/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Hastened Pinpoint (6) | 121 ROG (LS) | 0 / 66 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 60s 2: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vulnerability 3: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Weaknesses 4: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vitals 5: Reduce Timer by 3m 6: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Flaws 7: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Liabilities 8: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Deficiencies 9: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Shortcomings 10: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Defects 11: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Fault This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Pinpoint line of combat abilities. Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 60 seconds: Pinpoint Vulnerability Pinpoint Weaknesses Pinpoint Vitals
Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 180 seconds: Pinpoint Flaws Pinpoint Liabilities Pinpoint Deficiencies Pinpoint Shortcomings Pinpoint Defects Pinpoint Fault |
| Hastened Pinpoint (5) | 100 ROG (CotF) | 15 / 66 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 60s 2: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vulnerability 3: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Weaknesses 4: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vitals 5: Reduce Timer by 3m 6: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Flaws 7: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Liabilities 8: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Deficiencies 9: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Shortcomings 10: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Defects This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Pinpoint line of combat abilities. Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 60 seconds: Pinpoint Vulnerability Pinpoint Weaknesses Pinpoint Vitals
Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 180 seconds: Pinpoint Flaws Pinpoint Liabilities Pinpoint Deficiencies Pinpoint Shortcomings Pinpoint Defects |
| Hastened Pinpoint (4) | 100 ROG (CotF) | 15 / 51 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 48s 2: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vulnerability 3: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Weaknesses 4: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vitals 5: Reduce Timer by 2.4m 6: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Flaws 7: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Liabilities 8: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Deficiencies 9: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Shortcomings 10: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Defects This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Pinpoint line of combat abilities. Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 48 seconds: Pinpoint Vulnerability Pinpoint Weaknesses Pinpoint Vitals
Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 144 seconds: Pinpoint Flaws Pinpoint Liabilities Pinpoint Deficiencies Pinpoint Shortcomings Pinpoint Defects |
| Hastened Pinpoint (3) | 100 ROG (RoF) | 15 / 36 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 36s 2: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vulnerability 3: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Weaknesses 4: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vitals 5: Reduce Timer by 108s 6: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Flaws 7: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Liabilities 8: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Deficiencies 9: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Shortcomings 10: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Defects This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Pinpoint line of combat abilities. Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 36 seconds: Pinpoint Vulnerability Pinpoint Weaknesses Pinpoint Vitals
Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 108 seconds: Pinpoint Flaws Pinpoint Liabilities Pinpoint Deficiencies Pinpoint Shortcomings Pinpoint Defects |
| Hastened Pinpoint (2) | 95 ROG (VoA) | 15 / 21 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 24s 2: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vulnerability 3: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Weaknesses 4: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vitals 5: Reduce Timer by 72s 6: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Flaws 7: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Liabilities 8: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Deficiencies 9: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Shortcomings 10: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Defects This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Pinpoint line of combat abilities. Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 24 seconds: Pinpoint Vulnerability Pinpoint Weaknesses Pinpoint Vitals
Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 72 seconds: Pinpoint Flaws Pinpoint Liabilities Pinpoint Deficiencies Pinpoint Shortcomings Pinpoint Defects |
| Hastened Pinpoint (1) | 74 ROG (HoT) | 6 / 6 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 12s 2: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vulnerability 3: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Weaknesses 4: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Vitals 5: Reduce Timer by 36s 6: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Flaws 7: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Liabilities 8: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Deficiencies 9: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Shortcomings 10: Limit Spells: Pinpoint Defects This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Pinpoint line of combat abilities. Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 12 seconds: Pinpoint Vulnerability Pinpoint Weaknesses Pinpoint Vitals
Reduces the reuse time of the following combat abilities by 36 seconds: Pinpoint Flaws Pinpoint Liabilities Pinpoint Deficiencies Pinpoint Shortcomings Pinpoint Defects |
| Pinpoint Vulnerability | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -27 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 6% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs attacks by 6% for 30 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Vulnerability Rk. II | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -32 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 8% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs attacks by 8% for 30 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Vulnerability Rk. III | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -37 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 10% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs attacks by 10% for 30 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Weaknesses | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -27 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 6% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 6% for 30 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Weaknesses Rk. II | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -33 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 8% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 8% for 30 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Weaknesses Rk. III | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -40 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 10% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 10% for 30 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Vitals | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -28 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 6% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 6% for 30 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Vitals Rk. II | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -34 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 8% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 8% for 30 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Vitals Rk. III | - | - | 2m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -40 Duration: 30s (5 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 10% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 10% for 30 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Flaws | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -28 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 6% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 1% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 6% and piercing by 1% for 90 seconds |
| Pinpoint Flaws Rk. II | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -34 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 8% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 1% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 8% and piercing by 1% for 90 seconds |
| Pinpoint Flaws Rk. III | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -40 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 10% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 1% Pinpoints the vulnerabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 10% and piercing by 1% for 90 seconds |
| Pinpoint Liabilities | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -28 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 7% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 2% Pinpoints the liabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 7% and piercing by 2% for 90 seconds |
| Pinpoint Liabilities Rk. II | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -34 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 9% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 2% Pinpoints the liabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 9% and piercing by 2% for 90 seconds |
| Pinpoint Liabilities Rk. III | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -40 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 11% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 2% Pinpoints the liabilities of your target, increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 11% and piercing by 2% for 90 seconds |
| Pinpoint Deficiencies | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -128 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 5% 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 11% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 2% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks while increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 11% and piercing by 2% for 90 seconds |
| Pinpoint Deficiencies Rk. II | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -134 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 6% 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 11% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 2% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks while increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 11% and piercing by 2% for 90 seconds |
| Pinpoint Deficiencies Rk. III | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -140 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 7% 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 11% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 2% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks while increasing the damage they take from backstabs by 11% and piercing by 2% for 90 seconds |
| Pinpoint Shortcomings | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -141 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 5% 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 12% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 3% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks by 5% while increasing the damage they take from Backstab attacks by 12% and 1H Pierce attacks by 3% for 90 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Shortcomings Rk. II | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -148 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 6% 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 12% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 3% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks by 6% while increasing the damage they take from Backstab attacks by 12% and 1H Pierce attacks by 3% for 90 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Shortcomings Rk. III | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -155 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 7% 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 12% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 3% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks by 7% while increasing the damage they take from Backstab attacks by 12% and 1H Pierce attacks by 3% for 90 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Defects | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -141 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 7% 2: Increase Rear Arc Melee Damage Taken by 232 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 12% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 3% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks by 7% while increasing the damage they take from Backstab attacks by 12%, 1H Pierce attacks by 3%, and adds 232 damage to all melee attacks to their back for 90 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Defects Rk. II | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -148 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 7% 2: Increase Rear Arc Melee Damage Taken by 244 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 12% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 3% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks by 7% while increasing the damage they take from Backstab attacks by 12%, 1H Pierce attacks by 3%, and adds 244 damage to all melee attacks to their back for 90 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Defects Rk. III | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -155 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 7% 2: Increase Rear Arc Melee Damage Taken by 256 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 12% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 3% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks by 7% while increasing the damage they take from Backstab attacks by 12%, 1H Pierce attacks by 3%, and adds 256 damage to all melee attacks to their back for 90 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Fault | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -186 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 7% 2: Increase Rear Arc Melee Damage Taken by 750 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 12% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 3% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks by 7% while increasing the damage they take from Backstab attacks by 12%, 1H Pierce attacks by 3%, and adds 750 damage to all melee attacks to their back for 90 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Fault Rk. II | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -196 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 7% 2: Increase Rear Arc Melee Damage Taken by 788 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 12% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 3% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks by 7% while increasing the damage they take from Backstab attacks by 12%, 1H Pierce attacks by 3%, and adds 788 damage to all melee attacks to their back for 90 seconds. |
| Pinpoint Fault Rk. III | - | - | 6m | Target: Single Resist: Physical -205 Duration: 90s (15 ticks) 1: Decrease Chance to Avoid Melee by 7% 2: Increase Rear Arc Melee Damage Taken by 827 4: Increase Backstab Damage Taken by 12% 7: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Taken by 3% Pinpoints the deficiencies of your target, decreasing their chance to evade attacks by 7% while increasing the damage they take from Backstab attacks by 12%, 1H Pierce attacks by 3%, and adds 827 damage to all melee attacks to their back for 90 seconds. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).