AA Search

20 results (costing 234 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
57Gather Mana (20)125 ENC (LS)40 / 23427.6m T3Cast: Gather Mana XI
Gather Mana XI, when activated, restores 55000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 1750 points for 60 seconds.
57Gather Mana (19)120 ENC (ToL)35 / 19427.6m T3Cast: Gather Mana X
Gather Mana X, when activated, restores 50000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 1500 points for 60 seconds.
57Gather Mana (18)115 ENC (ToV)30 / 15927.6m T3Cast: Gather Mana IX
Gather Mana IX, when activated, restores 45000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 1250 points for 60 seconds.
57Gather Mana (17)110 ENC (RoS)25 / 12927.6m T3Cast: Gather Mana VIII
Gather Mana VIII, when activated, restores 40000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 1000 points for 60 seconds.
57Gather Mana (16)100 ENC (RoF)12 / 10427.6m T3Cast: Gather Mana VII
Gather Mana VII, when activated, restores 35000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 750 points for 60 seconds.
57Gather Mana (15)95 ENC (VoA)12 / 9227.6m T3Cast: Gather Mana VI
Gather Mana VI, when activated, restores 30000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
57Gather Mana (14)89 ENC (HoT)2 / 8027.6m T3Cast: Gather Mana V
Gather Mana V, when activated, restores 25000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 14 minutes 24 seconds.
57Gather Mana (13)87 ENC (HoT)2 / 7842m T3Cast: Gather Mana V
Gather Mana V, when activated, restores 25000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 14 minutes 24 seconds.
57Gather Mana (12)85 ENC (HoT)2 / 7656.4m T3Cast: Gather Mana V
Gather Mana V, when activated, restores 25000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 14 minutes 24 seconds.
57Gather Mana (11)85 ENC (UF)11 / 7470.8m T3Cast: Gather Mana V
Gather Mana V, when activated, restores 25000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 10 minutes.
57Gather Mana (10)83 ENC (UF)9 / 6380.8m T3Cast: Gather Mana V
Gather Mana V, when activated, restores 25000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 10 minutes.
57Gather Mana (9)81 ENC (UF)7 / 5490.8m T3Cast: Gather Mana V
Gather Mana V, when activated, restores 25000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 10 minutes.
57Gather Mana (8)81 ENC (UF)9 / 47100.8m T3Cast: Gather Mana V
Gather Mana V, when activated, restores 25000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
57Gather Mana (7)79 ENC (SoD)9 / 38100.8m T3Cast: Gather Mana IV
Gather Mana IV, when activated, restores 20000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
57Gather Mana (6)77 ENC (SoF)9 / 29100.8m T3Cast: Gather Mana III
Gather Mana III, when activated, restores 15000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
57Gather Mana (5)75 ENC (TSS)9 / 20100.8m T3Cast: Gather Mana II
Gather Mana II, when activated, restores 10000 mana and increases your mana regeneration by 500 points for 60 seconds.
57Gather Mana (4)65 ENC (PoP)2 / 11100.8m T3Cast: Gather Mana I
Gather Mana I, when activated, restores 10000 mana.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 14 minutes 24 seconds.
57Gather Mana (3)64 ENC (PoP)2 / 9115.2m T3Cast: Gather Mana I
Gather Mana I, when activated, restores 10000 mana.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 14 minutes 24 seconds.
57Gather Mana (2)63 ENC (PoP)2 / 72.2h T3Cast: Gather Mana I
Gather Mana I, when activated, restores 10000 mana.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 14 minutes 24 seconds.
57Gather Mana (1)59 ENC (SoL)5 / 52.4h T3Cast: Gather Mana I
Gather Mana I, when activated, restores 10000 mana.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).