AA Search

7 results (costing 179 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
959Blessing of Tunare (7)125 DRU (LS)35 / 1795m T44Cast: Blessing of Tunare VII
Blessing of Tunare VII, when activated, critically heals all allies within a 200 foot radius of your target for 40000 health.
959Blessing of Tunare (6)120 DRU (ToL)30 / 1445m T44Cast: Blessing of Tunare VI
Blessing of Tunare VI, when activated, critically heals all allies within a 200 foot radius of your target for 32500 health.
959Blessing of Tunare (5)115 DRU (ToV)25 / 1145m T44Cast: Blessing of Tunare V
Blessing of Tunare V, when activated, critically heals all allies within a 200 foot radius of your target for 25000 health.
959Blessing of Tunare (4)110 DRU (RoS)25 / 895m T44Cast: Blessing of Tunare IV
Blessing of Tunare IV, when activated, critically heals all allies within a 200 foot radius of your target for 17500 health.
959Blessing of Tunare (3)108 DRU (RoS)25 / 645m T44Cast: Blessing of Tunare III
Blessing of Tunare III, when activated, critically heals all allies within a 200 foot radius of your target for 16500 health.
959Blessing of Tunare (2)105 DRU (TBM)21 / 395m T44Cast: Blessing of Tunare II
Blessing of Tunare II, when activated, critically heals all allies within a 200 foot radius of your target for 15430 health.
959Blessing of Tunare (1)104 DRU (TDS)18 / 185m T44Cast: Blessing of Tunare I
Blessing of Tunare I, when activated, critically heals all allies within a 200 foot radius of your target for 13235 health.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).