/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Hastened Barbed Tongue (4) | 125 WAR (LS) | 35 / 68 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 8m 2: Limit Spells: Barbed Tongue Discipline 3: Limit Spells: Biting Tongue Discipline 4: Limit Spells: Razor Tongue Discipline This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Barbed Tongue line of combat abilities by 480 seconds. This focus applies to the following combat abilities: Barbed Tongue Discipline Biting Tongue Discipline Razor Tongue Discipline |
| Hastened Barbed Tongue (3) | 100 WAR (RoF) | 13 / 33 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 6m 2: Limit Spells: Barbed Tongue Discipline 3: Limit Spells: Biting Tongue Discipline This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Barbed Tongue and Biting Tongue combat abilities by 6 minutes. |
| Hastened Barbed Tongue (2) | 98 WAR (RoF) | 11 / 20 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 4m 2: Limit Spells: Barbed Tongue Discipline 3: Limit Spells: Biting Tongue Discipline This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Barbed Tongue and Biting Tongue combat abilities by 4 minutes. |
| Hastened Barbed Tongue (1) | 96 WAR (RoF) | 9 / 9 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 2m 2: Limit Spells: Barbed Tongue Discipline 3: Limit Spells: Biting Tongue Discipline This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Barbed Tongue and Biting Tongue combat abilities by 2 minutes. |
| Barbed Tongue Discipline | - | - | 25m | Target: Self 1: Cast: Barbed Tongue Effect (v374) When active, this ability will cause your taunts to deal damage and garner even more hatred. |
| Barbed Tongue Discipline Rk. II | - | - | 25m | Target: Self 1: Cast: Barbed Tongue Effect II (v374) When active, this ability will cause your taunts to deal damage and garner even more hatred. |
| Barbed Tongue Discipline Rk. III | - | - | 25m | Target: Self 1: Cast: Barbed Tongue Effect III (v374) When active, this ability will cause your taunts to deal damage and garner even more hatred. |
| Biting Tongue Discipline | - | - | 25m | Target: Self Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 2: Cast: Biting Tongue Strike on Skill Use (10000) 3: Limit Skill: Taunt When active, this ability will cause your taunts to trigger Biting Tongue Strike, which will deal 4603 damage to your target and add 5959 hatred towards you in addition to your taunt's normal effect. |
| Biting Tongue Discipline Rk. II | - | - | 25m | Target: Self Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 2: Cast: Biting Tongue Strike II on Skill Use (10000) 3: Limit Skill: Taunt When active, this ability will cause your taunts to trigger Biting Tongue Strike II, which will deal 4833 damage to your target and add 6406 hatred towards you in addition to your taunt's normal effect. |
| Biting Tongue Discipline Rk. III | - | - | 25m | Target: Self Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 2: Cast: Biting Tongue Strike III on Skill Use (10000) 3: Limit Skill: Taunt When active, this ability will cause your taunts to trigger Biting Tongue Strike III, which will deal 5075 damage to your target and add 6886 hatred towards you in addition to your taunt's normal effect. |
| Razor Tongue Discipline | - | - | 25m | Target: Self Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 2: Cast: Razor Tongue Strike on Skill Use (10000) 3: Limit Skill: Taunt When active, this ability will cause your taunts to trigger Razor Tongue Strike, which will deal 28607 damage to your target and add 0 hatred towards you in addition to your taunt's normal effect. |
| Razor Tongue Discipline Rk. II | - | - | 25m | Target: Self Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 2: Cast: Razor Tongue Strike II on Skill Use (10000) 3: Limit Skill: Taunt When active, this ability will cause your taunts to trigger Razor Tongue Strike II, which will deal 30037 damage to your target and add 0 hatred towards you in addition to your taunt's normal effect. |
| Razor Tongue Discipline Rk. III | - | - | 25m | Target: Self Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 2: Cast: Razor Tongue Strike III on Skill Use (10000) 3: Limit Skill: Taunt When active, this ability will cause your taunts to trigger Razor Tongue Strike III, which will deal 31539 damage to your target and add 0 hatred towards you in addition to your taunt's normal effect. |
| Barbed Tongue Effect | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 2: Cast: Barbed Tongue Strike on Skill Use (10000) 3: Limit Skill: Taunt When active, this ability will cause your taunts to deal damage and garner even more hatred. |
| Barbed Tongue Effect II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 2: Cast: Barbed Tongue Strike II on Skill Use (10000) 3: Limit Skill: Taunt When active, this ability will cause your taunts to deal damage and garner even more hatred. |
| Barbed Tongue Effect III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 3m (30 ticks) 2: Cast: Barbed Tongue Strike III on Skill Use (10000) 3: Limit Skill: Taunt When active, this ability will cause your taunts to deal damage and garner even more hatred. |
| Biting Tongue Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Hate: 5959 1: Decrease Current HP by 4603 Damages your target for up to 4603 hit points. This ability generates an additional 5959 hatred. |
| Biting Tongue Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Hate: 6406 1: Decrease Current HP by 4833 Damages your target for up to 4833 hit points. This ability generates an additional 6406 hatred. |
| Biting Tongue Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Hate: 6886 1: Decrease Current HP by 5075 Damages your target for up to 5075 hit points. This ability generates an additional 6886 hatred. |
| Razor Tongue Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Hate Mod: +11090 1: Decrease Current HP by 28607 Damages your target for up to 28607 hit points. This ability generates an additional 0 hatred. |
| Razor Tongue Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Hate Mod: +11645 1: Decrease Current HP by 30037 Damages your target for up to 30037 hit points. This ability generates an additional 0 hatred. |
| Razor Tongue Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Hate Mod: +12227 1: Decrease Current HP by 31539 Damages your target for up to 31539 hit points. This ability generates an additional 0 hatred. |
| Barbed Tongue Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Hate: 4504 1: Decrease Current HP by 2386 Damages your target for up to 2386 hit points. This ability generates additional hatred. |
| Barbed Tongue Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Hate: 4730 1: Decrease Current HP by 2505 Damages your target for up to 2505 hit points. This ability generates additional hatred. |
| Barbed Tongue Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -1000 Hate: 4966 1: Decrease Current HP by 2630 Damages your target for up to 2630 hit points. This ability generates additional hatred. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).