/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Hastened Raging Servant (5) | 121 MAG (LS) | 0 / 70 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 8s 2: Limit Spells: Raging Servant 3: Limit Spells: Rampaging Servant 4: Limit Spells: Rancorous Servant 5: Limit Spells: Rumbling Servant 6: Limit Spells: Ruinous Servant 7: Limit Spells: Ruthless Servant 8: Limit Spells: Relentless Servant 9: Limit Spells: Remorseless Servant 10: Limit Spells: Reckless Servant 11: Limit Spells: Riotous Servant 12: Limit Spells: Roiling Servant 13: Limit Spells: Remote Ravening Servant 14: Limit Spells: Ravening Servant 15: Limit Spells: Remote Relentless Servant 16: Limit Spells: Remote Remorseless Servant 17: Limit Spells: Remote Reckless Servant 18: Limit Spells: Remote Riotous Servant 19: Limit Spells: Remote Roiling Servant This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Raging Servant line of spells by 8 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells: Raging Servant Rampaging Servant Rancorous Servant Rumbling Servant Ruinous Servant Ruthless Servant Relentless Servant Remorseless Servant Reckless Servant Riotous Servant Roiling Servant Remote Ravening Servant Ravening Servant |
| Hastened Raging Servant (4) | 120 MAG (ToL) | 55 / 70 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 8s 2: Limit Spells: Raging Servant 3: Limit Spells: Rampaging Servant 4: Limit Spells: Rancorous Servant 5: Limit Spells: Rumbling Servant 6: Limit Spells: Ruinous Servant 7: Limit Spells: Ruthless Servant 8: Limit Spells: Relentless Servant 9: Limit Spells: Remorseless Servant 10: Limit Spells: Reckless Servant 11: Limit Spells: Riotous Servant 12: Limit Spells: Roiling Servant 13: Limit Spells: Remote Relentless Servant 14: Limit Spells: Remote Remorseless Servant 15: Limit Spells: Remote Reckless Servant 16: Limit Spells: Remote Riotous Servant 17: Limit Spells: Remote Roiling Servant This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Raging Servant line of spells by 8 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells: Raging Servant Rampaging Servant Rancorous Servant Rumbling Servant Ruinous Servant Ruthless Servant Relentless Servant Remorseless Servant Reckless Servant Riotous Servant Roiling Servant |
| Hastened Raging Servant (3) | 83 MAG (UF) | 5 / 15 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 6s 2: Limit Spells: Raging Servant 3: Limit Spells: Rampaging Servant 4: Limit Spells: Rancorous Servant 5: Limit Spells: Rumbling Servant 6: Limit Spells: Ruinous Servant 7: Limit Spells: Ruthless Servant 8: Limit Spells: Relentless Servant 9: Limit Spells: Remorseless Servant 10: Limit Spells: Reckless Servant 11: Limit Spells: Riotous Servant 12: Limit Spells: Remote Relentless Servant 13: Limit Spells: Remote Remorseless Servant 14: Limit Spells: Remote Reckless Servant 15: Limit Spells: Remote Riotous Servant 16: Limit Spells: Remote Roiling Servant This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Raging Servant line of spells by 6 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells: Raging Servant Rampaging Servant Rancorous Servant Rumbling Servant Ruinous Servant Ruthless Servant Relentless Servant Remorseless Servant Reckless Servant Riotous Servant |
| Hastened Raging Servant (2) | 81 MAG (UF) | 5 / 10 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 4s 2: Limit Spells: Raging Servant 3: Limit Spells: Rampaging Servant 4: Limit Spells: Rancorous Servant 5: Limit Spells: Rumbling Servant 6: Limit Spells: Ruinous Servant 7: Limit Spells: Ruthless Servant 8: Limit Spells: Relentless Servant 9: Limit Spells: Remorseless Servant 10: Limit Spells: Reckless Servant 11: Limit Spells: Riotous Servant 12: Limit Spells: Remote Relentless Servant 13: Limit Spells: Remote Remorseless Servant 14: Limit Spells: Remote Reckless Servant 15: Limit Spells: Remote Riotous Servant 16: Limit Spells: Remote Roiling Servant This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Raging Servant line of spells by 4 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells: Raging Servant Rampaging Servant Rancorous Servant Rumbling Servant Ruinous Servant Ruthless Servant Relentless Servant Remorseless Servant Reckless Servant Riotous Servant |
| Hastened Raging Servant (1) | 79 MAG (UF) | 5 / 5 | - | 1: Reduce Timer by 2s 2: Limit Spells: Raging Servant 3: Limit Spells: Rampaging Servant 4: Limit Spells: Rancorous Servant 5: Limit Spells: Rumbling Servant 6: Limit Spells: Ruinous Servant 7: Limit Spells: Ruthless Servant 8: Limit Spells: Relentless Servant 9: Limit Spells: Remorseless Servant 10: Limit Spells: Reckless Servant 11: Limit Spells: Riotous Servant 12: Limit Spells: Remote Relentless Servant 13: Limit Spells: Remote Remorseless Servant 14: Limit Spells: Remote Reckless Servant 15: Limit Spells: Remote Riotous Servant 16: Limit Spells: Remote Roiling Servant This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Raging Servant line of spells by 2 seconds. This focus applies to the following spells: Raging Servant Rampaging Servant Rancorous Servant Rumbling Servant Ruinous Servant Ruthless Servant Relentless Servant Remorseless Servant Reckless Servant Riotous Servant |
| Raging Servant | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS14L070Garg2Red x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a raging elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your opponent for 18 seconds. |
| Rampaging Servant | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS15L075Garg2Red x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a rampaging elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Rampaging Servant Rk. II | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS15L075Garg2Red x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a rampaging elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Rampaging Servant Rk. III | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS15L075Garg2Red x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a rampaging elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Rancorous Servant | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS16L080Garg2Mtl x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a rancorous elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Rancorous Servant Rk. II | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS16L080Garg2Mtl x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a rancorous elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Rancorous Servant Rk. III | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS16L080Garg2Mtl x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a rancorous elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Rumbling Servant | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS17L085Garg2Run x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a rumbling elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Rumbling Servant Rk. II | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS17L085Garg2Run x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a rumbling elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Rumbling Servant Rk. III | - | - | 18s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS17L085Garg2Run x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a rumbling elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Ruinous Servant | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS18L090Garg2Run x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a ruinous elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Ruinous Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS18L090Garg2Run x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a ruinous elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Ruinous Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS18L090Garg2Run x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a ruinous elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Ruthless Servant | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095Garg2Metal x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a ruthless elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Ruthless Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095Garg2Metal x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a ruthless elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Ruthless Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095Garg2Metal x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a ruthless elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Relentless Servant | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Relentless Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Relentless Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Remorseless Servant | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Remorseless Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Remorseless Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Reckless Servant | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Reckless Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Reckless Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Riotous Servant | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L115Garg2Red x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Riotous Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L115Garg2Red x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Riotous Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L115Garg2Red x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Roiling Servant | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS24L120Garg2Red x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Roiling Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS24L120Garg2Red x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Roiling Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS24L120Garg2Red x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Remote Ravening Servant | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS25L125Garg2Red x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Remote Ravening Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS25L125Garg2Red x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Remote Ravening Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS25L125Garg2Red x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Ravening Servant | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS25L125Garg2Red x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Ravening Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS25L125Garg2Red x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Ravening Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS25L125Garg2Red x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons an elemental servant that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Remote Relentless Servant | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Remote Relentless Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Remote Relentless Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Remote Remorseless Servant | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Remote Remorseless Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Remote Remorseless Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Remote Reckless Servant | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Remote Reckless Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Remote Reckless Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Remote Riotous Servant | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L115Garg2Red x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Remote Riotous Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L115Garg2Red x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Remote Riotous Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L115Garg2Red x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
| Remote Roiling Servant | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS24L120Garg2Red x 1 for 18s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 18 seconds. |
| Remote Roiling Servant Rk. II | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS24L120Garg2Red x 1 for 20s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 20 seconds. |
| Remote Roiling Servant Rk. III | - | - | 19.5s | Target: Target Ring AE Resist: Unresistable 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS24L120Garg2Red x 1 for 22s 2: Decrease Current HP by 1 3: Limit: No Twincast Summons a relentless elemental servant at a point you choose that will relentlessly attack your target for 22 seconds. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).