AA Search

11 results (costing 228 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
629Gathering Dusk (11)125 NEC (LS)40 / 22810m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk XI
Gathering Dusk XI, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment VI and consumes your target in shadow that deals 40000 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment VI increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 12% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.
629Gathering Dusk (10)120 NEC (ToL)35 / 18810m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk X
Gathering Dusk X, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment V and consumes your target in shadow that deals 35000 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment V increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 11% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.
629Gathering Dusk (9)115 NEC (ToV)30 / 15310m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk IX
Gathering Dusk IX, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment IV and consumes your target in shadow that deals 30000 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment IV increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 10% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.
629Gathering Dusk (8)110 NEC (RoS)30 / 12310m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk VIII
Gathering Dusk VIII, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment III and consumes your target in shadow that deals 25000 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment III increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 9% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.
629Gathering Dusk (7)105 NEC (TBM)21 / 9310m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk VII
Gathering Dusk VII, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment III and consumes your target in shadow that deals 20000 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment III increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 9% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.
629Gathering Dusk (6)100 NEC (TBM)18 / 7210m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk VI
Gathering Dusk VI, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment III and consumes your target in shadow that deals 15000 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment III increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 9% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.
629Gathering Dusk (5)95 NEC (TBM)15 / 5410m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk V
Gathering Dusk V, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment II and consumes your target in shadow that deals 10000 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment II increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 8% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.
629Gathering Dusk (4)90 NEC (TBM)12 / 3910m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk IV
Gathering Dusk IV, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment II and consumes your target in shadow that deals 7500 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment II increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 8% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.
629Gathering Dusk (3)85 NEC (UF)9 / 2710m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk III
Gathering Dusk III, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment II and consumes your target in shadow that deals 5000 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment II increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 8% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.
629Gathering Dusk (2)76 NEC (SoD)9 / 1810m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk II
Gathering Dusk II, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment I and consumes your target in shadow that deals 3000 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment I increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 5% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.
629Gathering Dusk (1)71 NEC (TSS)9 / 910m T14Cast: Gathering Dusk I
Gathering Dusk I, when activated, blesses you with Duskfall Empowerment I and consumes your target in shadow that deals 1500 damage every 6 seconds and increases your target's hatred for you by 20% of their total hatred for you every 6 seconds for 24 seconds.
Duskfall Empowerment I increases the base damage of your damage over time spells by 5% and negates the benefits of Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds and cannot be removed early.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).