AA Search

21 results (costing 507 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Extended Wild Growth (21)125 DRU, SHM (LS)40 / 507-1: Increase Duration by 126s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
9: Limit Spells: Fervent Growth
10: Limit Spells: Overwhelming Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 126 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Fervent Growth
Overwhelming Growth
Extended Wild Growth (20)123 DRU, SHM (LS)40 / 467-1: Increase Duration by 120s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
9: Limit Spells: Fervent Growth
10: Limit Spells: Overwhelming Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 120 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Fervent Growth
Overwhelming Growth
Extended Wild Growth (19)121 DRU, SHM (LS)40 / 427-1: Increase Duration by 114s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
9: Limit Spells: Fervent Growth
10: Limit Spells: Overwhelming Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 114 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Fervent Growth
Overwhelming Growth
Extended Wild Growth (18)120 DRU, SHM (ToL)35 / 387-1: Increase Duration by 108s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
9: Limit Spells: Fervent Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 108 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Fervent Growth
Extended Wild Growth (17)118 DRU, SHM (ToL)35 / 352-1: Increase Duration by 102s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
9: Limit Spells: Fervent Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 102 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Fervent Growth
Extended Wild Growth (16)116 DRU, SHM (ToL)35 / 317-1: Increase Duration by 96s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
9: Limit Spells: Fervent Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 96 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Fervent Growth
Extended Wild Growth (15)110 DRU, SHM (RoS)30 / 282-1: Increase Duration by 90s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 90 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (14)108 DRU, SHM (RoS)30 / 252-1: Increase Duration by 84s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 84 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (13)106 DRU, SHM (RoS)30 / 222-1: Increase Duration by 78s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 78 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (12)105 DRU, SHM (EoK)26 / 192-1: Increase Duration by 72s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 72 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (11)105 DRU, SHM (EoK)25 / 166-1: Increase Duration by 66s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 66 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (10)105 DRU, SHM (TDS)24 / 141-1: Increase Duration by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 60 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (9)104 DRU, SHM (TDS)21 / 117-1: Increase Duration by 54s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 54 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (8)103 DRU, SHM (TDS)19 / 96-1: Increase Duration by 48s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 48 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (7)102 DRU, SHM (TDS)17 / 77-1: Increase Duration by 42s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 42 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (6)101 DRU, SHM (TDS)15 / 60-1: Increase Duration by 36s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 36 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (5)90 DRU, SHM (HoT)13 / 45-1: Increase Duration by 30s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 30 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (4)89 DRU, SHM (HoT)11 / 32-1: Increase Duration by 24s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 24 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (3)88 DRU, SHM (HoT)9 / 21-1: Increase Duration by 18s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 18 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (2)87 DRU, SHM (HoT)7 / 12-1: Increase Duration by 12s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 12 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth
Extended Wild Growth (1)86 DRU, SHM (HoT)5 / 5-1: Increase Duration by 6s
2: Limit Spells: Wild Growth
3: Limit Spells: Untamed Growth
4: Limit Spells: Unfettered Growth
5: Limit Spells: Rampant Growth
6: Limit Spells: Ferocious Growth
7: Limit Spells: Savage Growth
8: Limit Spells: Frenzied Growth
This passive ability extends the duration of your Wild Growth line of spells by 6 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells:
Wild Growth
Untamed Growth
Unfettered Growth
Rampant Growth
Ferocious Growth
Savage Growth
Frenzied Growth

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).