AA Search

8 results (costing 135 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
834Dissonant Chord (8)125 BRD (LS)25 / 1355m T60Cast: Dissonant Chord VII
Dissonant Chord VII, when activated, causes a level 130 or lower target to attack you exclusively and causes allies to generate 90% of their normal hatred with this creature for 12 seconds.
834Dissonant Chord (7)120 BRD (ToL)20 / 1105m T60Cast: Dissonant Chord VI
Dissonant Chord VI, when activated, causes a level 125 or lower target to attack you exclusively and causes allies to generate 90% of their normal hatred with this creature for 12 seconds.
834Dissonant Chord (6)115 BRD (ToV)15 / 905m T60Cast: Dissonant Chord V
Dissonant Chord V, when activated, causes a level 120 or lower target to attack you exclusively and causes allies to generate 90% of their normal hatred with this creature for 12 seconds.
834Dissonant Chord (5)110 BRD (RoS)15 / 755m T60Cast: Dissonant Chord IV
Dissonant Chord IV, when activated, causes a level 115 or lower target to attack you exclusively and causes allies to generate 90% of their normal hatred with this creature for 12 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
834Dissonant Chord (4)105 BRD (TDS)15 / 606m T60Cast: Dissonant Chord III
Dissonant Chord III, when activated, causes a level 110 or lower target to attack you exclusively and causes allies to generate 90% of their normal hatred with this creature for 12 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
834Dissonant Chord (3)100 BRD (CotF)15 / 457m T60Cast: Dissonant Chord II
Dissonant Chord II, when activated, causes a level 105 or lower target to attack you exclusively and causes allies to generate 90% of their normal hatred with this creature for 12 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
834Dissonant Chord (2)100 BRD (CotF)15 / 308m T60Cast: Dissonant Chord II
Dissonant Chord II, when activated, causes a level 105 or lower target to attack you exclusively and causes allies to generate 90% of their normal hatred with this creature for 12 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
834Dissonant Chord (1)95 BRD (CotF)15 / 159m T60Cast: Dissonant Chord I
Dissonant Chord I, when activated, causes a level 100 or lower target to attack you exclusively and causes allies to generate 90% of their normal hatred with this creature for 12 seconds.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).