/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Hastened Ferocity (4) | 105 BST (EoK) | 50 / 170 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 24s 2: Limit Spells: Ruthless Ferocity 3: Limit Spells: Vicious Ferocity 4: Limit Spells: Savage Ferocity 5: Limit Spells: Callous Ferocity 6: Limit Spells: Brutal Ferocity 7: Limit Spells: Shared Brutal Ferocity 8: Limit Spells: Merciless Ferocity 9: Limit Spells: Shared Merciless Ferocity This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Ferocity line of spells by 24 seconds. |
| Hastened Ferocity (3) | 100 BST (EoK) | 45 / 120 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 18s 2: Limit Spells: Ruthless Ferocity 3: Limit Spells: Vicious Ferocity 4: Limit Spells: Savage Ferocity 5: Limit Spells: Callous Ferocity 6: Limit Spells: Brutal Ferocity 7: Limit Spells: Shared Brutal Ferocity 8: Limit Spells: Merciless Ferocity 9: Limit Spells: Shared Merciless Ferocity This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Ferocity line of spells by 18 seconds. |
| Hastened Ferocity (2) | 95 BST (EoK) | 40 / 75 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 12s 2: Limit Spells: Ruthless Ferocity 3: Limit Spells: Vicious Ferocity 4: Limit Spells: Savage Ferocity 5: Limit Spells: Callous Ferocity 6: Limit Spells: Brutal Ferocity 7: Limit Spells: Shared Brutal Ferocity 8: Limit Spells: Merciless Ferocity 9: Limit Spells: Shared Merciless Ferocity This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Ferocity line of spells by 12 seconds. |
| Hastened Ferocity (1) | 90 BST (EoK) | 35 / 35 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 6s 2: Limit Spells: Ruthless Ferocity 3: Limit Spells: Vicious Ferocity 4: Limit Spells: Savage Ferocity 5: Limit Spells: Callous Ferocity 6: Limit Spells: Brutal Ferocity 7: Limit Spells: Shared Brutal Ferocity 8: Limit Spells: Merciless Ferocity 9: Limit Spells: Shared Merciless Ferocity This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Ferocity line of spells by 6 seconds. |
| Ruthless Ferocity | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Duration: 6.5m (65 ticks) 5: Increase STA by 62 7: Increase ATK by 224 8: Increase All Resists by 67 Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Ruthless Ferocity Rk. II | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Duration: 6.5m (65 ticks) 5: Increase STA by 65 7: Increase ATK by 234 8: Increase All Resists by 69 Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Ruthless Ferocity Rk. III | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Duration: 6.5m (65 ticks) 5: Increase STA by 68 7: Increase ATK by 243 8: Increase All Resists by 71 Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Vicious Ferocity | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Duration: 6.5m (65 ticks) 5: Increase STA by 70 7: Increase ATK by 250 8: Increase All Resists by 74 Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Vicious Ferocity Rk. II | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Duration: 6.5m (65 ticks) 5: Increase STA by 79 7: Increase ATK by 285 8: Increase All Resists by 84 Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Vicious Ferocity Rk. III | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Duration: 6.5m (65 ticks) 5: Increase STA by 85 7: Increase ATK by 304 8: Increase All Resists by 90 Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Savage Ferocity | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Duration: 6.5m (65 ticks) 5: Increase STA by 85 7: Increase ATK by 305 8: Increase All Resists by 90 Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Savage Ferocity Rk. II | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Duration: 6.5m (65 ticks) 5: Increase STA by 96 7: Increase ATK by 348 8: Increase All Resists by 102 Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Savage Ferocity Rk. III | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Duration: 6.5m (65 ticks) 5: Increase STA by 103 7: Increase ATK by 371 8: Increase All Resists by 109 Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Callous Ferocity | - | - | 36s | Target: Single Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 20% 5: Increase STA by 98 7: Increase ATK by 395 8: Increase All Resists by 104 Fills your target with callous ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Callous Ferocity Rk. II | - | - | 36s | Target: Single Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 22% 5: Increase STA by 110 7: Increase ATK by 450 8: Increase All Resists by 117 Fills your target with callous ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Callous Ferocity Rk. III | - | - | 36s | Target: Single Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 25% 5: Increase STA by 118 7: Increase ATK by 480 8: Increase All Resists by 125 Fills your target with callous ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Brutal Ferocity | - | - | 36s | Target: Single Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 28% 5: Increase STA by 130 7: Increase ATK by 528 8: Increase All Resists by 138 Fills your target with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Brutal Ferocity Rk. II | - | - | 36s | Target: Single Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 29% 5: Increase STA by 137 7: Increase ATK by 554 8: Increase All Resists by 145 Fills your target with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Brutal Ferocity Rk. III | - | - | 36s | Target: Single Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30% 5: Increase STA by 144 7: Increase ATK by 582 8: Increase All Resists by 152 Fills your target with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Shared Brutal Ferocity | - | - | 36s | Target: Target Group Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 28% 5: Increase STA by 130 7: Increase ATK by 528 8: Increase All Resists by 138 Fills your group with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Shared Brutal Ferocity Rk. II | - | - | 36s | Target: Target Group Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 29% 5: Increase STA by 137 7: Increase ATK by 554 8: Increase All Resists by 145 Fills your group with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Shared Brutal Ferocity Rk. III | - | - | 36s | Target: Target Group Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30% 5: Increase STA by 144 7: Increase ATK by 582 8: Increase All Resists by 152 Fills your group with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Merciless Ferocity | - | - | 36s | Target: Single Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30% 5: Increase STA by 162 7: Increase ATK by 640 8: Increase All Resists by 163 Fills your target with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Merciless Ferocity Rk. II | - | - | 36s | Target: Single Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30% 5: Increase STA by 170 7: Increase ATK by 672 8: Increase All Resists by 171 Fills your target with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Merciless Ferocity Rk. III | - | - | 36s | Target: Single Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30% 5: Increase STA by 179 7: Increase ATK by 706 8: Increase All Resists by 180 Fills your target with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Shared Merciless Ferocity | - | - | 36s | Target: Target Group Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30% 5: Increase STA by 162 7: Increase ATK by 640 8: Increase All Resists by 163 Fills your group with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Shared Merciless Ferocity Rk. II | - | - | 36s | Target: Target Group Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30% 5: Increase STA by 170 7: Increase ATK by 672 8: Increase All Resists by 171 Fills your group with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
| Shared Merciless Ferocity Rk. III | - | - | 36s | Target: Target Group Duration: 12m (120 ticks) 1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30% 5: Increase STA by 179 7: Increase ATK by 706 8: Increase All Resists by 180 Fills your group with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).