AA Search

20 results (costing 490 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Ferocious Kick (18)125 RNG (TOB)60 / 489-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick XVIII
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick XVIII, which deals 45000 damage and has a 11% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest II which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 25% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (17)125 RNG (LS)55 / 429-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick XVII
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick XVII, which deals 40000 damage and has a 11% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest II which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 25% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (16)120 RNG (NoS)50 / 374-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick XVI
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick XVI, which deals 35000 damage and has a 11% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest II which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 25% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (15)120 RNG (ToL)45 / 324-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick XV
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick XV, which deals 30000 damage and has a 11% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest II which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 25% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (14)115 RNG (CoV)40 / 279-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick XIV
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick XIV, which deals 25000 damage and has a 11% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest II which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 25% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (13)115 RNG (ToV)35 / 239-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick XIII
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick XIII, which deals 20000 damage and has a 11% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest II which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 25% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (12)109 RNG (TBL)35 / 204-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick XII
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick XII, which deals 15000 damage and has a 11% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest II which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 25% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (11)107 RNG (RoS)30 / 169-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick XI
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick XI, which deals 14000 damage and has a 11% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (10)105 RNG (TBM)25 / 139-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick X
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick X, which deals 12500 damage and has a 11% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (9)105 RNG (TDS)21 / 114-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick IX
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick IX, which deals 10750 damage and has a 10% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (8)103 RNG (TDS)19 / 93-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick VIII
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick VIII, which deals 9650 damage and has a 9% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (7)101 RNG (TDS)17 / 74-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick VII
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick VII, which deals 8650 damage and has a 8% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (6)100 RNG (CotF)7 / 57-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick VI
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick VI, which deals 7750 damage and has a 7% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (5)100 RNG (CotF)7 / 50-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick V
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick V, which deals 6550 damage and has a 6% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (4)100 RNG (CotF)7 / 43-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick IV
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick IV, which deals 5750 damage and has a 5% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (3)100 RNG (CotF)15 / 36-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick III
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick III, which deals 5100 damage and has a 4% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (2)100 RNG (CotF)12 / 21-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick II
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick II, which deals 4500 damage and has a 3% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick (1)100 RNG (CotF)9 / 9-1: Add Kick Proc (100% Chance)
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Kick by 10000%
Cast: Ferocious Kick I
This passive ability causes your Kick skill to trigger Ferocious Kick I, which deals 3750 damage and has a 2% chance to bless you with Fury of the Forest I which increases your base melee weapon skill damage by 20% for 30 seconds.
Ferocious Kick Subtlety: Disabled (1)100 RNG (CotF)1 / 11s1:
Cast: Enable Ability
This ability is DISABLED. Purchase the 0 cost rank to enable its effects.
When enabled, this passive ability reduces the amount of hate generated from your Ferocious Kick ability by 80%.
Ferocious Kick Subtlety: Enabled (2)100 RNG (CotF)0 / 11s1: Decrease Spell and Bash Hate by 80%
2: Limit Spells: Ferocious Kick
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
When enabled, this passive ability reduces the amount of hate generated from your Ferocious Kick ability by 80%.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).