/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (16) | 125 SHD (LS) | 120 / 1430 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 39% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax 6: Limit Spells: Touch of Zlandicar 7: Limit Spells: Gift of Zlandicar 8: Limit Spells: Touch of Namdrows 9: Limit Spells: Gift of Namdrows 10: Limit Spells: Touch of Mortimus 11: Limit Spells: Gift of Mortimus This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein, Touch of Hemofax, Touch of Zlandicar, Touch of Namdrows, Touch of Mortimus spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein, Gift of Hemofax, Gift of Zlandicar, Gift of Namdrows, and Gift of Mortimus by 39%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (15) | 122 SHD (LS) | 120 / 1310 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 36% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax 6: Limit Spells: Touch of Zlandicar 7: Limit Spells: Gift of Zlandicar 8: Limit Spells: Touch of Namdrows 9: Limit Spells: Gift of Namdrows 10: Limit Spells: Touch of Mortimus 11: Limit Spells: Gift of Mortimus This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein, Touch of Hemofax, Touch of Zlandicar, Touch of Namdrows, Touch of Mortimus spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein, Gift of Hemofax, Gift of Zlandicar, Gift of Namdrows, and Gift of Mortimus by 36%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (14) | 120 SHD (NoS) | 115 / 1190 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 33% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax 6: Limit Spells: Touch of Zlandicar 7: Limit Spells: Gift of Zlandicar 8: Limit Spells: Touch of Namdrows 9: Limit Spells: Gift of Namdrows This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein, Touch of Hemofax, Touch of Zlandicar, Touch of Namdrows spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein, Gift of Hemofax, Gift of Zlandicar, and Gift of Namdrows by 33%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (13) | 120 SHD (NoS) | 115 / 1075 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 30% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax 6: Limit Spells: Touch of Zlandicar 7: Limit Spells: Gift of Zlandicar 8: Limit Spells: Touch of Namdrows 9: Limit Spells: Gift of Namdrows This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein, Touch of Hemofax, Touch of Zlandicar, Touch of Namdrows spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein, Gift of Hemofax, Gift of Zlandicar, and Gift of Namdrows by 30%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (12) | 120 SHD (ToL) | 110 / 960 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 27% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax 6: Limit Spells: Touch of Zlandicar 7: Limit Spells: Gift of Zlandicar 8: Limit Spells: Touch of Namdrows 9: Limit Spells: Gift of Namdrows This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein, Touch of Hemofax, Touch of Zlandicar, Touch of Namdrows spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein, Gift of Hemofax, Gift of Zlandicar, and Gift of Namdrows by 27%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (11) | 120 SHD (ToL) | 110 / 850 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 24% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax 6: Limit Spells: Touch of Zlandicar 7: Limit Spells: Gift of Zlandicar 8: Limit Spells: Touch of Namdrows 9: Limit Spells: Gift of Namdrows This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein, Touch of Hemofax, Touch of Zlandicar, Touch of Namdrows spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein, Gift of Hemofax, Gift of Zlandicar, and Gift of Namdrows by 24%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (10) | 115 SHD (CoV) | 105 / 740 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 21% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax 6: Limit Spells: Touch of Zlandicar 7: Limit Spells: Gift of Zlandicar This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein, Touch of Hemofax, Touch of Zlandicar spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein, Gift of Hemofax, and Gift of Zlandicar by 21%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (9) | 115 SHD (CoV) | 105 / 635 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 18% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax 6: Limit Spells: Touch of Zlandicar 7: Limit Spells: Gift of Zlandicar This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein, Touch of Hemofax, Touch of Zlandicar spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein, Gift of Hemofax, and Gift of Zlandicar by 18%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (8) | 115 SHD (ToV) | 100 / 530 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 15% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax 6: Limit Spells: Touch of Zlandicar 7: Limit Spells: Gift of Zlandicar This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein, Touch of Hemofax, Touch of Zlandicar spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein, Gift of Hemofax, and Gift of Zlandicar by 15%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (7) | 113 SHD (ToV) | 100 / 430 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 12% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax 6: Limit Spells: Touch of Zlandicar 7: Limit Spells: Gift of Zlandicar This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein, Touch of Hemofax, Touch of Zlandicar spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein, Gift of Hemofax, and Gift of Zlandicar by 12%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (6) | 110 SHD (TBL) | 100 / 330 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 10% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein and Touch of Hemofax spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein and Gift of Hemofax by 10%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (5) | 106 SHD (RoS) | 100 / 230 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 8% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein 4: Limit Spells: Touch of Hemofax 5: Limit Spells: Gift of Hemofax This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein and Touch of Hemofax spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein and Gift of Hemofax by 8%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (4) | 105 SHD (EoK) | 40 / 130 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 8% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein by 8%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (3) | 105 SHD (EoK) | 35 / 90 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 6% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein by 6%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (2) | 105 SHD (EoK) | 30 / 55 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 4% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein by 4%. |
| Focus: Touch of Holmein (1) | 105 SHD (EoK) | 25 / 25 | - | 1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 2% 2: Limit Spells: Touch of Holmein 3: Limit Spells: Gift of Holmein This passive ability increases the base damage of your Touch of Holmein spells and the benefits of Gift of Holmein by 2%. |
| Touch of Holmein | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Holmein 1: Decrease Current HP by 3522 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 3522 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points temporarily. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Touch of Holmein Rk. II | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Holmein II 1: Decrease Current HP by 3698 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 3698 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points temporarily. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Touch of Holmein Rk. III | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Holmein III 1: Decrease Current HP by 3883 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 3883 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points temporarily. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Gift of Holmein | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 2338 6: Increase Max HP by 2326 (Decaying to 1858 @ 12/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 2338. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Gift of Holmein II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 2455 6: Increase Max HP by 2443 (Decaying to 1975 @ 12/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 2455. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Gift of Holmein III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 2578 6: Increase Max HP by 2566 (Decaying to 2098 @ 12/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 2578. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Touch of Hemofax | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Hemofax 1: Decrease Current HP by 4271 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 4271 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 3223 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Touch of Hemofax Rk. II | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Hemofax II 1: Decrease Current HP by 4485 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 4485 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 3384 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Touch of Hemofax Rk. III | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Hemofax III 1: Decrease Current HP by 4709 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 4709 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 3553 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Gift of Hemofax | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 3223 6: Increase Max HP by 3211 (Decaying to 2743 @ 12/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 3223. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Gift of Hemofax II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 3384 6: Increase Max HP by 3372 (Decaying to 2904 @ 12/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 3384. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Gift of Hemofax III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 3553 6: Increase Max HP by 3541 (Decaying to 3073 @ 12/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 3553. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Touch of Zlandicar | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Zlandicar 1: Decrease Current HP by 5180 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 5180 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 3908 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Touch of Zlandicar Rk. II | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Zlandicar II 1: Decrease Current HP by 5439 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 5439 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 4103 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Touch of Zlandicar Rk. III | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Zlandicar III 1: Decrease Current HP by 5711 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 5711 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 4308 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Gift of Zlandicar | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 3908 6: Increase Max HP by 3896 (Decaying to 3428 @ 12/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 3908. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Gift of Zlandicar II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 4103 6: Increase Max HP by 4091 (Decaying to 3623 @ 12/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 4103. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Gift of Zlandicar III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 4308 6: Increase Max HP by 4296 (Decaying to 3828 @ 12/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 4308. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Touch of Namdrows | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Namdrows 1: Decrease Current HP by 7824 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 7824 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 4739 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Touch of Namdrows Rk. II | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Namdrows II 1: Decrease Current HP by 8215 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 8215 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 4976 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Touch of Namdrows Rk. III | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Namdrows III 1: Decrease Current HP by 8626 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 8626 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 5225 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Gift of Namdrows | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 4739 6: Increase Max HP by 4722 (Decaying to 4059 @ 17/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 4739. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Gift of Namdrows II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 4976 6: Increase Max HP by 4959 (Decaying to 4296 @ 17/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 4976. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Gift of Namdrows III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 5225 6: Increase Max HP by 5208 (Decaying to 4545 @ 17/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 5225. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Touch of Mortimus | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Mortimus 1: Decrease Current HP by 9489 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 9489 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 5748 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Touch of Mortimus Rk. II | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Mortimus II 1: Decrease Current HP by 9963 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 9963 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 6035 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Touch of Mortimus Rk. III | - | - | 10s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -500 Recourse: Gift of Mortimus III 1: Decrease Current HP by 10461 Rips the life from your target, inflicting 10461 damage. This life energy will increase your maximum hit points by 6337 for 4 minutes. The maximum hit points gained will decay over time. |
| Gift of Mortimus | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 5748 6: Increase Max HP by 5731 (Decaying to 5068 @ 17/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 5748. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Gift of Mortimus II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 6035 6: Increase Max HP by 6018 (Decaying to 5355 @ 17/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 6035. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
| Gift of Mortimus III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 4m (40 ticks) 2: Increase Hate Generated by 25% 5: Increase Current HP by 6337 6: Increase Max HP by 6320 (Decaying to 5657 @ 17/tick) Increases hate generated by 25%. Increases maximum hit points by 6337. The added maximum hit points decay over time. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).