/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (16) | 125 SHD (LS) | 120 / 1430 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 39% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation 4: Limit Spells: Dire Convulsion 5: Limit Spells: Dire Seizure 6: Limit Spells: Dire Squelch This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation, Dire Coarctation, Dire Convulsion, Dire Seizure, and Dire Squelch spells by 39%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (15) | 122 SHD (LS) | 120 / 1310 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 36% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation 4: Limit Spells: Dire Convulsion 5: Limit Spells: Dire Seizure 6: Limit Spells: Dire Squelch This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation, Dire Coarctation, Dire Convulsion, Dire Seizure, and Dire Squelch spells by 36%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (14) | 120 SHD (NoS) | 115 / 1190 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 33% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation 4: Limit Spells: Dire Convulsion 5: Limit Spells: Dire Seizure This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation, Dire Coarctation, Dire Convulsion, and Dire Seizure spells by 33%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (13) | 120 SHD (NoS) | 115 / 1075 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 30% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation 4: Limit Spells: Dire Convulsion 5: Limit Spells: Dire Seizure This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation, Dire Coarctation, Dire Convulsion, and Dire Seizure spells by 30%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (12) | 120 SHD (ToL) | 110 / 960 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 27% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation 4: Limit Spells: Dire Convulsion 5: Limit Spells: Dire Seizure This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation, Dire Coarctation, Dire Convulsion, and Dire Seizure spells by 27%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (11) | 120 SHD (ToL) | 110 / 850 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 24% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation 4: Limit Spells: Dire Convulsion 5: Limit Spells: Dire Seizure This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation, Dire Coarctation, Dire Convulsion, and Dire Seizure spells by 24%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (10) | 115 SHD (CoV) | 105 / 740 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 21% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation 4: Limit Spells: Dire Convulsion This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation, Dire Coarctation, and Dire Convulsion spells by 21%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (9) | 115 SHD (CoV) | 105 / 635 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 18% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation 4: Limit Spells: Dire Convulsion This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation, Dire Coarctation, and Dire Convulsion spells by 18%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (8) | 115 SHD (ToV) | 100 / 530 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 15% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation 4: Limit Spells: Dire Convulsion This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation, Dire Coarctation, and Dire Convulsion spells by 15%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (7) | 113 SHD (ToV) | 100 / 430 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 12% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation 4: Limit Spells: Dire Convulsion This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation, Dire Coarctation, and Dire Convulsion spells by 12%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (6) | 110 SHD (TBL) | 100 / 330 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 10% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation and Dire Coarctation spells by 10%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (5) | 106 SHD (RoS) | 100 / 230 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 8% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation 3: Limit Spells: Dire Coarctation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation and Dire Coarctation spells by 8%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (4) | 105 SHD (EoK) | 40 / 130 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 8% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation spells by 8%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (3) | 105 SHD (EoK) | 35 / 90 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 6% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation spells by 6%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (2) | 105 SHD (EoK) | 30 / 55 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 4% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation spells by 4%. |
| Focus: Dire Strangulation (1) | 105 SHD (EoK) | 25 / 25 | - | 1: Increase Spell Damage by 2% (v302, Before Crit) 2: Limit Spells: Dire Strangulation This passive ability increases the base damage of your Dire Strangulation spells by 2%. |
| Dire Strangulation | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease STR by 152 3: Decrease AC by 13 to 17, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 4518 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 24 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 152, armor class by up to 196, and doing 4518 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Strangulation Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease STR by 157 3: Decrease AC by 13 to 18, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 4798 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 24 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 157, armor class by up to 201, and doing 4798 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Strangulation Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 24 2: Decrease STR by 162 3: Decrease AC by 14 to 18, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 5088 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 24 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 162, armor class by up to 206, and doing 5088 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Coarctation | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 26 2: Decrease STR by 180 3: Decrease AC by 16 to 21, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 5597 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 26 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 180, armor class by up to 236, and doing 5597 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Coarctation Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 26 2: Decrease STR by 186 3: Decrease AC by 16 to 21, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 5877 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 26 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 186, armor class by up to 242, and doing 5877 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Coarctation Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 26 2: Decrease STR by 193 3: Decrease AC by 16 to 22, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 6171 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 26 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 193, armor class by up to 249, and doing 6171 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Convulsion | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 28 2: Decrease STR by 210 3: Decrease AC by 18 to 23, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 6788 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 28 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 210, armor class by up to 268, and doing 6788 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Convulsion Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 28 2: Decrease STR by 221 3: Decrease AC by 18 to 24, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 7127 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 28 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 221, armor class by up to 276, and doing 7127 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Convulsion Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 28 2: Decrease STR by 232 3: Decrease AC by 19 to 25, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 7483 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 28 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 232, armor class by up to 284, and doing 7483 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Seizure | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 30 2: Decrease STR by 290 3: Decrease AC by 23 to 31, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 7857 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 30 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 290, armor class by up to 355, and doing 7857 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Seizure Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 30 2: Decrease STR by 305 3: Decrease AC by 25 to 33, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 8250 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 30 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 305, armor class by up to 373, and doing 8250 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Seizure Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 30 2: Decrease STR by 320 3: Decrease AC by 26 to 34, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 8663 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 30 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 320, armor class by up to 392, and doing 8663 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Squelch | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 32 2: Decrease STR by 320 3: Decrease AC by 28 to 37, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 9096 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 32 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 320, armor class by up to 431, and doing 9096 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Squelch Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 32 2: Decrease STR by 336 3: Decrease AC by 30 to 40, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 9551 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 32 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 336, armor class by up to 453, and doing 9551 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
| Dire Squelch Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Single Resist: Disease Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Disease Counter by 32 2: Decrease STR by 353 3: Decrease AC by 32 to 42, Based on Class 4: Decrease Current HP by 10029 per tick Causes your target's heart beat to become irregular, adding 32 disease counters, lowering their strength by up to 353, armor class by up to 476, and doing 10029 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).