AA Search

23 results (costing 429 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
289Flaming Arrows (23)125 RNG (LS)40 / 4293m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XXIII
Flaming Arrows XXIII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XXIII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2050 mana to deal 55000 damage and stun level a 124 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (22)122 RNG (LS)40 / 3893m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XXII
Flaming Arrows XXII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XXII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1900 mana to deal 50000 damage and stun level a 121 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (21)120 RNG (ToL)35 / 3493m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XXI
Flaming Arrows XXI, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XXI as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1750 mana to deal 45000 damage and stun level a 118 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (20)117 RNG (ToL)35 / 3143m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XX
Flaming Arrows XX, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XX as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1600 mana to deal 40000 damage and stun level a 115 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (19)115 RNG (ToV)30 / 2793m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XIX
Flaming Arrows XIX, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XIX as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1450 mana to deal 35000 damage and stun level a 113 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (18)112 RNG (ToV)30 / 2493m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XVIII
Flaming Arrows XVIII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XVIII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1300 mana to deal 30000 damage and stun level a 110 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (17)110 RNG (RoS)30 / 2193m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XVII
Flaming Arrows XVII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XVII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1150 mana to deal 26635 damage and stun level a 108 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (16)107 RNG (RoS)30 / 1893m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XVI
Flaming Arrows XVI, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XVI as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1125 mana to deal 24420 damage and stun level a 105 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (15)105 RNG (TBM)21 / 1593m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XV
Flaming Arrows XV, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XV as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1100 mana to deal 22140 damage and stun level a 103 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (14)102 RNG (TBM)19 / 1383m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XIV
Flaming Arrows XIV, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XIV as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1075 mana to deal 19960 damage and stun level a 100 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (13)100 RNG (TBM)17 / 1193m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XIII
Flaming Arrows XIII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XIII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 975 mana to deal 18325 damage and stun level a 98 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (12)95 RNG (VoA)15 / 1023m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XII
Flaming Arrows XII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 925 mana to deal 15715 damage and stun level a 93 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (11)93 RNG (VoA)13 / 873m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows XI
Flaming Arrows XI, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk XI as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 900 mana to deal 13895 damage and stun level a 91 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (10)91 RNG (VoA)11 / 743m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows X
Flaming Arrows X, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk X as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 775 mana to deal 11690 damage and stun level a 89 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (9)89 RNG (HoT)9 / 633m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows IX
Flaming Arrows IX, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk IX as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 750 mana to deal 10175 damage and stun level a 87 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (8)87 RNG (HoT)9 / 543m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows VIII
Flaming Arrows VIII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk VIII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 650 mana to deal 8618 damage and stun level a 85 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (7)85 RNG (HoT)9 / 453m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows VII
Flaming Arrows VII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk VII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 625 mana to deal 7135 damage and stun level a 83 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (6)75 RNG (SoD)9 / 363m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows VI
Flaming Arrows VI, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk VI as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 600 mana to deal 5760 damage and stun level a 75 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (5)73 RNG (SoD)6 / 273m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows V
Flaming Arrows V, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk V as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 475 mana to deal 4490 damage and stun level a 73 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (4)70 RNG (SoD)3 / 213m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows IV
Flaming Arrows IV, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk IV as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 325 mana to deal 3200 damage and stun level a 70 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (3)65 RNG (GoD)9 / 183m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows III
Flaming Arrows III, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk III as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 200 mana to deal 1970 damage and stun level a 65 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (2)65 RNG (GoD)6 / 93m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows II
Flaming Arrows II, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk II as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 125 mana to deal 1150 damage and stun level a 61 or lower target for 1 second.
289Flaming Arrows (1)65 RNG (GoD)3 / 33m T5Cast: Flaming Arrows I
Flaming Arrows I, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Flames of Kesh`yk I as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 50 mana to deal 350 damage and stun level a 55 or lower target for 1 second.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).