AA Search

4 results (costing 170 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Hastened Ferocity (4)105 BST (EoK)50 / 170-1: Reduce Timer by 24s
2: Limit Spells: Ruthless Ferocity
3: Limit Spells: Vicious Ferocity
4: Limit Spells: Savage Ferocity
5: Limit Spells: Callous Ferocity
6: Limit Spells: Brutal Ferocity
7: Limit Spells: Shared Brutal Ferocity
8: Limit Spells: Merciless Ferocity
9: Limit Spells: Shared Merciless Ferocity
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Ferocity line of spells by 24 seconds.
Hastened Ferocity (3)100 BST (EoK)45 / 120-1: Reduce Timer by 18s
2: Limit Spells: Ruthless Ferocity
3: Limit Spells: Vicious Ferocity
4: Limit Spells: Savage Ferocity
5: Limit Spells: Callous Ferocity
6: Limit Spells: Brutal Ferocity
7: Limit Spells: Shared Brutal Ferocity
8: Limit Spells: Merciless Ferocity
9: Limit Spells: Shared Merciless Ferocity
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Ferocity line of spells by 18 seconds.
Hastened Ferocity (2)95 BST (EoK)40 / 75-1: Reduce Timer by 12s
2: Limit Spells: Ruthless Ferocity
3: Limit Spells: Vicious Ferocity
4: Limit Spells: Savage Ferocity
5: Limit Spells: Callous Ferocity
6: Limit Spells: Brutal Ferocity
7: Limit Spells: Shared Brutal Ferocity
8: Limit Spells: Merciless Ferocity
9: Limit Spells: Shared Merciless Ferocity
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Ferocity line of spells by 12 seconds.
Hastened Ferocity (1)90 BST (EoK)35 / 35-1: Reduce Timer by 6s
2: Limit Spells: Ruthless Ferocity
3: Limit Spells: Vicious Ferocity
4: Limit Spells: Savage Ferocity
5: Limit Spells: Callous Ferocity
6: Limit Spells: Brutal Ferocity
7: Limit Spells: Shared Brutal Ferocity
8: Limit Spells: Merciless Ferocity
9: Limit Spells: Shared Merciless Ferocity
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Ferocity line of spells by 6 seconds.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).