AA Search

9 results (costing 85 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
3711Gift of Resurrection (9)105 PAL (TBM)16 / 8520s T181: Increase Spell Haste by 40%
2: Limit Spell: Gift of Resurrection II
Cast: Gift of Resurrection II (800 Mana)
This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to revive a slain ally, restoring 96% of their lost experience.
Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 40%.
3711Gift of Resurrection (8)100 PAL (CotF)10 / 6920s T181: Increase Spell Haste by 24%
2: Limit Spell: Gift of Resurrection II
Cast: Gift of Resurrection II (800 Mana)
This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to revive a slain ally, restoring 96% of their lost experience.
Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 24%.
3711Gift of Resurrection (7)98 PAL (CotF)8 / 5920s T181: Increase Spell Haste by 16%
2: Limit Spell: Gift of Resurrection II
Cast: Gift of Resurrection II (800 Mana)
This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to revive a slain ally, restoring 96% of their lost experience.
Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 16%.
3711Gift of Resurrection (6)96 PAL (CotF)6 / 5120s T181: Increase Spell Haste by 8%
2: Limit Spell: Gift of Resurrection II
Cast: Gift of Resurrection II (800 Mana)
This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to revive a slain ally, restoring 96% of their lost experience.
Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 8%.
3711Gift of Resurrection (5)95 PAL (CotF)9 / 4520s T18Cast: Gift of Resurrection II (800 Mana)
This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to revive a slain ally, restoring 96% of their lost experience.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 second.
3711Gift of Resurrection (4)93 PAL (CotF)7 / 3621s T18Cast: Gift of Resurrection II (800 Mana)
This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to revive a slain ally, restoring 96% of their lost experience.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 seconds.
3711Gift of Resurrection (3)90 PAL (CotF)5 / 2923s T18Cast: Gift of Resurrection II (800 Mana)
This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to revive a slain ally, restoring 96% of their lost experience.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 seconds.
3711Gift of Resurrection (2)90 PAL (VoA)15 / 2425s T18Cast: Gift of Resurrection II (800 Mana)
This ability, when activated, consumes 800 mana to revive a slain ally, restoring 96% of their lost experience.
3711Gift of Resurrection (1)72 PAL (SoF)9 / 925s T18Cast: Gift of Resurrection I (700 Mana)
This ability, when activated, consumes 700 mana to revive a slain ally, restoring 90% of their lost experience.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).