AA Search

3 results (costing 35 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
2034Gift of the Quick Spear (3)121 SHD (LS)0 / 3510m T77Cast: Gift of the Quick Spear III
Gift of the Quick Spear III, when activated, grants a 100% chance to twincast your Gorgon Spear, Spear of Sholoth, Spear of Grelleth, Spear of Vizat, Spear of Tylix, Spear of Cadcane, Spear of Bloodwretch, and Spear of Lazam spells and reduces the recast time of these spells by 18 seconds for 3 minutes.
2034Gift of the Quick Spear (2)119 SHD (ToL)20 / 3510m T77Cast: Gift of the Quick Spear II
Gift of the Quick Spear II, when activated, grants a 100% chance to twincast your Gorgon Spear, Spear of Sholoth, Spear of Grelleth, Spear of Vizat, Spear of Tylix, Spear of Cadcane, and Spear of Bloodwretch spells and reduces the recast time of these spells by 18 seconds for 3 minutes.
2034Gift of the Quick Spear (1)100 SHD (RoF)15 / 1510m T77Cast: Gift of the Quick Spear I
Gift of the Quick Spear I, when activated, grants a 100% chance to twincast your Gorgon Spear, Spear of Sholoth, Spear of Grelleth, Spear of Vizat, Spear of Tylix, and Spear of Cadcane spells and reduces the recast time of these spells by 16 seconds for 3 minutes.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).