/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (23) | 125 NEC (TOB) | 75 / 1130 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 55% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood 6: Limit Spells: Proclamation for Blood 7: Limit Spells: Decree for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 55%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood Proclamation for Blood Decree for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (22) | 125 NEC (TOB) | 75 / 1055 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 52% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood 6: Limit Spells: Proclamation for Blood 7: Limit Spells: Decree for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 52%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood Proclamation for Blood Decree for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (21) | 125 NEC (LS) | 70 / 980 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 49% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood 6: Limit Spells: Proclamation for Blood 7: Limit Spells: Decree for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 49%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood Proclamation for Blood Decree for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (20) | 122 NEC (LS) | 70 / 910 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 46% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood 6: Limit Spells: Proclamation for Blood 7: Limit Spells: Decree for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 46%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood Proclamation for Blood Decree for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (19) | 120 NEC (NoS) | 65 / 840 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 43% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood 6: Limit Spells: Proclamation for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 43%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood Proclamation for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (18) | 120 NEC (NoS) | 65 / 775 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 40% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood 6: Limit Spells: Proclamation for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 40%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood Proclamation for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (17) | 120 NEC (ToL) | 60 / 710 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 37% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood 6: Limit Spells: Proclamation for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 37%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood Proclamation for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (16) | 118 NEC (ToL) | 60 / 650 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 34% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood 6: Limit Spells: Proclamation for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 34%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood Proclamation for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (15) | 115 NEC (CoV) | 55 / 590 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 31% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 31%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (14) | 115 NEC (CoV) | 55 / 535 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 28% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 28%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (13) | 115 NEC (ToV) | 50 / 480 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 25% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 25%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (12) | 113 NEC (ToV) | 50 / 430 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 22% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood 5: Limit Spells: Assert for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Impose for Blood line of spells by 22%. This focus applies to the following spells: Vollmondnacht Orb Impose for Blood Refute for Blood Assert for Blood |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (11) | 110 NEC (TBL) | 50 / 380 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 20% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb, Impose for Blood, and Refute for Blood spells by 20%. |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (10) | 108 NEC (TBL) | 50 / 330 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 18% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb, Impose for Blood, and Refute for Blood spells by 18%. |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (9) | 106 NEC (RoS) | 100 / 280 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 16% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood 4: Limit Spells: Refute for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb, Impose for Blood, and Refute for Blood spells by 16%. |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (8) | 105 NEC (EoK) | 40 / 180 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 16% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb and Impose for Blood spells by 16%. |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (7) | 105 NEC (EoK) | 35 / 140 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 14% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb and Impose for Blood spells by 14%. |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (6) | 105 NEC (EoK) | 30 / 105 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 12% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb and Impose for Blood spells by 12%. |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (5) | 105 NEC (EoK) | 25 / 75 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 10% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb and Impose for Blood spells by 10%. |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (4) | 105 NEC (EoK) | 20 / 50 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 8% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb and Impose for Blood spells by 8%. |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (3) | 105 NEC (TDS) | 15 / 30 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 6% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb and Impose for Blood spells by 6%. |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (2) | 103 NEC (TDS) | 10 / 15 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 4% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb and Impose for Blood spells by 4%. |
| Focus: Impose for Blood (1) | 101 NEC (TDS) | 5 / 5 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 2% 2: Limit Spells: Vollmondnacht Orb 3: Limit Spells: Impose for Blood This passive ability increases the base damage of your Vollmondnacht Orb and Impose for Blood spells by 2%. |
| Vollmondnacht Orb | - | - | 5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 Recourse: Vollmondnacht Orb Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 4467 Consumes the life energy of your target, inflicting 4467 damage and creating a physical orb. The energy stored in the orb can be used to heal your companions. |
| Vollmondnacht Orb Rk. II | - | - | 5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 Recourse: Vollmondnacht Orb Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 4690 Consumes the life energy of your target, inflicting 4690 damage and creating a physical orb. The energy stored in the orb can be used to heal your companions. |
| Vollmondnacht Orb Rk. III | - | - | 5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 Recourse: Vollmondnacht Orb Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 4925 Consumes the life energy of your target, inflicting 4925 damage and creating a physical orb. The energy stored in the orb can be used to heal your companions. |
| Impose for Blood | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Impose for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 11732 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 11732 damage. Has a chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase or damage decrease to your damage over time spells. |
| Impose for Blood Rk. II | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Impose for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 12319 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 12319 damage. Has a chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase or damage decrease to your damage over time spells. |
| Impose for Blood Rk. III | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Impose for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 12935 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 12935 damage. Has a chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase or damage decrease to your damage over time spells. |
| Refute for Blood | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Refute for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 14229 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 14229 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Refute for Blood Rk. II | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Refute for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 14940 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 14940 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Refute for Blood Rk. III | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Refute for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 15687 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 15687 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Assert for Blood | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Assert for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 18040 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 18040 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Assert for Blood Rk. II | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Assert for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 18942 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 18942 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Assert for Blood Rk. III | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Assert for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 19889 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 19889 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Proclamation for Blood | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Proclamation for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 29834 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 29834 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Proclamation for Blood Rk. II | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Proclamation for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 31326 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 31326 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Proclamation for Blood Rk. III | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Proclamation for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 32892 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 32892 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Decree for Blood | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Decree for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 36181 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 36181 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Decree for Blood Rk. II | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Decree for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 37990 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 37990 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Decree for Blood Rk. III | - | - | 5.25s | Target: Single Resist: Poison Recourse: Decree for Blood Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 39890 Afflicts your target with a hungry toxin, causing 39890 damage. Has a 25% chance of bestowing a temporary damage increase to your damage over time spells or a 1% chance for a damage decrease. |
| Vollmondnacht Orb Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Summon: Dusky Orb x 1 Instant Duration. |
| Impose for Blood Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Single 1: Cast: Chaotic Power VIII (25% Chance) (v340) 2: Cast: Chaotic Weakness (1% Chance) (v340) Has a 25% chance to trigger Chaotic Power and a 1% chance to trigger Chaotic Power. |
| Refute for Blood Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Single 1: Cast: Chaotic Power IX (25% Chance) (v340) 2: Cast: Chaotic Weakness IX (1% Chance) (v340) Has a 25% chance to trigger Chaotic Power and a 1% chance to trigger Chaotic Power. |
| Assert for Blood Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Single 1: Cast: Chaotic Power X (25% Chance) (v340) 2: Cast: Chaotic Weakness X (1% Chance) (v340) Has a 25% chance to trigger Chaotic Power and a 1% chance to trigger Chaotic Power. |
| Proclamation for Blood Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Single 1: Cast: Chaotic Power X (25% Chance) (v340) 2: Cast: Chaotic Weakness X (1% Chance) (v340) Has a 25% chance to trigger Chaotic Power and a 1% chance to trigger Chaotic Power. |
| Decree for Blood Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Single 1: Cast: Chaotic Power X (25% Chance) (v340) 2: Cast: Chaotic Weakness X (1% Chance) (v340) Has a 25% chance to trigger Chaotic Power and a 1% chance to trigger Chaotic Power. |
| Chaotic Power VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) Max Hits: 25 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage by 30% to 160% (v124, Before DoT Crit, After DD Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 105 (lose 10% per level) 3: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -100 4: Limit Min Duration: 24s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Target: Exclude Caster AE 7: Limit Target: Exclude Caster PB 8: Limit Target: Exclude Target AE 9: Limit Target: Exclude Old Giants 10: Limit Target: Exclude Old Dragons 11: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Increases the base damage of 25 level 105 and lower damage-over-time spells with a duration of at least 24 seconds that deal at least 100 damage every 6 seconds by 30 to 160% for 60 seconds. |
| Chaotic Weakness | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Resist: Unresistable Duration: 12s (2 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell Damage by 25% (v124, Before DoT Crit, After DD Crit) 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 4: Limit Min Duration: 24s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Target: Exclude Caster AE 7: Limit Target: Exclude Caster PB 8: Limit Target: Exclude Target AE 9: Limit Target: Exclude Old Giants 10: Limit Target: Exclude Old Dragons 11: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills Decreases the damage of duration damage spells by up to 25%. |
| Chaotic Power IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) Max Hits: 25 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage by 35% to 165% (v124, Before DoT Crit, After DD Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 110 (lose 10% per level) 3: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -100 4: Limit Min Duration: 24s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Target: Exclude Caster AE 7: Limit Target: Exclude Caster PB 8: Limit Target: Exclude Target AE 9: Limit Target: Exclude Old Giants 10: Limit Target: Exclude Old Dragons 11: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Increases the base damage of 25 level 110 and lower damage-over-time spells with a duration of at least 24 seconds that deal at least 100 damage every 6 seconds by 35 to 165% for 60 seconds. |
| Chaotic Weakness IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Resist: Unresistable Duration: 12s (2 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell Damage by 25% (v124, Before DoT Crit, After DD Crit) 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 4: Limit Min Duration: 24s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Target: Exclude Caster AE 7: Limit Target: Exclude Caster PB 8: Limit Target: Exclude Target AE 9: Limit Target: Exclude Old Giants 10: Limit Target: Exclude Old Dragons 11: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills Decreases the damage of duration damage spells by up to 25%. |
| Chaotic Power X | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 60s (10 ticks) Max Hits: 25 Matching Spells 1: Increase Spell Damage by 75% to 200% (v124, Before DoT Crit, After DD Crit) 3: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -100 4: Limit Min Duration: 24s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Target: Exclude Caster AE 7: Limit Target: Exclude Caster PB 8: Limit Target: Exclude Target AE 9: Limit Target: Exclude Old Giants 10: Limit Target: Exclude Old Dragons 11: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 Increases the base damage of damage-over-time spells with a duration of at least 24 seconds that deal at least 100 damage by 75 to 200% for 60 seconds. |
| Chaotic Weakness X | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Resist: Unresistable Duration: 12s (2 ticks) 1: Decrease Spell Damage by 25% to 30% (v124, Before DoT Crit, After DD Crit) 3: Limit Effect: Current HP 4: Limit Min Duration: 24s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Target: Exclude Caster AE 7: Limit Target: Exclude Caster PB 8: Limit Target: Exclude Target AE 9: Limit Target: Exclude Old Giants 10: Limit Target: Exclude Old Dragons 11: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills Decreases the damage of duration damage spells by up to 25%. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).