AA Search

760 results (costing 18016 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
60Companion's Fury (205)125 MAG (TOB)55 / 417510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 398% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 1192
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XXIII
Frenzied Burnout XXIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1192 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 398%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XXIII triggers Virulent Talon XII, increases your pet's armor class by 1192 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 840 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 29%, base melee damage by 276%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon XII grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike XII during melee combat, which deals 148000 damage, up to 55 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (204)125 MAG (TOB)55 / 412010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 390% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 1160
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XXII
Frenzied Burnout XXII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1160 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 390%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XXII triggers Virulent Talon XI, increases your pet's armor class by 1150 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 825 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 28%, base melee damage by 270%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon XI grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike XI during melee combat, which deals 145000 damage, up to 50 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (203)125 MAG (TOB)55 / 406510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 382% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 1128
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XXI
Frenzied Burnout XXI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1128 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 382%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XXI triggers Virulent Talon X, increases your pet's armor class by 1108 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 810 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 27%, base melee damage by 264%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon X grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike X during melee combat, which deals 142000 damage, up to 45 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (202)125 MAG (LS)50 / 401010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 374% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 1096
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XX
Frenzied Burnout XX, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1096 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 374%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XX triggers Virulent Talon IX, increases your pet's armor class by 1066 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 795 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 26%, base melee damage by 258%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IX grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IX during melee combat, which deals 139000 damage, up to 40 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (201)123 MAG (LS)50 / 396010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 366% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 1064
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIX
Frenzied Burnout XIX, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1064 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 366%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIX triggers Virulent Talon VIII, increases your pet's armor class by 1024 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 780 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 25%, base melee damage by 252%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon VIII grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike VIII during melee combat, which deals 136000 damage, up to 35 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (200)121 MAG (LS)50 / 391010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 358% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 1032
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVIII
Frenzied Burnout XVIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1032 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 358%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVIII triggers Virulent Talon VII, increases your pet's armor class by 982 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 765 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 24%, base melee damage by 246%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon VII grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike VII during melee combat, which deals 133000 damage, up to 30 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (199)120 MAG (ToL)45 / 386010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 350% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 1000
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVII
Frenzied Burnout XVII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1000 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 350%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVII triggers Virulent Talon VI, increases your pet's armor class by 940 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 750 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 23%, base melee damage by 240%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon VI grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike VI during melee combat, which deals 130000 damage, up to 25 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (198)119 MAG (ToL)45 / 381510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 345% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 980
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVI
Frenzied Burnout XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 980 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 345%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVI triggers Virulent Talon V, increases your pet's armor class by 800 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 20%, base melee damage by 220%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon V grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike V during melee combat, which deals 120000 damage, up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (197)118 MAG (ToL)45 / 377010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 340% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 960
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVI
Frenzied Burnout XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 960 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 340%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVI triggers Virulent Talon V, increases your pet's armor class by 800 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 20%, base melee damage by 220%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon V grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike V during melee combat, which deals 120000 damage, up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (196)117 MAG (ToL)45 / 372510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 335% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 940
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVI
Frenzied Burnout XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 940 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 335%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVI triggers Virulent Talon V, increases your pet's armor class by 800 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 20%, base melee damage by 220%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon V grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike V during melee combat, which deals 120000 damage, up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (195)116 MAG (ToL)45 / 368010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 330% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 920
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVI
Frenzied Burnout XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 920 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 330%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVI triggers Virulent Talon V, increases your pet's armor class by 800 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 20%, base melee damage by 220%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon V grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike V during melee combat, which deals 120000 damage, up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (194)115 MAG (CoV)40 / 363510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 325% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 900
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVI
Frenzied Burnout XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 900 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 325%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVI triggers Virulent Talon V, increases your pet's armor class by 800 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 20%, base melee damage by 220%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon V grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike V during melee combat, which deals 120000 damage, up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (193)115 MAG (CoV)40 / 359510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 320% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 880
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVI
Frenzied Burnout XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 880 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 320%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVI triggers Virulent Talon V, increases your pet's armor class by 800 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 20%, base melee damage by 220%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon V grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike V during melee combat, which deals 120000 damage, up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (192)115 MAG (CoV)40 / 355510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 315% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 860
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVI
Frenzied Burnout XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 860 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 315%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVI triggers Virulent Talon V, increases your pet's armor class by 800 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 20%, base melee damage by 220%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon V grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike V during melee combat, which deals 120000 damage, up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (191)115 MAG (CoV)40 / 351510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 310% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 840
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVI
Frenzied Burnout XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 840 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 310%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVI triggers Virulent Talon V, increases your pet's armor class by 800 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 20%, base melee damage by 220%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon V grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike V during melee combat, which deals 120000 damage, up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (190)115 MAG (CoV)40 / 347510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 305% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 820
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVI
Frenzied Burnout XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 820 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 305%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVI triggers Virulent Talon V, increases your pet's armor class by 800 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 20%, base melee damage by 220%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon V grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike V during melee combat, which deals 120000 damage, up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (189)115 MAG (ToV)40 / 343510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 300% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 800
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XVI
Frenzied Burnout XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 800 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 300%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XVI triggers Virulent Talon V, increases your pet's armor class by 800 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 20%, base melee damage by 220%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon V grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike V during melee combat, which deals 120000 damage, up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (188)114 MAG (ToV)40 / 339510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 295% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 780
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XV
Frenzied Burnout XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 780 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 295%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XV triggers Virulent Talon IV, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IV grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IV during melee combat, which deals 110000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (187)113 MAG (ToV)40 / 335510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 290% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 760
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XV
Frenzied Burnout XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 760 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 290%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XV triggers Virulent Talon IV, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IV grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IV during melee combat, which deals 110000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (186)112 MAG (ToV)40 / 331510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 285% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 740
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XV
Frenzied Burnout XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 740 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 285%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XV triggers Virulent Talon IV, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IV grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IV during melee combat, which deals 110000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (185)111 MAG (ToV)40 / 327510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 280% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 720
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XV
Frenzied Burnout XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 720 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 280%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XV triggers Virulent Talon IV, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IV grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IV during melee combat, which deals 110000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (184)110 MAG (TBL)40 / 323510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 700
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XV
Frenzied Burnout XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XV triggers Virulent Talon IV, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IV grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IV during melee combat, which deals 110000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (183)110 MAG (TBL)40 / 319510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 270% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 680
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XV
Frenzied Burnout XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 680 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 270%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XV triggers Virulent Talon IV, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IV grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IV during melee combat, which deals 110000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (182)110 MAG (TBL)40 / 315510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 265% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 660
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XV
Frenzied Burnout XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 660 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 265%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XV triggers Virulent Talon IV, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IV grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IV during melee combat, which deals 110000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (181)110 MAG (TBL)40 / 311510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 260% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 640
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XV
Frenzied Burnout XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 640 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 260%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XV triggers Virulent Talon IV, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IV grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IV during melee combat, which deals 110000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (180)110 MAG (TBL)40 / 307510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 255% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 620
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XV
Frenzied Burnout XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 620 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 255%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XV triggers Virulent Talon IV, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IV grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IV during melee combat, which deals 110000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (179)110 MAG (RoS)50 / 303510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 250% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XV
Frenzied Burnout XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 250%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XV triggers Virulent Talon IV, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon IV grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike IV during melee combat, which deals 110000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (178)110 MAG (RoS)50 / 298510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 250% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIV
Frenzied Burnout XIV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 250%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIV triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (177)110 MAG (RoS)50 / 293510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIV
Frenzied Burnout XIV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIV triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (176)109 MAG (RoS)50 / 288510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 49%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIV
Frenzied Burnout XIV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 49%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIV triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (175)109 MAG (RoS)50 / 283510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 49%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIV
Frenzied Burnout XIV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 49%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIV triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (174)109 MAG (RoS)50 / 278510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 49%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIV
Frenzied Burnout XIV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 49%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIV triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (173)108 MAG (RoS)50 / 273510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 48%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIV
Frenzied Burnout XIV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 48%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIV triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 650 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (172)108 MAG (RoS)50 / 268510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 48%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIII
Frenzied Burnout XIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 48%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIII triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (171)108 MAG (RoS)50 / 263510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 48%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIII
Frenzied Burnout XIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 48%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIII triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (170)107 MAG (RoS)50 / 258510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 47%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIII
Frenzied Burnout XIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 47%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIII triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (169)107 MAG (RoS)50 / 253510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 47%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIII
Frenzied Burnout XIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 47%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIII triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (168)107 MAG (RoS)50 / 248510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 47%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIII
Frenzied Burnout XIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 47%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIII triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (167)106 MAG (RoS)50 / 243510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XIII
Frenzied Burnout XIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XIII triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 200%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (166)106 MAG (RoS)50 / 238510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XII
Frenzied Burnout XII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XII triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 187%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (165)105 MAG (TDS)40 / 233510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XII
Frenzied Burnout XII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XII triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 660 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 17%, base melee damage by 187%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (164)105 MAG (TDS)40 / 229510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzied Burnout XI
Frenzied Burnout XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout XI triggers Virulent Talon III, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon III grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike III during melee combat, which deals 92000 damage, up to 15 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (163)105 MAG (TDS)40 / 225510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 6
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (162)105 MAG (TDS)38 / 221510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (161)105 MAG (TDS)35 / 217710m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 450
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 450 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (160)105 MAG (TDS)35 / 214210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 400
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 400 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (159)105 MAG (TDS)35 / 210710m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (159)125 NEC (TOB)55 / 371910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 398% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1192
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XVIII
Frenzy of the Dead XVIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1192 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 398%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XVIII triggers Lingering Nightmares XII, increases your pet's armor class 1060 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 880 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 53%, and base melee damage by 248%.

Lingering Nightmares XII grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw XI, a 34000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 48 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (158)105 MAG (TDS)35 / 207210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 210% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 210%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (158)125 NEC (TOB)55 / 366410m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 390% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1160
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XVII
Frenzy of the Dead XVII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1160 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 390%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XVII triggers Lingering Nightmares XI, increases your pet's armor class 1000 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 850 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 50%, and base melee damage by 240%.

Lingering Nightmares XI grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw X, a 33000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 44 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (157)105 MAG (TDS)35 / 203710m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 200% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 200%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (157)125 NEC (TOB)55 / 360910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 382% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1128
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XVI
Frenzy of the Dead XVI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1128 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 382%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XVI triggers Lingering Nightmares X, increases your pet's armor class 940 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 820 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 47%, and base melee damage by 232%.

Lingering Nightmares X grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IX, a 32000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 40 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (156)105 MAG (TDS)35 / 200210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 195% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 195%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (156)125 NEC (LS)50 / 355410m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 374% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1096
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XV
Frenzy of the Dead XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1096 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 374%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XV triggers Lingering Nightmares IX, increases your pet's armor class 880 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 790 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 44%, and base melee damage by 224%.

Lingering Nightmares IX grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw VIII, a 31000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 36 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (155)105 MAG (TDS)35 / 196710m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 190% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 190%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (155)123 NEC (LS)50 / 350410m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 366% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1064
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XIV
Frenzy of the Dead XIV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1064 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 366%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XIV triggers Lingering Nightmares VIII, increases your pet's armor class 820 points, overhaste by 24%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 760 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 41%, and base melee damage by 216%.

Lingering Nightmares VIII grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw VII, a 30000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 32 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (154)105 MAG (TDS)35 / 193210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 79%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 79%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (154)121 NEC (LS)50 / 345410m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 358% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1032
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XIII
Frenzy of the Dead XIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1032 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 358%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XIII triggers Lingering Nightmares VII, increases your pet's armor class 760 points, overhaste by 23%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 730 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 38%, and base melee damage by 208%.

Lingering Nightmares VII grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw VI, a 29000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 28 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (153)105 MAG (TDS)35 / 189710m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 78%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 78%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (153)120 NEC (ToL)45 / 340410m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 350% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1000
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XII
Frenzy of the Dead XII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1000 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 350%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XII triggers Lingering Nightmares VI, increases your pet's armor class 700 points, overhaste by 22%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 700 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 35%, and base melee damage by 200%.

Lingering Nightmares VI grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw V, a 28000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 24 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (152)104 MAG (TDS)30 / 186210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 45%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 78%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 45%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 78%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (152)119 NEC (ToL)45 / 335910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 345% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 980
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XI
Frenzy of the Dead XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 980 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 345%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XI triggers Lingering Nightmares V, increases your pet's armor class 500 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 600 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 25%, and base melee damage by 175%.

Lingering Nightmares V grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IV, a 25000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (151)104 MAG (TDS)30 / 183210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 45%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 78%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 45%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 78%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (151)118 NEC (ToL)45 / 331410m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 340% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 960
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XI
Frenzy of the Dead XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 960 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 340%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XI triggers Lingering Nightmares V, increases your pet's armor class 500 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 600 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 25%, and base melee damage by 175%.

Lingering Nightmares V grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IV, a 25000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (150)103 MAG (TDS)30 / 180210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 44%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 78%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 44%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 78%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (150)117 NEC (ToL)45 / 326910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 335% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 940
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XI
Frenzy of the Dead XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 940 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 335%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XI triggers Lingering Nightmares V, increases your pet's armor class 500 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 600 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 25%, and base melee damage by 175%.

Lingering Nightmares V grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IV, a 25000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (149)103 MAG (TDS)30 / 177210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 44%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 78%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 44%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 78%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (149)116 NEC (ToL)45 / 322410m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 330% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 920
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XI
Frenzy of the Dead XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 920 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 330%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XI triggers Lingering Nightmares V, increases your pet's armor class 500 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 600 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 25%, and base melee damage by 175%.

Lingering Nightmares V grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IV, a 25000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (148)103 MAG (TDS)30 / 174210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 5
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 44%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 78%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 44%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 78%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (148)115 NEC (CoV)40 / 317910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 325% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 900
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XI
Frenzy of the Dead XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 900 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 325%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XI triggers Lingering Nightmares V, increases your pet's armor class 500 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 600 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 25%, and base melee damage by 175%.

Lingering Nightmares V grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IV, a 25000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (147)103 MAG (TDS)25 / 171210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 4
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 44%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 78%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 44%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 78%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (147)115 NEC (CoV)40 / 313910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 320% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 880
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XI
Frenzy of the Dead XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 880 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 320%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XI triggers Lingering Nightmares V, increases your pet's armor class 500 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 600 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 25%, and base melee damage by 175%.

Lingering Nightmares V grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IV, a 25000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (146)103 MAG (TDS)25 / 168710m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 4
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 44%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 77%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 44%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 77%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (146)115 NEC (CoV)40 / 309910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 315% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 860
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XI
Frenzy of the Dead XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 860 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 315%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XI triggers Lingering Nightmares V, increases your pet's armor class 500 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 600 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 25%, and base melee damage by 175%.

Lingering Nightmares V grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IV, a 25000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (145)102 MAG (TDS)25 / 166210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 4
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 43%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 77%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 43%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 77%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (145)115 NEC (CoV)40 / 305910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 310% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 840
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XI
Frenzy of the Dead XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 840 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 310%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XI triggers Lingering Nightmares V, increases your pet's armor class 500 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 600 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 25%, and base melee damage by 175%.

Lingering Nightmares V grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IV, a 25000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (145)125 BST (TOB)65 / 373115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 398% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1192
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage XV
Bestial Bloodrage XV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1192 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 398%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage XV increases your pet's accuracy by 78%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 25%, base melee damage by 435%, attack power by 860 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 60%, drains the warder of 6400 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (144)102 MAG (TDS)25 / 163710m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 4
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 43%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 77%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 168% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 43%, the damage of its critical hits by 168%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 77%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (144)115 NEC (CoV)40 / 301910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 305% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 820
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XI
Frenzy of the Dead XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 820 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 305%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XI triggers Lingering Nightmares V, increases your pet's armor class 500 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 600 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 25%, and base melee damage by 175%.

Lingering Nightmares V grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IV, a 25000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (144)125 BST (TOB)65 / 366615m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 390% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1160
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage XIV
Bestial Bloodrage XIV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1160 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 390%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage XIV increases your pet's accuracy by 75%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 25%, base melee damage by 430%, attack power by 800 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 59%, drains the warder of 6250 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (143)101 MAG (TDS)25 / 161210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 4
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 42%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 77%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 168% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 42%, the damage of its critical hits by 168%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 77%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (143)115 NEC (ToV)40 / 297910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 300% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 800
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead XI
Frenzy of the Dead XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 800 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 300%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead XI triggers Lingering Nightmares V, increases your pet's armor class 500 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 600 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 25%, and base melee damage by 175%.

Lingering Nightmares V grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw IV, a 25000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 20 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (143)125 BST (TOB)65 / 360115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 382% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1128
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage XIII
Bestial Bloodrage XIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1128 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 382%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage XIII increases your pet's accuracy by 72%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 25%, base melee damage by 425%, attack power by 740 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 58%, drains the warder of 6100 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (142)101 MAG (TDS)25 / 158710m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 4
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 42%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 77%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 42%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 77%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (142)114 NEC (ToV)40 / 293910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 295% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 780
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead X
Frenzy of the Dead X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 780 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 295%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead X triggers Lingering Nightmares IV, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares IV grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw III, a 22000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (142)125 BST (LS)60 / 353615m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 374% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1096
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage XII
Bestial Bloodrage XII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1096 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 374%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage XII increases your pet's accuracy by 69%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 25%, base melee damage by 420%, attack power by 680 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 57%, drains the warder of 5950 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (141)101 MAG (TDS)20 / 156210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 42%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 77%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 42%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 77%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (141)113 NEC (ToV)40 / 289910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 290% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 760
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead X
Frenzy of the Dead X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 760 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 290%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead X triggers Lingering Nightmares IV, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares IV grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw III, a 22000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (141)123 BST (LS)60 / 347615m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 366% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1064
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage XI
Bestial Bloodrage XI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1064 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 366%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage XI increases your pet's accuracy by 66%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 24%, base melee damage by 415%, attack power by 620 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 56%, drains the warder of 5800 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (140)101 MAG (TDS)20 / 154210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 42%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 42%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (140)112 NEC (ToV)40 / 285910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 285% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 740
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead X
Frenzy of the Dead X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 740 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 285%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead X triggers Lingering Nightmares IV, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares IV grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw III, a 22000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (140)121 BST (LS)60 / 341615m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 358% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1032
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage X
Bestial Bloodrage X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1032 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 358%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage X increases your pet's accuracy by 63%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 22%, base melee damage by 410%, attack power by 560 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 55%, drains the warder of 5650 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (139)101 MAG (TDS)20 / 152210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 41%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 41%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (139)120 BST (ToL)55 / 335615m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 350% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1000
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IX
Bestial Bloodrage IX, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1000 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 350%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage IX increases your pet's accuracy by 60%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 20%, base melee damage by 405%, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 54%, drains the warder of 5500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (139)111 NEC (ToV)40 / 281910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 280% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 720
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead X
Frenzy of the Dead X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 720 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 280%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead X triggers Lingering Nightmares IV, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares IV grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw III, a 22000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (138)101 MAG (TDS)20 / 150210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (138)119 BST (ToL)55 / 330115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 345% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 980
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VIII
Bestial Bloodrage VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 980 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 345%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VIII increases your pet's accuracy by 50%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 15%, base melee damage by 390%, attack power by 300 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 50%, drains the warder of 5000 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (138)110 NEC (TBL)40 / 277910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 700
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead X
Frenzy of the Dead X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead X triggers Lingering Nightmares IV, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares IV grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw III, a 22000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (137)101 MAG (TDS)20 / 148210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 39%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 39%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (137)118 BST (ToL)55 / 324615m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 340% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 960
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VIII
Bestial Bloodrage VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 960 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 340%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VIII increases your pet's accuracy by 50%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 15%, base melee damage by 390%, attack power by 300 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 50%, drains the warder of 5000 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (137)110 NEC (TBL)40 / 273910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 270% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 680
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead X
Frenzy of the Dead X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 680 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 270%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead X triggers Lingering Nightmares IV, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares IV grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw III, a 22000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (136)101 MAG (TDS)16 / 146210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 100%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 100% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (136)117 BST (ToL)55 / 319115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 335% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 940
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VIII
Bestial Bloodrage VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 940 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 335%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VIII increases your pet's accuracy by 50%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 15%, base melee damage by 390%, attack power by 300 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 50%, drains the warder of 5000 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (136)110 NEC (TBL)40 / 269910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 265% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 660
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead X
Frenzy of the Dead X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 660 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 265%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead X triggers Lingering Nightmares IV, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares IV grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw III, a 22000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (135)101 MAG (TDS)15 / 144610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 80%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 80% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (135)116 BST (ToL)55 / 313615m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 330% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 920
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VIII
Bestial Bloodrage VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 920 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 330%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VIII increases your pet's accuracy by 50%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 15%, base melee damage by 390%, attack power by 300 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 50%, drains the warder of 5000 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (135)110 NEC (TBL)40 / 265910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 260% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 640
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead X
Frenzy of the Dead X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 640 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 260%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead X triggers Lingering Nightmares IV, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares IV grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw III, a 22000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
Companion's Fury (135)125 SHD (TOB)45 / 3321-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 400% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 400%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (134)101 MAG (TDS)15 / 143110m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 60%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 60% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (134)110 NEC (TBL)40 / 261910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 255% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 620
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead X
Frenzy of the Dead X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 620 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 255%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead X triggers Lingering Nightmares IV, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares IV grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw III, a 22000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (134)115 BST (CoV)50 / 308115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 325% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 900
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VIII
Bestial Bloodrage VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 900 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 325%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VIII increases your pet's accuracy by 50%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 15%, base melee damage by 390%, attack power by 300 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 50%, drains the warder of 5000 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (134)125 SHD (TOB)45 / 3276-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 395% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1180
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1180 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 395%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (133)101 MAG (TDS)15 / 141610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 40%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 40% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (133)110 NEC (RoS)40 / 257910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 250% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead X
Frenzy of the Dead X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 250%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead X triggers Lingering Nightmares IV, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares IV grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw III, a 22000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (133)115 BST (CoV)50 / 303115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 320% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 880
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VIII
Bestial Bloodrage VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 880 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 320%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VIII increases your pet's accuracy by 50%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 15%, base melee damage by 390%, attack power by 300 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 50%, drains the warder of 5000 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (133)125 SHD (TOB)45 / 3231-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 390% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1160
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1160 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 390%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (132)100 MAG (CotF)15 / 140110m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 20%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 20% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (132)110 NEC (RoS)40 / 253910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 250% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead IX
Frenzy of the Dead IX, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 250%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead IX triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (132)115 BST (CoV)50 / 298115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 315% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 860
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VIII
Bestial Bloodrage VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 860 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 315%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VIII increases your pet's accuracy by 50%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 15%, base melee damage by 390%, attack power by 300 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 50%, drains the warder of 5000 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (132)125 SHD (TOB)45 / 3186-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 385% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1140
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1140 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 385%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (131)100 MAG (CotF)15 / 138610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 20%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 20% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (131)110 NEC (RoS)40 / 249910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 50%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead IX
Frenzy of the Dead IX, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 50%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead IX triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (131)115 BST (CoV)50 / 293115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 310% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 840
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VIII
Bestial Bloodrage VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 840 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 310%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VIII increases your pet's accuracy by 50%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 15%, base melee damage by 390%, attack power by 300 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 50%, drains the warder of 5000 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (131)125 SHD (TOB)45 / 3141-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 380% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1120
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1120 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 380%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (130)100 MAG (CotF)15 / 137110m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Spell Range by 20%
6: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
7: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
8: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
9: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
10: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and 20% increased range).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (130)109 NEC (RoS)40 / 245910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 49%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead IX
Frenzy of the Dead IX, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 49%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead IX triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (130)115 BST (CoV)50 / 288115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 305% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 820
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VIII
Bestial Bloodrage VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 820 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 305%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VIII increases your pet's accuracy by 50%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 15%, base melee damage by 390%, attack power by 300 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 50%, drains the warder of 5000 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (130)125 SHD (LS)40 / 3096-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 375% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 375%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (129)100 MAG (CotF)15 / 135610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (129)109 NEC (RoS)40 / 241910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 49%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead IX
Frenzy of the Dead IX, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 49%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead IX triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 150%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (129)115 BST (ToV)50 / 283115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 300% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 800
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VIII
Bestial Bloodrage VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 800 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 300%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VIII increases your pet's accuracy by 50%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 15%, base melee damage by 390%, attack power by 300 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 50%, drains the warder of 5000 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (129)124 SHD (LS)40 / 3056-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 370% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1080
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1080 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 370%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (128)100 MAG (CotF)15 / 134110m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 75%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 75%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (128)109 NEC (RoS)40 / 237910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 49%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead VIII
Frenzy of the Dead VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 49%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead VIII triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (128)114 BST (ToV)50 / 278115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 295% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 780
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VII
Bestial Bloodrage VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 780 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 295%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VII increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 10%, base melee damage by 375%, attack power by 100 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 4500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (128)123 SHD (LS)40 / 3016-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 365% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1060
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1060 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 365%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (127)100 MAG (CotF)15 / 132610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 74%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 74%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (127)109 NEC (RoS)40 / 233910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 49%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead VIII
Frenzy of the Dead VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 49%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead VIII triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (127)113 BST (ToV)50 / 273115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 290% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 760
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VII
Bestial Bloodrage VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 760 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 290%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VII increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 10%, base melee damage by 375%, attack power by 100 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 4500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (127)122 SHD (LS)40 / 2976-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 360% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1040
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1040 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 360%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (126)100 MAG (RoF)19 / 131110m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 3
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (126)108 NEC (RoS)40 / 229910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 48%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead VIII
Frenzy of the Dead VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 60 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 48%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead VIII triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (126)112 BST (ToV)50 / 268115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 285% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 740
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VII
Bestial Bloodrage VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 740 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 285%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VII increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 10%, base melee damage by 375%, attack power by 100 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 4500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (126)121 SHD (LS)40 / 2936-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 355% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1020
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1020 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 355%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (125)100 MAG (RoF)18 / 129210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 2
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
Companion's Fury (125)120 SHD (ToL)35 / 2896-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 350% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1000
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1000 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 350%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (125)108 NEC (RoS)40 / 225910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 48%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead VII
Frenzy of the Dead VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 54 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 48%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead VII triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (125)111 BST (ToV)50 / 263115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 280% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 720
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VII
Bestial Bloodrage VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 720 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 280%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VII increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 10%, base melee damage by 375%, attack power by 100 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 4500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (124)100 MAG (RoF)18 / 127410m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Max Hits Counter by 1
4: Limit Spells: Virulent Talon
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 (+#3) times for 10 minutes.
Companion's Fury (124)119 SHD (ToL)35 / 2861-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 345% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 980
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 980 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 345%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (124)108 NEC (RoS)40 / 221910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 48%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead VII
Frenzy of the Dead VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 54 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 48%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead VII triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (124)110 BST (TBL)50 / 258115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 700
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VII
Bestial Bloodrage VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VII increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 10%, base melee damage by 375%, attack power by 100 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 4500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (123)100 MAG (RoF)18 / 125610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout X
Frenzied Burnout X, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout X triggers Virulent Talon II, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon II grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike II during melee combat, which deals 80350 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
Companion's Fury (123)118 SHD (ToL)35 / 2826-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 340% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 960
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 960 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 340%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (123)107 NEC (RoS)40 / 217910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 47%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead VII
Frenzy of the Dead VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 54 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 47%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead VII triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (123)110 BST (TBL)50 / 253115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 39%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 270% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 680
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VII
Bestial Bloodrage VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 680 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 39%, the damage of its critical hits by 270%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VII increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 10%, base melee damage by 375%, attack power by 100 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 4500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (122)100 MAG (RoF)18 / 123810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IX
Frenzied Burnout IX, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout IX triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 600 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 580 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 16%, base melee damage by 176%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
Companion's Fury (122)117 SHD (ToL)35 / 2791-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 335% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 940
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 940 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 335%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (122)107 NEC (RoS)40 / 213910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 47%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead VII
Frenzy of the Dead VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 54 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 47%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead VII triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (122)110 BST (TBL)50 / 248115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 265% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 660
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VII
Bestial Bloodrage VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 660 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 265%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VII increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 10%, base melee damage by 375%, attack power by 100 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 4500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (121)100 MAG (RoF)18 / 122010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 50% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
Companion's Fury (121)116 SHD (ToL)35 / 2756-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 330% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 920
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 920 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 330%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (121)107 NEC (RoS)40 / 209910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 47%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead VI
Frenzy of the Dead VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 54 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 47%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead VI triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 400 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (121)110 BST (TBL)50 / 243115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 37%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 260% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 640
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VII
Bestial Bloodrage VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 640 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 37%, the damage of its critical hits by 260%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VII increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 10%, base melee damage by 375%, attack power by 100 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 4500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
60Companion's Fury (120)99 MAG (RoF)16 / 120210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 37%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 50% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 37%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (120)107 NEC (RoS)40 / 205910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 47%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead VI
Frenzy of the Dead VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 54 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 47%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead VI triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 400 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (120)110 BST (TBL)50 / 238115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 255% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 620
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VII
Bestial Bloodrage VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 620 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 255%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VII increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 10%, base melee damage by 375%, attack power by 100 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 4500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (120)115 SHD (CoV)30 / 2721-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 325% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 900
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 900 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 325%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (119)99 MAG (RoF)16 / 118610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 50% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (119)106 NEC (RoS)40 / 201910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead VI
Frenzy of the Dead VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 54 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead VI triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 400 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (119)110 BST (RoS)50 / 233115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 250% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VII
Bestial Bloodrage VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 35%, the damage of its critical hits by 250%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VII increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, overhaste by 10%, base melee damage by 375%, attack power by 100 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 4500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (119)115 SHD (CoV)30 / 2691-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 320% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 880
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 880 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 320%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
60Companion's Fury (118)98 MAG (RoF)16 / 117010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 40%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 40% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
766Companion's Fury (118)106 NEC (RoS)40 / 197910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead V
Frenzy of the Dead V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 48 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead V triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 400 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (118)110 BST (RoS)50 / 228115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 250% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 35%, the damage of its critical hits by 250%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (118)115 SHD (CoV)30 / 2661-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 315% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 860
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 860 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 315%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (117)105 NEC (TBM)24 / 193910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead V
Frenzy of the Dead V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 48 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead V triggers Lingering Nightmares III, increases your pet's armor class 300 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 40 points, attack power by 400 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 5%, accuracy by 15%, and base melee damage by 120%.

Lingering Nightmares III grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 16 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (117)98 MAG (RoF)16 / 115410m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 40%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 40% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (117)110 BST (RoS)50 / 223115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 35%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (117)115 SHD (CoV)30 / 2631-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 310% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 840
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 840 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 310%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (116)105 NEC (TBM)20 / 191510m T761: Increase Max Hits Counter by 4
2: Limit Spells: Lingering Nightmares
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead IV
Frenzy of the Dead IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 48 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead IV triggers Lingering Nightmares II, increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.

Lingering Nightmares II grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 12 (+#1) times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (116)98 MAG (RoF)15 / 113810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 30%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 30% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (116)109 BST (RoS)50 / 218115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 34%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (116)115 SHD (CoV)30 / 2601-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 305% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 820
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 820 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 305%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
Companion's Fury (116)125 SHM, ENC (TOB)45 / 3070-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 398% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1192
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1192 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 398%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (115)105 NEC (TBM)20 / 189510m T761: Increase Max Hits Counter by 2
2: Limit Spells: Lingering Nightmares
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead IV
Frenzy of the Dead IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 48 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead IV triggers Lingering Nightmares II, increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.

Lingering Nightmares II grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 12 (+#1) times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (115)97 MAG (RoF)15 / 112310m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 30%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 30% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 35%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (115)109 BST (RoS)50 / 213115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 34%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (115)115 SHD (ToV)30 / 2571-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 300% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 800
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 800 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 300%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
Companion's Fury (115)125 SHM, ENC (TOB)45 / 3025-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 390% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1160
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1160 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 390%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (114)105 NEC (TBM)20 / 187510m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead IV
Frenzy of the Dead IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 48 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead IV triggers Lingering Nightmares II, increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.

Lingering Nightmares II grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw II, a 19000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 12 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (114)97 MAG (RoF)15 / 110810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 30%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 30% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 35%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (114)109 BST (RoS)50 / 208115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 34%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (114)114 SHD (ToV)30 / 2541-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 295% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 780
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 780 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 295%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
Companion's Fury (114)125 SHM, ENC (TOB)45 / 2980-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 382% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1128
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1128 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 382%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (113)105 NEC (TBM)20 / 185510m T761: Increase Max Hits Counter by 2
2: Limit Spells: Lingering Nightmares
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead III
Frenzy of the Dead III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 48 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead III triggers Lingering Nightmares I, increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.

Lingering Nightmares I grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw I, a 16000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 10 (+#1) times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (113)97 MAG (RoF)15 / 109310m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 30%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 30% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 34%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (113)108 BST (RoS)50 / 203115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (113)113 SHD (ToV)30 / 2511-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 290% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 760
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 760 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 290%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
Companion's Fury (113)125 SHM, ENC (LS)40 / 2935-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 374% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1096
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1096 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 374%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (112)105 NEC (TDS)45 / 183510m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead III
Frenzy of the Dead III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 48 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead III triggers Lingering Nightmares I, increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.

Lingering Nightmares I grants your pet a chance (with a 10% bonus) to trigger Nightmare Draw I, a 16000 point lifetap, during melee combat up to 10 times for 10 minutes.
60Companion's Fury (112)97 MAG (RoF)20 / 107810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 30%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 30% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (112)108 BST (RoS)50 / 198115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (112)112 SHD (ToV)30 / 2481-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 285% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 740
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 740 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 285%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
Companion's Fury (112)123 SHM, ENC (LS)40 / 2895-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 366% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1064
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1064 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 366%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (111)105 NEC (TDS)45 / 179010m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead II
Frenzy of the Dead II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 48 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead II increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (111)96 MAG (RoF)20 / 105810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 20%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 20% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
443Companion's Fury (111)107 BST (RoS)50 / 193115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 32%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (111)111 SHD (ToV)30 / 2451-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 280% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 720
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 720 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 280%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
Companion's Fury (111)121 SHM, ENC (LS)40 / 2855-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 358% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1032
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1032 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 358%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (110)105 NEC (TDS)45 / 174510m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (110)96 MAG (RoF)20 / 103810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 20%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 20% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
Companion's Fury (110)120 SHM, ENC (ToL)35 / 2815-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 350% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 1000
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 1000 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 350%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (110)107 BST (RoS)50 / 188115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 32%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (110)110 SHD (TBL)30 / 2421-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 700
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
766Companion's Fury (109)105 NEC (TDS)40 / 170010m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 450
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 450 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (109)95 MAG (VoA)18 / 101810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 10%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 10% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
Companion's Fury (109)119 SHM, ENC (ToL)35 / 2780-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 345% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 980
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 980 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 345%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (109)107 BST (RoS)50 / 183115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 32%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (109)110 SHD (TBL)30 / 2391-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 35%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 700
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 35%.
766Companion's Fury (108)105 NEC (TDS)40 / 166010m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 400
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 400 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (108)95 MAG (VoA)18 / 100010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 10%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VIII
Frenzied Burnout VIII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 10% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VIII triggers Virulent Talon I, increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.

Virulent Talon I grants your pet a chance (with a 600% bonus) to trigger Virulent Talon Strike I during melee combat, which deals 48250 damage, up to 7 times for 10 minutes.
Companion's Fury (108)118 SHM, ENC (ToL)35 / 2745-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 340% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 960
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 960 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 340%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (108)106 BST (RoS)50 / 178115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 31%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 31%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (108)110 SHD (TBL)30 / 2361-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 30%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 700
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 30%.
766Companion's Fury (107)105 NEC (TDS)40 / 162010m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (107)95 MAG (VoA)18 / 98210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Spell Haste by 10%
4: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
5: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
6: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
7: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
8: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VII
Frenzied Burnout VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension and a 10% reduction in casting time).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VII increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (107)117 SHM, ENC (ToL)35 / 2710-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 335% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 940
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 940 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 335%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (107)106 BST (RoS)50 / 173115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 31%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 31%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (107)110 SHD (TBL)30 / 2331-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 700
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
443Companion's Fury (106)105 BST (TDS)42 / 168115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage VI
Bestial Bloodrage VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage VI increases your pet's accuracy by 40%, melee speed by 45%, base melee damage by 350%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 46%, drains the warder of 3500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (106)105 NEC (TDS)40 / 158010m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 210% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 210%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (106)95 MAG (VoA)18 / 96410m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VII
Frenzied Burnout VII, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VII increases your pet's armor class by 540 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 540 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 6%, accuracy by 15%, base melee damage by 165%, and grants a 25% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 80% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (106)116 SHM, ENC (ToL)35 / 2675-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 330% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 920
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 920 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 330%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
Companion's Fury (106)110 SHD (TBL)30 / 2301-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 270% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 680
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 680 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 270%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
443Companion's Fury (105)105 BST (TDS)40 / 163915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (105)105 NEC (TDS)37 / 154010m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 200% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 200%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (105)95 MAG (VoA)18 / 94610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (105)110 SHD (TBL)30 / 2271-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 265% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 660
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 660 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 265%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
Companion's Fury (105)115 SHM, ENC (CoV)30 / 2640-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 325% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 900
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 900 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 325%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (104)105 BST (TDS)38 / 159915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 450
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 450 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (104)105 NEC (TDS)36 / 150310m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 195% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 195%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (104)95 MAG (VoA)17 / 92810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 72%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 72%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (104)110 SHD (TBL)30 / 2241-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 260% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 640
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 640 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 260%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
Companion's Fury (104)115 SHM, ENC (CoV)30 / 2610-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 320% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 880
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 880 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 320%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (103)105 BST (TDS)38 / 156115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 400
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 400 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (103)105 NEC (TDS)35 / 146710m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 190% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 190%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (103)94 MAG (VoA)16 / 91110m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 72%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 32%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 72%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (103)110 SHD (TBL)30 / 2211-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 255% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 620
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 620 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 255%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
Companion's Fury (103)115 SHM, ENC (CoV)30 / 2580-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 315% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 860
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 860 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 315%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (102)105 BST (TDS)38 / 152315m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (102)105 NEC (TDS)35 / 143210m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 46%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 46%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (102)94 MAG (VoA)16 / 89510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 72%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 150
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 32%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 72%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (102)110 SHD (RoS)30 / 2181-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 250% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 250%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
Companion's Fury (102)115 SHM, ENC (CoV)30 / 2550-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 310% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 840
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 840 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 310%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (101)105 BST (TDS)36 / 148515m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 210% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 210%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (101)104 NEC (TDS)35 / 139710m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 45%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 45%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (101)93 MAG (VoA)16 / 87910m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 31%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 72%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 150
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 31%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 72%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (101)110 SHD (RoS)30 / 2151-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 250% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 24%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 250%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 24%.
Companion's Fury (101)115 SHM, ENC (CoV)30 / 2520-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 305% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 820
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 820 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 305%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (100)105 BST (TDS)36 / 144915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 200% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 200%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (100)103 NEC (TDS)34 / 136210m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 45%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 45%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (100)93 MAG (VoA)16 / 86310m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 31%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 72%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 150
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 31%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 72%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (100)110 SHD (RoS)30 / 2121-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 24%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 24%.
Companion's Fury (100)115 SHM, ENC (ToV)30 / 2490-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 300% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 800
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 800 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 300%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (99)105 BST (TDS)36 / 141315m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 195% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 195%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (99)103 NEC (TDS)33 / 132810m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 45%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 45%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (99)93 MAG (VoA)16 / 84710m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 31%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 71%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 150
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 31%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 71%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (99)109 SHD (RoS)30 / 2091-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 39%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 24%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 39%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 24%.
Companion's Fury (99)114 SHM, ENC (ToV)30 / 2460-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 295% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 780
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 780 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 295%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (98)105 BST (TDS)34 / 137715m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 190% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 190%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (98)103 NEC (TDS)32 / 129510m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 44%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 44%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (98)92 MAG (VoA)16 / 83110m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 30%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 71%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 150
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 30%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 71%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (98)109 SHD (RoS)30 / 2061-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 39%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 24%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 39%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 24%.
Companion's Fury (98)113 SHM, ENC (ToV)30 / 2430-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 290% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 760
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 760 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 290%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (97)105 BST (TDS)34 / 134315m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 91%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 91%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (97)102 NEC (TDS)31 / 126310m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 44%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 44%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (97)91 MAG (VoA)15 / 81510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 71%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 150
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 71%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (97)109 SHD (RoS)30 / 2031-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 39%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 23%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 39%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 23%.
Companion's Fury (97)112 SHM, ENC (ToV)30 / 2400-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 285% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 740
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 740 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 285%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (96)105 BST (TDS)34 / 130915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 86%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 86%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (96)101 NEC (TDS)30 / 123210m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 44%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 168% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 44%, the damage of its critical hits by 168%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (96)91 MAG (VoA)15 / 80010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 71%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 71%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (96)109 SHD (RoS)30 / 2001-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 39%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 23%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 39%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 23%.
Companion's Fury (96)111 SHM, ENC (ToV)30 / 2370-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 280% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 720
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 720 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 280%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (95)104 BST (TDS)32 / 127515m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 86%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 28%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 86%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (95)101 NEC (TDS)29 / 120210m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 44%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 44%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (95)91 MAG (VoA)15 / 78510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 71%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Frenzied Burnout VI
Frenzied Burnout VI, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 71%.

Frenzied Burnout VI increases your pet's armor class by 500 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 500 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 14%, base melee damage by 154%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (95)108 SHD (RoS)30 / 1971-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 23%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 23%.
Companion's Fury (95)110 SHM, ENC (TBL)30 / 2340-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 40%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 700
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 40%.
443Companion's Fury (94)103 BST (TDS)32 / 124315m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 86%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 28%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 86%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (94)100 NEC (TDS)28 / 117310m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 43%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 43%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (94)91 MAG (VoA)15 / 77010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 71%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 71%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (94)108 SHD (RoS)30 / 1941-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 22%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 22%.
Companion's Fury (94)110 SHM, ENC (TBL)30 / 2310-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 35%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 700
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 35%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 35%.
443Companion's Fury (93)103 BST (TDS)32 / 121115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 86%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 28%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 86%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (93)100 NEC (TDS)27 / 114510m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 43%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 43%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (93)91 MAG (VoA)15 / 75510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (93)108 SHD (RoS)30 / 1911-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 22%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 22%.
Companion's Fury (93)110 SHM, ENC (TBL)30 / 2280-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 30%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 30%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 700
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 30%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 30%.
443Companion's Fury (92)103 BST (TDS)30 / 117915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 81%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 28%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 81%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (92)100 NEC (TDS)26 / 111810m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 42%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 42%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (92)90 MAG (VoA)15 / 74010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 28%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (92)107 SHD (RoS)30 / 1881-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 37%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 22%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 37%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 22%.
Companion's Fury (92)110 SHM, ENC (TBL)30 / 2250-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 275% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 700
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 700 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 275%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
443Companion's Fury (91)103 BST (TDS)30 / 114915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 81%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 81%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (91)100 NEC (TDS)25 / 109210m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 41%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 41%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (91)90 MAG (HoT)16 / 72510m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 28%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (91)107 SHD (RoS)30 / 1851-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 37%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 22%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 37%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 22%.
Companion's Fury (91)110 SHM, ENC (TBL)30 / 2220-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 270% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 680
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 680 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 270%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
443Companion's Fury (90)102 BST (TDS)30 / 111915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 81%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 81%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (90)100 NEC (CotF)20 / 106710m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 40%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 40%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (90)89 MAG (HoT)15 / 70910m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (90)107 SHD (RoS)30 / 1821-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 37%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 21%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 37%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 21%.
Companion's Fury (90)110 SHM, ENC (TBL)30 / 2190-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 265% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 660
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 660 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 265%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
443Companion's Fury (89)101 BST (TDS)28 / 108915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 81%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 168% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 168%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 81%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (89)100 NEC (CotF)18 / 104710m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 39%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 39%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (89)89 MAG (HoT)14 / 69410m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 69%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 69%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (89)107 SHD (RoS)30 / 1791-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 37%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 21%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 37%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 21%.
Companion's Fury (89)110 SHM, ENC (TBL)30 / 2160-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 260% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 640
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 640 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 260%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
443Companion's Fury (88)101 BST (TDS)28 / 106115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 81%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 81%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (88)100 NEC (CotF)16 / 102910m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 38%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 38%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (88)88 MAG (HoT)14 / 68010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 69%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 69%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (88)106 SHD (RoS)30 / 1761-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 21%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 21%.
Companion's Fury (88)110 SHM, ENC (TBL)30 / 2130-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 255% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 620
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 620 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 255%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
443Companion's Fury (87)101 BST (TDS)28 / 103315m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (87)100 NEC (RoF)30 / 101310m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 37%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 37%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (87)88 MAG (HoT)14 / 66610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 69%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 69%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (87)106 SHD (RoS)30 / 1731-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (87)110 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 2100-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 250% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 25%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 250%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 25%.
443Companion's Fury (86)100 BST (CotF)26 / 100515m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (86)100 NEC (RoF)25 / 98310m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (86)88 MAG (HoT)14 / 65210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 69%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 104% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 104%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 69%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (86)106 SHD (RoS)30 / 1701-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (86)110 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 2070-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 250% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 24%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 250%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 24%.
Companion's Fury (85)105 SHD (EoK)35 / 1671-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 35%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (85)100 BST (CotF)24 / 97915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (85)98 NEC (RoF)25 / 95810m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (85)88 MAG (HoT)14 / 63810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 104% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 104%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (85)110 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 2040-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 24%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 24%.
Companion's Fury (84)105 SHD (EoK)35 / 1636-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 34%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (84)100 BST (CotF)24 / 95515m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage V
Bestial Bloodrage V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 6 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage V increases your pet's accuracy by 35%, melee speed by 40%, base melee damage by 300%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 45%, drains the warder of 2500 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (84)98 NEC (RoF)25 / 93310m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 36%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 36%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (84)87 MAG (HoT)14 / 62410m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 104% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 104%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (84)109 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 2010-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 24%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 600
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 600 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 24%.
Companion's Fury (83)105 SHD (EoK)35 / 1601-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (83)100 BST (CotF)22 / 93115m T751: Increase Duration by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Bestial Bloodrage
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
4: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
5: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
6: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
7: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IV
Bestial Bloodrage IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes (with a 60 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage IV increases your pet's accuracy by 30%, melee speed by 35%, base melee damage by 250%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 44%, drains the warder of 1750 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (83)97 NEC (RoF)25 / 90810m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 35%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (83)87 MAG (HoT)14 / 61010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 67%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 104% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 104%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 67%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (83)109 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1980-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 24%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 24%.
Companion's Fury (82)105 SHD (EoK)35 / 1566-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 32%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (82)99 BST (CotF)22 / 90915m T751: Increase Duration by 48s
2: Limit Spells: Bestial Bloodrage
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
4: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
5: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
6: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
7: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IV
Bestial Bloodrage IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes (with a 48 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage IV increases your pet's accuracy by 30%, melee speed by 35%, base melee damage by 250%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 44%, drains the warder of 1750 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (82)96 NEC (RoF)20 / 88310m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 35%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (82)86 MAG (HoT)14 / 59610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 67%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 104% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 104%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 67%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (82)109 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1950-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 244% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 23%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 244%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 23%.
Companion's Fury (81)105 SHD (EoK)35 / 1531-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 31%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 31%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (81)98 BST (CotF)20 / 88715m T751: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Bestial Bloodrage
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
4: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
5: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
6: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
7: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IV
Bestial Bloodrage IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes (with a 36 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage IV increases your pet's accuracy by 30%, melee speed by 35%, base melee damage by 250%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 44%, drains the warder of 1750 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (81)96 NEC (RoF)20 / 86310m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 35%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 35%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (81)86 MAG (HoT)14 / 58210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 67%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Frenzied Burnout V
Frenzied Burnout V, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 67%.

Frenzied Burnout V increases your pet's armor class by 460 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 35 points, attack power by 460 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 13%, base melee damage by 143%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (81)109 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1920-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 23%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 23%.
Companion's Fury (80)105 SHD (EoK)35 / 1496-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 30%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 30%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (80)98 BST (CotF)20 / 86715m T751: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Bestial Bloodrage
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
4: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
5: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
6: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
7: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IV
Bestial Bloodrage IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes (with a 36 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage IV increases your pet's accuracy by 30%, melee speed by 35%, base melee damage by 250%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 44%, drains the warder of 1750 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (80)95 NEC (VoA)26 / 84310m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 34%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (80)86 MAG (HoT)14 / 56810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 67%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 67%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (80)108 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1890-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 23%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 23%.
Companion's Fury (79)105 SHD (EoK)35 / 1461-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (79)97 BST (CotF)18 / 84715m T751: Increase Duration by 24s
2: Limit Spells: Bestial Bloodrage
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
4: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
5: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
6: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
7: Increase Pet ATK by 250
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IV
Bestial Bloodrage IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes (with a 24 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage IV increases your pet's accuracy by 30%, melee speed by 35%, base melee damage by 250%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 44%, drains the warder of 1750 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
766Companion's Fury (79)95 NEC (VoA)26 / 81710m T761: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Frenzy of the Dead I
Frenzy of the Dead I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 42 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 34%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.

Frenzy of the Dead I increases your pet's armor class 250 points, overhaste by 18%, strength by 30 points, attack power by 295 points, accuracy by 12%, and base melee damage by 110%.
60Companion's Fury (79)86 MAG (HoT)12 / 55410m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 66%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 66%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (79)108 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1860-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 238% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 22%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 238%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 22%.
Companion's Fury (78)105 SHD (EoK)35 / 1426-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 28%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (78)97 BST (CotF)18 / 82915m T751: Increase Duration by 24s
2: Limit Spells: Bestial Bloodrage
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
4: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
5: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
6: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
7: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IV
Bestial Bloodrage IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes (with a 24 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage IV increases your pet's accuracy by 30%, melee speed by 35%, base melee damage by 250%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 44%, drains the warder of 1750 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (78)95 NEC (VoA)26 / 791-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 34%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 34%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (78)85 MAG (HoT)12 / 54210m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 66%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
6: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 108 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 66%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (78)108 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1830-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 22%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 22%.
Companion's Fury (77)105 SHD (EoK)35 / 1391-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (77)96 BST (CotF)18 / 81115m T751: Increase Duration by 12s
2: Limit Spells: Bestial Bloodrage
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
4: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
5: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
6: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
7: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IV
Bestial Bloodrage IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes (with a 12 second extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage IV increases your pet's accuracy by 30%, melee speed by 35%, base melee damage by 250%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 44%, drains the warder of 1750 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (77)94 NEC (VoA)24 / 765-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (77)85 MAG (HoT)12 / 53010m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 66%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 66%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (77)107 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1800-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 22%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 550
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 550 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 22%.
Companion's Fury (76)105 SHD (EoK)35 / 1356-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 450
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 450 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (76)96 BST (CotF)18 / 79315m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IV
Bestial Bloodrage IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage IV increases your pet's accuracy by 30%, melee speed by 35%, base melee damage by 250%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 44%, drains the warder of 1750 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (76)93 NEC (VoA)24 / 741-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (76)85 MAG (HoT)12 / 51810m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 66%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 66%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (76)107 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1770-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 22%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 22%.
Companion's Fury (75)105 SHD (EoK)34 / 1321-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 400
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 400 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (75)95 BST (RoF)28 / 77515m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IV
Bestial Bloodrage IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage IV increases your pet's accuracy by 30%, melee speed by 35%, base melee damage by 250%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 44%, drains the warder of 1750 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (75)93 NEC (VoA)24 / 717-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 33%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 33%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (75)85 MAG (UF)8 / 50610m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 65%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 65%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (75)107 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1740-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 232% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 21%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 232%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 21%.
Companion's Fury (74)105 SHD (EoK)34 / 1287-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (74)95 BST (RoF)28 / 74715m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage IV
Bestial Bloodrage IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage IV increases your pet's accuracy by 30%, melee speed by 35%, base melee damage by 250%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 2%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 44%, drains the warder of 1750 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (74)91 NEC (VoA)24 / 693-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 32%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (74)85 MAG (UF)8 / 49811m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 65%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 65%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (74)107 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1710-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 21%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 21%.
Companion's Fury (73)105 SHD (EoK)34 / 1253-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 210% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 210%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (73)94 BST (RoF)28 / 71915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage III
Bestial Bloodrage III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage III increases your pet's accuracy by 25%, melee speed by 30%, base melee damage by 200%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 43%, drains the warder of 1200 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (73)91 NEC (VoA)20 / 669-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 32%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (73)85 MAG (UF)8 / 49012m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 65%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 65%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (73)106 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1680-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 21%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 21%.
Companion's Fury (72)105 SHD (EoK)34 / 1219-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 200% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 200%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (72)93 BST (RoF)26 / 69115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage III
Bestial Bloodrage III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage III increases your pet's accuracy by 25%, melee speed by 30%, base melee damage by 200%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 43%, drains the warder of 1200 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (72)91 NEC (VoA)20 / 649-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 32%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 32%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (72)85 MAG (UF)8 / 48213m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 65%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 65%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (72)106 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1650-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 226% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 226%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (71)105 SHD (EoK)34 / 1185-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 195% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 195%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (71)91 BST (RoF)26 / 66515m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage III
Bestial Bloodrage III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage III increases your pet's accuracy by 25%, melee speed by 30%, base melee damage by 200%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 43%, drains the warder of 1200 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (71)90 NEC (VoA)20 / 629-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 31%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 31%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (71)85 MAG (UF)8 / 47414m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 65%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 65%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (71)106 SHM, ENC (RoS)30 / 1620-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (70)105 SHM, ENC (EoK)75 / 1590-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 500
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 500 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (70)105 SHD (TBM)31 / 1151-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 190% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 190%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (70)91 BST (RoF)25 / 63915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage III
Bestial Bloodrage III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage III increases your pet's accuracy by 25%, melee speed by 30%, base melee damage by 200%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 43%, drains the warder of 1200 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (70)90 NEC (HoT)25 / 609-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 31%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 31%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (70)85 MAG (UF)8 / 46615m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 65%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout IV
Frenzied Burnout IV, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 65%.

Frenzied Burnout IV increases your pet's armor class by 420 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 31 points, attack power by 420 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 12%, base melee damage by 132%, and grants a 20% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 75% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (69)105 SHM, ENC (EoK)70 / 1515-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 450
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 450 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (69)105 SHD (TDS)36 / 1120-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (69)90 BST (RoF)25 / 61415m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage III
Bestial Bloodrage III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage III increases your pet's accuracy by 25%, melee speed by 30%, base melee damage by 200%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 43%, drains the warder of 1200 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (69)88 NEC (HoT)25 / 584-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 30%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 30%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (69)85 MAG (UF)8 / 45815m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 65%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout III
Frenzied Burnout III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 65%.

Frenzied Burnout III increases your pet's armor class by 385 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 28 points, attack power by 385 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 11%, base melee damage by 121%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (68)105 SHM, ENC (EoK)65 / 1445-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 400
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 400 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (68)105 SHD (TDS)36 / 1084-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
443Companion's Fury (68)90 BST (HoT)18 / 58915m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage III
Bestial Bloodrage III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage III increases your pet's accuracy by 25%, melee speed by 30%, base melee damage by 200%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 43%, drains the warder of 1200 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (68)88 NEC (HoT)20 / 559-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 30%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 30%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (68)85 MAG (UF)8 / 45015m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 64%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout III
Frenzied Burnout III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 64%.

Frenzied Burnout III increases your pet's armor class by 385 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 28 points, attack power by 385 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 11%, base melee damage by 121%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (67)105 SHM, ENC (EoK)40 / 1380-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 220% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 220%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (67)104 SHD (TDS)36 / 1048-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 18%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 18%.
443Companion's Fury (67)88 BST (HoT)18 / 57115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage II
Bestial Bloodrage II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage II increases your pet's accuracy by 20%, melee speed by 25%, base melee damage by 150%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 42%, drains the warder of 900 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (67)88 NEC (HoT)20 / 539-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 30%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 104% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 30%, the damage of its critical hits by 104%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (67)85 MAG (UF)7 / 44215m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 63%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout III
Frenzied Burnout III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 63%.

Frenzied Burnout III increases your pet's armor class by 385 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 28 points, attack power by 385 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 11%, base melee damage by 121%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (66)105 SHM, ENC (EoK)40 / 1340-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 210% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 210%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (66)103 SHD (TDS)34 / 1012-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 18%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 18%.
443Companion's Fury (66)88 BST (HoT)16 / 55315m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage II
Bestial Bloodrage II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage II increases your pet's accuracy by 20%, melee speed by 25%, base melee damage by 150%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 42%, drains the warder of 900 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (66)86 NEC (HoT)20 / 519-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 104% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 104%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (66)85 MAG (SoD)9 / 43515m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 62%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout III
Frenzied Burnout III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 62%.

Frenzied Burnout III increases your pet's armor class by 385 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 28 points, attack power by 385 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 11%, base melee damage by 121%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (65)105 SHM, ENC (EoK)35 / 1300-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 200% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 200%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (65)103 SHD (TDS)34 / 978-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 18%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 18%.
443Companion's Fury (65)88 BST (HoT)16 / 53715m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage I
Bestial Bloodrage I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage I increases your pet's accuracy by 15%, melee speed by 25%, base melee damage by 100%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 41%, drains the warder of 600 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (65)86 NEC (HoT)15 / 499-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 29%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 29%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (65)85 MAG (SoD)9 / 42615m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 61%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout III
Frenzied Burnout III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 61%.

Frenzied Burnout III increases your pet's armor class by 385 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 28 points, attack power by 385 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 11%, base melee damage by 121%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (64)105 SHM, ENC (EoK)35 / 1265-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 195% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 195%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (64)103 SHD (TDS)34 / 944-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 18%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 18%.
443Companion's Fury (64)86 BST (HoT)16 / 52115m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 104% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage I
Bestial Bloodrage I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 104%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage I increases your pet's accuracy by 15%, melee speed by 25%, base melee damage by 100%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 41%, drains the warder of 600 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (64)85 NEC (HoT)15 / 484-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 28%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (64)84 MAG (SoD)8 / 41715m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 61%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout III
Frenzied Burnout III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 61%.

Frenzied Burnout III increases your pet's armor class by 385 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 28 points, attack power by 385 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 11%, base melee damage by 121%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (63)105 SHM, ENC (EoK)28 / 1230-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 190% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 190%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (63)103 SHD (TDS)34 / 910-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
443Companion's Fury (63)86 BST (HoT)15 / 50515m T751: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
Cast: Bestial Bloodrage I
Bestial Bloodrage I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 5 minutes.
As a passive effect this ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.

Bestial Bloodrage I increases your pet's accuracy by 15%, melee speed by 25%, base melee damage by 100%, chance to perform a flurry of attacks by 1%, and reduces the amount of hate it generates by 41%, drains the warder of 600 health every 6 seconds, and triggers Bestial Bloodrage Recourse after fading.
Companion's Fury (63)85 NEC (HoT)15 / 469-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 28%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (63)84 MAG (SoD)8 / 40915m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 61%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout III
Frenzied Burnout III, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 61%.

Frenzied Burnout III increases your pet's armor class by 385 points, overhaste by 25%, strength by 28 points, attack power by 385 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 11%, base melee damage by 121%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (62)105 SHM, ENC (TBM)29 / 1202-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 190% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 18%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 190%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 18%.
Companion's Fury (62)102 SHD (TDS)32 / 876-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (62)85 BST (HoT)15 / 490-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.
Companion's Fury (62)85 NEC (UF)9 / 454-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 28%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 28%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (62)83 MAG (SoD)8 / 40115m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 61%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 61%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (61)105 SHM, ENC (TBM)29 / 1173-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 18%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 18%.
Companion's Fury (61)101 SHD (TDS)32 / 844-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 168% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 168%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (61)85 BST (HoT)15 / 475-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.
Companion's Fury (61)85 NEC (UF)9 / 445-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 27%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 27%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (61)83 MAG (SoD)8 / 39315m T141: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 61%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 61%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (60)104 SHM, ENC (TBM)29 / 1144-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 185% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 18%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 185%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 18%.
Companion's Fury (60)101 SHD (TDS)32 / 812-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (60)85 BST (HoT)15 / 460-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.
Companion's Fury (60)85 NEC (UF)9 / 436-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 26%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 26%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (60)83 MAG (SoD)8 / 38515m T141: Increase Duration by 96s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 61%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 61%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (59)104 SHM, ENC (TBM)29 / 1115-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 18%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 18%.
Companion's Fury (59)100 SHD (TDS)30 / 780-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (59)85 BST (HoT)15 / 445-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.
Companion's Fury (59)85 NEC (UF)9 / 427-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 25%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 25%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (59)83 MAG (SoD)8 / 37715m T141: Increase Duration by 96s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 60%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 60%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (58)103 SHM, ENC (TBM)28 / 1086-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 18%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 350
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 350 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 18%.
Companion's Fury (58)100 SHD (TDS)30 / 750-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (58)85 BST (HoT)15 / 430-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.
Companion's Fury (58)85 NEC (UF)9 / 418-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (58)82 MAG (SoD)8 / 36915m T141: Increase Duration by 96s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 60%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 60%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (57)103 SHM, ENC (TBM)28 / 1058-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 18%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 18%.
Companion's Fury (57)98 SHD (TDS)30 / 720-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (57)85 BST (UF)9 / 415-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 76%.
Companion's Fury (57)85 NEC (UF)9 / 409-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
60Companion's Fury (57)82 MAG (SoD)8 / 36115m T141: Increase Duration by 96s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 60%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 60%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (56)103 SHM, ENC (TBM)28 / 1030-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 179% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 179%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (56)97 SHD (TDS)28 / 690-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (56)85 BST (UF)9 / 406-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 75%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 75%.
Companion's Fury (56)85 NEC (UF)9 / 400-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 72%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 72%.
60Companion's Fury (56)81 MAG (SoD)8 / 35315m T141: Increase Duration by 84s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 60%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 60%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (55)103 SHM, ENC (TBM)28 / 1002-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (55)96 SHD (TDS)28 / 662-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (55)85 BST (UF)9 / 397-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 74%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 74%.
Companion's Fury (55)85 NEC (UF)9 / 391-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 71%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 71%.
60Companion's Fury (55)81 MAG (SoD)8 / 34515m T141: Increase Duration by 84s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 60%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 60%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (54)102 SHM, ENC (TBM)27 / 974-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 17%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 173% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 17%, the damage of its critical hits by 173%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (54)96 SHD (TDS)26 / 634-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (54)85 BST (SoD)11 / 388-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
Companion's Fury (54)85 NEC (UF)9 / 382-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.
60Companion's Fury (54)81 MAG (SoD)8 / 33715m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 60%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 60%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (53)102 SHM, ENC (TBM)27 / 947-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 17%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 168% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 17%, the damage of its critical hits by 168%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (53)95 SHD (TDS)25 / 608-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (53)84 BST (SoD)11 / 377-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
Companion's Fury (53)85 NEC (UF)9 / 373-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 69%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 69%.
60Companion's Fury (53)81 MAG (SoD)8 / 32915m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 59%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 59%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (52)101 SHM, ENC (TBM)27 / 920-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 16%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 168% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 16%, the damage of its critical hits by 168%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (52)95 SHD (TDS)25 / 583-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (52)83 BST (SoD)11 / 366-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
Companion's Fury (52)85 NEC (SoD)10 / 364-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (52)80 MAG (SoD)8 / 32115m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 59%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 59%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (51)101 SHM, ENC (TBM)27 / 893-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 16%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 16%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (51)94 SHD (TDS)25 / 558-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (51)83 BST (SoD)11 / 355-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 73%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 73%.
Companion's Fury (51)84 NEC (SoD)10 / 354-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (51)80 MAG (SoD)8 / 31315m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 59%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 59%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (50)100 SHM, ENC (TBM)26 / 866-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 300
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 300 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (50)93 SHD (TDS)21 / 533-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (50)83 BST (SoD)11 / 344-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 72%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 72%.
Companion's Fury (50)83 NEC (SoD)10 / 344-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (50)80 MAG (SoD)8 / 30515m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 57%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 57%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (49)100 SHM, ENC (TBM)26 / 840-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (49)91 SHD (TDS)21 / 512-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (49)82 BST (SoD)10 / 333-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 72%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 72%.
Companion's Fury (49)83 NEC (SoD)10 / 334-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (49)80 MAG (SoD)8 / 29715m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 55%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 55%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (48)100 SHM, ENC (TBM)26 / 814-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 162% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 162%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (48)91 SHD (TDS)21 / 491-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (48)82 BST (SoD)10 / 323-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 71%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 71%.
Companion's Fury (48)82 NEC (SoD)10 / 324-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (48)80 MAG (SoD)8 / 28915m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 53%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 53%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (47)100 SHM, ENC (TBM)26 / 788-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (47)90 SHD (TDS)19 / 470-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (47)81 BST (SoD)10 / 313-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 71%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 71%.
Companion's Fury (47)81 NEC (SoD)10 / 314-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (47)80 MAG (SoD)8 / 28115m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 17%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 53%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 17%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 53%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (46)99 SHM, ENC (TBM)25 / 762-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 14%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 14%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (46)90 SHD (TDS)19 / 451-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 24%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 24%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (46)81 BST (SoD)9 / 303-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.
Companion's Fury (46)81 NEC (SoD)9 / 304-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (46)80 MAG (SoD)8 / 27315m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 16%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 53%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 16%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 53%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (45)98 SHM, ENC (TBM)25 / 737-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 154% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 154%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (45)90 SHD (TDS)19 / 432-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (45)81 BST (SoD)9 / 294-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.
Companion's Fury (45)80 NEC (SoD)9 / 295-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (45)80 MAG (SoF)9 / 26515m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 53%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout II
Frenzied Burnout II, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 53%.

Frenzied Burnout II increases your pet's armor class by 350 points, overhaste by 20%, strength by 25 points, attack power by 350 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (44)98 SHM, ENC (TBM)25 / 712-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (44)88 SHD (TDS)18 / 413-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (44)80 BST (SoD)9 / 285-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.
Companion's Fury (44)80 NEC (SoD)9 / 286-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 17%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 17%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (44)80 MAG (SoF)8 / 25615m T141: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 53%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 53%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (43)97 SHM, ENC (TBM)25 / 687-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 12%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 250
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 250 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 12%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (43)88 SHD (TDS)18 / 395-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (43)80 BST (SoD)8 / 276-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.
Companion's Fury (43)80 NEC (SoD)9 / 277-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 16%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 16%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (43)80 MAG (SoF)8 / 24815m T141: Increase Duration by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 53%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 53%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (42)97 SHM, ENC (TBM)24 / 662-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 12%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 12%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (42)86 SHD (TDS)18 / 377-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 104% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 104%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (42)80 BST (SoD)8 / 268-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 17%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 17%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.
Companion's Fury (42)80 NEC (SoD)9 / 268-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (42)80 MAG (SoF)8 / 24015m T141: Increase Duration by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 52%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 52%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (41)96 SHM, ENC (TBM)23 / 638-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 11%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 147% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 11%, the damage of its critical hits by 147%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (41)85 SHD (TDS)17 / 359-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (41)80 BST (SoD)8 / 260-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 16%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 16%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.
Companion's Fury (41)78 NEC (SoD)9 / 259-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (41)79 MAG (SoF)8 / 23215m T141: Increase Duration by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 14%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 52%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 14%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 52%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (40)96 SHM, ENC (TBM)23 / 615-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 11%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 11%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (40)85 SHD (TDS)17 / 342-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (40)80 BST (SoF)11 / 252-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.
Companion's Fury (40)76 NEC (SoD)9 / 250-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (40)78 MAG (SoF)8 / 22415m T141: Increase Duration by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 52%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 52%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (39)95 SHM, ENC (TBM)23 / 592-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 14%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 14%.
Companion's Fury (39)85 SHD (TDS)17 / 325-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 23%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 23%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (39)80 BST (SoF)11 / 241-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 14%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 70%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 14%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 70%.
Companion's Fury (39)75 NEC (SoD)9 / 241-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (39)78 MAG (SoF)8 / 21615m T141: Increase Duration by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 52%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 52%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (38)95 SHM, ENC (TBM)22 / 569-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 139% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 139%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (38)85 SHD (TDS)15 / 308-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (38)79 BST (SoF)10 / 230-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 14%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 14%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
Companion's Fury (38)75 NEC (SoD)9 / 232-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 68%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 68%.
60Companion's Fury (38)78 MAG (SoF)8 / 20815m T141: Increase Duration by 48s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 52%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 52%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (37)95 SHM, ENC (TBM)22 / 547-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (37)83 SHD (TDS)15 / 293-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (37)79 BST (SoF)10 / 220-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 14%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 66%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 14%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 66%.
Companion's Fury (37)75 NEC (SoD)9 / 223-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 65%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 65%.
60Companion's Fury (37)78 MAG (SoF)8 / 20015m T141: Increase Duration by 48s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (36)94 SHM, ENC (TBM)22 / 525-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 9%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 200
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 200 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 9%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (36)81 SHD (TDS)15 / 278-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (36)78 BST (SoF)10 / 210-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 66%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 66%.
Companion's Fury (36)75 NEC (SoD)9 / 214-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 62%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 62%.
60Companion's Fury (36)77 MAG (SoF)7 / 19215m T141: Increase Duration by 48s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 12%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 12%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (35)94 SHM, ENC (TBM)22 / 503-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 9%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 9%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (35)80 SHD (TDS)15 / 263-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (35)78 BST (SoF)9 / 200-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 66%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 66%.
Companion's Fury (35)75 NEC (SoD)8 / 205-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 59%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 59%.
60Companion's Fury (35)76 MAG (SoF)7 / 18515m T141: Increase Duration by 48s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 11%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 11%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (34)93 SHM, ENC (TBM)21 / 481-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 8%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 132% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 8%, the damage of its critical hits by 132%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (34)80 SHD (TDS)14 / 248-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (34)78 BST (SoF)9 / 191-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 64%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 64%.
Companion's Fury (34)75 NEC (SoD)8 / 197-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 56%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 56%.
60Companion's Fury (34)76 MAG (SoF)7 / 17815m T141: Increase Duration by 48s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 11%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 11%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (33)93 SHM, ENC (TBM)21 / 460-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 8%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 8%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (33)80 SHD (TDS)14 / 234-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 22%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 22%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (33)78 BST (SoF)9 / 182-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 63%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 63%.
Companion's Fury (33)75 NEC (SoD)8 / 189-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 53%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 53%.
60Companion's Fury (33)76 MAG (SoF)7 / 17115m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 11%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 11%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (32)92 SHM, ENC (TBM)21 / 439-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 7%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 7%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (32)80 SHD (VoA)13 / 220-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 21%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 21%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (32)77 BST (SoF)8 / 173-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 12%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 63%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 12%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 63%.
Companion's Fury (32)75 NEC (SoD)8 / 181-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.
60Companion's Fury (32)76 MAG (SoF)7 / 16415m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 11%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 50%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 11%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 50%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (31)91 SHM, ENC (TBM)21 / 418-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 150
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 150 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 6%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (31)79 SHD (VoA)12 / 207-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 20%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 20%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (31)77 BST (SoF)8 / 165-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 12%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 62%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 12%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 62%.
Companion's Fury (31)75 NEC (SoD)8 / 173-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 49%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 49%.
60Companion's Fury (31)75 MAG (TSS)8 / 15715m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 50%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 50%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (30)91 SHM, ENC (TBM)20 / 397-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 124% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 6%, the damage of its critical hits by 124%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (30)78 SHD (VoA)11 / 195-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 19%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 19%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (30)76 BST (SoF)8 / 157-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 11%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 62%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 11%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 62%.
Companion's Fury (30)75 NEC (SoF)9 / 165-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.
60Companion's Fury (30)75 MAG (TSS)6 / 14915m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 50%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 50%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (29)90 SHM, ENC (TBM)20 / 377-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 6%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (29)78 SHD (VoA)11 / 184-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (29)76 BST (SoF)8 / 149-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 62%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 62%.
Companion's Fury (29)74 NEC (SoF)9 / 156-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 14%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 14%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.
60Companion's Fury (29)75 MAG (TSS)6 / 14315m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (28)90 SHM, ENC (TBM)20 / 357-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 6%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (28)76 SHD (VoA)11 / 173-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (28)76 BST (SoF)8 / 141-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 56%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 56%.
Companion's Fury (28)73 NEC (SoF)9 / 147-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.
60Companion's Fury (28)74 MAG (TSS)6 / 13715m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 9%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 9%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (27)90 SHM, ENC (TBM)20 / 337-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 117% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 117%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (27)75 SHD (UF)6 / 162-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 18%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 18%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (27)75 BST (SoF)8 / 133-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 56%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 56%.
Companion's Fury (27)73 NEC (SoF)9 / 138-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.
60Companion's Fury (27)73 MAG (TSS)6 / 13115m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 8%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 8%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (26)88 SHM, ENC (TDS)22 / 317-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 100
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 100 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (26)75 SHD (UF)6 / 156-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 17%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 17%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (26)75 BST (TSS)6 / 125-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 56%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 56%.
Companion's Fury (26)72 NEC (SoF)8 / 129-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 12%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 12%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.
60Companion's Fury (26)73 MAG (TSS)6 / 12515m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 8%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 8%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (25)88 SHM, ENC (TDS)22 / 295-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 111% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 111%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (25)75 SHD (UF)6 / 150-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 16%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 16%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (25)75 BST (TSS)6 / 119-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.
Companion's Fury (25)71 NEC (SoF)8 / 121-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 11%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 11%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.
60Companion's Fury (25)73 MAG (TSS)5 / 11915m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 8%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 44%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 8%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 44%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (24)86 SHM, ENC (TDS)21 / 273-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 104% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 104%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (24)75 SHD (UF)6 / 144-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 15%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 15%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (24)74 BST (TSS)5 / 113-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 9%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 9%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.
Companion's Fury (24)71 NEC (SoF)8 / 113-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 11%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 11%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.
60Companion's Fury (24)72 MAG (TSS)5 / 11415m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 7%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 44%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 7%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 44%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (23)85 SHM, ENC (TDS)20 / 252-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
4: Increase Pet ATK by 50
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's attack power by 50 points, its chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (23)75 SHD (UF)6 / 138-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 14%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 14%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (23)73 BST (TSS)5 / 108-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 8%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 8%, the damage of its critical hits by 56%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.
Companion's Fury (23)70 NEC (SoF)7 / 105-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 47%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 47%.
60Companion's Fury (23)71 MAG (TSS)5 / 10915m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 44%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 6%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 44%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (22)85 SHM, ENC (TDS)19 / 232-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 10%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 10%.
Companion's Fury (22)75 SHD (SoD)9 / 132-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (22)73 BST (TSS)5 / 103-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 8%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 8%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.
Companion's Fury (22)70 NEC (SoF)7 / 98-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 44%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 44%.
60Companion's Fury (22)71 MAG (TSS)5 / 10415m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 44%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 6%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 44%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (21)85 SHM, ENC (TDS)18 / 213-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (21)75 SHD (SoD)9 / 123-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 4%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 4%.
Companion's Fury (21)73 BST (TSS)5 / 98-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 7%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 51%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 7%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 51%.
Companion's Fury (21)70 NEC (SoF)7 / 91-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 41%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 41%.
60Companion's Fury (21)71 MAG (TSS)5 / 9915m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 41%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 6%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 41%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (20)85 SHM, ENC (TDS)17 / 195-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 4%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 98% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 4%, the damage of its critical hits by 98%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (20)75 SHD (SoD)9 / 114-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 2%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 2%.
Companion's Fury (20)72 BST (TSS)5 / 93-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 7%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 46%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 7%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 46%.
Companion's Fury (20)70 NEC (SoF)7 / 84-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 34%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 34%.
60Companion's Fury (20)70 MAG (DoD)7 / 9415m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 41%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 41%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (19)83 SHM, ENC (TDS)16 / 178-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 4%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 91% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 4%, the damage of its critical hits by 91%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (19)75 SHD (SoD)8 / 105-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13% and the damage of its critical hits by 63%.
Companion's Fury (19)71 BST (TSS)5 / 88-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 46%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 6%, the damage of its critical hits by 48%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 46%.
Companion's Fury (19)70 NEC (SoF)7 / 77-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 27%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 27%.
60Companion's Fury (19)70 MAG (DoD)7 / 8715m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 34%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 34%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (18)81 SHM, ENC (TDS)15 / 162-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 4%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 85% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 4%, the damage of its critical hits by 85%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (18)73 SHD (SoD)8 / 97-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13% and the damage of its critical hits by 56%.
Companion's Fury (18)71 BST (TSS)5 / 83-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 46%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 6%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 46%.
Companion's Fury (18)70 NEC (TSS)4 / 70-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
60Companion's Fury (18)70 MAG (DoD)7 / 8015m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 27%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 27%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (17)80 SHM, ENC (TDS)14 / 147-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 4%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 4%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (17)71 SHD (SoD)8 / 89-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13% and the damage of its critical hits by 48%.
Companion's Fury (17)71 BST (TSS)5 / 78-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 46%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 46%.
Companion's Fury (17)69 NEC (TSS)4 / 66-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 9%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 9%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
60Companion's Fury (17)70 MAG (DoD)5 / 7315m T141: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (16)80 SHM, ENC (TDS)13 / 133-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 4%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 4%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (16)70 SHD (SoD)6 / 81-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 13%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 13% and the damage of its critical hits by 41%.
Companion's Fury (16)70 BST (DoD)6 / 73-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 41%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 41%.
Companion's Fury (16)69 NEC (TSS)4 / 62-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 9%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 26% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 9%, the damage of its critical hits by 26%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
60Companion's Fury (16)70 MAG (DoD)5 / 6815m T141: Increase Duration by 24s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (15)80 SHM, ENC (TDS)12 / 120-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 80% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 3%, the damage of its critical hits by 80%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (15)70 SHD (SoD)6 / 75-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 12%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 12% and the damage of its critical hits by 41%.
Companion's Fury (15)70 BST (DoD)6 / 67-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 34%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 34%.
Companion's Fury (15)68 NEC (TSS)4 / 58-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 8%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 26% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 8%, the damage of its critical hits by 26%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
60Companion's Fury (15)70 MAG (DoD)5 / 6315m T141: Increase Duration by 12s
2: Limit Spells: Frenzied Burnout
3: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
4: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
5: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds (with a 0:12 extension).
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (14)78 SHM, ENC (TDS)11 / 108-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 74% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 3%, the damage of its critical hits by 74%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (14)70 SHD (SoD)6 / 69-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 11%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 11% and the damage of its critical hits by 41%.
Companion's Fury (14)70 BST (DoD)6 / 61-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 27%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 27%.
Companion's Fury (14)68 NEC (TSS)4 / 54-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 7%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 26% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 7%, the damage of its critical hits by 26%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
60Companion's Fury (14)69 MAG (DoD)4 / 5815m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (13)76 SHM, ENC (TDS)10 / 97-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 69% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 3%, the damage of its critical hits by 69%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (13)70 SHD (SoD)6 / 63-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 10%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 10% and the damage of its critical hits by 41%.
Companion's Fury (13)69 BST (DoD)5 / 55-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 41%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (13)67 NEC (TSS)4 / 50-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 7%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 13% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 7%, the damage of its critical hits by 13%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
60Companion's Fury (13)68 MAG (DoD)4 / 5415m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 26% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 26%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (12)75 SHM, ENC (SoD)9 / 87-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 3%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 6%.
Companion's Fury (12)70 SHD (SoD)6 / 57-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 9%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 9% and the damage of its critical hits by 41%.
Companion's Fury (12)68 BST (DoD)5 / 50-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 26% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 26%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (12)67 NEC (TSS)3 / 46-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 7%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 7% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
60Companion's Fury (12)67 MAG (DoD)4 / 5015m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 13% of Base Damage
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 13%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (11)75 SHM, ENC (SoD)9 / 78-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 4%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 3%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 4%.
Companion's Fury (11)70 SHD (SoD)6 / 51-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 8%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 8% and the damage of its critical hits by 41%.
Companion's Fury (11)67 BST (DoD)5 / 45-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
3: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 13% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%, the damage of its critical hits by 13%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (11)66 NEC (TSS)3 / 43-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 6% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
60Companion's Fury (11)65 MAG (GoD)5 / 4615m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (10)75 SHM, ENC (SoD)9 / 69-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
3: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 2%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 3%, the damage of its critical hits by 63%, and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 2%.
Companion's Fury (10)70 SHD (SoD)6 / 45-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 7%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 7% and the damage of its critical hits by 41%.
Companion's Fury (10)65 BST (GoD)5 / 40-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
Companion's Fury (10)65 NEC (GoD)5 / 40-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 20%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 20%.
60Companion's Fury (10)65 MAG (GoD)5 / 4115m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (9)75 SHM, ENC (SoD)8 / 60-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 3% and the damage of its critical hits by 63%.
Companion's Fury (9)69 SHD (SoD)6 / 39-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 6% and the damage of its critical hits by 41%.
Companion's Fury (9)65 BST (GoD)5 / 35-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
Companion's Fury (9)65 NEC (GoD)5 / 35-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 16%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 16%.
60Companion's Fury (9)65 MAG (GoD)5 / 3615m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (8)75 SHM, ENC (SoD)8 / 52-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 2%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 63% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 2% and the damage of its critical hits by 63%.
Companion's Fury (8)68 SHD (SoD)6 / 33-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 26% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 6% and the damage of its critical hits by 26%.
Companion's Fury (8)65 BST (GoD)5 / 30-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
Companion's Fury (8)65 NEC (GoD)5 / 30-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 12%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 12%.
60Companion's Fury (8)65 MAG (GoD)5 / 3115m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (7)73 SHM, ENC (SoD)8 / 44-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 2%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 2% and the damage of its critical hits by 56%.
Companion's Fury (7)67 SHD (SoD)6 / 27-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 13% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 6% and the damage of its critical hits by 13%.
Companion's Fury (7)65 BST (GoD)5 / 25-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
Companion's Fury (7)65 NEC (GoD)5 / 25-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 8%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 8%.
60Companion's Fury (7)65 MAG (GoD)5 / 2615m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 4%
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 4%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (6)71 SHM, ENC (SoD)7 / 36-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 2%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 48% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 2% and the damage of its critical hits by 48%.
Companion's Fury (6)65 SHD (SoD)6 / 21-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 6%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 6%.
Companion's Fury (6)65 BST (GoD)5 / 20-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 4%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 4%.
Companion's Fury (6)65 NEC (GoD)5 / 20-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
2: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 4%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5% and its chance to perform a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot double attack) by 4%.
60Companion's Fury (6)65 MAG (GoD)3 / 2115m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 5%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (5)70 SHM, ENC (SoD)7 / 29-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 2%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 2% and the damage of its critical hits by 41%.
Companion's Fury (5)65 SHD (GoD)3 / 15-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%.
Companion's Fury (5)65 BST (GoD)3 / 15-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%.
Companion's Fury (5)65 NEC (GoD)3 / 15-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 5%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 5%.
60Companion's Fury (5)65 MAG (GoD)3 / 1815m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 4%
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 4%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (4)69 SHM, ENC (SoD)7 / 22-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 1%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 41% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 1% and the damage of its critical hits by 41%.
Companion's Fury (4)65 SHD (GoD)3 / 12-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 4%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 4%.
Companion's Fury (4)65 BST (GoD)3 / 12-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 4%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 4%.
Companion's Fury (4)65 NEC (GoD)3 / 12-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 4%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 4%.
60Companion's Fury (4)65 MAG (GoD)3 / 1515m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 3%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (3)68 SHM, ENC (SoD)7 / 15-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 1%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 26% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 1% and the damage of its critical hits by 26%.
Companion's Fury (3)65 SHD (GoD)3 / 9-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 3%.
Companion's Fury (3)65 BST (GoD)3 / 9-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 3%.
Companion's Fury (3)65 NEC (GoD)3 / 9-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 3%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 3%.
60Companion's Fury (3)65 MAG (GoD)3 / 1215m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 2%
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 2%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (2)67 SHM, ENC (SoD)5 / 8-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 1%
2: Increase Pet Critical Hit Damage by 13% of Base Damage
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 1% and the damage of its critical hits by 13%.
Companion's Fury (2)65 SHD (GoD)3 / 6-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 2%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 2%.
Companion's Fury (2)65 BST (GoD)3 / 6-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 2%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 2%.
Companion's Fury (2)65 NEC (GoD)3 / 6-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 2%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 2%.
60Companion's Fury (2)65 MAG (GoD)3 / 915m T141: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 1%
Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.
As a passive effect this ability increases the chance your summoned pets will score a critical melee hit by 1%.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.
Companion's Fury (1)65 SHM, ENC (SoD)3 / 3-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 1%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 1%.
Companion's Fury (1)65 SHD (GoD)3 / 3-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 1%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 1%.
Companion's Fury (1)65 BST (GoD)3 / 3-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 1%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 1%.
Companion's Fury (1)65 NEC (GoD)3 / 3-1: Increase Pet Chance to Critical Hit by 1%
This passive ability increases your summoned pet's chance to score a critical melee hit by 1%.
60Companion's Fury (1)59 MAG (SoL)6 / 615m T14Cast: Frenzied Burnout I
Frenzied Burnout I, when activated, increases your pet's combat prowess for 36 seconds.

Frenzied Burnout I increases your pet's armor class by 300 points, overhaste by 15%, strength by 20 points, attack power by 200 points, chance to perform a flurry of attacks on a successful double attack by 5%, accuracy by 10%, base melee damage by 110%, and grants a 10% chance to perform a rampage during a combat round that deals 50% of standard damage.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).