/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Focus: Justice (16) | 125 CLR (LS) | 120 / 1430 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 39% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction 4: Limit Spells: Injunction 5: Limit Spells: Divine Writ 6: Limit Spells: Decree This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice, Sanction, Injunction, Divine Writ, and Decree spells by 39%. |
| Focus: Justice (15) | 122 CLR (LS) | 120 / 1310 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 36% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction 4: Limit Spells: Injunction 5: Limit Spells: Divine Writ 6: Limit Spells: Decree This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice, Sanction, Injunction, Divine Writ, and Decree spells by 36%. |
| Focus: Justice (14) | 120 CLR (NoS) | 115 / 1190 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 33% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction 4: Limit Spells: Injunction 5: Limit Spells: Divine Writ This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice, Sanction, Injunction, and Divine Writ spells by 33%. |
| Focus: Justice (13) | 120 CLR (NoS) | 115 / 1075 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 30% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction 4: Limit Spells: Injunction 5: Limit Spells: Divine Writ This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice, Sanction, Injunction, and Divine Writ spells by 30%. |
| Focus: Justice (12) | 120 CLR (ToL) | 110 / 960 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 27% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction 4: Limit Spells: Injunction 5: Limit Spells: Divine Writ This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice, Sanction, Injunction, and Divine Writ spells by 27%. |
| Focus: Justice (11) | 117 CLR (ToL) | 110 / 850 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 24% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction 4: Limit Spells: Injunction 5: Limit Spells: Divine Writ This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice, Sanction, Injunction, and Divine Writ spells by 24%. |
| Focus: Justice (10) | 115 CLR (CoV) | 105 / 740 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 21% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction 4: Limit Spells: Injunction This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice, Sanction, and Injunction spells by 21%. |
| Focus: Justice (9) | 115 CLR (CoV) | 105 / 635 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 18% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction 4: Limit Spells: Injunction This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice, Sanction, and Injunction spells by 18%. |
| Focus: Justice (8) | 115 CLR (ToV) | 100 / 530 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 15% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction 4: Limit Spells: Injunction This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice, Sanction, and Injunction spells by 15%. |
| Focus: Justice (7) | 113 CLR (ToV) | 100 / 430 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 12% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction 4: Limit Spells: Injunction This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice, Sanction, and Injunction spells by 12%. |
| Focus: Justice (6) | 110 CLR (TBL) | 100 / 330 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 10% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice and Sanction spells by 10%. |
| Focus: Justice (5) | 106 CLR (RoS) | 100 / 230 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 8% 2: Limit Spells: Justice 3: Limit Spells: Sanction This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice and Sanction spells by 8%. |
| Focus: Justice (4) | 105 CLR (EoK) | 40 / 130 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 8% 2: Limit Spells: Justice This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice spells by 8%. |
| Focus: Justice (3) | 105 CLR (EoK) | 35 / 90 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 6% 2: Limit Spells: Justice This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice spells by 6%. |
| Focus: Justice (2) | 105 CLR (EoK) | 30 / 55 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 4% 2: Limit Spells: Justice This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice spells by 4%. |
| Focus: Justice (1) | 105 CLR (EoK) | 25 / 25 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 2% 2: Limit Spells: Justice This passive ability increases the base damage of your Justice spells by 2%. |
| Justice | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 7895 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 10659 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 9475 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 7895 damage to most targets, 10659 damage to undead targets, or 9475 damage to summoned targets. |
| Justice Rk. II | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 8290 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 11192 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 9949 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 8290 damage to most targets, 11192 damage to undead targets, or 9949 damage to summoned targets. |
| Justice Rk. III | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 8705 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 11752 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 10446 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 8705 damage to most targets, 11752 damage to undead targets, or 10446 damage to summoned targets. |
| Sanction | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 9576 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 12927 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 11491 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 9576 damage to most targets, 12927 damage to undead targets, or 11491 damage to summoned targets. |
| Sanction Rk. II | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 10055 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 13573 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 12066 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 10055 damage to most targets, 13573 damage to undead targets, or 12066 damage to summoned targets. |
| Sanction Rk. III | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 10558 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 14252 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 12669 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 10558 damage to most targets, 14252 damage to undead targets, or 12669 damage to summoned targets. |
| Injunction | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 11614 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 15677 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 13936 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 11614 damage to most targets, 15677 damage to undead targets, or 13936 damage to summoned targets. |
| Injunction Rk. II | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 12195 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 16461 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 14633 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 12195 damage to most targets, 16461 damage to undead targets, or 14633 damage to summoned targets. |
| Injunction Rk. III | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 12805 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 17284 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 15365 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 12805 damage to most targets, 17284 damage to undead targets, or 15365 damage to summoned targets. |
| Divine Writ | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 17543 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 23679 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 21050 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 17543 damage to most targets, 23679 damage to undead targets, or 21050 damage to summoned targets. |
| Divine Writ Rk. II | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 18420 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 24863 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 22103 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 18420 damage to most targets, 24863 damage to undead targets, or 22103 damage to summoned targets. |
| Divine Writ Rk. III | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 19341 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 26106 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 23208 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 19341 damage to most targets, 26106 damage to undead targets, or 23208 damage to summoned targets. |
| Decree | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 21275 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 28717 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 25529 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 21275 damage to most targets, 28717 damage to undead targets, or 25529 damage to summoned targets. |
| Decree Rk. II | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 22339 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 30153 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 26805 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 22339 damage to most targets, 30153 damage to undead targets, or 26805 damage to summoned targets. |
| Decree Rk. III | - | - | 4.5s | Target: Single Resist: Magic 1: Decrease Current HP by 23456 (If Not Undead Or Summoned) 2: Decrease Current HP by 31661 (If Undead) 3: Decrease Current HP by 28145 (If Summoned) Calls upon the gods to reprove your target, causing 23456 damage to most targets, 31661 damage to undead targets, or 28145 damage to summoned targets. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).