Cast: Celestial Rapidity III This ability, when activated, reduces the cast time of your healing and damaging spells by 50% for 36 seconds. This ability does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste.
Celestial Rapidity (2)
92 CLR (VoA)
15 / 27
10m T73
Cast: Celestial Rapidity II This ability, when activated, reduces the cast time of your healing and damaging spells by 50% for 30 seconds. This ability does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste.
Celestial Rapidity (1)
90 CLR (HoT)
12 / 12
10m T73
Cast: Celestial Rapidity I This ability, when activated, reduces the cast time of your healing and damaging spells by 50% for 24 seconds. This ability does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste.
Celestial Rapidity III
Target: Self Duration: 36s (6 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 50% 2: Limit Effect: Current HP 3: Limit Effect: Current HP Repeating This ability, when activated, reduces the cast time of your healing and damaging spells by 50% for 36 seconds. This ability does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste.
Celestial Rapidity II
Target: Self Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 50% 2: Limit Effect: Current HP 3: Limit Effect: Current HP Repeating This ability, when activated, reduces the cast time of your healing and damaging spells by 50% for 30 seconds. This ability does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste.
Celestial Rapidity I
Target: Self Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 50% 2: Limit Effect: Current HP 3: Limit Effect: Current HP Repeating This ability, when activated, reduces the cast time of your healing and damaging spells by 50% for 24 seconds. This ability does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste.
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).