in place for 12 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound I after fading.Lingering Wound I reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 2600 damage every 6 seconds for 18 seconds. |
| Binding Axe Strike VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -120 Hate: 1 1: Throwing Attack for 700 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Cast: Binding Axe VIII (v374) Binding Axe Strike VIII, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 700 and triggers Binding Axe VIII which reduces their attack power by 430 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound VIII after fading.Lingering Wound VIII reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 100000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
| Binding Axe Strike VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -120 Hate: 1 1: Throwing Attack for 650 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Cast: Binding Axe VII (v374) Binding Axe Strike VII, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 650 and triggers Binding Axe VII which reduces their attack power by 365 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound VII after fading.Lingering Wound VII reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 70000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
| Binding Axe Strike VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -120 Hate: 1 1: Throwing Attack for 600 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Cast: Binding Axe VI (v374) Binding Axe Strike VI, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 600 and triggers Binding Axe VI which reduces their attack power by 300 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound VI after fading.Lingering Wound VI reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 40000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
| Binding Axe Strike V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -120 Hate: 1 1: Throwing Attack for 550 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Cast: Binding Axe V (v374) Binding Axe Strike V, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 550 and triggers Binding Axe V which reduces their attack power by 235 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound V after fading.Lingering Wound V reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 10000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
| Binding Axe Strike IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -120 Hate: 1 1: Throwing Attack for 500 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Cast: Binding Axe IV (v374) Binding Axe Strike IV, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 500 and triggers Binding Axe IV which reduces their attack power by 200 points, roots them in place for 30 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound IV after fading.Lingering Wound IV reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 6000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 10 seconds. |
| Binding Axe Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -110 Hate: 1 1: Throwing Attack for 450 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Cast: Binding Axe III (v374) Binding Axe Strike III, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 450 and triggers Binding Axe III which reduces their attack power by 180 points, roots them in place for 24 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound III after fading.Lingering Wound III reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 5000 damage every 6 seconds for 30 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 10 seconds. |
| Binding Axe Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -100 Hate: 1 1: Throwing Attack for 400 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Cast: Binding Axe II (v374) Binding Axe Strike II, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 400 and triggers Binding Axe II which reduces their attack power by 140 points, roots them in place for 18 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound II after fading.Lingering Wound II reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 3000 damage every 6 seconds for 24 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 10 seconds. |
| Binding Axe Strike I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -91 Hate: 1 1: Throwing Attack for 351 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Cast: Binding Axe I (v374) Binding Axe Strike I, when activated, strikes your target with a Throwing skill attack with a base damage of 351 and triggers Binding Axe I which reduces their attack power by 110 points, roots them in place for 12 seconds, then triggers Lingering Wound I after fading.Lingering Wound I reduces the target's movement speed by 60% and deals 2600 damage every 6 seconds for 18 seconds. |
| Binding Axe VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 6: Decrease ATK by 430 7: Root 8: Cast: Lingering Wound VIII on Fade Reduces attack by 430 points, roots the bearer in place, and triggers Lingering Wound VIII after fading, which reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 100000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
| Binding Axe VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 6: Decrease ATK by 365 7: Root 8: Cast: Lingering Wound VII on Fade Reduces attack by 365 points, roots the bearer in place, and triggers Lingering Wound VII after fading, which reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 70000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
| Binding Axe VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 6: Decrease ATK by 300 7: Root 8: Cast: Lingering Wound VI on Fade Reduces attack by 300 points, roots the bearer in place, and triggers Lingering Wound VI after fading, which reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 40000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
| Binding Axe V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 6: Decrease ATK by 235 7: Root 8: Cast: Lingering Wound V on Fade Reduces attack by 235 points, roots the bearer in place, and triggers Lingering Wound V after fading, which reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 10000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
| Binding Axe IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 6: Decrease ATK by 200 7: Root 8: Cast: Lingering Wound IV on Fade Reduces attack by 200 points, roots the bearer in place, and triggers Lingering Wound IV after fading, which reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 6000 damage every 6 seconds for 36 seconds. |
| Binding Axe III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) Hate: 1 6: Decrease ATK by 180 7: Root 8: Cast: Lingering Wound III on Fade Reduces attack by 180 points, roots the bearer in place, and triggers Lingering Wound III after fading, which reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 5000 damage every 6 seconds for 30 seconds. |
| Binding Axe II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Hate: 1 6: Decrease ATK by 140 7: Root 8: Cast: Lingering Wound II on Fade Reduces attack by 140 points, roots the bearer in place, and triggers Lingering Wound II after fading, which reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 3000 damage every 6 seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Binding Axe I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Hate: 1 6: Decrease ATK by 110 7: Root 8: Cast: Lingering Wound I on Fade Reduces attack by 110 points, roots the bearer in place, and triggers Lingering Wound I after fading, which reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 2600 damage every 6 seconds for 18 seconds. |
| Lingering Wound VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 36s (6 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 100000 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 60% Reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 100000 damage every 6 seconds. |
| Lingering Wound VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 36s (6 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 70000 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 60% Reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 70000 damage every 6 seconds. |
| Lingering Wound VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 36s (6 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 40000 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 60% Reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 40000 damage every 6 seconds. |
| Lingering Wound V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 36s (6 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 10000 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 60% Reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 10000 damage every 6 seconds. |
| Lingering Wound IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 36s (6 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 6000 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 60% Reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 6000 damage every 6 seconds. |
| Lingering Wound III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 5000 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 60% Reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 5000 damage every 6 seconds. |
| Lingering Wound II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -1000 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 3000 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 60% Reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 3000 damage every 6 seconds. |
| Lingering Wound I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 2600 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 60% Reduces movement speed by 60% and deals 2600 damage every 6 seconds. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).