AA Search

55 results (costing 615 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Innate Spell Resistance (55)125 ALL (LS)25 / 615-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 80
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 80 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (54)124 ALL (LS)25 / 590-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 78
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 78 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (53)123 ALL (LS)25 / 565-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 76
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 76 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (52)122 ALL (LS)25 / 540-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 74
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 74 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (51)121 ALL (LS)25 / 515-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 72
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 72 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (50)120 ALL (ToL)20 / 490-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 70
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 70 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (49)119 ALL (ToL)20 / 470-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 68
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 68 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (48)118 ALL (ToL)20 / 450-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 66
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 66 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (47)117 ALL (ToL)20 / 430-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 64
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 64 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (46)116 ALL (ToL)20 / 410-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 62
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 62 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (45)115 ALL (ToV)15 / 390-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 60
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 60 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (44)114 ALL (ToV)15 / 375-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 58
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 58 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (43)113 ALL (ToV)15 / 360-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 56
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 56 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (42)112 ALL (ToV)15 / 345-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 54
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 54 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (41)111 ALL (ToV)15 / 330-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 52
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 52 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (40)110 ALL (TBL)15 / 315-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 50
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 50 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (39)109 ALL (TBL)15 / 300-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 48
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 48 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (38)108 ALL (TBL)15 / 285-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 46
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 46 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (37)107 ALL (TBL)15 / 270-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 44
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 44 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (36)106 ALL (TBL)15 / 255-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 42
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 42 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (35)105 ALL (RoS)10 / 240-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 40
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 40 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (34)104 ALL (RoS)10 / 230-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 38
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 38 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (33)103 ALL (RoS)10 / 220-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 36
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 36 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (32)102 ALL (RoS)10 / 210-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 34
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 34 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (31)101 ALL (RoS)10 / 200-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 32
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 32 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (30)100 ALL (EoK)10 / 190-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 30
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 30 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (29)99 ALL (EoK)10 / 180-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 28
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 28 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (28)98 ALL (EoK)10 / 170-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 26
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 26 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (27)97 ALL (EoK)10 / 160-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 24
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 24 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (26)96 ALL (EoK)10 / 150-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 22
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 22 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (25)95 ALL (EoK)10 / 140-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 20
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 20 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (24)94 ALL (EoK)10 / 130-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 18
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 18 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (23)93 ALL (EoK)10 / 120-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 16
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 16 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (22)92 ALL (EoK)10 / 110-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 14
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 14 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (21)91 ALL (EoK)10 / 100-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 12
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 12 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (20)69 ALL (HoT)3 / 90-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 10
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 10 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (19)68 ALL (HoT)3 / 87-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 8
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 8 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (18)67 ALL (HoT)3 / 84-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 6
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 6 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (17)66 ALL (HoT)3 / 81-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 4
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 4 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (16)65 ALL (HoT)3 / 78-1: Increase All Resists by 30
2: Increase Corruption Resist by 2
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points and your corruption resistance by 2 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (15)65 ALL (PoP)5 / 75-1: Increase All Resists by 30
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 30 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (14)65 ALL (PoP)5 / 70-1: Increase All Resists by 28
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 28 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (13)64 ALL (PoP)5 / 65-1: Increase All Resists by 26
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 26 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (12)64 ALL (PoP)5 / 60-1: Increase All Resists by 24
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 24 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (11)63 ALL (PoP)5 / 55-1: Increase All Resists by 22
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 22 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (10)63 ALL (PoP)5 / 50-1: Increase All Resists by 20
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 20 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (9)62 ALL (PoP)5 / 45-1: Increase All Resists by 18
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 18 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (8)62 ALL (PoP)5 / 40-1: Increase All Resists by 16
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 16 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (7)61 ALL (PoP)5 / 35-1: Increase All Resists by 14
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 14 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (6)61 ALL (PoP)5 / 30-1: Increase All Resists by 12
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 12 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (5)51 ALL (SoL)5 / 25-1: Increase All Resists by 10
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 10 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (4)51 ALL (SoL)5 / 20-1: Increase All Resists by 8
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 8 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (3)51 ALL (SoL)5 / 15-1: Increase All Resists by 6
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 6 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (2)51 ALL (SoL)5 / 10-1: Increase All Resists by 4
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 4 points.
Innate Spell Resistance (1)51 ALL (SoL)5 / 5-1: Increase All Resists by 2
This passive ability improves your cold, disease, fire, magic, and poison resistances by 2 points.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).