/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
2011 | Imperator's Command (10) | 120 WAR (ToL) | 65 / 323 | 3m T32 | Cast: Imperator's Command X Imperator's Command X, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 40%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 11%. Increases maximum health by 25000 points. Increases attack speed by 40%. Increases armor class by 575 points. Increases mana regeneration by 700 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 500 points. |
2011 | Imperator's Command (9) | 115 WAR (ToV) | 60 / 258 | 3m T32 | Cast: Imperator's Command IX Imperator's Command IX, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 40%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 8%. Increases maximum health by 20000 points. Increases attack speed by 40%. Increases armor class by 500 points. Increases mana regeneration by 600 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 400 points. |
2011 | Imperator's Command (8) | 110 WAR (RoS) | 60 / 198 | 3m T32 | Cast: Imperator's Command VIII Imperator's Command VIII, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 40%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 5%. Increases maximum health by 15000 points. Increases attack speed by 40%. Increases armor class by 425 points. Increases mana regeneration by 500 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 300 points. |
2011 | Imperator's Command (7) | 110 WAR (RoS) | 60 / 138 | 3m T32 | Cast: Imperator's Command VII Imperator's Command VII, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 40%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 4%. Increases maximum health by 14000 points. Increases attack speed by 40%. Increases armor class by 400 points. Increases mana regeneration by 450 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 230 points. |
2011 | Imperator's Command (6) | 105 WAR (TDS) | 15 / 78 | 3m T32 | Cast: Imperator's Command VI Imperator's Command VI, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 40%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 4%. Increases maximum health by 12000 points. Increases attack speed by 40%. Increases armor class by 375 points. Increases mana regeneration by 400 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 170 points. |
2011 | Imperator's Command (5) | 105 WAR (TDS) | 15 / 63 | 3m T32 | Cast: Imperator's Command V Imperator's Command V, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 35%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 3%. Increases maximum health by 10000 points. Increases attack speed by 35%. Increases armor class by 355 points. Increases mana regeneration by 380 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 140 points. |
2011 | Imperator's Command (4) | 100 WAR (CotF) | 12 / 48 | 3m T32 | Cast: Imperator's Command IV Imperator's Command IV, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 35%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 3%. Increases maximum health by 9500 points. Increases attack speed by 35%. Increases armor class by 345 points. Increases mana regeneration by 375 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 110 points. |
2011 | Imperator's Command (3) | 100 WAR (CotF) | 12 / 36 | 3m T32 | Cast: Imperator's Command III Imperator's Command III, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 30%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 2%. Increases maximum health by 9000 points. Increases attack speed by 30%. Increases armor class by 335 points. Increases mana regeneration by 360 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 80 points. |
2011 | Imperator's Command (2) | 100 WAR (RoF) | 12 / 24 | 3m T32 | Cast: Imperator's Command II Imperator's Command II, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 30%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 2%. Increases maximum health by 8000 points. Increases attack speed by 30%. Increases armor class by 325 points. Increases mana regeneration by 350 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 50 points. |
2011 | Imperator's Command (1) | 100 WAR (RoF) | 12 / 12 | 3m T32 | Cast: Imperator's Command I Imperator's Command I, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 20%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 1%. Increases maximum health by 7500 points. Increases attack speed by 20%. Increases armor class by 315 points. Increases mana regeneration by 300 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 20 points. |
| Imperator's Command X | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 40% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Increase Current Mana by 700 per tick (v417) 4: Increase Current HP by 25000 5: Increase AC by 38 to 50, Based on Class (v416) 6: Increase Melee Haste by 40% 7: Increase Melee Proc Rate by 11% 14: Increase Max HP by 25000 15: Increase Current Endurance by 500 per tick Imperator's Command X, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 40%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 11%. Increases maximum health by 25000 points. Increases attack speed by 40%. Increases armor class by 575 points. Increases mana regeneration by 700 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 500 points. |
| Imperator's Command IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 40% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Increase Current Mana by 600 per tick (v417) 4: Increase Current HP by 20000 5: Increase AC by 33 to 44, Based on Class (v416) 6: Increase Melee Haste by 40% 7: Increase Melee Proc Rate by 8% 14: Increase Max HP by 20000 15: Increase Current Endurance by 400 per tick Imperator's Command IX, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 40%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 8%. Increases maximum health by 20000 points. Increases attack speed by 40%. Increases armor class by 500 points. Increases mana regeneration by 600 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 400 points. |
| Imperator's Command VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 40% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Increase Current Mana by 500 per tick (v417) 4: Increase Current HP by 15000 5: Increase AC by 28 to 37, Based on Class (v416) 6: Increase Melee Haste by 40% 7: Increase Melee Proc Rate by 5% 14: Increase Max HP by 15000 15: Increase Current Endurance by 300 per tick Imperator's Command VIII, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 40%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 5%. Increases maximum health by 15000 points. Increases attack speed by 40%. Increases armor class by 425 points. Increases mana regeneration by 500 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 300 points. |
| Imperator's Command VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 40% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Increase Current Mana by 450 per tick (v417) 4: Increase Current HP by 14000 5: Increase AC by 26 to 35, Based on Class (v416) 6: Increase Melee Haste by 40% 7: Increase Melee Proc Rate by 4% 14: Increase Max HP by 14000 15: Increase Current Endurance by 230 per tick Imperator's Command VII, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 40%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 4%. Increases maximum health by 14000 points. Increases attack speed by 40%. Increases armor class by 400 points. Increases mana regeneration by 450 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 230 points. |
| Imperator's Command VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 40% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Increase Current Mana by 400 per tick (v417) 4: Increase Current HP by 12000 5: Increase AC by 25 to 33, Based on Class (v416) 6: Increase Melee Haste by 40% 7: Increase Melee Proc Rate by 4% 14: Increase Max HP by 12000 15: Increase Current Endurance by 170 per tick Imperator's Command VI, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 40%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 4%. Increases maximum health by 12000 points. Increases attack speed by 40%. Increases armor class by 375 points. Increases mana regeneration by 400 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 170 points. |
| Imperator's Command V | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 35% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Increase Current Mana by 380 per tick (v417) 4: Increase Current HP by 10000 5: Increase AC by 23 to 31, Based on Class (v416) 6: Increase Melee Haste by 35% 7: Increase Melee Proc Rate by 3% 14: Increase Max HP by 10000 15: Increase Current Endurance by 140 per tick Imperator's Command V, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 35%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 3%. Increases maximum health by 10000 points. Increases attack speed by 35%. Increases armor class by 355 points. Increases mana regeneration by 380 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 140 points. |
| Imperator's Command IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 35% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Increase Current Mana by 375 per tick (v417) 4: Increase Current HP by 9500 5: Increase AC by 23 to 30, Based on Class (v416) 6: Increase Melee Haste by 35% 7: Increase Melee Proc Rate by 3% 14: Increase Max HP by 9500 15: Increase Current Endurance by 110 per tick Imperator's Command IV, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 35%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 3%. Increases maximum health by 9500 points. Increases attack speed by 35%. Increases armor class by 345 points. Increases mana regeneration by 375 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 110 points. |
| Imperator's Command III | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 30% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Increase Current Mana by 360 per tick (v417) 4: Increase Current HP by 9000 5: Increase AC by 22 to 29, Based on Class (v416) 6: Increase Melee Haste by 30% 7: Increase Melee Proc Rate by 2% 14: Increase Max HP by 9000 15: Increase Current Endurance by 80 per tick Imperator's Command III, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 30%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 2%. Increases maximum health by 9000 points. Increases attack speed by 30%. Increases armor class by 335 points. Increases mana regeneration by 360 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 80 points. |
| Imperator's Command II | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 30% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Increase Current Mana by 350 per tick (v417) 4: Increase Current HP by 8000 5: Increase AC by 21 to 28, Based on Class (v416) 6: Increase Melee Haste by 30% 7: Increase Melee Proc Rate by 2% 14: Increase Max HP by 8000 15: Increase Current Endurance by 50 per tick Imperator's Command II, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 30%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 2%. Increases maximum health by 8000 points. Increases attack speed by 30%. Increases armor class by 325 points. Increases mana regeneration by 350 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 50 points. |
| Imperator's Command I | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Increase Spell Haste by 20% 2: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 3: Increase Current Mana by 300 per tick (v417) 4: Increase Current HP by 7500 5: Increase AC by 21 to 27, Based on Class (v416) 6: Increase Melee Haste by 20% 7: Increase Melee Proc Rate by 1% 14: Increase Max HP by 7500 15: Increase Current Endurance by 20 per tick Imperator's Command I, when activated, commands all group members within a 0 foot radius to fight harder. Reduces the cast time of spells with a mana cost by 20%, this effect does not exceed the standard 50% cap on spell haste. Increases your chance to trigger magical effects from buffs, abilities, and skills during melee combat by 1%. Increases maximum health by 7500 points. Increases attack speed by 20%. Increases armor class by 315 points. Increases mana regeneration by 300 points. Increases endurance regeneration by 20 points. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).