AA Search

8 results (costing 125 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Bloodfury (8)125 BER (LS)30 / 1251sCast: Bloodfury VIII
Bloodfury VIII, when activated, consumes 80000 health then 35000 health after 6 seconds to allow you to activate abilities that require you to be at reduced health then blesses you with Bloodshield VI after fading, which absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage up to 115000 total damage for 30 seconds.
Bloodfury (7)120 BER (ToL)25 / 951sCast: Bloodfury VII
Bloodfury VII, when activated, consumes 65000 health then 25000 health after 6 seconds to allow you to activate abilities that require you to be at reduced health then blesses you with Bloodshield V after fading, which absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage up to 90000 total damage for 30 seconds.
Bloodfury (6)115 BER (ToV)20 / 701sCast: Bloodfury VI
Bloodfury VI, when activated, consumes 50000 health then 15000 health after 6 seconds to allow you to activate abilities that require you to be at reduced health then blesses you with Bloodshield IV after fading, which absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage up to 65000 total damage for 30 seconds.
Bloodfury (5)110 BER (RoS)20 / 501sCast: Bloodfury V
Bloodfury V, when activated, consumes 35000 health then 5000 health after 6 seconds to allow you to activate abilities that require you to be at reduced health then blesses you with Bloodshield III after fading, which absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage up to 40000 total damage for 30 seconds.
Bloodfury (4)105 BER (TDS)11 / 301sCast: Bloodfury IV
Bloodfury IV, when activated, consumes 29000 health then 3000 health after 6 seconds to allow you to activate abilities that require you to be at reduced health then blesses you with Bloodshield II after fading, which absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage up to 35000 total damage for 30 seconds.
Bloodfury (3)100 BER (CotF)9 / 191sCast: Bloodfury III
Bloodfury III, when activated, consumes 29000 health then 3000 health after 6 seconds to allow you to activate abilities that require you to be at reduced health then blesses you with Bloodshield I after fading, which absorbs 100% of incoming melee damage up to 25000 total damage for 30 seconds.
Bloodfury (2)100 BER (RoF)7 / 101sCast: Bloodfury II
Bloodfury II, when activated, consumes 29000 health then 3000 health every 6 seconds to allow you to activate abilities that require you to be at reduced health for 12 seconds.
Bloodfury (1)86 BER (HoT)3 / 31sCast: Bloodfury I
Bloodfury I, when activated, consumes 14500 health then 1000 health every 6 seconds to allow you to activate abilities that require you to be at reduced health for 12 seconds.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).