Cast: Root III This ability, when activated, quickly roots your target in place for up to 1 minute with a 25 point resist modifier.
Blessed Chains (2)
100 CLR (TBM)
13 / 25
3s T35
Cast: Root II This ability, when activated, quickly roots your target in place for up to 54 seconds with a 10 point resist modifier.
Blessed Chains (1)
95 CLR (VoA)
12 / 12
3s T35
Cast: Root I This ability, when activated, quickly roots your target in place for up to 48 seconds.
Root III
Target: Single Resist: Magic -25 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 2: Root This ability, when activated, quickly roots your target in place for up to 1 minute with a 25 point resist modifier.
Root II
Target: Single Resist: Magic -10 Duration: 54s (9 ticks) 2: Root This ability, when activated, quickly roots your target in place for up to 54 seconds with a 10 point resist modifier.
Root I
Target: Single Resist: Magic Duration: 48s (8 ticks) 2: Root Causes the earth to adhere to your target's feet, preventing them from moving for up to 48 seconds.
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).