AA Search

6 results (costing 135 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Extended Spirit of the Puma (6)105 SHM (TBM)35 / 135-1: Increase Duration by 90s
2: Limit Max Level: 249 (lose 100% per level)
3: Limit Effect: Add Melee Proc v85
This passive ability increases the duration of your Spirit of the Puma line of spells by 1 minute 30 seconds.
Extended Spirit of the Puma (5)100 SHM (TBM)30 / 100-1: Increase Duration by 78s
2: Limit Max Level: 249 (lose 100% per level)
3: Limit Effect: Add Melee Proc v85
This passive ability increases the duration of your Spirit of the Puma line of spells by 1 minute 18 seconds.
Extended Spirit of the Puma (4)95 SHM (TBM)25 / 70-1: Increase Duration by 66s
2: Limit Max Level: 249 (lose 100% per level)
3: Limit Effect: Add Melee Proc v85
This passive ability increases the duration of your Spirit of the Puma line of spells by 1 minute 6 seconds.
Extended Spirit of the Puma (3)90 SHM (TBM)20 / 45-1: Increase Duration by 54s
2: Limit Max Level: 249 (lose 100% per level)
3: Limit Effect: Add Melee Proc v85
This passive ability increases the duration of your Spirit of the Puma line of spells by 54 seconds.
Extended Spirit of the Puma (2)85 SHM (TBM)15 / 25-1: Increase Duration by 42s
2: Limit Max Level: 249 (lose 100% per level)
3: Limit Effect: Add Melee Proc v85
This passive ability increases the duration of your Spirit of the Puma line of spells by 42 seconds.
Extended Spirit of the Puma (1)80 SHM (TBM)10 / 10-1: Increase Duration by 30s
2: Limit Max Level: 249 (lose 100% per level)
3: Limit Effect: Add Melee Proc v85
This passive ability increases the duration of your Spirit of the Puma line of spells by 30 seconds.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).