AA Search

19 results (costing 367 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Fists of Steel (19)125 MNK (LS)50 / 367-1: Cast: Fists of Fury V on Skill Use (32)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 32% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury V which reduces your base weapon delay by 37% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (18)120 MNK (ToL)45 / 317-1: Cast: Fists of Fury IV on Skill Use (31)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 31% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury IV which reduces your base weapon delay by 36% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (17)115 MNK (ToV)40 / 272-1: Cast: Fists of Fury III on Skill Use (30)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 30% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury III which reduces your base weapon delay by 35% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (16)110 MNK (RoS)40 / 232-1: Cast: Fists of Fury II on Skill Use (29)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 29% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury II which reduces your base weapon delay by 34% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (15)105 MNK (TDS)19 / 192-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (28)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 28% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (14)103 MNK (TDS)18 / 173-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (27)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 27% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (13)101 MNK (TDS)16 / 155-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (26)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 26% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (12)100 MNK (CotF)15 / 139-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (25)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 25% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (11)100 MNK (CotF)15 / 124-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (24)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 24% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (10)100 MNK (CotF)15 / 109-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (23)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 23% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (9)100 MNK (RoF)15 / 94-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (22)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 22% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (8)98 MNK (RoF)13 / 79-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (21)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 21% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (7)96 MNK (RoF)11 / 66-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (18)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 18% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (6)95 MNK (VoA)14 / 55-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (15)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 15% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (5)93 MNK (VoA)11 / 41-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (12)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 12% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (4)91 MNK (VoA)9 / 30-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (9)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 9% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (3)90 MNK (HoT)9 / 21-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (7)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 7% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (2)88 MNK (HoT)7 / 12-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (5)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.
Fists of Steel (1)86 MNK (HoT)5 / 5-1: Cast: Fists of Fury I on Skill Use (3)
2: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
3: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
This passive ability grants your Hand to Hand and 1-Hand Blunt melee attacks a chance (with a 3% bonus) to bless you with Fists of Fury I which reduces your base weapon delay by 33.8% for 12 seconds.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).