AA Search

12 results (costing 324 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
7703Death Bloom (12)125 NEC (LS)55 / 3245m T16Cast: Death Bloom VII
Death Bloom VII, when activated, consumes 25000 health to restore 6600 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
7703Death Bloom (11)120 NEC (ToL)50 / 2695m T16Cast: Death Bloom VI
Death Bloom VI, when activated, consumes 20000 health to restore 5800 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
7703Death Bloom (10)115 NEC (ToV)45 / 2195m T16Cast: Death Bloom V
Death Bloom V, when activated, consumes 15000 health to restore 5000 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
7703Death Bloom (9)110 NEC (RoS)45 / 1745m T16Cast: Death Bloom IV
Death Bloom IV, when activated, consumes 10000 health to restore 4200 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
7703Death Bloom (8)108 NEC (RoS)45 / 1295m T161: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
2: Limit Spells: Death Bloom
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Death Bloom III
Death Bloom III, when activated, consumes 8000 health to restore 3600 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds.
7703Death Bloom (7)106 NEC (RoS)45 / 845.5m T161: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
2: Limit Spells: Death Bloom
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Death Bloom III
Death Bloom III, when activated, consumes 8000 health to restore 3600 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds.
7703Death Bloom (6)105 NEC (TBM)6 / 396m T161: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
2: Limit Spells: Death Bloom
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Death Bloom III
Death Bloom III, when activated, consumes 8000 health to restore 3600 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 50%.
7703Death Bloom (5)100 NEC (TBM)6 / 336m T161: Increase Spell Haste by 40%
2: Limit Spells: Death Bloom
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Death Bloom II
Death Bloom II, when activated, consumes 6666 health to restore 3000 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 40%.
7703Death Bloom (4)95 NEC (VoA)6 / 276m T161: Increase Spell Haste by 30%
2: Limit Spells: Death Bloom
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Death Bloom II
Death Bloom II, when activated, consumes 6666 health to restore 3000 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 30%.
7703Death Bloom (3)93 NEC (VoA)5 / 216m T161: Increase Spell Haste by 20%
2: Limit Spells: Death Bloom
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Death Bloom I
Death Bloom I, when activated, consumes 4000 health to restore 2400 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 20%.
7703Death Bloom (2)91 NEC (VoA)4 / 166m T161: Increase Spell Haste by 10%
2: Limit Spells: Death Bloom
3: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
Cast: Death Bloom I
Death Bloom I, when activated, consumes 4000 health to restore 2400 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.
Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 10%.
7703Death Bloom (1)85 NEC (UF)12 / 126m T16Cast: Death Bloom I
Death Bloom I, when activated, consumes 4000 health to restore 2400 mana every 6 seconds for 60 seconds.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).