AA Search

9 results (costing 177 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
1125Bite of Tashani (9)125 ENC (LS)35 / 1777s T63Cast: Bite of Tashani IX
Bite of Tashani IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Roar of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius.
1125Bite of Tashani (8)117 ENC (ToL)30 / 1427s T63Cast: Bite of Tashani VIII
Bite of Tashani VIII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Edict of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius.
1125Bite of Tashani (7)115 ENC (ToV)25 / 1127s T63Cast: Bite of Tashani VII
Bite of Tashani VII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Proclamation of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius.
1125Bite of Tashani (6)110 ENC (RoS)25 / 877s T63Cast: Bite of Tashani VI
Bite of Tashani VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Order of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius.
1125Bite of Tashani (5)105 ENC (TDS)18 / 627s T63Cast: Bite of Tashani V
Bite of Tashani V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Decree of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius.
1125Bite of Tashani (4)100 ENC (RoF)15 / 447s T63Cast: Bite of Tashani IV
Bite of Tashani IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Enunciation of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius.
1125Bite of Tashani (3)95 ENC (VoA)13 / 297s T63Cast: Bite of Tashani III
Bite of Tashani III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Declaration of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius.
1125Bite of Tashani (2)90 ENC (HoT)10 / 167s T63Cast: Bite of Tashani II
Bite of Tashani II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Clamor of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius.
1125Bite of Tashani (1)85 ENC (SoD)6 / 67s T63Cast: Bite of Tashani I
Bite of Tashani I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Bark of Tashan that you have scribed on all creatures within a 0 foot radius.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).