/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
11080 | Chameleon Strike (9) | 125 BST (LS) | 35 / 181 | 20s T10 | Cast: Chameleon Strike IX Chameleon Strike IX, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 260 and reduces their hatred for you by 10500 points. |
11080 | Chameleon Strike (8) | 120 BST (ToL) | 30 / 146 | 20s T10 | Cast: Chameleon Strike VIII Chameleon Strike VIII, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 230 and reduces their hatred for you by 9000 points. |
11080 | Chameleon Strike (7) | 115 BST (ToV) | 25 / 116 | 20s T10 | Cast: Chameleon Strike VII Chameleon Strike VII, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 200 and reduces their hatred for you by 7500 points. |
11080 | Chameleon Strike (6) | 110 BST (RoS) | 25 / 91 | 20s T10 | Cast: Chameleon Strike VI Chameleon Strike VI, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 170 and reduces their hatred for you by 6000 points. |
11080 | Chameleon Strike (5) | 105 BST (TBM) | 19 / 66 | 20s T10 | Cast: Chameleon Strike V Chameleon Strike V, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 150 and reduces their hatred for you by 5500 points. |
11080 | Chameleon Strike (4) | 100 BST (TBM) | 16 / 47 | 20s T10 | Cast: Chameleon Strike IV Chameleon Strike IV, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 140 and reduces their hatred for you by 5000 points. |
11080 | Chameleon Strike (3) | 95 BST (VoA) | 13 / 31 | 20s T10 | Cast: Chameleon Strike III Chameleon Strike III, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 130 and reduces their hatred for you by 4500 points. |
11080 | Chameleon Strike (2) | 91 BST (VoA) | 11 / 18 | 20s T10 | Cast: Chameleon Strike II Chameleon Strike II, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 120 and reduces their hatred for you by 3900 points. |
11080 | Chameleon Strike (1) | 85 BST (UF) | 7 / 7 | 20s T10 | Cast: Chameleon Strike I Chameleon Strike I, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 110 and reduces their hatred for you by 3400 points. |
| Chameleon Strike IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -200, Max Resist Chance: 12.5% Hate: -10500 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 260 with 200% Accuracy Mod Chameleon Strike IX, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 260 and reduces their hatred for you by 10500 points. |
| Chameleon Strike VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -200, Max Resist Chance: 12.5% Hate: -9000 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 230 with 200% Accuracy Mod Chameleon Strike VIII, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 230 and reduces their hatred for you by 9000 points. |
| Chameleon Strike VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -200, Max Resist Chance: 12.5% Hate: -7500 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 200 with 200% Accuracy Mod Chameleon Strike VII, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 200 and reduces their hatred for you by 7500 points. |
| Chameleon Strike VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -200, Max Resist Chance: 12.5% Hate: -6000 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 170 with 200% Accuracy Mod Chameleon Strike VI, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 170 and reduces their hatred for you by 6000 points. |
| Chameleon Strike V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -200, Max Resist Chance: 12.5% Hate: -5500 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 150 with 200% Accuracy Mod Chameleon Strike V, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 150 and reduces their hatred for you by 5500 points. |
| Chameleon Strike IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -200, Max Resist Chance: 12.5% Hate: -5000 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 140 with 200% Accuracy Mod Chameleon Strike IV, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 140 and reduces their hatred for you by 5000 points. |
| Chameleon Strike III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -150, Max Resist Chance: 12.5% Hate: -4500 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 130 with 200% Accuracy Mod Chameleon Strike III, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 130 and reduces their hatred for you by 4500 points. |
| Chameleon Strike II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -150, Max Resist Chance: 12.5% Hate: -3900 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 120 with 200% Accuracy Mod Chameleon Strike II, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 120 and reduces their hatred for you by 3900 points. |
| Chameleon Strike I | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Physical -150, Max Resist Chance: 12.5% Hate: -3400 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 110 with 200% Accuracy Mod Chameleon Strike I, when activated, strikes your target with a Hand to Hand skill attack with a base damage of 110 and reduces their hatred for you by 3400 points. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).