AA Search

2 results (costing 27 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
2037Chameleon's Gift (2)105 RNG (TBM)15 / 276m T78Cast: Chameleon's Gift II
This ability, when activated, places your target under the protection of Chameleon's Gift II for 3 minutes.
Chameleon's Gift II triggers Chameleon's Gift Subtlety II if their health drops below 50% which instantly reduces opponents' hatred for them by 40000 points and reduces the amount of hate generated from their attacks and spells by 60% for 36 seconds.
2037Chameleon's Gift (1)100 RNG (RoF)12 / 126m T78Cast: Chameleon's Gift I
This ability, when activated, places your target under the protection of Chameleon's Gift I for 3 minutes.
Chameleon's Gift I triggers Chameleon's Gift Subtlety I if their health drops below 50% which instantly reduces opponents' hatred for them by 35000 points and reduces the amount of hate generated from their attacks and spells by 60% for 30 seconds.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).