AA Search

173 results (costing 3354 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
3707Companion's Fortification (173)125 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (LS)60 / 335415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 93%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 4250
Cast: Fortify Companion LXIV
Fortify Companion LXIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXXIII and Companion's Blessing XXXVIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 93%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 4250 points.

Companion's Fortification XXXIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 774 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 622500 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 622500 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXVIII triggers Companion's Blessing XXXVIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (172)123 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (LS)60 / 329415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 92%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 4150
Cast: Fortify Companion LXIII
Fortify Companion LXIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXXII and Companion's Blessing XXXVII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 92%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 4150 points.

Companion's Fortification XXXII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 766 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 615000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 615000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXVII triggers Companion's Blessing XXXVII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (171)121 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (LS)60 / 323415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 91%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 4050
Cast: Fortify Companion LXII
Fortify Companion LXII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXXI and Companion's Blessing XXXVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 91%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 4050 points.

Companion's Fortification XXXI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 758 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 607500 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 607500 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXVI triggers Companion's Blessing XXXVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (170)120 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (ToL)55 / 317415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 90%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 3950
Cast: Fortify Companion LXI
Fortify Companion LXI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXX and Companion's Blessing XXXV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 90%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 3950 points.

Companion's Fortification XXX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 750 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 600000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 600000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXV triggers Companion's Blessing XXXV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (169)119 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (ToL)55 / 311915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 89%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 3850
Cast: Fortify Companion LX
Fortify Companion LX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXIX and Companion's Blessing XXXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 89%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 3850 points.

Companion's Fortification XXIX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 725 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 575000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 575000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (168)118 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (ToL)55 / 306415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 88%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 3750
Cast: Fortify Companion LX
Fortify Companion LX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXIX and Companion's Blessing XXXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 88%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 3750 points.

Companion's Fortification XXIX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 725 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 575000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 575000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (167)117 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (ToL)55 / 300915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 87%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 3650
Cast: Fortify Companion LX
Fortify Companion LX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXIX and Companion's Blessing XXXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 87%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 3650 points.

Companion's Fortification XXIX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 725 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 575000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 575000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (166)116 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (ToL)55 / 295415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 86%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 3550
Cast: Fortify Companion LX
Fortify Companion LX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXIX and Companion's Blessing XXXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 86%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 3550 points.

Companion's Fortification XXIX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 725 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 575000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 575000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (165)115 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CoV)50 / 289915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 85%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 3450
Cast: Fortify Companion LIX
Fortify Companion LIX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXVIII and Companion's Blessing XXXIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 85%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 3450 points.

Companion's Fortification XXVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 100%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 700 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 550000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 550000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXIII triggers Companion's Blessing XXXIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (164)115 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CoV)50 / 284915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 84%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 3350
Cast: Fortify Companion LVIII
Fortify Companion LVIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXVII and Companion's Blessing XXXII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 84%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 3350 points.

Companion's Fortification XXVII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 95%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 675 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 525000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 525000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXII triggers Companion's Blessing XXXII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (163)115 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CoV)50 / 279915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 83%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 3250
Cast: Fortify Companion LVII
Fortify Companion LVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXVI and Companion's Blessing XXXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 83%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 3250 points.

Companion's Fortification XXVI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 90%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 675 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 500000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 500000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (162)115 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CoV)50 / 274915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 82%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 3150
Cast: Fortify Companion LVI
Fortify Companion LVI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXV and Companion's Blessing XXX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 82%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 3150 points.

Companion's Fortification XXV reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 85%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 650 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 475000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 475000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXX triggers Companion's Blessing XXX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (161)115 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CoV)50 / 269915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 81%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 3050
Cast: Fortify Companion LV
Fortify Companion LV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXIV and Companion's Blessing XXIX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 81%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 3050 points.

Companion's Fortification XXIV reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 80%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 625 points, absorbs 26% of incoming melee damage up to 450000 total damage, and 26% of incoming spell damage up to 450000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIX triggers Companion's Blessing XXIX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (160)115 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (ToV)50 / 264915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 80%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2950
Cast: Fortify Companion LIV
Fortify Companion LIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXIII and Companion's Blessing XXVIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 80%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2950 points.

Companion's Fortification XXIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 80%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 600 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 425000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 425000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVIII triggers Companion's Blessing XXVIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (159)114 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (ToV)50 / 259915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 79%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2850
Cast: Fortify Companion LIII
Fortify Companion LIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXII and Companion's Blessing XXVII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 79%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2850 points.

Companion's Fortification XXII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 75%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 400 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 350000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 350000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVII triggers Companion's Blessing XXVII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (158)113 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (ToV)50 / 254915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 78%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2750
Cast: Fortify Companion LIII
Fortify Companion LIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXII and Companion's Blessing XXVII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 78%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2750 points.

Companion's Fortification XXII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 75%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 400 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 350000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 350000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVII triggers Companion's Blessing XXVII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (157)112 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (ToV)50 / 249915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 77%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2650
Cast: Fortify Companion LIII
Fortify Companion LIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXII and Companion's Blessing XXVII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 77%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2650 points.

Companion's Fortification XXII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 75%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 400 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 350000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 350000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVII triggers Companion's Blessing XXVII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (156)111 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (ToV)50 / 244915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 76%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2550
Cast: Fortify Companion LIII
Fortify Companion LIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXII and Companion's Blessing XXVII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 76%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2550 points.

Companion's Fortification XXII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 75%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 400 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 350000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 350000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVII triggers Companion's Blessing XXVII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (155)110 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBL)50 / 239915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 75%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2450
Cast: Fortify Companion LIII
Fortify Companion LIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXII and Companion's Blessing XXVII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 75%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2450 points.

Companion's Fortification XXII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 75%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 400 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 350000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 350000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVII triggers Companion's Blessing XXVII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (154)110 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBL)50 / 234915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 73%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2400
Cast: Fortify Companion LII
Fortify Companion LII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXI and Companion's Blessing XXVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 73%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2400 points.

Companion's Fortification XXI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 350 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 300000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 300000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVI triggers Companion's Blessing XXVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (153)110 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBL)50 / 229915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 72%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2350
Cast: Fortify Companion LII
Fortify Companion LII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXI and Companion's Blessing XXVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 72%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2350 points.

Companion's Fortification XXI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 350 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 300000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 300000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVI triggers Companion's Blessing XXVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (152)110 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBL)50 / 224915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 71%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2300
Cast: Fortify Companion LII
Fortify Companion LII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXI and Companion's Blessing XXVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 71%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2300 points.

Companion's Fortification XXI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 350 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 300000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 300000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVI triggers Companion's Blessing XXVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (151)110 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoS)50 / 219915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2250
Cast: Fortify Companion LII
Fortify Companion LII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XXI and Companion's Blessing XXVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2250 points.

Companion's Fortification XXI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 350 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 300000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 300000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVI triggers Companion's Blessing XXVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (150)110 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoS)50 / 214915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2250
Cast: Fortify Companion LI
Fortify Companion LI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XX and Companion's Blessing XXVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2250 points.

Companion's Fortification XX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 300 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 275000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 275000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVI triggers Companion's Blessing XXVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (149)109 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoS)50 / 209915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2200
Cast: Fortify Companion LI
Fortify Companion LI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XX and Companion's Blessing XXVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2200 points.

Companion's Fortification XX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 300 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 275000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 275000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXVI triggers Companion's Blessing XXVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (148)109 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoS)50 / 204915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2200
Cast: Fortify Companion L
Fortify Companion L, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XX and Companion's Blessing XXV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2200 points.

Companion's Fortification XX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 300 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 275000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 275000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXV triggers Companion's Blessing XXV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (147)108 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoS)50 / 199915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2150
Cast: Fortify Companion L
Fortify Companion L, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XX and Companion's Blessing XXV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2150 points.

Companion's Fortification XX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 300 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 275000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 275000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXV triggers Companion's Blessing XXV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (146)108 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoS)50 / 194915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2150
Cast: Fortify Companion XLIX
Fortify Companion XLIX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XIX and Companion's Blessing XXV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2150 points.

Companion's Fortification XIX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 275 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 250000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 250000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXV triggers Companion's Blessing XXV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (145)107 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoS)50 / 189915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2100
Cast: Fortify Companion XLIX
Fortify Companion XLIX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XIX and Companion's Blessing XXV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2100 points.

Companion's Fortification XIX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 275 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 250000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 250000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXV triggers Companion's Blessing XXV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (144)107 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoS)50 / 184915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2100
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVIII
Fortify Companion XLVIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XIX and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2100 points.

Companion's Fortification XIX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 275 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 250000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 250000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (143)106 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoS)50 / 179915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2050
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVIII
Fortify Companion XLVIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XIX and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2050 points.

Companion's Fortification XIX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 275 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 250000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 250000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (142)106 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoS)50 / 174915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2050
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2050 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (141)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)50 / 169915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 2000
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 2000 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (140)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)50 / 164915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 70%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1950
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 70%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 1950 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (139)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)45 / 159915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 69%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1950
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 69%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 1950 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (138)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)45 / 155415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 69%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1900
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 69%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 1900 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (137)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)40 / 150915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 67%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1900
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 67%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 1900 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (136)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)35 / 146915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 65%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1900
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 65%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 1900 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (135)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)35 / 143415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 65%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 60%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1850
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 65%, avoidance by 60%, and armor class by 1850 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (134)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)35 / 139915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 65%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 58%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1850
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 65%, avoidance by 58%, and armor class by 1850 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (133)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)30 / 136415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 63%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 58%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1850
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 63%, avoidance by 58%, and armor class by 1850 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (132)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)30 / 133415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 63%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 58%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 63%, avoidance by 58%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (131)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)30 / 130415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 63%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 63%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (130)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)25 / 127415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 61%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 61%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (129)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (EoK)20 / 124915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 59%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 59%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (128)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBM)12 / 122915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVII
Fortify Companion XLVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIV triggers Companion's Blessing XXIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (127)105 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBM)12 / 121715m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLVI
Fortify Companion XLVI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVIII and Companion's Blessing XXIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XVIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 250 points, absorbs 25% of incoming melee damage up to 215000 total damage, and 25% of incoming spell damage up to 215000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIII triggers Companion's Blessing XXIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (126)104 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBM)11 / 120515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLV
Fortify Companion XLV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVII and Companion's Blessing XXIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XVII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 245 points, absorbs 24% of incoming melee damage up to 200000 total damage, and 24% of incoming spell damage up to 200000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXIII triggers Companion's Blessing XXIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (125)104 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBM)11 / 119415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLIV
Fortify Companion XLIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVII and Companion's Blessing XXII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XVII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 245 points, absorbs 24% of incoming melee damage up to 200000 total damage, and 24% of incoming spell damage up to 200000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXII triggers Companion's Blessing XXII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (124)104 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBM)11 / 118315m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLIII
Fortify Companion XLIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XVI and Companion's Blessing XXII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XVI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 240 points, absorbs 23% of incoming melee damage up to 195000 total damage, and 23% of incoming spell damage up to 195000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXII triggers Companion's Blessing XXII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (123)104 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBM)10 / 117215m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLII
Fortify Companion XLII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XV and Companion's Blessing XXII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XV reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 235 points, absorbs 22% of incoming melee damage up to 190000 total damage, and 22% of incoming spell damage up to 190000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXII triggers Companion's Blessing XXII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (122)104 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBM)10 / 116215m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XLI
Fortify Companion XLI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XV and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XV reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 235 points, absorbs 22% of incoming melee damage up to 190000 total damage, and 22% of incoming spell damage up to 190000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (121)103 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBM)9 / 115215m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XL
Fortify Companion XL, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XIV and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XIV reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 60%, increases avoidance by 60%, armor class by 230 points, absorbs 21% of incoming melee damage up to 180000 total damage, and 21% of incoming spell damage up to 180000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (120)103 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBM)9 / 114315m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXIX
Fortify Companion XXXIX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XIII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 59%, increases avoidance by 59%, armor class by 225 points, absorbs 20% of incoming melee damage up to 170000 total damage, and 20% of incoming spell damage up to 170000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (119)103 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TBM)9 / 113415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVIII
Fortify Companion XXXVIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (118)103 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TDS)25 / 112515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1800
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVII
Fortify Companion XXXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1800 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (117)102 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TDS)25 / 110015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 56%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1750
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVII
Fortify Companion XXXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 56%, and armor class by 1750 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (116)102 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TDS)25 / 107515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 57%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 54%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1750
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVII
Fortify Companion XXXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 57%, avoidance by 54%, and armor class by 1750 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (115)102 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TDS)20 / 105015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 55%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 54%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1750
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVII
Fortify Companion XXXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 55%, avoidance by 54%, and armor class by 1750 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (114)102 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TDS)20 / 103015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 55%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 54%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1700
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVII
Fortify Companion XXXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 55%, avoidance by 54%, and armor class by 1700 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (113)101 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TDS)20 / 101015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 55%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 52%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1700
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVII
Fortify Companion XXXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 55%, avoidance by 52%, and armor class by 1700 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (112)101 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TDS)15 / 99015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 53%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 52%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1700
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVII
Fortify Companion XXXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 53%, avoidance by 52%, and armor class by 1700 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (111)101 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TDS)15 / 97515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 53%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 52%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1650
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVII
Fortify Companion XXXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 53%, avoidance by 52%, and armor class by 1650 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (110)101 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (TDS)15 / 96015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 53%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 50%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1650
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVII
Fortify Companion XXXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 53%, avoidance by 50%, and armor class by 1650 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (109)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)15 / 94515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 51%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 50%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1650
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVII
Fortify Companion XXXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XXI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 51%, avoidance by 50%, and armor class by 1650 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XXI triggers Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (108)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)15 / 93015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 51%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 50%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1650
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVI
Fortify Companion XXXVI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 51%, avoidance by 50%, and armor class by 1650 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XX triggers Companion's Blessing XX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (107)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)15 / 91515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 51%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 50%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1600
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVI
Fortify Companion XXXVI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 51%, avoidance by 50%, and armor class by 1600 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XX triggers Companion's Blessing XX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (106)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)15 / 90015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 51%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 48%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1600
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVI
Fortify Companion XXXVI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 51%, avoidance by 48%, and armor class by 1600 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XX triggers Companion's Blessing XX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (105)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)15 / 88515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 49%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 48%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1600
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXVI
Fortify Companion XXXVI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 49%, avoidance by 48%, and armor class by 1600 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XX triggers Companion's Blessing XX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (104)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)15 / 87015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 49%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 48%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1600
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXV
Fortify Companion XXXV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XIX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 49%, avoidance by 48%, and armor class by 1600 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIX triggers Companion's Blessing XIX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (103)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)14 / 85515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 49%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 48%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1550
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXV
Fortify Companion XXXV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XIX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 49%, avoidance by 48%, and armor class by 1550 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIX triggers Companion's Blessing XIX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (102)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)14 / 84115m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 49%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 46%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1550
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXV
Fortify Companion XXXV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XIX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 49%, avoidance by 46%, and armor class by 1550 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIX triggers Companion's Blessing XIX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (101)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)14 / 82715m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 47%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 46%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1550
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXV
Fortify Companion XXXV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XIX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 47%, avoidance by 46%, and armor class by 1550 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIX triggers Companion's Blessing XIX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (100)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)14 / 81315m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 47%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 46%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1550
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXIV
Fortify Companion XXXIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 47%, avoidance by 46%, and armor class by 1550 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVIII triggers Companion's Blessing XVIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (99)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)14 / 79915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 47%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 46%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1500
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXIV
Fortify Companion XXXIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 47%, avoidance by 46%, and armor class by 1500 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVIII triggers Companion's Blessing XVIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (98)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (CotF)14 / 78515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 47%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 44%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1500
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXIV
Fortify Companion XXXIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 47%, avoidance by 44%, and armor class by 1500 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVIII triggers Companion's Blessing XVIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (97)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)14 / 77115m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 45%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 44%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1500
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXIV
Fortify Companion XXXIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 45%, avoidance by 44%, and armor class by 1500 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVIII triggers Companion's Blessing XVIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (96)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)14 / 75715m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 45%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 44%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1500
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXIII
Fortify Companion XXXIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 45%, avoidance by 44%, and armor class by 1500 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVII triggers Companion's Blessing XVII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (95)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)14 / 74315m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 45%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 44%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1400
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXIII
Fortify Companion XXXIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 45%, avoidance by 44%, and armor class by 1400 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVII triggers Companion's Blessing XVII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (94)100 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)14 / 72915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 45%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 42%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1400
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXIII
Fortify Companion XXXIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 45%, avoidance by 42%, and armor class by 1400 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVII triggers Companion's Blessing XVII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (93)98 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)13 / 71515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 43%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 42%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1400
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXIII
Fortify Companion XXXIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 43%, avoidance by 42%, and armor class by 1400 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVII triggers Companion's Blessing XVII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (92)98 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)13 / 70215m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 43%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 42%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1400
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXII
Fortify Companion XXXII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 43%, avoidance by 42%, and armor class by 1400 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVI triggers Companion's Blessing XVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (91)98 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)13 / 68915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 43%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 42%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1300
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXII
Fortify Companion XXXII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 43%, avoidance by 42%, and armor class by 1300 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVI triggers Companion's Blessing XVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (90)98 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)13 / 67615m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 43%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 40%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1300
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXII
Fortify Companion XXXII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 43%, avoidance by 40%, and armor class by 1300 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVI triggers Companion's Blessing XVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (89)96 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)12 / 66315m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 41%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 40%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1300
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXII
Fortify Companion XXXII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XVI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 41%, avoidance by 40%, and armor class by 1300 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XVI triggers Companion's Blessing XVI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (88)96 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)12 / 65115m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 41%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 40%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1300
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXI
Fortify Companion XXXI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 41%, avoidance by 40%, and armor class by 1300 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XV triggers Companion's Blessing XV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (87)96 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)12 / 63915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 41%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 40%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1200
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXI
Fortify Companion XXXI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 41%, avoidance by 40%, and armor class by 1200 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XV triggers Companion's Blessing XV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (86)96 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (RoF)12 / 62715m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 41%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 38%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1200
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXI
Fortify Companion XXXI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 41%, avoidance by 38%, and armor class by 1200 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XV triggers Companion's Blessing XV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (85)95 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)13 / 61515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 39%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 38%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1200
Cast: Fortify Companion XXXI
Fortify Companion XXXI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 39%, avoidance by 38%, and armor class by 1200 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XV triggers Companion's Blessing XV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (84)95 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)13 / 60215m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 39%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 38%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1200
Cast: Fortify Companion XXX
Fortify Companion XXX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XII and Companion's Blessing XIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 39%, avoidance by 38%, and armor class by 1200 points.

Companion's Fortification XII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 58%, increases avoidance by 58%, armor class by 220 points, absorbs 19% of incoming melee damage up to 160000 total damage, and 19% of incoming spell damage up to 160000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIV triggers Companion's Blessing XIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (83)95 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)13 / 58915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 39%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 38%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1200
Cast: Fortify Companion XXIX
Fortify Companion XXIX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XI and Companion's Blessing XIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 39%, avoidance by 38%, and armor class by 1200 points.

Companion's Fortification XI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 56%, increases avoidance by 56%, armor class by 200 points, absorbs 18% of incoming melee damage up to 140000 total damage, and 18% of incoming spell damage up to 140000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIV triggers Companion's Blessing XIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (82)94 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)12 / 57615m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 39%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 38%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1100
Cast: Fortify Companion XXIX
Fortify Companion XXIX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XI and Companion's Blessing XIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 39%, avoidance by 38%, and armor class by 1100 points.

Companion's Fortification XI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 56%, increases avoidance by 56%, armor class by 200 points, absorbs 18% of incoming melee damage up to 140000 total damage, and 18% of incoming spell damage up to 140000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIV triggers Companion's Blessing XIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (81)94 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)12 / 56415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 39%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 36%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1100
Cast: Fortify Companion XXIX
Fortify Companion XXIX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XI and Companion's Blessing XIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 39%, avoidance by 36%, and armor class by 1100 points.

Companion's Fortification XI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 56%, increases avoidance by 56%, armor class by 200 points, absorbs 18% of incoming melee damage up to 140000 total damage, and 18% of incoming spell damage up to 140000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIV triggers Companion's Blessing XIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (80)93 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)12 / 55215m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 37%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 36%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1100
Cast: Fortify Companion XXIX
Fortify Companion XXIX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XI and Companion's Blessing XIV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 37%, avoidance by 36%, and armor class by 1100 points.

Companion's Fortification XI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 56%, increases avoidance by 56%, armor class by 200 points, absorbs 18% of incoming melee damage up to 140000 total damage, and 18% of incoming spell damage up to 140000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIV triggers Companion's Blessing XIV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (79)93 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)12 / 54015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 37%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 36%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1100
Cast: Fortify Companion XXVIII
Fortify Companion XXVIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification XI and Companion's Blessing XIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 37%, avoidance by 36%, and armor class by 1100 points.

Companion's Fortification XI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 56%, increases avoidance by 56%, armor class by 200 points, absorbs 18% of incoming melee damage up to 140000 total damage, and 18% of incoming spell damage up to 140000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIII triggers Companion's Blessing XIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (78)93 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)12 / 52815m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 37%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 36%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1100
Cast: Fortify Companion XXVII
Fortify Companion XXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification X and Companion's Blessing XIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 37%, avoidance by 36%, and armor class by 1100 points.

Companion's Fortification X reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 54%, increases avoidance by 54%, armor class by 180 points, absorbs 17% of incoming melee damage up to 120000 total damage, and 17% of incoming spell damage up to 120000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIII triggers Companion's Blessing XIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (77)92 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)11 / 51615m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 37%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 36%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1000
Cast: Fortify Companion XXVII
Fortify Companion XXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification X and Companion's Blessing XIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 37%, avoidance by 36%, and armor class by 1000 points.

Companion's Fortification X reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 54%, increases avoidance by 54%, armor class by 180 points, absorbs 17% of incoming melee damage up to 120000 total damage, and 17% of incoming spell damage up to 120000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIII triggers Companion's Blessing XIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (76)92 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)11 / 50515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 37%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 34%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1000
Cast: Fortify Companion XXVII
Fortify Companion XXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification X and Companion's Blessing XIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 37%, avoidance by 34%, and armor class by 1000 points.

Companion's Fortification X reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 54%, increases avoidance by 54%, armor class by 180 points, absorbs 17% of incoming melee damage up to 120000 total damage, and 17% of incoming spell damage up to 120000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIII triggers Companion's Blessing XIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (75)91 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)10 / 49415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 34%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1000
Cast: Fortify Companion XXVII
Fortify Companion XXVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification X and Companion's Blessing XIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 35%, avoidance by 34%, and armor class by 1000 points.

Companion's Fortification X reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 54%, increases avoidance by 54%, armor class by 180 points, absorbs 17% of incoming melee damage up to 120000 total damage, and 17% of incoming spell damage up to 120000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XIII triggers Companion's Blessing XIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (74)91 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)10 / 48415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 34%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1000
Cast: Fortify Companion XXVI
Fortify Companion XXVI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification X and Companion's Blessing XII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 35%, avoidance by 34%, and armor class by 1000 points.

Companion's Fortification X reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 54%, increases avoidance by 54%, armor class by 180 points, absorbs 17% of incoming melee damage up to 120000 total damage, and 17% of incoming spell damage up to 120000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XII triggers Companion's Blessing XII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (73)91 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)9 / 47415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 34%
3: Increase Pet AC by 1000
Cast: Fortify Companion XXV
Fortify Companion XXV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification IX and Companion's Blessing XII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 35%, avoidance by 34%, and armor class by 1000 points.

Companion's Fortification IX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 52%, increases avoidance by 52%, armor class by 160 points, absorbs 16% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 16% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XII triggers Companion's Blessing XII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (72)91 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)9 / 46515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 34%
3: Increase Pet AC by 900
Cast: Fortify Companion XXV
Fortify Companion XXV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification IX and Companion's Blessing XII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 35%, avoidance by 34%, and armor class by 900 points.

Companion's Fortification IX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 52%, increases avoidance by 52%, armor class by 160 points, absorbs 16% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 16% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XII triggers Companion's Blessing XII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (71)91 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (VoA)9 / 45615m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 32%
3: Increase Pet AC by 900
Cast: Fortify Companion XXV
Fortify Companion XXV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification IX and Companion's Blessing XII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 35%, avoidance by 32%, and armor class by 900 points.

Companion's Fortification IX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 52%, increases avoidance by 52%, armor class by 160 points, absorbs 16% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 16% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XII triggers Companion's Blessing XII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (70)90 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)10 / 44715m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 32%
3: Increase Pet AC by 900
Cast: Fortify Companion XXV
Fortify Companion XXV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification IX and Companion's Blessing XII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 33%, avoidance by 32%, and armor class by 900 points.

Companion's Fortification IX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 52%, increases avoidance by 52%, armor class by 160 points, absorbs 16% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 16% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XII triggers Companion's Blessing XII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (69)90 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)9 / 43715m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 32%
3: Increase Pet AC by 900
Cast: Fortify Companion XXIV
Fortify Companion XXIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification IX and Companion's Blessing XII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 33%, avoidance by 32%, and armor class by 900 points.

Companion's Fortification IX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 52%, increases avoidance by 52%, armor class by 160 points, absorbs 16% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 16% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XII triggers Companion's Blessing XII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (68)90 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)9 / 42815m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 32%
3: Increase Pet AC by 900
Cast: Fortify Companion XXIII
Fortify Companion XXIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification IX and Companion's Blessing XI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 33%, avoidance by 32%, and armor class by 900 points.

Companion's Fortification IX reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 52%, increases avoidance by 52%, armor class by 160 points, absorbs 16% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 16% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XI triggers Companion's Blessing XI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (67)90 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)9 / 41915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 32%
3: Increase Pet AC by 900
Cast: Fortify Companion XXII
Fortify Companion XXII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VIII and Companion's Blessing XI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 33%, avoidance by 32%, and armor class by 900 points.

Companion's Fortification VIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 50%, increases avoidance by 50%, armor class by 150 points, absorbs 15% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 15% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XI triggers Companion's Blessing XI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (66)89 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)8 / 41015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 32%
3: Increase Pet AC by 800
Cast: Fortify Companion XXII
Fortify Companion XXII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VIII and Companion's Blessing XI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 33%, avoidance by 32%, and armor class by 800 points.

Companion's Fortification VIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 50%, increases avoidance by 50%, armor class by 150 points, absorbs 15% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 15% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XI triggers Companion's Blessing XI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (65)89 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)8 / 40215m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 30%
3: Increase Pet AC by 800
Cast: Fortify Companion XXII
Fortify Companion XXII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VIII and Companion's Blessing XI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 33%, avoidance by 30%, and armor class by 800 points.

Companion's Fortification VIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 50%, increases avoidance by 50%, armor class by 150 points, absorbs 15% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 15% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XI triggers Companion's Blessing XI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (64)88 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)8 / 39415m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 31%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 30%
3: Increase Pet AC by 800
Cast: Fortify Companion XXII
Fortify Companion XXII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VIII and Companion's Blessing XI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 31%, avoidance by 30%, and armor class by 800 points.

Companion's Fortification VIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 50%, increases avoidance by 50%, armor class by 150 points, absorbs 15% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 15% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing XI triggers Companion's Blessing XI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (63)88 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)7 / 38615m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 31%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 30%
3: Increase Pet AC by 800
Cast: Fortify Companion XXI
Fortify Companion XXI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VIII and Companion's Blessing X.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 31%, avoidance by 30%, and armor class by 800 points.

Companion's Fortification VIII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 50%, increases avoidance by 50%, armor class by 150 points, absorbs 15% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 15% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing X triggers Companion's Blessing X (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (62)88 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)7 / 37915m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 31%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 30%
3: Increase Pet AC by 800
Cast: Fortify Companion XX
Fortify Companion XX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VII and Companion's Blessing X.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 31%, avoidance by 30%, and armor class by 800 points.

Companion's Fortification VII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 48%, increases avoidance by 48%, armor class by 140 points, absorbs 14% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 14% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing X triggers Companion's Blessing X (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (61)87 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)7 / 37215m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 31%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 30%
3: Increase Pet AC by 700
Cast: Fortify Companion XX
Fortify Companion XX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VII and Companion's Blessing X.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 31%, avoidance by 30%, and armor class by 700 points.

Companion's Fortification VII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 48%, increases avoidance by 48%, armor class by 140 points, absorbs 14% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 14% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing X triggers Companion's Blessing X (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (60)87 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)7 / 36515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 31%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 28%
3: Increase Pet AC by 700
Cast: Fortify Companion XX
Fortify Companion XX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VII and Companion's Blessing X.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 31%, avoidance by 28%, and armor class by 700 points.

Companion's Fortification VII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 48%, increases avoidance by 48%, armor class by 140 points, absorbs 14% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 14% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing X triggers Companion's Blessing X (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (59)86 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)6 / 35815m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 28%
3: Increase Pet AC by 700
Cast: Fortify Companion XX
Fortify Companion XX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VII and Companion's Blessing X.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 29%, avoidance by 28%, and armor class by 700 points.

Companion's Fortification VII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 48%, increases avoidance by 48%, armor class by 140 points, absorbs 14% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 14% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing X triggers Companion's Blessing X (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (58)86 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)6 / 35215m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 28%
3: Increase Pet AC by 700
Cast: Fortify Companion XIX
Fortify Companion XIX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VII and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 29%, avoidance by 28%, and armor class by 700 points.

Companion's Fortification VII reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 48%, increases avoidance by 48%, armor class by 140 points, absorbs 14% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 14% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (57)86 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)6 / 34615m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 28%
3: Increase Pet AC by 700
Cast: Fortify Companion XVIII
Fortify Companion XVIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 29%, avoidance by 28%, and armor class by 700 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (56)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)5 / 34015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 28%
3: Increase Pet AC by 600
Cast: Fortify Companion XVIII
Fortify Companion XVIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 29%, avoidance by 28%, and armor class by 600 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (55)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (HoT)5 / 33515m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 600
Cast: Fortify Companion XVIII
Fortify Companion XVIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 29%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 600 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (54)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)9 / 33015m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 600
Cast: Fortify Companion XVIII
Fortify Companion XVIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 27%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 600 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (53)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)9 / 32115m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 600
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 27%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 600 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (52)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)8 / 31216m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 600
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 27%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 600 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (51)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)8 / 30416m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 500
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 27%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 500 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (50)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)8 / 29616m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 400
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 27%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 400 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (49)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)8 / 28816m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 27%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (48)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)7 / 28017m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 27%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (47)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)7 / 27318m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 27%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (46)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)7 / 26620m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 27%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (45)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)7 / 25920m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 25%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 25%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (44)85 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)6 / 25220m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 23%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (43)84 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)6 / 24620m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 21%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (42)83 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)6 / 24022m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 21%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (41)83 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)6 / 23424m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XVII
Fortify Companion XVII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing IX.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 21%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IX triggers Companion's Blessing IX (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (40)83 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)5 / 22824m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XVI
Fortify Companion XVI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VIII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 21%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VIII triggers Companion's Blessing VIII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (39)83 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)5 / 22324m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XV
Fortify Companion XV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VII.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 21%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VII triggers Companion's Blessing VII (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (38)83 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)5 / 21824m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 26%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XIV
Fortify Companion XIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 21%, avoidance by 26%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VI triggers Companion's Blessing VI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (37)82 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)5 / 21324m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 24%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XIV
Fortify Companion XIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 21%, avoidance by 24%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VI triggers Companion's Blessing VI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (36)82 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (UF)5 / 20824m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 22%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XIV
Fortify Companion XIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 21%, avoidance by 22%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VI triggers Companion's Blessing VI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (35)82 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)8 / 20324m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XIV
Fortify Companion XIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 21%, avoidance by 20%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VI triggers Companion's Blessing VI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (34)82 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)8 / 19524m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 19%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
3: Increase Pet AC by 300
Cast: Fortify Companion XIV
Fortify Companion XIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 19%, avoidance by 20%, and armor class by 300 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VI triggers Companion's Blessing VI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (33)81 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)7 / 18724m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 19%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
3: Increase Pet AC by 200
Cast: Fortify Companion XIV
Fortify Companion XIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 19%, avoidance by 20%, and armor class by 200 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VI triggers Companion's Blessing VI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (32)81 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)7 / 18024m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 19%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
3: Increase Pet AC by 100
Cast: Fortify Companion XIV
Fortify Companion XIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 19%, avoidance by 20%, and armor class by 100 points.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VI triggers Companion's Blessing VI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (31)81 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)7 / 17324m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 19%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion XIV
Fortify Companion XIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 19% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VI triggers Companion's Blessing VI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (30)81 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)6 / 16624m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 17%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion XIV
Fortify Companion XIV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing VI.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 17% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing VI triggers Companion's Blessing VI (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (29)80 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)6 / 16024m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 17%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion XIII
Fortify Companion XIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification VI and Companion's Blessing V.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 17% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification VI reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 46%, increases avoidance by 46%, armor class by 130 points, absorbs 13% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 13% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing V triggers Companion's Blessing V (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (28)80 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)6 / 15424m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 17%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion XII
Fortify Companion XII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification V and Companion's Blessing V.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 17% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification V reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 44%, increases avoidance by 44%, armor class by 120 points, absorbs 12% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 12% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing V triggers Companion's Blessing V (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (27)80 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)6 / 14824m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 17%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion XI
Fortify Companion XI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification V and Companion's Blessing IV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 17% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification V reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 44%, increases avoidance by 44%, armor class by 120 points, absorbs 12% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 12% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IV triggers Companion's Blessing IV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (26)80 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)5 / 14224m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion XI
Fortify Companion XI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification V and Companion's Blessing IV.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 15% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification V reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 44%, increases avoidance by 44%, armor class by 120 points, absorbs 12% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 12% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing IV triggers Companion's Blessing IV (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (25)80 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)5 / 13724m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion X
Fortify Companion X, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification V and Companion's Blessing III.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 15% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification V reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 44%, increases avoidance by 44%, armor class by 120 points, absorbs 12% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 12% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing III triggers Companion's Blessing III (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (24)79 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)5 / 13224m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion IX
Fortify Companion IX, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification V and Companion's Blessing III.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 15% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification V reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 44%, increases avoidance by 44%, armor class by 120 points, absorbs 12% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 12% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing III triggers Companion's Blessing III (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (23)79 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)4 / 12724m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion VIII
Fortify Companion VIII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification IV and Companion's Blessing III.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 15% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification IV reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 42%, increases avoidance by 42%, armor class by 110 points, absorbs 11% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 11% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing III triggers Companion's Blessing III (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (22)79 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)4 / 12324m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion VII
Fortify Companion VII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification III and Companion's Blessing III.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 15% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification III reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 40%, increases avoidance by 40%, armor class by 100 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing III triggers Companion's Blessing III (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (21)78 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)4 / 11926m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion VII
Fortify Companion VII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification III and Companion's Blessing III.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 15% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification III reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 40%, increases avoidance by 40%, armor class by 100 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing III triggers Companion's Blessing III (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (20)78 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoD)4 / 11528m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion VII
Fortify Companion VII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification III and Companion's Blessing III.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 15% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification III reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 40%, increases avoidance by 40%, armor class by 100 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing III triggers Companion's Blessing III (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (19)78 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)9 / 11130m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion VII
Fortify Companion VII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification III and Companion's Blessing III.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 15% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification III reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 40%, increases avoidance by 40%, armor class by 100 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing III triggers Companion's Blessing III (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (18)78 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)8 / 10230m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 13%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion VII
Fortify Companion VII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification III and Companion's Blessing III.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 13% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification III reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 40%, increases avoidance by 40%, armor class by 100 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing III triggers Companion's Blessing III (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (17)78 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)8 / 9430m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 11%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion VII
Fortify Companion VII, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification III and Companion's Blessing III.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 11% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification III reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 40%, increases avoidance by 40%, armor class by 100 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing III triggers Companion's Blessing III (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (16)77 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)7 / 8630m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 11%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion VI
Fortify Companion VI, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification III and Companion's Blessing II.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 11% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification III reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 40%, increases avoidance by 40%, armor class by 100 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing II triggers Companion's Blessing II (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (15)77 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)7 / 7930m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 11%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion V
Fortify Companion V, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification III and Companion's Blessing I.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 11% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification III reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 40%, increases avoidance by 40%, armor class by 100 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing I triggers Companion's Blessing I (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (14)76 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)6 / 7230m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 11%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion IV
Fortify Companion IV, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification II and Companion's Blessing I.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 11% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification II reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 30%, increases avoidance by 30%, armor class by 75 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.

Companion's Blessing I triggers Companion's Blessing I (Azia) if your pet's health drops below 40% for up to 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (13)76 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)6 / 6630m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 11%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion III
Fortify Companion III, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification II.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 11% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification II reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 30%, increases avoidance by 30%, armor class by 75 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (12)75 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)5 / 6030m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion III
Fortify Companion III, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification II.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 10% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification II reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 30%, increases avoidance by 30%, armor class by 75 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (11)74 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)5 / 5530m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion II
Fortify Companion II, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification II.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 10% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification II reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 30%, increases avoidance by 30%, armor class by 75 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.
3707Companion's Fortification (10)71 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)4 / 5030m T181: Increase Pet Max HP by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
Cast: Fortify Companion I
Fortify Companion I, when activated, blesses your pet with Companion's Fortification I.
As a passive effect, this ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 10% and avoidance by 20%.

Companion's Fortification I reduces the potency of damage shields against your pet's offhand attacks by 20%, increases avoidance by 20%, armor class by 50 points, absorbs 10% of incoming melee damage up to 100000 total damage, and 10% of incoming spell damage up to 100000 total damage for 10 minutes.
Companion's Fortification (9)70 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)4 / 46-1: Increase Pet Max HP by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 20%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 10% and avoidance by 20%.
Companion's Fortification (8)70 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)3 / 42-1: Increase Pet Max HP by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 17%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 10% and avoidance by 17%.
Companion's Fortification (7)70 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (SoF)3 / 39-1: Increase Pet Max HP by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 15%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 10% and avoidance by 15%.
Companion's Fortification (6)65 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (GoD)9 / 36-1: Increase Pet Max HP by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 10%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 10% and avoidance by 10%.
Companion's Fortification (5)65 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (GoD)9 / 27-1: Increase Pet Max HP by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 5%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 10% and avoidance by 5%.
Companion's Fortification (4)65 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (GoD)6 / 18-1: Increase Pet Max HP by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 5%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 5% and avoidance by 5%.
Companion's Fortification (3)65 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (GoD)6 / 12-1: Increase Pet Max HP by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 2%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 5% and avoidance by 2%.
Companion's Fortification (2)65 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (GoD)3 / 6-1: Increase Pet Max HP by 2%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Avoid Melee by 2%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 2% and avoidance by 2%.
Companion's Fortification (1)65 SHD, SHM, NEC, MAG, ENC, BST (GoD)3 / 3-1: Increase Pet Max HP by 2%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's base health by 2%.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).