/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (16) | 125 DRU (LS) | 120 / 1430 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 39% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender 4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender 5: Limit Spells: Chill of the Dusksage Tender 6: Limit Spells: Chill of the Ferntender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, Chill of the Arbor Tender, Chill of the Dusksage Tender, and Chill of the Ferntender spells by 39%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (15) | 122 DRU (LS) | 120 / 1310 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 36% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender 4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender 5: Limit Spells: Chill of the Dusksage Tender 6: Limit Spells: Chill of the Ferntender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, Chill of the Arbor Tender, Chill of the Dusksage Tender, and Chill of the Ferntender spells by 36%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (14) | 120 DRU (NoS) | 115 / 1190 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 33% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender 4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender 5: Limit Spells: Chill of the Dusksage Tender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, Chill of the Arbor Tender, and Chill of the Dusksage Tender spells by 33%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (13) | 120 DRU (NoS) | 115 / 1075 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 30% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender 4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender 5: Limit Spells: Chill of the Dusksage Tender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, Chill of the Arbor Tender, and Chill of the Dusksage Tender spells by 30%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (12) | 120 DRU (ToL) | 110 / 960 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 27% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender 4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender 5: Limit Spells: Chill of the Dusksage Tender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, Chill of the Arbor Tender, and Chill of the Dusksage Tender spells by 27%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (11) | 120 DRU (ToL) | 110 / 850 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 24% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender 4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender 5: Limit Spells: Chill of the Dusksage Tender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, Chill of the Arbor Tender, and Chill of the Dusksage Tender spells by 24%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (10) | 115 DRU (CoV) | 105 / 740 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 21% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender 4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, and Chill of the Arbor Tender spells by 21%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (9) | 115 DRU (CoV) | 105 / 635 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 18% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender 4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, and Chill of the Arbor Tender spells by 18%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (8) | 115 DRU (ToV) | 100 / 530 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 15% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender 4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, and Chill of the Arbor Tender spells by 15%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (7) | 113 DRU (ToV) | 100 / 430 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 12% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender 4: Limit Spells: Chill of the Arbor Tender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender, Chill of the Wildtender, and Chill of the Arbor Tender spells by 12%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (6) | 110 DRU (TBL) | 100 / 330 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 10% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender and Chill of the Wildtender spells by 10%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (5) | 106 DRU (RoS) | 100 / 230 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 8% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender 3: Limit Spells: Chill of the Wildtender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender and Chill of the Wildtender spells by 8%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (4) | 105 DRU (EoK) | 40 / 130 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 8% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender spells by 8%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (3) | 105 DRU (EoK) | 35 / 90 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 6% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender spells by 6%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (2) | 105 DRU (EoK) | 30 / 55 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 4% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender spells by 4%. |
| Focus: Chill of the Copsetender (1) | 105 DRU (EoK) | 25 / 25 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 2% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Chill of the Copsetender This passive ability increases the base damage of your Chill of the Copsetender spells by 2%. |
| Chill of the Copsetender | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 3903 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 18 5: Cast: Frost of the Copsetender on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, dealing 3903 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, a more damaging frost will form on the target. |
| Chill of the Copsetender Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 4098 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 18 5: Cast: Frost of the Copsetender II on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, dealing 4098 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, a more damaging frost will form on the target. |
| Chill of the Copsetender Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 4303 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 18 5: Cast: Frost of the Copsetender III on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, dealing 4303 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, a more damaging frost will form on the target. |
| Frost of the Copsetender | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 9863 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 9863 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Copsetender II | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 10356 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 10356 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Copsetender III | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 10874 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 10874 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Wildtender | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 6239 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 18 5: Cast: Frost of the Wildtender on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 18 curse counters and dealing 6239 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Wildtender will form on the target, which deals 14136 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Wildtender Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 6551 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 18 5: Cast: Frost of the Wildtender II on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 18 curse counters and dealing 6551 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Wildtender II will form on the target, which deals 14843 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Wildtender Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 6879 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 18 5: Cast: Frost of the Wildtender III on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 18 curse counters and dealing 6879 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Wildtender III will form on the target, which deals 15585 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Wildtender | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 14136 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 14136 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Wildtender II | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 14843 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 14843 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Wildtender III | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 15585 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 15585 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Arbor Tender | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 7223 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 18 5: Cast: Frost of the Arbor Tender on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 18 curse counters and dealing 7223 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Arbor Tender will form on the target, which deals 16364 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Arbor Tender Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 7584 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 18 5: Cast: Frost of the Arbor Tender II on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 18 curse counters and dealing 7584 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Arbor Tender II will form on the target, which deals 17182 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Arbor Tender Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 7963 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 18 5: Cast: Frost of the Arbor Tender III on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 18 curse counters and dealing 7963 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Arbor Tender III will form on the target, which deals 18041 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Arbor Tender | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 16364 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 16364 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Arbor Tender II | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 17182 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 17182 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Arbor Tender III | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 18041 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 18041 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Dusksage Tender | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 8361 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 20 5: Cast: Frost of the Dusksage Tender on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 20 curse counters and dealing 8361 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Dusksage Tender will form on the target, which deals 18943 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Dusksage Tender Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 8570 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 20 5: Cast: Frost of the Dusksage Tender II on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 20 curse counters and dealing 8570 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Dusksage Tender II will form on the target, which deals 19417 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Dusksage Tender Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 8784 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 20 5: Cast: Frost of the Dusksage Tender III on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 20 curse counters and dealing 8784 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Dusksage Tender III will form on the target, which deals 19902 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Dusksage Tender | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 18943 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 18943 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Dusksage Tender II | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 19417 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 19417 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Dusksage Tender III | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 19902 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 19902 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Ferntender | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 9662 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 22 5: Cast: Frost of the Ferntender on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 22 curse counters and dealing 9662 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Ferntender will form on the target, which deals 20897 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Ferntender Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 9904 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 22 5: Cast: Frost of the Ferntender II on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 22 curse counters and dealing 9904 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Ferntender II will form on the target, which deals 21942 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Chill of the Ferntender Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -20 Duration: 96s (16 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 10152 per tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 22 5: Cast: Frost of the Ferntender III on Duration Fade Curses your target with a great chill, adding 22 curse counters and dealing 10152 damage every six seconds for 96 seconds. If this effect lasts its full duration, Frost of the Ferntender III will form on the target, which deals 23039 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Ferntender | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 20897 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 20897 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Ferntender II | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 21942 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 21942 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
| Frost of the Ferntender III | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Cold -100 Duration: 24s (4 ticks) 1: Decrease Current HP by 23039 per tick Curses your target with frost, dealing 23039 damage every six seconds for 24 seconds. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).