AA Search

35 results (costing 501 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Elemental Form (35)125 MAG (LS)40 / 5011sCast: Elemental Form XXXV
Elemental Form XXXV, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 110 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Air VI on your target, a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Flames VI, and a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Earth VI on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 95 points.
Increases your maximum health by 12500 points.
Elemental Form (34)120 MAG (ToL)35 / 4611sCast: Elemental Form XXXIV
Elemental Form XXXIV, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 105 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Air V on your target, a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Flames V, and a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Earth V on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 80 points.
Increases your maximum health by 10000 points.
Elemental Form (33)115 MAG (ToV)30 / 4261sCast: Elemental Form XXXIII
Elemental Form XXXIII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 100 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Air IV on your target, a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Flames IV, and a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Earth IV on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 65 points.
Increases your maximum health by 7500 points.
Elemental Form (32)110 MAG (RoS)25 / 3961sCast: Elemental Form XXXII
Elemental Form XXXII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 95 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Air III on your target, a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Flames III, and a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Earth III on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 50 points.
Increases your maximum health by 5000 points.
Elemental Form (31)110 MAG (RoS)25 / 3711sCast: Elemental Form XXXI
Elemental Form XXXI, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 95 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Air II on your target, a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Flames III, and a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Earth III on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 50 points.
Increases your maximum health by 5000 points.
Elemental Form (30)110 MAG (RoS)25 / 3461sCast: Elemental Form XXX
Elemental Form XXX, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 95 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Air II on your target, a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Flames III, and a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Earth II on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 50 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (29)110 MAG (RoS)25 / 3211sCast: Elemental Form XXIX
Elemental Form XXIX, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 95 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Air II on your target, a 15% chance to trigger Elemental Flames III, and a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Earth II on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 42 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (28)105 MAG (TDS)17 / 2961sCast: Elemental Form XXVIII
Elemental Form XXVIII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Air II on your target, a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Flames II, and a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Earth II on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 42 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (27)105 MAG (TBM)17 / 2791sCast: Elemental Form XXVII
Elemental Form XXVII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Flames II, and a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Earth II on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 42 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (26)105 MAG (TBM)17 / 2621sCast: Elemental Form XXVI
Elemental Form XXVI, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Flames II, and a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 42 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (25)105 MAG (TBM)17 / 2451sCast: Elemental Form XXV
Elemental Form XXV, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Flames II, and a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 36 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (24)100 MAG (RoF)15 / 2281sCast: Elemental Form XXIV
Elemental Form XXIV, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I, and a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 36 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (23)100 MAG (RoF)15 / 2131sCast: Elemental Form XXIII
Elemental Form XXIII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I, and a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 36 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (22)100 MAG (RoF)15 / 1981sCast: Elemental Form XXII
Elemental Form XXII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I, and a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 36 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (21)100 MAG (RoF)15 / 1831sCast: Elemental Form XXI
Elemental Form XXI, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 12% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I, and a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 30 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (20)98 MAG (RoF)13 / 1681sCast: Elemental Form XX
Elemental Form XX, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I, and a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 30 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (19)98 MAG (RoF)13 / 1551sCast: Elemental Form XIX
Elemental Form XIX, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I, and a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 30 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (18)98 MAG (RoF)13 / 1421sCast: Elemental Form XVIII
Elemental Form XVIII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I, and a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 30 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (17)98 MAG (RoF)13 / 1291sCast: Elemental Form XVII
Elemental Form XVII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 8% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I, and a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 24 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (16)96 MAG (RoF)11 / 1161sCast: Elemental Form XVI
Elemental Form XVI, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Air I on your target, a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I, and a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 24 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (15)96 MAG (RoF)11 / 1051sCast: Elemental Form XV
Elemental Form XV, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I and a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Earth I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 24 points.
Increases your maximum health by 2500 points.
Elemental Form (14)96 MAG (RoF)11 / 941sCast: Elemental Form XIV
Elemental Form XIV, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 24 points.
Increases your maximum health by 200 points.
Elemental Form (13)96 MAG (RoF)11 / 831sCast: Elemental Form XIII
Elemental Form XIII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Grants your level 85 and higher detrimental spells that cost at least 10 mana a 5% chance to trigger Elemental Flames I on all group members within a 100 foot radius.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 4 points.
Increases your maximum health by 200 points.
Elemental Form (12)59 MAG (SoL)9 / 721sCast: Elemental Form XII
Elemental Form XII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 25 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 4 points.
Increases your maximum health by 200 points.
Elemental Form (11)59 MAG (SoL)9 / 631sCast: Elemental Form XI
Elemental Form XI, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 30 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 15 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 4 points.
Increases your maximum health by 200 points.
Elemental Form (10)59 MAG (SoL)9 / 541sCast: Elemental Form X
Elemental Form X, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 25 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 15 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 4 points.
Increases your maximum health by 100 points.
Elemental Form (9)59 MAG (SoL)9 / 451sCast: Elemental Form IX
Elemental Form IX, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 25 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 15 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 5.
Grants a 30 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 2 points.
Increases your maximum health by 100 points.
Elemental Form (8)59 MAG (SoL)6 / 361sCast: Elemental Form VIII
Elemental Form VIII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 20 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 15 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 3.
Grants a 20 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 2 points.
Increases your maximum health by 100 points.
Elemental Form (7)59 MAG (SoL)6 / 301sCast: Elemental Form VII
Elemental Form VII, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 20 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 10 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 3.
Grants a 20 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 2 points.
Increases your maximum health by 100 points.
Elemental Form (6)59 MAG (SoL)6 / 241sCast: Elemental Form VI
Elemental Form VI, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 15 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 10 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 3.
Grants a 20 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 2 points.
Increases your maximum health by 50 points.
Elemental Form (5)59 MAG (SoL)6 / 181sCast: Elemental Form V
Elemental Form V, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 15 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 10 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 3.
Grants a 20 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 1 points.
Increases your maximum health by 50 points.
Elemental Form (4)59 MAG (SoL)3 / 121sCast: Elemental Form IV
Elemental Form IV, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 10 points.
Improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 10 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 1.
Grants a 10 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 1 points.
Increases your maximum health by 50 points.
Elemental Form (3)59 MAG (SoL)3 / 91sCast: Elemental Form III
Elemental Form III, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 10 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 1.
Grants a 10 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 1 points.
Increases your maximum health by 50 points.
Elemental Form (2)59 MAG (SoL)3 / 61sCast: Elemental Form II
Elemental Form II, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 5 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 1.
Grants a 10 point damage shield.
Increases mana regeneration by 1 points.
Elemental Form (1)59 MAG (SoL)3 / 31sCast: Elemental Form I
Elemental Form I, when activated, transforms you into either an Air, Earth, Fire, or Water Elemental.
Increases the maximum that your strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma can be raised to by 5 points.
Increases the casting level of your spells by 1.
Grants a 10 point damage shield.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).