/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
2047 | Call of the Herald (5) | 105 CLR (TBM) | 15 / 63 | 5m T5 | 1: Increase Spell Haste by 50% 2: Limit Spell: Call of the Herald Cast: Call of the Herald This ability, when activated, calls a fallen comrade's spirit back to their corpse but does not restore any lost experience. Your ally can still obtain an experience resurrection after being called by this ability. Allies called back to their corpse suffer from Revival Sickness which leaves them unable to regain more than 20% of their mana and endurance for 2 minutes. Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 50%. |
2047 | Call of the Herald (4) | 105 CLR (TDS) | 15 / 48 | 5m T5 | 1: Increase Spell Haste by 25% 2: Limit Spell: Call of the Herald Cast: Call of the Herald This ability, when activated, calls a fallen comrade's spirit back to their corpse but does not restore any lost experience. Your ally can still obtain an experience resurrection after being called by this ability. Allies called back to their corpse suffer from Revival Sickness which leaves them unable to regain more than 20% of their mana and endurance for 2 minutes. Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 25%. |
2047 | Call of the Herald (3) | 103 CLR (TDS) | 12 / 33 | 5m T5 | 1: Increase Spell Haste by 17% 2: Limit Spell: Call of the Herald Cast: Call of the Herald This ability, when activated, calls a fallen comrade's spirit back to their corpse but does not restore any lost experience. Your ally can still obtain an experience resurrection after being called by this ability. Allies called back to their corpse suffer from Revival Sickness which leaves them unable to regain more than 20% of their mana and endurance for 2 minutes. Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 17%. |
2047 | Call of the Herald (2) | 101 CLR (TDS) | 9 / 21 | 5m T5 | 1: Increase Spell Haste by 8% 2: Limit Spell: Call of the Herald Cast: Call of the Herald This ability, when activated, calls a fallen comrade's spirit back to their corpse but does not restore any lost experience. Your ally can still obtain an experience resurrection after being called by this ability. Allies called back to their corpse suffer from Revival Sickness which leaves them unable to regain more than 20% of their mana and endurance for 2 minutes. Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 8%. |
2047 | Call of the Herald (1) | 100 CLR (RoF) | 12 / 12 | 5m T5 | Cast: Call of the Herald This ability, when activated, calls a fallen comrade's spirit back to their corpse but does not restore any lost experience. Your ally can still obtain an experience resurrection after being called by this ability. Allies called back to their corpse suffer from Revival Sickness which leaves them unable to regain more than 20% of their mana and endurance for 2 minutes. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).