/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Hastened Empathic Fury (6) | 100 BST (RoF) | 18 / 81 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 15.3m 2: Limit Spell: Empathic Fury 3: Reduce Timer by 12m 4: Limit Spells: Savage Fury 5: Limit Spells: Savage Rage 6: Limit Spells: Savage Rancor This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Empathic Fury discipline by 15 minutes 18 seconds and your Savage Fury line of disciplines by 12 minutes. |
| Hastened Empathic Fury (5) | 98 BST (RoF) | 15 / 63 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 12.8m 2: Limit Spell: Empathic Fury 3: Reduce Timer by 10m 4: Limit Spells: Savage Fury 5: Limit Spells: Savage Rage 6: Limit Spells: Savage Rancor This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Empathic Fury discipline by 12 minutes 45 seconds and your Savage Fury line of disciplines by 10 minutes. |
| Hastened Empathic Fury (4) | 96 BST (RoF) | 12 / 48 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 10.2m 2: Limit Spell: Empathic Fury 3: Reduce Timer by 8m 4: Limit Spells: Savage Fury 5: Limit Spells: Savage Rage 6: Limit Spells: Savage Rancor This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Empathic Fury discipline by 10 minutes 12 seconds and your Savage Fury line of disciplines by 8 minutes. |
| Hastened Empathic Fury (3) | 90 BST (HoT) | 15 / 36 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 7.7m 2: Limit Spell: Empathic Fury 3: Reduce Timer by 6m 4: Limit Spells: Savage Fury 5: Limit Spells: Savage Rage 6: Limit Spells: Savage Rancor This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Empathic Fury discipline by 7 minutes 39 seconds and your Savage Fury line of disciplines by 6 minutes. |
| Hastened Empathic Fury (2) | 88 BST (HoT) | 12 / 21 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 5.1m 2: Limit Spell: Empathic Fury 3: Reduce Timer by 4m 4: Limit Spells: Savage Fury 5: Limit Spells: Savage Rage 6: Limit Spells: Savage Rancor This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Empathic Fury discipline by 5 minutes 6 seconds and your Savage Fury line of disciplines by 4 minutes. |
| Hastened Empathic Fury (1) | 86 BST (HoT) | 9 / 9 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 2.6m 2: Limit Spell: Empathic Fury 3: Reduce Timer by 2m 4: Limit Spells: Savage Fury 5: Limit Spells: Savage Rage 6: Limit Spells: Savage Rancor This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Empathic Fury discipline by 2 minutes 33 seconds and your Savage Fury line of disciplines by 2 minutes. |
| Empathic Fury | - | - | 25.5m | Target: Self Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 50% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 400% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 100% 4: Cast: Empathic Fury (v374) Consumes your warder and yourself in a feral fury, greatly increasing your melee damage. |
| Savage Fury | - | - | 20m | Target: Self Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 99% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 460% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 115% 4: Cast: Savage Fury (v374) Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Fury Rk. II | - | - | 20m | Target: Self Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 106% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 483% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 121% 4: Cast: Savage Fury II (v374) Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Fury Rk. III | - | - | 20m | Target: Self Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 114% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 507% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 127% 4: Cast: Savage Fury III (v374) Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rage | - | - | 20m | Target: Self Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 130% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 558% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 140% 4: Cast: Savage Rage (v374) Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rage Rk. II | - | - | 20m | Target: Self Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 134% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 586% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 145% 4: Cast: Savage Rage II (v374) Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rage Rk. III | - | - | 20m | Target: Self Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 138% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 615% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 150% 4: Cast: Savage Rage III (v374) Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rancor | - | - | 20m | Target: Self Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 145% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 646% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 150% 4: Cast: Savage Rancor (v374) Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rancor Rk. II | - | - | 20m | Target: Self Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 149% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 662% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 150% 4: Cast: Savage Rancor II (v374) Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rancor Rk. III | - | - | 20m | Target: Self Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 153% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 679% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 150% 4: Cast: Savage Rancor III (v374) Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Empathic Fury | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 100% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 400% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 100% Consumes your warder and yourself in a feral fury, greatly increasing your melee damage. |
| Savage Fury | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 115% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 460% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 135% 4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 50% of Base Damage Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Fury II | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 121% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 483% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 142% 4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 53% of Base Damage Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Fury III | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 127% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 507% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 149% 4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rage | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 140% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 558% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 164% 4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 62% of Base Damage Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rage II | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 147% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 586% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 172% 4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 65% of Base Damage Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rage III | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 154% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 615% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 181% 4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 68% of Base Damage Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rancor | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 162% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 646% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 190% 4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 71% of Base Damage Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rancor II | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 166% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 662% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 195% 4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 73% of Base Damage Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
| Savage Rancor III | - | - | 0s | Target: Pet Duration: 36s (6 ticks) Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 170% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 679% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 200% 4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 75% of Base Damage Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).