/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Blackguard's Synergy (14) | 125 ROG (LS) | 200 / 1800 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy V on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Mayhem This passive ability grants your Mayhem combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy V on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike V, which deals 76800 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (13) | 120 ROG (ToL) | 200 / 1600 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy IV on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shadowstrike This passive ability grants your Shadowstrike combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy IV on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike IV, which deals 57600 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (12) | 115 ROG (ToV) | 200 / 1400 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Blitzstrike This passive ability grants your Blitzstrike combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy III on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike III, which deals 38400 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (11) | 110 ROG (RoS) | 200 / 1200 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Fellstrike This passive ability grants your Fellstrike combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy II on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike II, which deals 19200 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (10) | 105 ROG (EoK) | 100 / 1000 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy I on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Barrage This passive ability grants your Barrage combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, which deals 16000 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (9) | 105 ROG (EoK) | 100 / 900 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy I on Spell Use (90% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Barrage This passive ability grants your Barrage combat abilities a 90% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, which deals 16000 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (8) | 105 ROG (EoK) | 100 / 800 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy I on Spell Use (80% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Barrage This passive ability grants your Barrage combat abilities a 80% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, which deals 16000 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (7) | 105 ROG (EoK) | 100 / 700 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy I on Spell Use (70% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Barrage This passive ability grants your Barrage combat abilities a 70% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, which deals 16000 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (6) | 105 ROG (EoK) | 100 / 600 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy I on Spell Use (60% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Barrage This passive ability grants your Barrage combat abilities a 60% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, which deals 16000 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (5) | 105 ROG (EoK) | 100 / 500 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy I on Spell Use (50% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Barrage This passive ability grants your Barrage combat abilities a 50% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, which deals 16000 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (4) | 105 ROG (EoK) | 100 / 400 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy I on Spell Use (40% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Barrage This passive ability grants your Barrage combat abilities a 40% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, which deals 16000 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (3) | 105 ROG (EoK) | 100 / 300 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy I on Spell Use (30% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Barrage This passive ability grants your Barrage combat abilities a 30% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, which deals 16000 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (2) | 105 ROG (EoK) | 100 / 200 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy I on Spell Use (20% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Barrage This passive ability grants your Barrage combat abilities a 20% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, which deals 16000 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy (1) | 105 ROG (EoK) | 100 / 100 | - | 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy I on Spell Use (10% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Barrage This passive ability grants your Barrage combat abilities a 10% chance to trigger Blackguard's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 18 seconds, which causes their next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, which deals 16000 damage. |
| Blackguard's Synergy V | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 3 Offensive Proc Casts 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy Strike V on Skill Use (32000) 2: Limit Skill: Archery 3: Limit Skill: Backstab 4: Limit Skill: Bash 5: Limit Skill: Dragon Punch 6: Limit Skill: Eagle Strike 7: Limit Skill: Flying Kick 8: Limit Skill: Kick 9: Limit Skill: Round Kick 10: Limit Skill: Throwing 11: Limit Skill: Tiger Claw 12: Limit Skill: Frenzy Causes your next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike V, dealing 76800 damage. This effect applies to the following skills:Archery, Backstab, Bash, Dragon Punch, Eagle Strike, Flying Kick, Kick, Round Kick, Throwing, Tiger Claw, Frenzy. |
| Mayhem | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 2119 Recourse: Aggravated Mayhem 1: Backstab Attack for 5067 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 5067 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 168% for 18 seconds. |
| Mayhem Rk. II | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 2225 Recourse: Aggravated Mayhem II 1: Backstab Attack for 5270 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 5270 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 176% for 18 seconds. |
| Mayhem Rk. III | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 2336 Recourse: Aggravated Mayhem III 1: Backstab Attack for 5481 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 5481 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 185% for 18 seconds. |
| Blackguard's Synergy IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 3 Offensive Proc Casts 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy Strike IV on Skill Use (32000) 2: Limit Skill: Archery 3: Limit Skill: Backstab 4: Limit Skill: Bash 5: Limit Skill: Dragon Punch 6: Limit Skill: Eagle Strike 7: Limit Skill: Flying Kick 8: Limit Skill: Kick 9: Limit Skill: Round Kick 10: Limit Skill: Throwing 11: Limit Skill: Tiger Claw 12: Limit Skill: Frenzy Causes your next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike IV, dealing 57600 damage. This effect applies to the following skills:Archery, Backstab, Bash, Dragon Punch, Eagle Strike, Flying Kick, Kick, Round Kick, Throwing, Tiger Claw, Frenzy. |
| Shadowstrike | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 1747 Recourse: Aggravated Shadowstrike 1: Backstab Attack for 3782 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 3782 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 145% for 18 seconds. |
| Shadowstrike Rk. II | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 1834 Recourse: Aggravated Shadowstrike II 1: Backstab Attack for 3877 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 3877 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 149% for 18 seconds. |
| Shadowstrike Rk. III | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 1926 Recourse: Aggravated Shadowstrike III 1: Backstab Attack for 3974 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 3974 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 153% for 18 seconds. |
| Blackguard's Synergy III | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 3 Offensive Proc Casts 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy Strike III on Skill Use (32000) 2: Limit Skill: Archery 3: Limit Skill: Backstab 4: Limit Skill: Bash 5: Limit Skill: Dragon Punch 6: Limit Skill: Eagle Strike 7: Limit Skill: Flying Kick 8: Limit Skill: Kick 9: Limit Skill: Round Kick 10: Limit Skill: Throwing 11: Limit Skill: Tiger Claw 12: Limit Skill: Frenzy Causes your next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike III, dealing 38400 damage. This effect applies to the following skills:Archery, Backstab, Bash, Dragon Punch, Eagle Strike, Flying Kick, Kick, Round Kick, Throwing, Tiger Claw, Frenzy. |
| Blitzstrike | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 1409 Recourse: Aggravated Blitzstrike 1: Backstab Attack for 3272 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 3272 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 126% for 18 seconds. |
| Blitzstrike Rk. II | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 1479 Recourse: Aggravated Blitzstrike II 1: Backstab Attack for 3354 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 3354 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 129% for 18 seconds. |
| Blitzstrike Rk. III | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 1553 Recourse: Aggravated Blitzstrike III 1: Backstab Attack for 3438 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 3438 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 132% for 18 seconds. |
| Blackguard's Synergy II | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 3 Offensive Proc Casts 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy Strike II on Skill Use (32000) 2: Limit Skill: Archery 3: Limit Skill: Backstab 4: Limit Skill: Bash 5: Limit Skill: Dragon Punch 6: Limit Skill: Eagle Strike 7: Limit Skill: Flying Kick 8: Limit Skill: Kick 9: Limit Skill: Round Kick 10: Limit Skill: Throwing 11: Limit Skill: Tiger Claw 12: Limit Skill: Frenzy Causes your next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike II, dealing 19200 damage. This effect applies to the following skills:Archery, Backstab, Bash, Dragon Punch, Eagle Strike, Flying Kick, Kick, Round Kick, Throwing, Tiger Claw, Frenzy. |
| Fellstrike | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 1109 Recourse: Aggravated Fellstrike 1: Backstab Attack for 2966 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 2966 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 119% for 18 seconds. |
| Fellstrike Rk. II | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 1192 Recourse: Aggravated Fellstrike II 1: Backstab Attack for 3040 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 3040 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 122% for 18 seconds. |
| Fellstrike Rk. III | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 1281 Recourse: Aggravated Fellstrike III 1: Backstab Attack for 3116 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 3116 Backstab base damage and modifies the damage you do with melee weapons by 125% for 18 seconds. |
| Blackguard's Synergy I | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 3 Offensive Proc Casts 1: Cast: Blackguard's Synergy Strike I on Skill Use (32000) 2: Limit Skill: Archery 3: Limit Skill: Backstab 4: Limit Skill: Bash 5: Limit Skill: Dragon Punch 6: Limit Skill: Eagle Strike 7: Limit Skill: Flying Kick 8: Limit Skill: Kick 9: Limit Skill: Round Kick 10: Limit Skill: Throwing 11: Limit Skill: Tiger Claw 12: Limit Skill: Frenzy Causes your next 3 skill attacks to trigger Blackguard's Synergy Strike I, dealing 16000 damage. This effect applies to the following skills:Archery, Backstab, Bash, Dragon Punch, Eagle Strike, Flying Kick, Kick, Round Kick, Throwing, Tiger Claw, Frenzy. |
| Barrage | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 874 Recourse: Aggravated Barrage 1: Backstab Attack for 2795 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 2795 damage and increases the damage you do with melee weapons for a short time. |
| Barrage Rk. II | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 918 Recourse: Aggravated Barrage II 1: Backstab Attack for 2865 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 2865 damage and increases the damage you do with melee weapons for a short time. |
| Barrage Rk. III | - | - | 30s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Hate: 964 Recourse: Aggravated Barrage III 1: Backstab Attack for 2937 with 10000% Accuracy Mod A staggering assault that strikes your foe for 2937 damage and increases the damage you do with melee weapons for a short time. |
| Blackguard's Synergy Strike V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 11520 1: Decrease Current HP by 76800 Deals 76800 damage. |
| Aggravated Mayhem | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 168 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 168 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 168 Adds 168 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Aggravated Mayhem II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 176 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 176 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 176 Adds 176 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Aggravated Mayhem III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 185 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 185 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 185 Adds 185 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Blackguard's Synergy Strike IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 7680 1: Decrease Current HP by 57600 Deals 57600 damage. |
| Aggravated Shadowstrike | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 145 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 145 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 145 Adds 145 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Aggravated Shadowstrike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 149 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 149 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 149 Adds 149 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Aggravated Shadowstrike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 153 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 153 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 153 Adds 153 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Blackguard's Synergy Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 3840 1: Decrease Current HP by 38400 Deals 38400 damage. |
| Aggravated Blitzstrike | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 126 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 126 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 126 Adds 126 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Aggravated Blitzstrike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 129 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 129 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 129 Adds 129 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Aggravated Blitzstrike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 132 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 132 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 132 Adds 132 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Blackguard's Synergy Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 1600 1: Decrease Current HP by 19200 Deals 19200 damage. |
| Aggravated Fellstrike | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 119 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 119 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 119 Adds 119 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Aggravated Fellstrike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 122 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 122 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 122 Adds 122 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Aggravated Fellstrike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 125 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 125 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 125 Adds 125 points to all melee damage you do using 1H Slash, 1H Pierce, and 1H Blunt weapons for 18 seconds. |
| Blackguard's Synergy Strike I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 1600 1: Decrease Current HP by 16000 Deals 16000 damage. |
| Aggravated Barrage | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 112 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 112 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 112 Increases the amount of melee damage you do for a short time. |
| Aggravated Barrage II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 115 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 115 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 115 Increases the amount of melee damage you do for a short time. |
| Aggravated Barrage III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 18s (3 ticks) 1: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 118 2: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 118 3: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 118 Increases the amount of melee damage you do for a short time. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).