AA Search

3 results (costing 44 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Extended Vinelash Cascade (3)105 DRU (TDS)18 / 44-1: Increase Duration by 18s
2: Limit Spells: Vinelash Cascade
3: Limit Spells: Vinelash Assault
This passive ability extends the duration of the root component of your Vinelash Cascade line of spells (Vinelash Cascade and Assault) by 18 seconds.
Extended Vinelash Cascade (2)95 DRU (VoA)15 / 26-1: Increase Duration by 12s
2: Limit Spells: Vinelash Cascade
3: Limit Spells: Vinelash Assault
This passive ability extends the duration of the root component of your Vinelash Cascade line of spells (Vinelash Cascade and Assault) by 12 seconds.
Extended Vinelash Cascade (1)91 DRU (VoA)11 / 11-1: Increase Duration by 6s
2: Limit Spells: Vinelash Cascade
3: Limit Spells: Vinelash Assault
This passive ability extends the duration of the root component of your Vinelash Cascade line of spells (Vinelash Cascade and Assault) by 6 seconds.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).