AA Search

21 results (costing 498 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Improved Divine Intervention (21)125 CLR (LS)55 / 498-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Limit Spells: Divine Mediation
10: Limit Spells: Divine Interference
11: Increase Spell Range by 60%
12: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
13: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
14: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
15: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 105%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 60%, and grants them a 105% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Divine Mediation
Divine Interference
Improved Divine Intervention (20)122 CLR (LS)55 / 443-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Limit Spells: Divine Mediation
10: Limit Spells: Divine Interference
11: Increase Spell Range by 60%
12: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
13: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
14: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
15: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 100%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 60%, and grants them a 100% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Divine Mediation
Divine Interference
Improved Divine Intervention (19)120 CLR (ToL)50 / 388-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Limit Spells: Divine Mediation
10: Increase Spell Range by 60%
11: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
12: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
13: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
14: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 95%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 60%, and grants them a 95% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Divine Mediation
Improved Divine Intervention (18)117 CLR (ToL)50 / 338-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Limit Spells: Divine Mediation
10: Increase Spell Range by 60%
11: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
12: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
13: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
14: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 90%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 60%, and grants them a 90% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Divine Mediation
Improved Divine Intervention (17)115 CLR (ToV)40 / 288-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Spell Range by 60%
10: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
11: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
13: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 85%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 60%, and grants them a 85% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (16)110 CLR (ToV)40 / 248-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Spell Range by 60%
10: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
11: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
13: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 80%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 60%, and grants them a 80% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (15)105 CLR (EoK)30 / 208-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Spell Range by 60%
10: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
11: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
13: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 75%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 60%, and grants them a 75% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (14)100 CLR (EoK)30 / 178-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Spell Range by 60%
10: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
11: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
13: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 70%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 60%, and grants them a 70% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (13)95 CLR (EoK)30 / 148-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Spell Range by 60%
10: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
11: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
13: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 65%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 60%, and grants them a 65% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (12)94 CLR (CotF)13 / 118-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Spell Range by 60%
10: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
11: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
13: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 60%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 60%, and grants them a 60% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (11)93 CLR (CotF)11 / 105-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Spell Range by 40%
10: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
11: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
13: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 60%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 40%, and grants them a 60% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (10)92 CLR (CotF)9 / 94-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Spell Range by 20%
10: Limit Effect: Divine Intervention With Heal
11: Limit Max Level: 254 (lose 100% per level)
12: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
13: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 60%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds, increases the base range of these spells by 20%, and grants them a 60% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (9)91 CLR (VoA)18 / 85-1: Reduce Timer by 60s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 60%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 60 seconds and grants them a 60% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (8)90 CLR (VoA)15 / 67-1: Reduce Timer by 50s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 60%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 50 seconds and grants them a 60% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (7)85 CLR (VoA)12 / 52-1: Reduce Timer by 40s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 60%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 40 seconds and grants them a 60% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (6)80 CLR (UF)12 / 40-1: Reduce Timer by 30s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 60%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 30 seconds and grants them a 60% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (5)75 CLR (UF)9 / 28-1: Reduce Timer by 20s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 60%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 20 seconds and grants them a 60% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (4)70 CLR (UF)7 / 19-1: Reduce Timer by 10s
2: Limit Spells: Divine Intervention
3: Limit Spells: Divine Intercession
4: Limit Spells: Divine Invocation
5: Limit Spells: Divine Interposition
6: Limit Spells: Divine Indemnification
7: Limit Spells: Divine Imposition
8: Limit Spells: Divine Intermediation
9: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 60%
This passive ability reduces the reuse time of your Divine Intervention spells by 10 seconds and grants them a 60% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
This hastening applies to the following spells:
Divine Intervention
Divine Intercession
Divine Invocation
Divine Interposition
Divine Indemnification
Divine Imposition
Divine Intermediation
Improved Divine Intervention (3)65 CLR (PoP)6 / 12-1: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 60%
This passive ability grants your Divine Intervention spells a 60% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
Improved Divine Intervention (2)63 CLR (PoP)4 / 6-1: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 40%
This passive ability grants your Divine Intervention spells a 40% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.
Improved Divine Intervention (1)61 CLR (PoP)2 / 2-1: Increase Chance to Trigger Divine Intervention by 20%
This passive ability grants your Divine Intervention spells a 20% chance to heal their target for a lesser amount if the first chance failed.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).