/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Focus: Consecration (18) | 125 PAL (TOB) | 125 / 1680 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 45% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem 5: Limit Spells: Hymnal 6: Limit Spells: Revelation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, Requiem, Hymnal, and Revelation spells by 45%. |
| Focus: Consecration (17) | 125 PAL (TOB) | 125 / 1555 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 42% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem 5: Limit Spells: Hymnal 6: Limit Spells: Revelation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, Requiem, Hymnal, and Revelation spells by 42%. |
| Focus: Consecration (16) | 125 PAL (LS) | 120 / 1430 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 39% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem 5: Limit Spells: Hymnal 6: Limit Spells: Revelation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, Requiem, Hymnal, and Revelation spells by 39%. |
| Focus: Consecration (15) | 122 PAL (LS) | 120 / 1310 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 36% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem 5: Limit Spells: Hymnal 6: Limit Spells: Revelation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, Requiem, Hymnal, and Revelation spells by 36%. |
| Focus: Consecration (14) | 120 PAL (NoS) | 115 / 1190 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 33% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem 5: Limit Spells: Hymnal This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, Requiem, and Hymnal spells by 33%. |
| Focus: Consecration (13) | 120 PAL (NoS) | 115 / 1075 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 30% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem 5: Limit Spells: Hymnal This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, Requiem, and Hymnal spells by 30%. |
| Focus: Consecration (12) | 120 PAL (ToL) | 110 / 960 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 27% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem 5: Limit Spells: Hymnal This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, Requiem, and Hymnal spells by 27%. |
| Focus: Consecration (11) | 116 PAL (ToL) | 110 / 850 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 24% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem 5: Limit Spells: Hymnal This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, Requiem, and Hymnal spells by 24%. |
| Focus: Consecration (10) | 115 PAL (CoV) | 105 / 740 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 21% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, and Requiem spells by 21%. |
| Focus: Consecration (9) | 115 PAL (CoV) | 105 / 635 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 18% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, and Requiem spells by 18%. |
| Focus: Consecration (8) | 115 PAL (ToV) | 100 / 530 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 15% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, and Requiem spells by 15%. |
| Focus: Consecration (7) | 113 PAL (ToV) | 100 / 430 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 12% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance 4: Limit Spells: Requiem This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration, Remembrance, and Requiem spells by 12%. |
| Focus: Consecration (6) | 110 PAL (TBL) | 100 / 330 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 10% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration and Remembrance spells by 10%. |
| Focus: Consecration (5) | 106 PAL (RoS) | 100 / 230 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 8% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration 3: Limit Spells: Remembrance This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration and Remembrance spells by 8%. |
| Focus: Consecration (4) | 105 PAL (EoK) | 40 / 130 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 8% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration spells by 8%. |
| Focus: Consecration (3) | 105 PAL (EoK) | 35 / 90 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 6% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration spells by 6%. |
| Focus: Consecration (2) | 105 PAL (EoK) | 30 / 55 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 4% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration spells by 4%. |
| Focus: Consecration (1) | 105 PAL (EoK) | 25 / 25 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 2% 2: Limit Spells: Consecration This passive ability increases the base damage of your Consecration spells by 2%. |
| Consecration | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 3416 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 5864 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Consecration Trigger (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 3416 damage. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 5864 damage. This spell has a chance to lower your target's armor class and make them more vulnerable to melee attacks. |
| Consecration Rk. II | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 3587 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 6157 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Consecration Trigger II (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 3587 damage. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 6157 damage. This spell has a chance to lower your target's armor class and make them more vulnerable to melee attacks. |
| Consecration Rk. III | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 3766 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 6465 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Consecration Trigger III (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 3766 damage. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 6465 damage. This spell has a chance to lower your target's armor class and make them more vulnerable to melee attacks. |
| Remembrance | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 4143 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 7112 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Remembrance Trigger (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 4143 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 7112 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to lower your target's armor class by 1438 and make them 10% more vulnerable to melee attacks. |
| Remembrance Rk. II | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 4350 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 7468 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Remembrance Trigger II (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 4350 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 7468 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to lower your target's armor class by 1510 and make them 10% more vulnerable to melee attacks. |
| Remembrance Rk. III | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 4568 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 7841 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Remembrance Trigger III (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 4568 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 7841 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to lower your target's armor class by 1586 and make them 10% more vulnerable to melee attacks. |
| Requiem | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 5025 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 8625 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Requiem Trigger (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 5025 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 8625 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Requiem Trigger on undead targets. |
| Requiem Rk. II | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 5276 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 9056 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Requiem Trigger II (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 5276 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 9056 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Requiem Trigger II on undead targets. |
| Requiem Rk. III | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 5540 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 9509 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Requiem Trigger III (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 5540 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 9509 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Requiem Trigger III on undead targets. |
| Hymnal | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 7590 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 13027 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Hymnal Trigger (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 7590 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 13027 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Hymnal Trigger on undead targets. |
| Hymnal Rk. II | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 7970 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 13678 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Hymnal Trigger II (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 7970 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 13678 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Hymnal Trigger II on undead targets. |
| Hymnal Rk. III | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 8369 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 14362 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Hymnal Trigger III (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 8369 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 14362 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Hymnal Trigger III on undead targets. |
| Revelation | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 9206 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 15798 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Revelation Trigger (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 9206 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 15798 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Revelation Trigger on undead targets. |
| Revelation Rk. II | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 9666 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 16588 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Revelation Trigger II (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 9666 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 16588 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Revelation Trigger II on undead targets. |
| Revelation Rk. III | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -55 1: Decrease Current HP by 10149 (If Not Vampire or Undead) 2: Decrease Current HP by 17417 (If Vampire or Undead) 3: Cast: Revelation Trigger III (20% Chance) (v340) Inflicts up to 10149 damage on your target. Undead creatures will be damaged for up to 17417 damage instead. This spell has a 20% chance to inflict Revelation Trigger III on undead targets. |
| Consecration Trigger | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 69 to 91, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 1043. |
| Consecration Trigger II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 72 to 96, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 1095. |
| Consecration Trigger III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 76 to 100, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 1150. |
| Remembrance Trigger | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 95 to 126, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 1438. Vampire or Undead |
| Remembrance Trigger II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 100 to 132, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 1510. Vampire or Undead |
| Remembrance Trigger III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 105 to 139, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 1586. Vampire or Undead |
| Requiem Trigger | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 126 to 166, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 1903. Vampire or Undead |
| Requiem Trigger II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 132 to 175, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 1998. Vampire or Undead |
| Requiem Trigger III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 139 to 183, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 2098. Vampire or Undead |
| Hymnal Trigger | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 174 to 229, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 2623. Vampire or Undead |
| Hymnal Trigger II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 182 to 241, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 2754. Vampire or Undead |
| Hymnal Trigger III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 192 to 253, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 2892. Vampire or Undead |
| Revelation Trigger | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 211 to 278, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 3181. Vampire or Undead |
| Revelation Trigger II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 221 to 292, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 3340. Vampire or Undead |
| Revelation Trigger III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single (If Vampire or Undead) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Max Hits: 125 Incoming Hit Successes 5: Increase Hit Damage Taken by 10% 11: Decrease AC by 232 to 307, Based on Class Increases melee damage taken by 10%. Decreases armor class by 3507. Vampire or Undead |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).