AA Search

34 results (costing 578 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Gorilla Smash (34)125 BST (LS)40 / 578-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXXIV
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXXIV, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 330, reduces your target's hatred for you by 11000 points, and stuns level 129 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (33)123 BST (LS)40 / 538-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXXIII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXXIII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 300, reduces your target's hatred for you by 10000 points, and stuns level 127 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (32)121 BST (LS)40 / 498-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXXII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXXII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 270, reduces your target's hatred for you by 9000 points, and stuns level 125 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (31)120 BST (ToL)35 / 458-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXXI
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXXI, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 240, reduces your target's hatred for you by 8000 points, and stuns level 123 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (30)118 BST (ToL)35 / 423-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXX
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXX, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 210, reduces your target's hatred for you by 7000 points, and stuns level 121 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (29)116 BST (ToL)35 / 388-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXIX
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXIX, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 180, reduces your target's hatred for you by 6000 points, and stuns level 119 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (28)115 BST (ToV)30 / 353-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXVIII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXVIII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 150, reduces your target's hatred for you by 5000 points, and stuns level 118 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (27)113 BST (ToV)30 / 323-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXVII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXVII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 120, reduces your target's hatred for you by 4000 points, and stuns level 116 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (26)111 BST (ToV)30 / 293-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXVI
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXVI, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 90, reduces your target's hatred for you by 3000 points, and stuns level 114 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (25)110 BST (RoS)25 / 263-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXV
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXV, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 70, reduces your target's hatred for you by 2835 points, and stuns level 113 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (24)108 BST (RoS)25 / 238-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXIV
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXIV, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 60, reduces your target's hatred for you by 2815 points, and stuns level 111 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (23)106 BST (RoS)25 / 213-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXIII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXIII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 50, reduces your target's hatred for you by 2785 points, and stuns level 109 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (22)105 BST (TDS)19 / 188-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 45, reduces your target's hatred for you by 2750 points, and stuns level 108 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (21)103 BST (TDS)17 / 169-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XXI
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XXI, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 40, reduces your target's hatred for you by 2540 points, and stuns level 108 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (20)101 BST (TDS)15 / 152-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XX
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XX, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 37, reduces your target's hatred for you by 2335 points, and stuns level 108 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (19)100 BST (CotF)12 / 137-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XIX
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XIX, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 34, reduces your target's hatred for you by 2125 points, and stuns level 105 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (18)100 BST (CotF)12 / 125-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XVIII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XVIII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 31, reduces your target's hatred for you by 1915 points, and stuns level 105 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (17)100 BST (CotF)12 / 113-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XVII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XVII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 28, reduces your target's hatred for you by 1710 points, and stuns level 105 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (16)100 BST (CotF)12 / 101-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XVI
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XVI, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 25, reduces your target's hatred for you by 1500 points, and stuns level 103 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (15)100 BST (CotF)9 / 89-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XV
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XV, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 20, reduces your target's hatred for you by 965 points, and stuns level 103 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (14)100 BST (RoF)12 / 80-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XIV
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XIV, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 16, reduces your target's hatred for you by 710 points, and stuns level 103 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (13)98 BST (RoF)12 / 68-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XIII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XIII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 15, reduces your target's hatred for you by 610 points, and stuns level 101 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (12)95 BST (VoA)15 / 56-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 14, reduces your target's hatred for you by 515 points, and stuns level 95 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (11)92 BST (VoA)12 / 41-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash XI
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash XI, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 13, reduces your target's hatred for you by 415 points, and stuns level 95 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (10)83 BST (HoT)6 / 29-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash X
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash X, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 12, reduces your target's hatred for you by 335 points, and stuns level 90 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (9)81 BST (UF)6 / 23-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash IX
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash IX, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 11, reduces your target's hatred for you by 275 points, and stuns level 85 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (8)78 BST (UF)5 / 17-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash VIII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash VIII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 10, reduces your target's hatred for you by 220 points, and stuns level 85 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (7)78 BST (UF)1 / 12-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash VII
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash VII, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 9, reduces your target's hatred for you by 190 points, and stuns level 85 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (6)77 BST (UF)1 / 11-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash VI
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash VI, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 8, reduces your target's hatred for you by 180 points, and stuns level 85 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (5)76 BST (UF)1 / 10-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash V
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash V, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 7, reduces your target's hatred for you by 175 points, and stuns level 85 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (4)75 BST (SoD)1 / 9-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash IV
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash IV, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 6, reduces your target's hatred for you by 165 points, and stuns level 85 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (3)75 BST (SoD)1 / 8-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash III
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash III, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 5, reduces your target's hatred for you by 160 points, and stuns level 85 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (2)74 BST (SoD)1 / 7-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash II
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash II, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 4, reduces your target's hatred for you by 155 points, and stuns level 85 or lower targets for 1 second.
Gorilla Smash (1)73 BST (SoD)6 / 6-1: Add Dragon Punch Proc (100% Chance)
Cast: Gorilla Smash I
This passive ability causes your Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill to trigger Gorilla Smash I, an additional Dragon Punch (or Tail Rake) skill attack with a base damage of 3, reduces your target's hatred for you by 150 points, and stuns level 85 or lower targets for 1 second.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).