AA Search

2 results (costing 0 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Essence of the Dragon (2)100 ALL (EoK)0 / 0-1: Block Next Spell
2: Limit Spell: Gust of Atrebe
3: Limit Spell: Aura of the Kar`Zok
4: Limit Spell: Aura of Kor-Sha
5: Limit Class: ALL
6: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
The essence of the Kar`Zok is in your blood.
This passive ability grants you immunity to Gust of Atrebe, Aura of the Kar`Zok, and Aura of Kor-Sha.

Complete the Empires of Kunark achievement 'Essence of the Dragon II' to progress this ability.
Essence of the Dragon (1)100 ALL (EoK)0 / 0-1: Block Next Spell
2: Limit Spell: Gust of Atrebe
3: Limit Spell: Aura of the Kar`Zok
4: Limit Class: ALL
5: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
The essence of the Kar`Zok is within you but still feels foreign.
This passive ability grants you immunity to Gust of Atrebe and Aura of the Kar`Zok.

Complete the Empires of Kunark achievement 'Essence of the Dragon I' to progress this ability.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).