/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
535 | Enveloping Helix (11) | 125 ENC (LS) | 15 / 147 | 3m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix XI Enveloping Helix XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Inhibiting Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (10) | 115 ENC (ToV) | 15 / 132 | 3m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix X Enveloping Helix X, when activated, casts the highest rank of Constraining Coil that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (9) | 110 ENC (RoS) | 16 / 117 | 3m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix IX Enveloping Helix IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Constraining Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (8) | 105 ENC (TDS) | 16 / 101 | 3m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix VIII Enveloping Helix VIII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Undermining Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (7) | 100 ENC (RoF) | 15 / 85 | 3m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix VII Enveloping Helix VII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Diminishing Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (6) | 95 ENC (VoA) | 15 / 70 | 3m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix VI Enveloping Helix VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Attenuating Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (5) | 94 ENC (VoA) | 10 / 55 | 3m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix V Enveloping Helix V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Curtailing Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (4) | 93 ENC (VoA) | 10 / 45 | 3.5m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix IV Enveloping Helix IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Curtailing Helix that you have scribed on up to 7 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (3) | 92 ENC (VoA) | 10 / 35 | 4m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix III Enveloping Helix III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Curtailing Helix that you have scribed on up to 6 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (2) | 91 ENC (VoA) | 10 / 25 | 4.5m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix II Enveloping Helix II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Curtailing Helix that you have scribed on up to 5 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds. |
535 | Enveloping Helix (1) | 90 ENC (HoT) | 15 / 15 | 5m T16 | Cast: Enveloping Helix I Enveloping Helix I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Curtailing Helix that you have scribed on up to 4 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
| Enveloping Helix XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Inhibiting Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Inhibiting Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
| Enveloping Helix X | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Constraining Coil (v470) Enveloping Helix X, when activated, casts the highest rank of Constraining Coil that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
| Enveloping Helix IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Constraining Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Constraining Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
| Enveloping Helix VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Undermining Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix VIII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Undermining Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
| Enveloping Helix VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Diminishing Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix VII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Diminishing Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
| Enveloping Helix VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Attenuating Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Attenuating Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
| Enveloping Helix V | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Curtailing Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Curtailing Helix that you have scribed on up to 8 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds. |
| Enveloping Helix IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Curtailing Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Curtailing Helix that you have scribed on up to 7 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds. |
| Enveloping Helix III | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Curtailing Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Curtailing Helix that you have scribed on up to 6 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds. |
| Enveloping Helix II | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Curtailing Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Curtailing Helix that you have scribed on up to 5 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds. |
| Enveloping Helix I | - | - | 0s | Target: Target AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Curtailing Helix (v470) Enveloping Helix I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Curtailing Helix that you have scribed on up to 4 creatures within a 200 foot radius of your target. |
| Inhibiting Helix | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -10 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -141 1: Increase Disease Counter by 32 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 440 4: Decrease AC by 64 to 85, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 500 6: Decrease AGI by 500 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 20% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 32 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 500, dexterity by 500, strength by 440, armor class by 971, and ability to dual wield by 20% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Inhibiting Helix Rk. II | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -15 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -148 1: Increase Disease Counter by 32 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 462 4: Decrease AC by 68 to 89, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 525 6: Decrease AGI by 525 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 20% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 32 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 525, dexterity by 525, strength by 462, armor class by 1020, and ability to dual wield by 20% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Inhibiting Helix Rk. III | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -30 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -155 1: Increase Disease Counter by 32 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 485 4: Decrease AC by 71 to 93, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 551 6: Decrease AGI by 551 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 21% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 32 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 551, dexterity by 551, strength by 485, armor class by 1071, and ability to dual wield by 21% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Constraining Coil | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -10 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -75 1: Increase Disease Counter by 29 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 415 4: Decrease AC by 53 to 70, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 471 6: Decrease AGI by 471 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 20% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 29 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 471, dexterity by 471, strength by 415, armor class by 801, and ability to dual wield by 20% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Constraining Coil Rk. II | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -15 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -100 1: Increase Disease Counter by 29 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 425 4: Decrease AC by 56 to 74, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 483 6: Decrease AGI by 483 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 20% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 29 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 483, dexterity by 483, strength by 425, armor class by 841, and ability to dual wield by 20% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Constraining Coil Rk. III | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -30 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -125 1: Increase Disease Counter by 29 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 436 4: Decrease AC by 58 to 77, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 495 6: Decrease AGI by 495 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 21% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 29 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 495, dexterity by 495, strength by 436, armor class by 883, and ability to dual wield by 21% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Constraining Helix | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -10 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -60 1: Increase Disease Counter by 26 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 372 4: Decrease AC by 38 to 51, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 423 6: Decrease AGI by 423 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 19% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 26 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 423, dexterity by 423, strength by 372, armor class by 581, and ability to dual wield by 19% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Constraining Helix Rk. II | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -15 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -80 1: Increase Disease Counter by 26 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 391 4: Decrease AC by 40 to 53, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 444 6: Decrease AGI by 444 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 19% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 26 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 444, dexterity by 444, strength by 391, armor class by 610, and ability to dual wield by 19% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Constraining Helix Rk. III | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -30 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -100 1: Increase Disease Counter by 26 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 411 4: Decrease AC by 42 to 56, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 466 6: Decrease AGI by 466 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 20% Curtails your target's abilities, adding 26 disease counters and decreasing their agility by 466, dexterity by 466, strength by 411, armor class by 641, and ability to dual wield by 20% while slowing their attack speed to 70% for 5 minutes. |
| Undermining Helix | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -10 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -60 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 307 4: Decrease AC by 28 to 37, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 307 6: Decrease AGI by 307 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 17% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Undermining Helix Rk. II | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -15 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -80 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 322 4: Decrease AC by 29 to 38, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 322 6: Decrease AGI by 322 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 18% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Undermining Helix Rk. III | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -30 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -100 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 338 4: Decrease AC by 31 to 41, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 338 6: Decrease AGI by 338 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 19% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Diminishing Helix | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -10 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -60 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 265 4: Decrease AC by 24 to 32, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 265 6: Decrease AGI by 265 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 15% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Diminishing Helix Rk. II | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -15 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -80 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 278 4: Decrease AC by 25 to 33, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 278 6: Decrease AGI by 278 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 16% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Diminishing Helix Rk. III | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -30 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -100 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 292 4: Decrease AC by 26 to 35, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 292 6: Decrease AGI by 292 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 17% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Attenuating Helix | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -10 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -60 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 219 4: Decrease AC by 20 to 26, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 219 6: Decrease AGI by 219 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 12% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Attenuating Helix Rk. II | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -15 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -80 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 230 4: Decrease AC by 21 to 28, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 230 6: Decrease AGI by 230 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 13% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Attenuating Helix Rk. III | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -30 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -100 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 241 4: Decrease AC by 22 to 29, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 241 6: Decrease AGI by 241 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 14% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Curtailing Helix | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -10 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -60 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 163 4: Decrease AC by 15 to 20, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 163 6: Decrease AGI by 163 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 9% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Curtailing Helix Rk. II | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -15 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -80 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 186 4: Decrease AC by 17 to 22, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 186 6: Decrease AGI by 186 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 10% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
| Curtailing Helix Rk. III | - | - | 6s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -30 Duration: 5m (50 ticks) Hate Mod: -100 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 70% 3: Decrease STR by 199 4: Decrease AC by 18 to 24, Based on Class 5: Decrease DEX by 199 6: Decrease AGI by 199 7: Decrease Chance to Dual Wield by 11% Curtails your target's abilities, decreasing their agility, dexterity, strength, armor class, and ability to dual wield while slowing their attack speed for 5 minutes. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).