AA Search

9 results (costing 300 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
2068Enduring Frenzy (9)125 BST (LS)50 / 3005m T13Cast: Enduring Frenzy IX
Enduring Frenzy IX, when activated, marks your target with runes that provide a chance (with a 160% bonus) to trigger Enduring Frenzy Restoration IX on attackers when the creature is struck in melee combat, which restores 5000 endurance.
2068Enduring Frenzy (8)120 BST (ToL)45 / 2505m T13Cast: Enduring Frenzy VIII
Enduring Frenzy VIII, when activated, marks your target with runes that provide a chance (with a 160% bonus) to trigger Enduring Frenzy Restoration VIII on attackers when the creature is struck in melee combat, which restores 4500 endurance.
2068Enduring Frenzy (7)115 BST (ToV)40 / 2055m T13Cast: Enduring Frenzy VII
Enduring Frenzy VII, when activated, marks your target with runes that provide a chance (with a 160% bonus) to trigger Enduring Frenzy Restoration VII on attackers when the creature is struck in melee combat, which restores 4000 endurance.
2068Enduring Frenzy (6)110 BST (RoS)40 / 1655m T13Cast: Enduring Frenzy VI
Enduring Frenzy VI, when activated, marks your target with runes that provide a chance (with a 160% bonus) to trigger Enduring Frenzy Restoration VI on attackers when the creature is struck in melee combat, which restores 3500 endurance.
2068Enduring Frenzy (5)105 BST (TBM)35 / 1255m T13Cast: Enduring Frenzy V
Enduring Frenzy V, when activated, marks your target with runes that provide a chance (with a 150% bonus) to trigger Enduring Frenzy Restoration V on attackers when the creature is struck in melee combat, which restores 3000 endurance.
2068Enduring Frenzy (4)100 BST (TBM)30 / 905m T13Cast: Enduring Frenzy IV
Enduring Frenzy IV, when activated, marks your target with runes that provide a chance (with a 150% bonus) to trigger Enduring Frenzy Restoration IV on attackers when the creature is struck in melee combat, which restores 2500 endurance.
2068Enduring Frenzy (3)95 BST (TBM)25 / 605m T13Cast: Enduring Frenzy III
Enduring Frenzy III, when activated, marks your target with runes that provide a chance (with a 150% bonus) to trigger Enduring Frenzy Restoration III on attackers when the creature is struck in melee combat, which restores 2000 endurance.
2068Enduring Frenzy (2)90 BST (TBM)20 / 355m T13Cast: Enduring Frenzy II
Enduring Frenzy II, when activated, marks your target with runes that provide a chance (with a 150% bonus) to trigger Enduring Frenzy Restoration II on attackers when the creature is struck in melee combat, which restores 1500 endurance.
2068Enduring Frenzy (1)85 BST (TBM)15 / 155m T13Cast: Enduring Frenzy I
Enduring Frenzy I, when activated, marks your target with runes that provide a chance (with a 150% bonus) to trigger Enduring Frenzy Restoration I on attackers when the creature is struck in melee combat, which restores 1000 endurance.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).