/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Evoker's Synergy (17) | 125 WIZ (TOB) | 200 / 2405 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy VIII on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Chromospheric Vortex This passive ability grants your Chromospheric Vortex spells a 100% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy VIII on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike VIII, which deals 210000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (16) | 125 WIZ (LS) | 200 / 2205 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy VII on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shadebright Vortex This passive ability grants your Shadebright Vortex spells a 100% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy VII on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike VII, which deals 180000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (15) | 120 WIZ (NoS) | 200 / 2005 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy VI on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shadebright Vortex This passive ability grants your Shadebright Vortex spells a 100% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy VI on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike VI, which deals 150000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (14) | 120 WIZ (ToL) | 200 / 1805 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy V on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Thaumaturgic Vortex This passive ability grants your Thaumaturgic Vortex spells a 100% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy V on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike V, which deals 120000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (13) | 115 WIZ (CoV) | 205 / 1605 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy IV on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Thaumaturgic Vortex This passive ability grants your Thaumaturgic Vortex spells a 100% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy IV on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike IV, which deals 90000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (12) | 113 WIZ (ToV) | 200 / 1400 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Stormjolt Vortex This passive ability grants your Stormjolt Vortex spells a 100% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy III on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike III, which deals 60000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (11) | 108 WIZ (RoS) | 200 / 1200 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Stormjolt Vortex This passive ability grants your Shocking Vortex and Stormjolt Vortex spells a 100% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy II on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike II, which deals 30000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (10) | 105 WIZ (EoK) | 100 / 1000 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy I on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Hoarfrost Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex This passive ability grants your Hoarfrost Vortex and Shocking Vortex spells a 100% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (9) | 105 WIZ (EoK) | 100 / 900 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy I on Spell Use (90% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Hoarfrost Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex This passive ability grants your Hoarfrost Vortex and Shocking Vortex spells a 90% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (8) | 105 WIZ (EoK) | 100 / 800 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy I on Spell Use (80% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Hoarfrost Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex This passive ability grants your Hoarfrost Vortex and Shocking Vortex spells a 80% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (7) | 105 WIZ (EoK) | 100 / 700 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy I on Spell Use (70% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Hoarfrost Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex This passive ability grants your Hoarfrost Vortex and Shocking Vortex spells a 70% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (6) | 105 WIZ (EoK) | 100 / 600 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy I on Spell Use (60% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Hoarfrost Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex This passive ability grants your Hoarfrost Vortex and Shocking Vortex spells a 60% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (5) | 105 WIZ (EoK) | 100 / 500 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy I on Spell Use (50% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Hoarfrost Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex This passive ability grants your Hoarfrost Vortex and Shocking Vortex spells a 50% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (4) | 105 WIZ (EoK) | 100 / 400 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy I on Spell Use (40% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Hoarfrost Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex This passive ability grants your Hoarfrost Vortex and Shocking Vortex spells a 40% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (3) | 105 WIZ (EoK) | 100 / 300 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy I on Spell Use (30% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Hoarfrost Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex This passive ability grants your Hoarfrost Vortex and Shocking Vortex spells a 30% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (2) | 105 WIZ (EoK) | 100 / 200 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy I on Spell Use (20% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Hoarfrost Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex This passive ability grants your Hoarfrost Vortex and Shocking Vortex spells a 20% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy (1) | 105 WIZ (EoK) | 100 / 100 | - | 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy I on Spell Use (10% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Hoarfrost Vortex 3: Limit Spells: Shocking Vortex This passive ability grants your Hoarfrost Vortex and Shocking Vortex spells a 10% chance to trigger Evoker's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius for 12 seconds, which allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy Strike VIII on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Resist: Magic 3: Limit Resist: Cold 4: Limit Resist: Poison 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Limit Resist: Lowest 7: Limit Resist: Average 8: Limit Resist: Corruption 9: Limit Type: Detrimental 10: Limit Effect: Current HP 11: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating Allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike VIII, which deals 210000 damage. |
| Chromospheric Vortex | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 59929 2: Cast: Chromospheric Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 59929 damage and inflicting Chromospheric Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Chromospheric Vortex Rk. II | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 62925 2: Cast: Chromospheric Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 62925 damage and inflicting Chromospheric Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Chromospheric Vortex Rk. III | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 66071 2: Cast: Chromospheric Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 66071 damage and inflicting Chromospheric Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Evoker's Synergy VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy Strike VII on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Resist: Magic 3: Limit Resist: Cold 4: Limit Resist: Poison 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Limit Resist: Lowest 7: Limit Resist: Average 8: Limit Resist: Corruption 9: Limit Type: Detrimental 10: Limit Effect: Current HP 11: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating Allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike VII, which deals 180000 damage. |
| Shadebright Vortex | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 49416 2: Cast: Shadebright Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 49416 damage and inflicting Shadebright Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Shadebright Vortex Rk. II | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 51887 2: Cast: Shadebright Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 51887 damage and inflicting Shadebright Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Shadebright Vortex Rk. III | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 54481 2: Cast: Shadebright Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 54481 damage and inflicting Shadebright Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Evoker's Synergy VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy Strike VI on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Resist: Magic 3: Limit Resist: Cold 4: Limit Resist: Poison 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Limit Resist: Lowest 7: Limit Resist: Average 8: Limit Resist: Corruption 9: Limit Type: Detrimental 10: Limit Effect: Current HP 11: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating Allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike VI, which deals 150000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy V | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy Strike V on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Resist: Magic 3: Limit Resist: Cold 4: Limit Resist: Poison 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Limit Resist: Lowest 7: Limit Resist: Average 8: Limit Resist: Corruption 9: Limit Type: Detrimental 10: Limit Effect: Current HP 11: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating Allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike V, which deals 120000 damage. |
| Thaumaturgic Vortex | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 32716 2: Cast: Thaumaturgic Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 32716 damage and inflicting Thaumaturgic Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Thaumaturgic Vortex Rk. II | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 34352 2: Cast: Thaumaturgic Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 34352 damage and inflicting Thaumaturgic Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Thaumaturgic Vortex Rk. III | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 36070 2: Cast: Thaumaturgic Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 36070 damage and inflicting Thaumaturgic Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Evoker's Synergy IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy Strike IV on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Resist: Magic 3: Limit Resist: Cold 4: Limit Resist: Poison 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Limit Resist: Lowest 7: Limit Resist: Average 8: Limit Resist: Corruption 9: Limit Type: Detrimental 10: Limit Effect: Current HP 11: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating Allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike IV, which deals 90000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy III | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy Strike III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Resist: Magic 3: Limit Resist: Cold 4: Limit Resist: Poison 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Limit Resist: Lowest 7: Limit Resist: Average 8: Limit Resist: Corruption 9: Limit Type: Detrimental 10: Limit Effect: Current HP 11: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating Allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike III, which deals 60000 damage. |
| Stormjolt Vortex | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 17985 2: Cast: Stormjolt Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 17985 damage and inflicting Stormjolt Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Stormjolt Vortex Rk. II | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 18884 2: Cast: Stormjolt Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 18884 damage and inflicting Stormjolt Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Stormjolt Vortex Rk. III | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 19828 2: Cast: Stormjolt Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, dealing 19828 damage and inflicting Stormjolt Vortex Effect, which makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for 18 seconds. |
| Evoker's Synergy II | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy Strike II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Resist: Magic 3: Limit Resist: Cold 4: Limit Resist: Poison 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Limit Resist: Lowest 7: Limit Resist: Average 8: Limit Resist: Corruption 9: Limit Type: Detrimental 10: Limit Effect: Current HP 11: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating Allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike II, which deals 30000 damage. |
| Shocking Vortex | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 13050 2: Cast: Shocking Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, which deals 13050 damage and makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for a brief time. |
| Shocking Vortex Rk. II | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 13703 2: Cast: Shocking Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, which deals 13703 damage and makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for a brief time. |
| Shocking Vortex Rk. III | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 14388 2: Cast: Shocking Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in a magical vortex, which deals 14388 damage and makes them weaker to all direct damage spells for a brief time. |
| Evoker's Synergy I | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 1 Matching Spells 1: Cast: Evoker's Synergy Strike I on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Resist: Magic 3: Limit Resist: Cold 4: Limit Resist: Poison 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Limit Resist: Lowest 7: Limit Resist: Average 8: Limit Resist: Corruption 9: Limit Type: Detrimental 10: Limit Effect: Current HP 11: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating Allows 1 non-fire direct damage or damage over time spell to trigger Evoker's Synergy Strike I, which deals 25000 damage. |
| Hoarfrost Vortex | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 9708 2: Cast: Hoarfrost Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in an icy vortex, which deals 9708 damage and makes them weaker to fire spells for a brief time. |
| Hoarfrost Vortex Rk. II | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 10193 2: Cast: Hoarfrost Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in an icy vortex, which deals 10193 damage and makes them weaker to fire spells for a brief time. |
| Hoarfrost Vortex Rk. III | - | - | 24s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -50 1: Decrease Current HP by 10703 2: Cast: Hoarfrost Vortex Effect (v374) Surrounds your target in an icy vortex, which deals 10703 damage and makes them weaker to fire spells for a brief time. |
| Evoker's Synergy Strike VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 18000 1: Decrease Current HP by 210000 Deals 210000 damage. |
| Chromospheric Vortex Effect | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 24 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 65% to 120% (v296, Before Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 130 (lose 5% per level) 4: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Duration: 0s 7: Limit Min Mana Cost: 100 Direct damage spells which cost at least 100 mana and are no higher than level 130 will deal between 65% and 120% more damage to this target for 18 seconds or until 24 spells have been increased. |
| Evoker's Synergy Strike VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 15000 1: Decrease Current HP by 180000 Deals 180000 damage. |
| Shadebright Vortex Effect | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 24 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 65% to 120% (v296, Before Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 125 (lose 5% per level) 4: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Duration: 0s 7: Limit Min Mana Cost: 100 Direct damage spells which cost at least 100 mana and are no higher than level 125 will deal between 65% and 120% more damage to this target for 18 seconds or until 24 spells have been increased. |
| Evoker's Synergy Strike VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 12000 1: Decrease Current HP by 150000 Deals 150000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy Strike V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 9000 1: Decrease Current HP by 120000 Deals 120000 damage. |
| Thaumaturgic Vortex Effect | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 24 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 60% to 115% (v296, Before Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 120 (lose 5% per level) 4: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Duration: 0s 7: Limit Min Mana Cost: 100 Direct damage spells which cost at least 100 mana and are no higher than level 120 will deal between 60% and 115% more damage to this target for 18 seconds or until 24 spells have been increased. |
| Evoker's Synergy Strike IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 6000 1: Decrease Current HP by 90000 Deals 90000 damage. |
| Evoker's Synergy Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 6000 1: Decrease Current HP by 60000 Deals 60000 damage. |
| Stormjolt Vortex Effect | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 24 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 55% to 110% (v296, Before Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 115 (lose 5% per level) 4: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Duration: 0s 7: Limit Min Mana Cost: 100 Direct damage spells which cost at least 100 mana and are no higher than level 115 will deal between 55% and 110% more damage to this target for 18 seconds or until 24 spells have been increased. |
| Evoker's Synergy Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 2500 1: Decrease Current HP by 30000 Deals 30000 damage. |
| Shocking Vortex Effect | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -50 Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 24 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 50% to 100% (v296, Before Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 110 (lose 5% per level) 4: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Duration: 0s 7: Limit Min Mana Cost: 100 Direct damage spells which cost at least 100 mana and are no higher than level 110 will deal between 50 and 100 more damage to this target for 18 seconds or until 24 spells have been increased. |
| Evoker's Synergy Strike I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Lowest -1000 Hate: 2500 1: Decrease Current HP by 25000 Deals 25000 damage. |
| Hoarfrost Vortex Effect | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -50 Duration: 18s (3 ticks) Max Hits: 24 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 25% (v296, Before Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 100 (lose 10% per level) 3: Limit Resist: Fire 4: Limit Effect: Current HP 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Duration: 0s 7: Limit Min Mana Cost: 100 Causes fire-based spells to do more damage to this target. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).